constants HeaderFieldEnum
The HeaderFieldEnum type defines the predefined-fields to be displayed by the DateHeaderFormat property.  The DateHeaderFormat property specifies the CRD format to display the month/year/buttons within the date's header. The DateHeaderField property specifies the HTML caption to be shown on the giving field of the date's header. The HeaderFieldEnum type supports the following values:

exHeaderDate1 Displays the month/year of the browsed date. Clicking the part shows the control's months selector, so the user can select a different month/year.
exHeaderPrevMonth2 Displays the "-" character. Clicking the part navigates the control to previously month. 
exHeaderNextMonth3 Displays the "+" character. Clicking the part navigates the control to the next month. 
exHeaderPrevYear4 Displays the "<" character. Clicking the part navigates the control to previously year. 
exHeaderNextYear5 Displays the ">" character. Clicking the part navigates the control to the next year.