property Calc.Caption as String
Specifies the control's caption.

String A string expression that specifies the control's caption. 
Use the Caption property to access the control's caption. The Change event notifies your application when the control's caption is changed. The Caption property erases the control's operators and operation stack and replaces the control's caption. By default, the Caption property replaces the control's stack ( operators and operations ) with giving caption. If the new caption just change the format of the Caption property ( includes just HTML tags ), the new format is applied to the control's label and control's stack ( operators and operations ) is not altered. For instance, let's say that the control's label displays the number 78, and during the Change event your application change the Caption property to "<sha ;;0><b>" + Caption. In this case, the content of the Caption is not change, instead just the new HTML format is applied to the control's label, so operations on the calculator can continue. Use the Execute method to execute operations. Use the Buttons property to assign a different matrix of digits and operators to the control. Use the Reset method to reset the control. The Reset method erases the control's caption as well as the internal stack of operators and operations.

The following sample displays the control's caption as soon as user types characters in the control:

Private Sub Calc1_Change()
    With Calc1
        Debug.Print .Caption
    End With
End Sub 

The Caption property supports built-in HTML format like follows:

The following sample displays the 'Cannot execute the operation' string:

Calc1.Caption = "Cannot <b>execute</b> the operation."