property CalendarCombo.NonworkingDays as Long
Retrieves or sets a value that indicates the non-working days, for each week day a bit.

Long A long expression that indicates the non-working days in a week.
By default, the NonworkingDays property is 65. The last significant byte in the NonworkingDays expression has the following meaning:

where X could be 1 ( nonworking day ) or 0 ( working day ), Sa means Saturday, Fr means Friday, and so on. For instance, the 65 value means Saturday and Sunday are non-working days. Use the NonworkingDaysPattern property to specify the pattern being used to fill non-working days. The NonworkingDaysColor property specifies the color being used to fill the non-working days. For instance, if  the NonworkingDaysPattern is exPatternEmpty the non-working days are not highlighted. Use the ShowNonMonthDays property to specify whether the dates that are not part of the month are visible or hidden. Use the FirstVisibleDate property to get the first visible date. Use the LastVisibleDate property to get the last visible date. The NonworkingDaysForeColor property specifies the foreground color for non-working days. The FirstDay property specifies the first day of the week.

The following VB sample retrieves the value to indicate Sunday and Monday as being non-working days:

With CalendarCombo1
    .NonworkingDays = 2 ^ (EXCALENDARLibCtl.Sunday - 1) Or 2 ^ (EXCALENDARLibCtl.Monday - 1)
End With

The following C++ sample retrieves the value to indicate Sunday and Monday as being non-working days:

m_calendarcombo.SetNonworkingDays( 1 << ( EXCALENDARLib::Sunday - 1 ) | 1 << ( EXCALENDARLib::Monday - 1 ) );

The following VB.NET sample retrieves the value to indicate Sunday and Monday as being non-working days:

With AxCalendarCombo1
    .NonworkingDays = 2 ^ (EXCALENDARLib.WeekDayEnum.Sunday - 1) Or 2 ^ (EXCALENDARLib.WeekDayEnum.Monday - 1)
End With

The following C# sample retrieves the value to indicate Sunday and Monday as being non-working days:

axCalendarCombo1.NonworkingDays = 1 << (Convert.ToInt32(EXCALENDARLib.WeekDayEnum.Sunday) - 1) | 1 << (Convert.ToInt32(EXCALENDARLib.WeekDayEnum.Monday) - 1);

The following VFP sample retrieves the value to indicate Sunday and Monday as being non-working days:

with thisform.CalendarCombo1
	.NonworkingDays = 2 ^ 0 + 2 ^ 1