ImageSize property on 32 (specifies the size of control' icons/images/check-boxes/radio-buttons)

' CreateView event - A view has been created.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_CreateView(ByVal View As Object)
	' Items.ItemHeight(0) = View.DefaultItemHeight
	' FilterBarFont.Size = Me.Font.Size
	' ToolTipFont.Size = Me.Font.Size
	With CascadeTree1
		With .View
			.DefaultItemHeight = 36
			.HeaderHeight = .DefaultItemHeight
			.SortBarHeight = .DefaultItemHeight
			.Indent = 26
			.CheckImage(0) = 16777216
			.CheckImage(1) = 33554432
			.CheckImage(2) = 50331648
			.EnsureVisibleColumn "Function"
			With .Columns.Item("Function")
			End With
			.Columns.Item(0).Def(0) = True
		End With
	End With
End Sub

' Error event - An internal error occurs.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_Error(ByVal Error As Long,ByVal Description As String)
	With CascadeTree1
		Debug.Print( "Error" )
		Debug.Print( Description )
	End With
End Sub

With CascadeTree1
	.ImageSize = 32
	.Font.Size = 16
	.Images "gBJJgBAIDAAEg4AEEKAD/hz/EMNh8TIRNGwAjEZAEXjAojKAjMLjABhkaABAk0plUrlktl0vmExmUzmk1m03nE5nU7nk9miAoE+oVDolFo1HpFJpU5h8Sf9OqFNqUOq" & _
"NUqdPq9VrFWrlbr1QpdhAFAkFis1ntFptVrtkrpszrNvmVxqk3uVtm1kmF3sdBvF/wGBmV+j9BYGHwWJulfxdax2NyFdx2JlV6l9Nw7AAGZymdz2Cy2GxErvWcz9ivlw" & _
"yV21cuxugwktzGIzmvwtl0+53U5y0a0Wazmmyu/3dCyOMyXHx/J5nIr9q3uyqnBxFN3G46ma4vb7mD2Ng4nZze00fDkHC7t7us2rOX5tguetpHRlmz4HVqnXk1PjHO+C" & _
"MPo9MBMC+j2vC8j7wS8cFNI4kBo05UIvfCT/NsnsApU+0Fqg/T+oy/kPxC0sEQfErKQK96+w28UWRI8UGvO8sTLS9r2PWmsMJTDTask3CsIbIEQRA3shOXEEAO/GclJ9" & _
"FEKrrA8FRbKMXRIlb0JxCkjS1LMswhCcvuel0cv26cSMa8Ufx+2sQwhEUoSXOCjSbLcnxjKc7sdKUVyq28NtVI71P9P7JxtQEapjQ6fzfM8zPfNE2PhIsLL63E40slk5" & _
"FgTxT9iONZ9xVTdq+L1eKg3kkF6Upe68XtfV51/MtrVjBlwYFL1ev8y1/P6/lyzzYl02wntj0RVFmS1Qa+M5as93QxEUW9e993rfmQ2+vy65M/mL1lhl/2bj2ByVduMt" & _
"NhCJT9hdz41nN14Ld12Z9UjfI/oUAaGseiw6+uFLLhcVabJOS5RqOE0BHlZ5VnEr5fOMs3st+aa/bbRzrJGV51Y0b0DbqaWXZD90hIsPbjWu52+6Wyadpe66hhO+P/Xi" & _
"oW5rD8ZbrUZuVg6n1dsE/cXmewu1m9PVwnd35/nueXho/NaJzmjc61W76esuT77eG8pTquy9TwWH8LEzG8RDfFalx3Gcfvna9rvG/cptGLd9tuI6TZOP5Fiqi99vea+X" & _
"4VRcBq/JZZtVQ9cwSs5lsXE372+a9z7PbfB3VVqHyvMctLto8uob6eV0m/cD6MN2v+T33t6sBut42vdv2bJ8a997x2maFJfK+qArbGJPEKE+1qTflMsIdW/GCJX17KcT" & _
"6/czr/X+u1g29B7j/4BQfWkkx4zIHisjhPCmE0K4SwtXM+d4BvHRwNZOoBph9IJvPek9d40FoMJxf691jj2ywQQcHEWET4XJwkTszlVqm2GokewxtBT1DpQjRxDN0rUV" & _
"DNKdC3lb6tzNOwh6upMSSYfv4YBCl/bsn9PxiFCEo7SI6Obc9HeOrnY8x4jtHtdpN4GRbaorhsbu18Pph5CiHymI0RpSXGJ/z2oUOxYxG858AyiI+bfJtuTcG5yelBJy" & _
"T8okhqFd4a5yxL0rvulYtKCsZiWxWkc1s1cRoxxwhA31DLE0mR9l9HqX8fJgTDmFMVH0MIsRzVYnwnMi1dyzmhLt2kS2pxIiU62Wj5ptQGlSYFakLonTUJNLKaM5Wzlf" & _
"fEkuFkk5wTrhVO2eE7G6lJhxFFYUZ55zmn0WuBCD4pzhirFCKkbomsOoIYmZx5p90LoYWGPdD5g0QmJRKYxbZ6zYoVQ2jVGylSak7KSkFH6RSjpHKFuU+YMyNo5SulkC" & _
"6I0vonTCitMXPoEpVS2H5FQfEqp2R1opIgAEkJISYARTCukOhmPNI5Ex/wzGHUsicMwA1LHgQ90Y/KpoQHAD+pB/R4NzIaMAB9Xaw1gqaAOsh/A/ptIkWUfhGK1kZH8R" & _
"gH5GqvgArqRmt4AAPrTroRofBGADkqr6Rmu4D7CEaHARiwpJrEEZsXXwlVjyMWRsaRqwdkLGNBABZmytmyMnaINZqyVpLR2ftKAAAdd6h2osbaskdiq4EZtgSmyNcbVW" & _
	With .VisualAppearance
"MRwF6rfbyfZ7Xg/ORPTijZ4sdzMHTzJyscx3HqfaBoOaZU5eMLceTUMofHIndxCcasPbsOatVqjG5sYjcGC3La9cz3Pq/bpuDCbMxuaK1TrYXr1TTrcofBDldAxXRKDx" & _
"RDWVhLnYOw9i6XxzjuXprCaOoKB6EwbiCZZCGOdZYlcT4xHmbhMnwNxtn+G5bmqdZ7n4Pw/i+X5zm+dQ9g4CAFjsfAJheOI8HsDoWDWTB/lwSAQkmA5PEgRYoDyDwYFY" & _
"kmCUmBKZYJGYWoWCUUhiFMNZckNUh2GENoaGaGZmgmJhqhqZpGGIEx2GYIxSGGGJdggWJth2Z4JmYeoemeSZ2H6H4hGmQhihyTRHGYLg7CiCgmgqIpokoNoOiOaJ4jqA" & _
"ochqaZGgaCxpAoZoaiaaJqEmWIcGgShcnCJwqEqFoR3YOoFlgchflqNouiuawHmWSYqGkWZQhcatzmaOoumuSp2j6L5bBaKo0GQKRnGGCxqiyCwmkqMpsksNpOGUGI7A" & _
"0ew1G0Rxlg0PptgsZuDG2Sx2l6N5tnYNZZjUDRXDCVo5l2FoymqOpukuNpujubwLjmWY5k0ZwxkaFxYlWdp6j6b5Lnafo/nABQdg2FxcUsY5BkmXAkmeQpckwNRrkKTh" & _
"8CSHZBk4NwyC4KxxgMDwakOMZDn8GgwnGAo2C4cwthMcwmCcMoHBMHRehwTIghySYNksZwcH4HBMEsHx5hyPItiweYxnwSZEH4Mozn0fR+DMAo7EYJ50gkdZelKdNql2" & _
"MRwF6rfbyfZ7Xg/ORPTijZ4sdzMHTzJyscx3HqfaBoOaZU5eMLceTUMofHIndxCcasPbsLpOS5LNKsaxmWLYdhFdTxQi6LpvfA8BwXC6JY7heRYRbFbYxRjGNi1TS7G4" & _
"nGKd5WGuL4UHwI4VkaYxii8V4pgQMgVBQdQ5iCTYGi8T4vlWbJ3nuPg+l+H5AlSCg6ByPBoE8Ap3jqYxhBido5g0OgOGOGI4CsSpCCAcgcAuEokiEN5NCKfJ9DyTRjnS" & _
"cg1CEYxOBmBpPCgagdgcIZoHoGIFA4AxQkCAxKAgKBwgGSpIBCZhjF2E5UnQPQMiMCJBCIBwxkSQgsgo+JtDKT4ziiQw+k6EwAnsOgLnkHI+yCQ4iEuE4klkPhShEJBp" & _
"AoPgymOMoaDgHBjFMBgyD0HYTiCZSZhIIIGC4ChiHSew5kwM5omILZPiOBI0hwZw5kodIdA+M4Uj4PxOmMSJ9DuTQzmyZgviceZagaHVfj4awwmaAh2GUIYmCOEZZDaD" & _
"RDFGdwcg4EwyHMN4LBOaJbCoaZqgKH8qkMfIyD8DozDyfA7A0Coui0OpMmOZJdCsahKg6NooioChwmEMxLEoXJbDUTRXGSUgykyMgQG0GpPHMdI3D4TRCgSeQ0kmaw+l" & _
"XpMiyRpKjKR4wngM4JmOWJACCdYtHMWw+Eych4nINYLAEYA8AgdAEEsQZajaQoog4GxPiMVIolcdxNG8XZVkmNoRwWRVBlFeFEeAZQJgnFiHgHwcAhjhHgGMSI5xki2C" & _
"MRwF6rfbyfZ7Xg/ORPTijZ4sdzMHTzJyscx3HqfaBoOaZU5eMLceTUMofHIndxCcasPbsLpOS5LNKsaxmWLYdhFdTxQi6LpvfA8BwXC6JY7heRYRbFbYxRjGNi1TS7G4" & _
"nGKd5WGuL4UHwI4VkaYxii8V4pgQMgVBQdQ5iCTYGi8T4vlWbJ3nuPg+l+H5AlSCg6ByPBoE8Ap3jqYxhBido5g0OgOGOGI4CsSpCCAcgcAuEosiYN5NHMOJ+D4TpTnS" & _
"J9DuDR6F6GYmCmKh0nANtMioP4Gg8aoSiIO5NhodociqaY6GaFYkEyOg8lsNRNTaUgykyMgQG0GpPiONJbD8DpDEyfA6k0KwOkWMQsGsAJU0SagwkoJQJDIPISCQCJTG" & _
"SUwyGaM4KkmMgtksHpFjAZ4TGCBAbgaSpcksdhNAMIJHHsD5TjSWWMAMOpwjyLwbk6cAz0KRJiDkDYzESCwiggcgcgYIQwCIEINCMCITj6TVxkMXp2j0cQLlCTo7E2F4" & _
"ymkMZdhMPJHDGHpLAyVg+k4UwrCCSIyByDJ8DuDY8CiWY0kiXAXC6QJwFKGIjCeJpjgyezjlyDw6klHx5myRoMGwZwbkcToTEiew4kwbQfEmUgPkOKJUD4DpTHSHQmgk" & _
"XI/ASTA1g0XIEDMTBimyfI7jSLYHEiUoPk0Fw/kadAsHGao8A0A5smEMJ2mNyg5gzJZwDgCpChyIZVyIZwFCMJEPASRkBqE+IcHInRcDxA2H4bIsx0AtDsIBpwZwYicD" & _
"mWCRmFKFAgGOTheheZgJgYYoYmYSYWGaF4lkMMJ0hqZpJjYbobmcCZGHKHJmjmJh0h2Z4JmYcIaE8WZ2H6H5oAoBoCiCaBKBYfdjGoJoKiKaJKDaDojmkChGgmIgpCoV" & _
"oWiWaJZiSd4mmmSh2h6J5qAqBoiiiaY5iSeIpmqComiqKpqkqNouiuah6hqMIsmsSpWiuGhP1kOoumuSp2j6L5sAsBo54gKwWkaMZsgsJpKjKbJLDaRYxYWRpSjSbIZi" & _
"Se41m2CxmlqNptksdpejebR5iSfI4m4S4W16boLiaao6m5fJ9jubwLkaco8m8S5WnaPZunuOp4j6b5Lnac4SA0PAGlgP4wEwFwGkGcIMCcCpCnCCxiA8NYAAmMJfkSbh" & _
	End With
	.BackColorHeader = &H4c6c6c6
	.SelBackColor = &H4000000
	.SelForeColor = RGB(0,0,1)
	.Background(20) = .SelBackColor ' &H14
	.Background(21) = .SelForeColor ' &H15
	.Background(26) = .BackColor ' &H8 Or BackgroundPartEnum.exSplitBar
	.Background(27) = .ForeColor ' &H9 Or BackgroundPartEnum.exSplitBar
	.Background(32) = -1 ' &H20
	.Background(0) = &H4000000 ' &H0
	.Background(41) = &H4010101
	.Background(1) = &H40000ff ' &H1
	.HeaderAppearance = 4
	.BackColorSortBar = .BackColor
	.BackColorLevelHeader = .BackColor
	.Mode = 3
	.DataSource = "Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExCascadeTree\Sample\Access\cities.accdb;Member=Select * FROM Countries;Key=CountryCode;Tag=Co" & _
"untry;Name=CountryName >>> Member=Select * FROM States WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>);Key=StateCode;Name=StateNam" & _
"e;Tag=State ||| Member=Select * FROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>);Tag=City;Name=Name >>> Member=Select *" & _
" FROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.Parent.CountryCode%>) AND StateCode IN (<%Parent.StateCode%>);Tag=City;Name=Name"
	.Select = "US\MN"
End With
ImageSize property on 16 (default) (specifies the size of control' icons/images/check-boxes/radio-buttons)

' CreateView event - A view has been created.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_CreateView(ByVal View As Object)
	With CascadeTree1
		With .View
			.EnsureVisibleColumn "Function"
			With .Columns.Item("Function")
			End With
			.Columns.Item(0).Def(0) = True
		End With
	End With
End Sub

' Error event - An internal error occurs.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_Error(ByVal Error As Long,ByVal Description As String)
	With CascadeTree1
		Debug.Print( "Error" )
		Debug.Print( Description )
	End With
End Sub

With CascadeTree1
	.ImageSize = 16
	.Images "gBJJgBAIDAAEg4ACEKAD/hz/EMNh8TIRNGwAjEZAEXjAojJAjMLjABAAgjUYkUnlUrlktl0vmExmUzmk1m03nE5nU7nkrQCAntBoVDolFo1HoM/ADAplLptImdMYFOq" & _
"dSqlXq1QrVbrlGpVWsFNrNdnNjsk7pQAtNroFnt0sh8Yr9iulTuNxs1Eu8OiT/vsnsNVutXlk/oGGtVKxGLxWNtsZtN8iUYuNvy0Zvd+xNYwdwvl4p870GCqc8vOeuVt" & _
"tmp1knyOayWVy+WzN/ze1wOElenm+12WUz/Bv2/3UyyWrzeutux2GSyGP2dQ33C1ur3GD3M4zUNzHdlWjq/E3nGzVpjWv4HA7fRy/Tv2IrN8rPW6nZ3ve7mUlfu20Z8a" & _
"cvQyb+vY9jasYoDwMm+LytVBDqKG3z8O3Cb8P+mkAuY9cCQ2uL4KaxDKvkp8RNLEjqugnrwQo/UWPzFyeQw5sNLZFENrI4kOqU66pw8uzmOKvTqNqjULJvGL1JO48GtT" & _
"GsbLdEL3scxLlyiw8dQeoUVxdLTtyKmUjwGlslRPJsnK1HbAKbKCrsQo8uQk/CeP44iaR/ATnTNPLvyxPU+z9P9AUDQVBowiofJXQ6Oo+kKMpIkjztE4TKn4P6JowfgP" & _
	With .VisualAppearance
"mWCRmFKFAgGOTheheZgJgYYoYmYSYWGaF4lkMMJ0hqZpJjYbobmcCZGHKHJmjmJh0h2Z4JmYcIaE8WZ2H6H5oAoBoCiCaBKBYfdjGoJoKiKaJKDaDojmkChGgmIgpCoV" & _
"oWiWaJZiSd4mmmSh2h6J5qAqBoiiiaY5iSeIpmqComiqKpqkqNouiuah6hqMIsmsSpWiuGhP1kOoumuSp2j6L5sAsBo54gKwWkaMZsgsJpKjKbJLDaRYxYWRpSjSbIZi" & _
"Se41m2CxmlqNptksdpejebR5iSfI4m4S4W16boLiaao6m5fJ9jubwLkaco8m8S5WnaPZunuOp4j6b5Lnac4SA0PAGlgP4wEwFwGkGcIMCcCpCnCCxiA8NYAAmMJfkSbh" & _
	End With
	.BackColorHeader = &H4c6c6c6
	.SelBackColor = &H4000000
	.SelForeColor = RGB(0,0,1)
	.Background(20) = .SelBackColor ' &H14
	.Background(21) = .SelForeColor ' &H15
	.Background(26) = .BackColor ' &H8 Or BackgroundPartEnum.exSplitBar
	.Background(27) = .ForeColor ' &H9 Or BackgroundPartEnum.exSplitBar
	.Background(32) = -1 ' &H20
	.Background(0) = &H4000000 ' &H0
	.Background(41) = &H4010101
	.Background(1) = &H40000ff ' &H1
	.HeaderAppearance = 4
	.BackColorSortBar = .BackColor
	.BackColorLevelHeader = .BackColor
	.Mode = 3
	.DataSource = "Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExCascadeTree\Sample\Access\cities.accdb;Member=Select * FROM Countries;Key=CountryCode;Tag=Co" & _
"untry;Name=CountryName >>> Member=Select * FROM States WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>);Key=StateCode;Name=StateNam" & _
"e;Tag=State ||| Member=Select * FROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>);Tag=City;Name=Name >>> Member=Select *" & _
" FROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.Parent.CountryCode%>) AND StateCode IN (<%Parent.StateCode%>);Tag=City;Name=Name"
	.Select = "US\MN"
End With
Is it possible to highlight the column's header once a filter is applied

With CascadeTree1
	With .VisualAppearance
"NYuPhjR4dRTIMhvVAsUArFh8Zg9GZZFjmDIDT4ydBLTQwcyVIKnP5qOa6XbmPoCQDYKxZHYxPzVDa3axuL76dqCAT7XrXNy1TbNRrzQKfcJqfCbdw2YaDZLOOT3fjuI4" & _
"hhKaRzFAHJ+jYQ4xHuY4gHuGIXGeExqC8Tp6C+PoEm+G5ImycRgh0XwvDGa5rgOeoejyXwnFeQp2mkf5ClgBB9gCWIYAwfYAEKV58mkdwOggNArgOXY2EWLoDkKOA0mg" & _
		.Add 1,"CP:2 -8 -4 2 4"
	End With
	.Background(0) = &H1fefefe ' &H0
	.Background(41) = &H1010101
	.Background(32) = -1 ' &H20
	.BackColorHeader = RGB(255,255,255)
	.Mode = 1
	With .DefaultView()
		.HeaderHeight = 28
		.DrawGridLines = -2
		.HeaderVisible = 1
		With .Columns
			.Add("C1").DisplayFilterButton = True
			With .Add("C2")
				.DisplayFilterButton = True
				.Filter = "Item 2"
				.FilterType = 240
			End With
			.Add("C3").DisplayFilterButton = True
		End With
		With .Items
			h = .AddItem("Item 1")
			.CellValue(h,1) = "Item 2"
			.CellValue(h,2) = "Item 3"
			h = .AddItem("Item 4")
			.CellValue(h,1) = "Item 5"
			.CellValue(h,2) = "Item 6"
		End With
	End With
End With
Is it possible to show the filterbar on top of the rows

With CascadeTree1
	.Mode = 1
	With .DefaultView()
		.ColumnAutoResize = True
		.FilterBarPromptVisible = 8192
		.HeaderHeight = 24
		.FilterBarHeight = .HeaderHeight
		.HeaderAppearance = 1
		.DrawGridLines = -1
		.GridLineStyle = 512
		With .Columns.Add("Column")
			.DisplayFilterButton = True
			.FilterType = 3
			.Filter = "B*"
		End With
		With .Columns.Add("Index")
			.FormatColumn = "1 index ``"
			.Position = 0
			.Width = 48
			.AllowSizing = False
			.SortType = 1
			.Def(0) = True
		End With
		With .Items
			.AddItem "A.1"
			.AddItem "A.2"
			.AddItem "B.1"
			.AddItem "B.2"
			.AddItem "B.3"
			.AddItem "C"
		End With
	End With
End With
Is there anyway to stop the header changing colour when the mouse hovers/moves across the column header (non-clickable)

' CreateView event - A view has been created.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_CreateView(ByVal View As Object)
	With CascadeTree1
		With .View
			k = .ParentView.Value()
			.ColumnAutoResize = True
			.Columns.Add k
			With .Items
				.AddItem CascadeTree1.FormatABC("A + `-> Sub-Item 1`",k)
				.AddItem CascadeTree1.FormatABC("A + `-> Sub-Item 2`",k)
				.AddItem CascadeTree1.FormatABC("A + `-> Sub-Item 3`",k)
			End With
		End With
	End With
End Sub

With CascadeTree1
	With .View
		.ColumnAutoResize = True
		With .Columns.Add("Default")
			.AllowSort = False
			.AllowDragging = False
		End With
		.Key = 0
		With .Items
			.AddItem "Item A"
			.SelectItem(.AddItem("Item B")) = True
			.AddItem "Item C"
		End With
	End With
End With
Is there anyway to stop the header changing colour when the mouse hovers/moves across the column header

' CreateView event - A view has been created.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_CreateView(ByVal View As Object)
	With CascadeTree1
		With .View
			k = .ParentView.Value()
			.ColumnAutoResize = True
			.Columns.Add k
			With .Items
				.AddItem CascadeTree1.FormatABC("A + `-> Sub-Item 1`",k)
				.AddItem CascadeTree1.FormatABC("A + `-> Sub-Item 2`",k)
				.AddItem CascadeTree1.FormatABC("A + `-> Sub-Item 3`",k)
			End With
		End With
	End With
End Sub

With CascadeTree1
	.Background(32) = -1 ' &H20
	With .View
		.ColumnAutoResize = True
		.Columns.Add "Default"
		.Key = 0
		With .Items
			.AddItem "Item A"
			.SelectItem(.AddItem("Item B")) = True
			.AddItem "Item C"
		End With
	End With
End With
Type of wraps the cell's caption support (Sample 2)

With CascadeTree1
	.Mode = 1
	With .DefaultView()
		.HeaderSingleLine = False
		.HeaderHeight = 36
		.DrawGridLines = -2
		.ColumnAutoResize = False
		.ScrollBySingleLine = True
		With .Columns
			With .Add("Single-Line (exCaptionSingleLine)")
				.Width = 96
				.Def(17) = 1
				.Def(16) = -1
			End With
			With .Add("Word-Wrap (exCaptionWordWrap)")
				.Width = 96
				.Def(17) = 1
				.Def(16) = 0
				.FormatColumn = "%0"
			End With
			With .Add("Break-Wrap (exCaptionBreakWrap)")
				.Width = 96
				.Def(17) = 1
				.Def(16) = 1
				.FormatColumn = "%0"
			End With
		End With
		With .Items
			.AddItem "This is the <b>first</b> line.<br>This is the <b>second</b> line.<br>This is the <b>third</b> line."
			.AddItem "This is the <b>first</b> line.\r\nThis is the <b>second</b> line.\r\nThis is the <b>third</b> line."
		End With
	End With
End With
Type of wraps the cell's caption support (Sample 1)

With CascadeTree1
	.Mode = 1
	With .DefaultView()
		.HeaderSingleLine = False
		.HeaderHeight = 36
		.DrawGridLines = -2
		.ColumnAutoResize = False
		.ScrollBySingleLine = True
		.Columns.Add("Default").Width = 128
		With .Items
			h = .AddItem("This is the first line.\r\nThis is the second line.\r\nThis is the third line.")
			h = .AddItem("This is the <b>first</b> line.<br>This is the <b>second</b> line.<br>This is the <b>third</b> line.")
			.CellValueFormat(h,0) = 1
			h = .AddItem("This is the first line.\r\nThis is the second line.\r\nThis is the third line.")
			.CellSingleLine(h,0) = 0
			h = .AddItem("This is the <b>first</b> line.<br>This is the <b>second</b> line.<br>This is the <b>third</b> line.")
			.CellValueFormat(h,0) = 1
			.CellSingleLine(h,0) = 0
			h = .AddItem("This is the first line.\r\nThis is the second line.\r\nThis is the third line.")
			.CellSingleLine(h,0) = 1
			h = .AddItem("This is the <b>first</b> line.<br>This is the <b>second</b> line.<br>This is the <b>third</b> line.")
			.CellValueFormat(h,0) = 1
			.CellSingleLine(h,0) = 1
		End With
	End With
End With
Can I break the cell's caption using the line break <br> or \r\n (Sample 2)

With CascadeTree1
	.Mode = 1
	With .DefaultView()
		.DrawGridLines = -2
		.ColumnAutoResize = False
		.ScrollBySingleLine = True
		.Columns.Add("Default").Width = 128
		With .Items
			.CellSingleLine(.AddItem("This is the first line.\r\nThis is the second line.\r\nThis is the third line."),0) = 1
			.AddItem "This is the first line.\r\nThis is the second line.\r\nThis is the third line."
		End With
	End With
End With
Can I break the cell's caption using the line break <br> or \r\n (Sample 1)

With CascadeTree1
	.Mode = 1
	With .DefaultView()
		.DrawGridLines = -2
		.ColumnAutoResize = False
		.ScrollBySingleLine = True
		With .Columns.Add("Default")
			.Width = 128
			.Def(16) = 1
		End With
		With .Items
			.AddItem "This is the first line.\r\nThis is the second line.\r\nThis is the third line."
			.AddItem "This is the first line.\r\nThis is the second line.\r\nThis is the third line."
		End With
	End With
End With
Is it possible to change the visual appearance of the position signs when user changes the column's position by drag and drop

With CascadeTree1
	With .VisualAppearance
		.Add 2,"CP:1 0 -36 0 0"
	End With
	.Background(182) = &H2000000
	.Mode = 1
	With .DefaultView()
		.HeaderAppearance = 4
		With .Columns
			.Add "Column 1"
			.Add "Column 2"
			.Add "Column 3"
		End With
	End With
End With
DataSource (control, ADODB, ACCDB, x64)

' CreateView event - A view has been created.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_CreateView(ByVal View As Object)
	With CascadeTree1
		bSingle = .FormatABC("value > 0 ?  0 : -1",.View.Index)
		bColumnAutoResize = .FormatABC("value = `City` ?  0 : -1",.View.Tag)
		With .View
			.ColumnAutoResize = bColumnAutoResize
			.SingleSel = bSingle
		End With
	End With
End Sub

' Error event - An internal error occurs.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_Error(ByVal Error As Long,ByVal Description As String)
	With CascadeTree1
		Debug.Print( "Error" )
		Debug.Print( Description )
	End With
End Sub

With CascadeTree1
	.Mode = 515 ' CascadeModeEnum.exAutoFitOnResizeClient Or CascadeModeEnum.exSplitFixCascadeMode
	.DataSource = "locktype=1;Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExCascadeTree\Sample\Access\cities.accdb;Member=Select * FROM Countries;Key=Country" & _
"Code;Tag=Country;Name=CountryName >>> Member=Select * FROM States WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>);Key=StateCode;Na" & _
"me=StateName;Tag=State ||| Member=Select * FROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>);Tag=City;Name=Name >>> Memb" & _
"er=Select * FROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.Parent.CountryCode%>) AND StateCode IN (<%Parent.StateCode%>);Tag=City;Na" & _
	.Select = "US\AK"
End With
DataSource (view, ADODB, ACCDB, x64)

' Error event - An internal error occurs.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_Error(ByVal Error As Long,ByVal Description As String)
	With CascadeTree1
		Debug.Print( "Error" )
		Debug.Print( Description )
	End With
End Sub

With CascadeTree1
	.StatusBarVisible = 2
	.StatusBarLabel = "<b>DataSource</b> could be string (Source/Member), ADO or DAO objects"
	.DefColumnWidth = 336
	Set ado = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
	With ado
		.Open "Countries","Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExCascadeTree\Sample\Access\cities.accdb",3,1,-1
	End With
	With .DefaultView()
		.DataSource = ado
		.ColumnAutoResize = True
	End With
End With
Simple sample

' CreateView event - A view has been created.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_CreateView(ByVal View As Object)
	With CascadeTree1
		bSingle = .FormatABC("value > 0 ?  0 : -1",.View.Index)
		bColumnAutoResize = .FormatABC("value = `City` ?  0 : -1",.View.Tag)
		With .View
			.ColumnAutoResize = bColumnAutoResize
			.SingleSel = bSingle
		End With
	End With
End Sub

' Error event - An internal error occurs.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_Error(ByVal Error As Long,ByVal Description As String)
	With CascadeTree1
		Debug.Print( "Error" )
		Debug.Print( Description )
	End With
End Sub

With CascadeTree1
	.Mode = 515 ' CascadeModeEnum.exAutoFitOnResizeClient Or CascadeModeEnum.exSplitFixCascadeMode
	.DataSource = "Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExCascadeTree\Sample\Access\cities.accdb;Member=Select * FROM Countries;Key=CountryCode;Tag=Co" & _
"untry;Name=CountryName >>> Member=Select * FROM States WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>);Key=StateCode;Name=StateNam" & _
"e;Tag=State ||| Member=Select * FROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>);Tag=City;Name=Name >>> Member=Select *" & _
" FROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.Parent.CountryCode%>) AND StateCode IN (<%Parent.StateCode%>);Tag=City;Name=Name"
End With
FilterBar sample

' CreateView event - A view has been created.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_CreateView(ByVal View As Object)
	With CascadeTree1
		With .View
			.HeaderHeight = 20
			.HeaderAppearance = 4
			.DrawGridLines = -1
			.GridLineStyle = 12
		End With
		With .DefaultView()
			With .View("Country")
				.ColumnAutoResize = True
				.Columns.Item(0).Visible = False
				With .Columns.Item(1)
					.HTMLCaption = "Country"
					.DisplayFilterButton = True
					.FilterList = 9504 ' FilterListEnum.exShowExclude Or FilterListEnum.exShowFocusItem Or FilterListEnum.exShowCheckBox Or FilterListEnum.exSortItemsAsc
					.FilterBarDropDownWidth = 2
				End With
			End With
			With .View("State")
				.ColumnAutoResize = True
				.Columns.Item(0).Visible = False
				.Columns.Item(1).Visible = False
				With .Columns.Item(2)
					.HTMLCaption = "State"
					.DisplayFilterButton = True
					.FilterList = 9504 ' FilterListEnum.exShowExclude Or FilterListEnum.exShowFocusItem Or FilterListEnum.exShowCheckBox Or FilterListEnum.exSortItemsAsc
					.FilterBarDropDownWidth = 2
				End With
			End With
			With .View("City")
				.Columns.Item("CountryCode").Visible = False
				.Columns.Item("StateCode").Visible = False
				With .Columns.Item("Name")
					.HTMLCaption = "City"
					.Width = 128
					.DisplayFilterButton = True
					.FilterList = 9504 ' FilterListEnum.exShowExclude Or FilterListEnum.exShowFocusItem Or FilterListEnum.exShowCheckBox Or FilterListEnum.exSortItemsAsc
					.FilterBarDropDownWidth = 2
				End With
				.SearchColumnIndex = .Columns.Item("Name").Index
				With .Columns.Item("Status")
					.DisplayFilterButton = True
					.FilterList = 9504 ' FilterListEnum.exShowExclude Or FilterListEnum.exShowFocusItem Or FilterListEnum.exShowCheckBox Or FilterListEnum.exSortItemsAsc
					.FilterBarDropDownWidth = 2
				End With
				With .Columns.Item("Function")
					.Def(17) = 1
					.FormatColumn = "value replace 1 with `<img>1</img>` replace 2 with `<img>2</img>` replace 3 with `<img>3</img>` replace 4 with `<img>4</img>` r" & _
	"eplace 5 with `<img>5</img>` replace 6 with `<img>6</img>` replace 7 with `<img>7</img>` replace 8 with `<img>8</img>` replace 9" & _
	" with `<img>9</img>` replace `-` with `` "
				End With
				With .Columns.Add("Pos")
					.AllowSizing = False
					.Width = 32
					.Def(4) = 15790320
					.Position = 0
					.FormatColumn = "1 pos ``"
					.Alignment = 1
					.HeaderAlignment = .Alignment ' .Alignment
				End With
				.CountLockedColumns = 1
				.Width = .WidthToFit
			End With
		End With
		With .View
			.FilterBarHeight = 36
			.FilterBarCaption = "(( ( allui replace `[<b>` with `<bgcolor=000000><fgcolor=FFFFFF><b> ` replace `</b>]` with ` </b></bgcolor></fgcolor>` replace " & _
	"`[<s>` with `<bgcolor=C0C0C0><fgcolor=FFFFFF> ` replace `</s>]` with ` </fgcolor></bgcolor>` )  + `<r><fgcolor=808080>` + ( matc" & _
	"hitemcount < 0 ? ( ( len(value) ? `` : `` ) + `<r>` + abs(matchitemcount + 1) + ` result(s)` ) : (`<r><fgcolor=808080>`+ itemcou" & _
	"nt + ` item(s)`) )))"
			.FilterBarPromptVisible = 515 ' FilterBarVisibleEnum.exFilterBarShowCloseIfRequired Or FilterBarVisibleEnum.exFilterBarVisible Or FilterBarVisibleEnum.exFilterBarPromptVisible
		End With
	End With
End Sub

' Error event - An internal error occurs.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_Error(ByVal Error As Long,ByVal Description As String)
	With CascadeTree1
		Debug.Print( "Error" )
		Debug.Print( Description )
	End With
End Sub

With CascadeTree1
	.Images "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExCascadeTree\Sample\Bullets\Bullet-01.ico"
	.Images "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExCascadeTree\Sample\Bullets\Bullet-02.ico"
	.Images "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExCascadeTree\Sample\Bullets\Bullet-03.ico"
	.Images "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExCascadeTree\Sample\Bullets\Bullet-04.ico"
	.Images "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExCascadeTree\Sample\Bullets\Bullet-05.ico"
	.Images "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExCascadeTree\Sample\Bullets\Bullet-06.ico"
	.Images "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExCascadeTree\Sample\Bullets\Bullet-07.ico"
	.Images "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExCascadeTree\Sample\Bullets\Bullet-08.ico"
	.Images "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExCascadeTree\Sample\Bullets\Bullet-09.ico"
	.DataSource = "Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExCascadeTree\Sample\Access\cities.mdb;Member=Select * FROM Countries;Key=CountryCode;Tag=Coun" & _
"try;Name=CountryName >>> Member=Select * FROM States WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>);Key=StateCode;Name=StateName;" & _
"Tag=State ||| Member=Select * FROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>);Tag=City;Name=Name >>> Member=Select * F" & _
"ROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.Parent.CountryCode%>) AND StateCode IN (<%Parent.StateCode%>);Tag=City;Name=Name"
	.Select = "RO\CJ"
	With .DefaultView().View("City")
		.FilterBarPromptPattern = "Tu"
	End With
	With .VisualAppearance
"JDCyCwjH6AoggsQpQliAJLhgaJ0CESBTnyDwjk+cg4g4P5IHIHJ+BWRRzlYWAxiOUxihsY4KjKLJRGqC44FCegkkkM58iAKAPnIWIWD8SRSFSfQnkmewUhYP4GiGKJ7G" & _
"0TIbCSUoggqUo0lAQ4LnEcBcD8Coiiif4nE+eAAn2HpOkcFJqi4T5SkyMw/kqQown8IBIBOdA+A+DJrBqVxXEqYo4lCApLhGHBnD8S4ymyfxmg+cwQkQP5egOUZIWoEA" & _
	End With
	.BackColorSortBar = .BackColor
	.ScrollPartVisible(0,65536) = True
	.ScrollPartVisible(1,65536) = True
	.ScrollPartVisible(2,65536) = True
	.ScrollWidth = 4
	.Background(276) = RGB(240,240,240)
	.Background(260) = RGB(128,128,128)
	.ScrollHeight = 4
	.Background(404) = .Background(276)
	.Background(388) = .Background(260)
	.Background(511) = .Background(276)
	.Background(18) = RGB(196,196,196)
	.Background(142) = .Background(18)
	.Background(141) = .Background(18)
	.Background(170) = RGB(4,0,0)
	.Background(0) = &H1000000 ' &H0
	.Background(1) = &H2000000 ' &H1
	.Background(32) = -1 ' &H20
End With
GroupBy sample

' CreateView event - A view has been created.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_CreateView(ByVal View As Object)
	With CascadeTree1
		.View.HeaderHeight = 24
		With .DefaultView()
			With .View("State")
				.SingleSel = False
				.ColumnAutoResize = True
				.Columns.Item(0).Visible = False
				.Columns.Item(1).Visible = False
				With .Columns.Item(2)
					.HTMLCaption = "State <off 4><fgcolor=808080>Name"
					.SortOrder = 1
				End With
			End With
			With .View("City")
				nSelected = .ParentView.Items.SelectCount
				bGroupBy = CascadeTree1.FormatABC("value > 1 ? -1 : 0",nSelected)
				.SingleSel = False
				.SortBarCaption = "Drag a <b>column</b> header here to group by that column."
				.HasLines = 1
				.ColumnAutoResize = False
				.DrawGridLines = 2
				.GridLineStyle = 32
				.Columns.Item("CountryCode").Visible = False
				With .Columns.Item("Name")
					.HTMLCaption = "City <off 4><fgcolor=808080>Name"
					.Width = 128
					.SortOrder = 1
				End With
				.SearchColumnIndex = 2
				.TreeColumnIndex = .SearchColumnIndex
				.SingleSort = False
				.AllowGroupBy = bGroupBy
				.SortBarVisible = bGroupBy
				With .Columns.Item("StateCode")
					.Visible = bGroupBy
					.SortOrder = 1
				End With
				.Width = .WidthToFit
			End With
		End With
	End With
End Sub

' Error event - An internal error occurs.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_Error(ByVal Error As Long,ByVal Description As String)
	With CascadeTree1
		Debug.Print( "Error" )
		Debug.Print( Description )
	End With
End Sub

With CascadeTree1
	With .VisualAppearance
		.Add 1,"C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExCascadeTree\Sample\EBN\Assorted\vistaselDark.ebn"
		.Add 2,"C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExCascadeTree\Sample\EBN\Assorted\bhframe.ebn"
	End With
	.DataSource = "Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExCascadeTree\Sample\Access\cities.mdb;Member=Select * FROM Countries;Key=CountryCode;Tag=Coun" & _
"try;Name=CountryName >>> Member=Select * FROM States WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>);Key=StateCode;Name=StateName;" & _
"Tag=State ||| Member=Select * FROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>);Tag=City;Name=Name >>> Member=Select * F" & _
"ROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.Parent.CountryCode%>) AND StateCode IN (<%Parent.StateCode%>);Tag=City;Name=Name"
	.Select = "RO\CJ|BV|GL|IL"
	With .DefaultView().View("Country")
		.ColumnAutoResize = True
		.Columns.Item(0).Visible = False
		With .Columns.Item(1)
			.HTMLCaption = "Country <off 4><fgcolor=808080>Name"
			.SortOrder = 1
		End With
	End With
	.SelBackColor = &H1000000
	.SelForeColor = RGB(255,255,255)
	.BackColorHeader = &H2000000
	.BackColorSortBar = .BackColor
	.BackColorSortBarCaption = .BackColor
	.ScrollPartVisible(0,65536) = True
	.ScrollPartVisible(1,65536) = True
	.ScrollPartVisible(2,65536) = True
	.ScrollWidth = 4
	.Background(276) = RGB(240,240,240)
	.Background(260) = RGB(128,128,128)
	.ScrollHeight = 4
	.Background(404) = .Background(276)
	.Background(388) = .Background(260)
	.Background(511) = .Background(276)
	.Background(18) = RGB(196,196,196)
	.Background(142) = .Background(18)
	.Background(141) = .Background(18)
	.Background(170) = RGB(4,0,0)
	.BackColorSortBar = .BackColor
End With
Manual sample

' CreateView event - A view has been created.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_CreateView(ByVal V As Object)
	With CascadeTree1
		With .View
			k = .ParentView.Value()
			.HeaderVisible = False
			.ColumnAutoResize = True
			.ScrollBySingleLine = True
			.Columns.Add("Default").Def(16) = False
			.Key = 0
			With .Items
				.AddItem CascadeTree1.FormatABC("A + `.Child 1`",k)
				.AddItem CascadeTree1.FormatABC("A + `.Child 2`",k)
				.AddItem CascadeTree1.FormatABC("A + `.Child 3`",k)
			End With
		End With
	End With
End Sub

With CascadeTree1
	.BackColorAlternate = &H7ff0f0f0
	.Background(18) = RGB(240,240,240)
	With .DefaultView()
		.HeaderVisible = False
		.ColumnAutoResize = True
		.ScrollBySingleLine = True
		.Columns.Add("Default").Def(16) = False
		.Key = 0
		With .Items
			.AddItem "Item A"
			.AddItem "Item B"
			.AddItem "Item C"
		End With
	End With
	.Select = "Item A\Item*A*2\Item*A*2*3\"
End With
Appearance sample

' CreateView event - A view has been created.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_CreateView(ByVal View As Object)
	With CascadeTree1
		.View.HeaderHeight = 24
		With .DefaultView()
			With .View("State")
				.ColumnAutoResize = True
				.Columns.Item(0).Visible = False
				.Columns.Item(1).Visible = False
				With .Columns.Item(2)
					.HTMLCaption = "State <off 4><fgcolor=808080>Name"
					.SortOrder = 1
				End With
				With .Items
					.LockedItemCount(0) = 1
					h = .LockedItem(0,0)
					.ItemDivider(h) = 0
					.CellValueFormat(h,0) = 5 ' ValueFormatEnum.exTotalField Or ValueFormatEnum.exHTML
					.CellValue(h,0) = "count(all,all,1)"
					.FormatCell(h,0) = "`<r>States: <b>`+ (value format `0`)"
				End With
			End With
			With .View("City")
				.SingleSel = False
				.ColumnAutoResize = False
				.DrawGridLines = 2
				.GridLineStyle = 32
				.Columns.Item(0).Visible = False
				.Columns.Item(1).Visible = False
				With .Columns.Item(2)
					.HTMLCaption = "City <off 4><fgcolor=808080>Name"
					.Width = 128
					.Def(0) = True
					.SortOrder = 1
				End With
				.SearchColumnIndex = 2
				.ConditionalFormats.Add("%CS2 = 1").Bold = True
				With .Items
					.LockedItemCount(0) = 1
					h = .LockedItem(0,0)
					.ItemDivider(h) = 0
					.CellValueFormat(h,0) = 5 ' ValueFormatEnum.exTotalField Or ValueFormatEnum.exHTML
					.CellValue(h,0) = "count(all,all,1)"
					.FormatCell(h,0) = "`<r>Cities: <b>`+ (value format `0`)"
				End With
				.Width = .WidthToFit
			End With
		End With
	End With
End Sub

' Error event - An internal error occurs.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_Error(ByVal Error As Long,ByVal Description As String)
	With CascadeTree1
		Debug.Print( "Error" )
		Debug.Print( Description )
	End With
End Sub

With CascadeTree1
	With .VisualAppearance
		.Add 1,"C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExCascadeTree\Sample\EBN\MSOffice-Ribbon\msor_select.ebn"
		.Add 2,"C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExCascadeTree\Sample\EBN\MSOffice-Ribbon\msor_background.ebn"
	End With
	.DataSource = "Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExCascadeTree\Sample\Access\cities.mdb;Member=Select * FROM Countries;Key=CountryCode;Tag=Coun" & _
"try;Name=CountryName >>> Member=Select * FROM States WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>);Key=StateCode;Name=StateName;" & _
"Tag=State ||| Member=Select * FROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>);Tag=City;Name=Name >>> Member=Select * F" & _
"ROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.Parent.CountryCode%>) AND StateCode IN (<%Parent.StateCode%>);Tag=City;Name=Name"
	.Select = "US\AK"
	With .DefaultView().View("Country")
		.ColumnAutoResize = True
		.Columns.Item(0).Visible = False
		With .Columns.Item(1)
			.HTMLCaption = "Country <off 4><fgcolor=808080>Name"
			.SortOrder = 1
		End With
		With .Items
			.LockedItemCount(0) = 1
			h = .LockedItem(0,0)
			.ItemDivider(h) = 0
			.CellValueFormat(h,0) = 5 ' ValueFormatEnum.exTotalField Or ValueFormatEnum.exHTML
			.CellValue(h,0) = "count(all,all,1)"
			.FormatCell(h,0) = "`<r>Countries: <b>`+ (value format `0`)"
		End With
	End With
	.SelBackColor = &H1000000
	.SelForeColor = RGB(0,0,0)
	.BackColorHeader = &H2000000
	.ScrollPartVisible(0,65536) = True
	.ScrollPartVisible(1,65536) = True
	.ScrollPartVisible(2,65536) = True
	.ScrollWidth = 4
	.Background(276) = RGB(240,240,240)
	.Background(260) = RGB(128,128,128)
	.ScrollHeight = 4
	.Background(404) = .Background(276)
	.Background(388) = .Background(260)
	.Background(511) = .Background(276)
	.Background(18) = RGB(196,196,196)
	.Background(142) = .Background(18)
	.Background(141) = .Background(18)
	.Background(170) = RGB(4,0,0)
	.BackColorSortBar = .BackColor
End With
How can I get the selected items (sample 2)
' CreateView event - A view has been created.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_CreateView(ByVal View As Object)
	With CascadeTree1
		With .View
			k = .ParentView.Value()
			.ColumnAutoResize = True
			.Key = -1
			.Columns.Add k
			With .Items
				.AddItem CascadeTree1.FormatABC("A + `-> Sub-Item 1`",k)
				.AddItem CascadeTree1.FormatABC("A + `-> Sub-Item 2`",k)
				.AddItem CascadeTree1.FormatABC("A + `-> Sub-Item 3`",k)
			End With
		End With
	End With
End Sub

' ViewItemStateEndChanging event - Indicates that the state of the item has been changed.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_ViewItemStateEndChanging(ByVal Operation As Long,ByVal Item As Long,ByVal ColIndex As Long)
	With CascadeTree1
		Debug.Print( "End" )
		Debug.Print( Operation )
		With .View.Items
			Debug.Print( "FocusItem" )
			Debug.Print( .CellCaption(.FocusItem,0) )
			Debug.Print( "SelectedItem" )
			Debug.Print( .CellCaption(.SelectedItem(0),0) )
		End With
	End With
End Sub

' ViewItemStateStartChanging event - Indicates that the state of the item is about to be changed.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_ViewItemStateStartChanging(ByVal Operation As Long,ByVal Item As Long,ByVal ColIndex As Long,Cancel As Variant)
	With CascadeTree1
		Debug.Print( "Start" )
		Debug.Print( Operation )
	End With
End Sub

With CascadeTree1
	With .View
		.ColumnAutoResize = True
		.Columns.Add "Default"
		.Key = 0
		.LinesAtRoot = -1
		With .Items
			.AddItem "Item A"
			.SelectItem(.AddItem("Item B")) = True
			.AddItem "Item C"
		End With
	End With
End With
How do I specify a foreground color for a particular view

' Error event - An internal error occurs.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_Error(ByVal Error As Long,ByVal Description As String)
	With CascadeTree1
		Debug.Print( "Error" )
		Debug.Print( Description )
	End With
End Sub

With CascadeTree1
	.Mode = 3
	.Background(18) = RGB(196,196,196)
	.DataSource = "Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExCascadeTree\Sample\Access\cities.accdb;Member=Select * FROM Countries;Key=CountryCode;Tag=Co" & _
"untry;Name=CountryName >>> Member=Select * FROM States WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>);Key=StateCode;Name=StateNam" & _
"e;Tag=State ||| Member=Select * FROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>);Tag=City;Name=Name >>> Member=Select *" & _
" FROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.Parent.CountryCode%>) AND StateCode IN (<%Parent.StateCode%>);Tag=City;Name=Name"
	.Select = "US\AK"
	.DefaultView().ConditionalFormats.Add("1").ForeColor = RGB(128,128,128)
End With
How do display result/items in the view's filter bar

' CreateView event - A view has been created.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_CreateView(ByVal View As Object)
	With CascadeTree1
		With .View
			.HeaderAppearance = 4
			.HeaderHeight = 24
			.DrawGridLines = -1
			.GridLineStyle = 12
		End With
		With .DefaultView()
			With .View("Country")
				.ColumnAutoResize = True
				.Columns.Item(0).Visible = False
				With .Columns.Item(1)
					.HTMLCaption = "Country <off 4><fgcolor=808080>Name"
					.DisplayFilterButton = True
					.FilterList = 9504 ' FilterListEnum.exShowExclude Or FilterListEnum.exShowFocusItem Or FilterListEnum.exShowCheckBox Or FilterListEnum.exSortItemsAsc
					.FilterBarDropDownWidth = 2
				End With
			End With
			With .View("State")
				.ColumnAutoResize = True
				.Columns.Item(0).Visible = False
				.Columns.Item(1).Visible = False
				With .Columns.Item(2)
					.HTMLCaption = "State <off 4><fgcolor=808080>Name"
					.DisplayFilterButton = True
					.FilterList = 9504 ' FilterListEnum.exShowExclude Or FilterListEnum.exShowFocusItem Or FilterListEnum.exShowCheckBox Or FilterListEnum.exSortItemsAsc
					.FilterBarDropDownWidth = 2
				End With
			End With
			With .View("City")
				.Columns.Item(0).Visible = False
				.Columns.Item(1).Visible = False
				With .Columns.Item(2)
					.HTMLCaption = "City <off 4><fgcolor=808080>Name"
					.Width = 128
					.Def(0) = True
					.DisplayFilterButton = True
					.FilterList = 9504 ' FilterListEnum.exShowExclude Or FilterListEnum.exShowFocusItem Or FilterListEnum.exShowCheckBox Or FilterListEnum.exSortItemsAsc
					.FilterBarDropDownWidth = 2
				End With
				With .Columns.Add("Pos")
					.AllowSizing = False
					.Width = 32
					.Def(4) = 15790320
					.Position = 0
					.FormatColumn = "1 pos ``"
				End With
				.CountLockedColumns = 1
			End With
		End With
		With .View
			.FilterBarHeight = 36
			.FilterBarCaption = "(( ( allui replace `[<b>` with `<bgcolor=000000><fgcolor=FFFFFF><b> ` replace `</b>]` with ` </b></bgcolor></fgcolor>` replace " & _
	"`[<s>` with `<bgcolor=C0C0C0><fgcolor=FFFFFF> ` replace `</s>]` with ` </fgcolor></bgcolor>` )  + `<r><fgcolor=808080>` + ( matc" & _
	"hitemcount < 0 ? ( ( len(value) ? `` : `` ) + `<r>` + abs(matchitemcount + 1) + ` result(s)` ) : (`<r><fgcolor=808080>`+ itemcou" & _
	"nt + ` item(s)`) )))"
			.FilterBarPromptType = 3
			.FilterBarPromptVisible = 515 ' FilterBarVisibleEnum.exFilterBarShowCloseIfRequired Or FilterBarVisibleEnum.exFilterBarVisible Or FilterBarVisibleEnum.exFilterBarPromptVisible
		End With
	End With
End Sub

' Error event - An internal error occurs.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_Error(ByVal Error As Long,ByVal Description As String)
	With CascadeTree1
		Debug.Print( "Error" )
		Debug.Print( Description )
	End With
End Sub

With CascadeTree1
	.ScrollPartVisible(0,65536) = True
	.ScrollPartVisible(1,65536) = True
	.ScrollPartVisible(2,65536) = True
	.ScrollWidth = 4
	.Background(276) = RGB(240,240,240)
	.Background(260) = RGB(128,128,128)
	.ScrollHeight = 4
	.Background(404) = .Background(276)
	.Background(388) = .Background(260)
	.Background(511) = .Background(276)
	.Background(18) = RGB(196,196,196)
	.Background(142) = .Background(18)
	.Background(141) = .Background(18)
	.Background(170) = RGB(2,0,0)
	.MinColumnWidth = 348
	.Mode = 3
	.Background(18) = RGB(196,196,196)
	.DataSource = "Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExCascadeTree\Sample\Access\cities.accdb;Member=Select * FROM Countries;Key=CountryCode;Tag=Co" & _
"untry;Name=CountryName >>> Member=Select * FROM States WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>);Key=StateCode;Name=StateNam" & _
"e;Tag=State ||| Member=Select * FROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>);Tag=City;Name=Name >>> Member=Select *" & _
" FROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.Parent.CountryCode%>) AND StateCode IN (<%Parent.StateCode%>);Tag=City;Name=Name"
	.Select = "US\AK"
	With .DefaultView().View("City")
		.FilterBarPromptPattern = "An"
	End With
End With
I am using the filter prompt feature, the question is how can I filter for items that starts with typed characters rather than contains

' CreateView event - A view has been created.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_CreateView(ByVal View As Object)
	With CascadeTree1
		With .View
			.FilterBarPromptType = 3
			.FilterBarPromptVisible = 1
		End With
	End With
End Sub

' Error event - An internal error occurs.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_Error(ByVal Error As Long,ByVal Description As String)
	With CascadeTree1
		Debug.Print( "Error" )
		Debug.Print( Description )
	End With
End Sub

With CascadeTree1
	.Mode = 3
	.Background(18) = RGB(196,196,196)
	.DataSource = "Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExCascadeTree\Sample\Access\cities.accdb;Member=Select * FROM Countries;Key=CountryCode;Tag=Co" & _
"untry;Name=CountryName >>> Member=Select * FROM States WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>);Key=StateCode;Name=StateNam" & _
"e;Tag=State ||| Member=Select * FROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>);Tag=City;Name=Name >>> Member=Select *" & _
" FROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.Parent.CountryCode%>) AND StateCode IN (<%Parent.StateCode%>);Tag=City;Name=Name"
	.Select = "US\AK"
	With .DefaultView().View("City")
		.FilterBarPromptPattern = "An"
		With .Columns.Item("Name")
			.Width = 128
			.Def(17) = 1
			.FormatColumn = "value replace `An` with `<bgcolor=000000><fgcolor=FFFFFF>An</fgcolor></bgcolor>` "
		End With
	End With
End With
FilterBarCaption Predefined Keywords

' Error event - An internal error occurs.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_Error(ByVal Error As Long,ByVal Description As String)
	With CascadeTree1
		Debug.Print( "Error" )
		Debug.Print( Description )
	End With
End Sub

With CascadeTree1
	.BackColorAlternate = RGB(240,240,240)
	.Mode = 1
	.Background(18) = RGB(196,196,196)
	.DataSource = "Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExCascadeTree\Sample\Access\cities.accdb;Member=Select * FROM Countries;Key=CountryCode;Tag=Co" & _
"untry;Name=CountryName >>> Member=Select * FROM States WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>);Key=StateCode;Name=StateNam" & _
"e;Tag=State ||| Member=Select * FROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>);Tag=City;Name=Name >>> Member=Select *" & _
" FROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.Parent.CountryCode%>) AND StateCode IN (<%Parent.StateCode%>);Tag=City;Name=Name"
	.Select = "US"
	With .DefaultView().View("Country")
		With .Columns.Add("Pos")
			.Position = 0
			.Width = 32
			.AllowSizing = False
			.FormatColumn = "1pos ``"
		End With
		With .Columns.Item("CountryCode")
			.Width = 32
			.AllowSizing = False
			.DisplayFilterButton = True
		End With
		With .Columns.Item("CountryName")
			.DisplayFilterButton = True
			.FilterList = 9504 ' FilterListEnum.exShowExclude Or FilterListEnum.exShowFocusItem Or FilterListEnum.exShowCheckBox Or FilterListEnum.exSortItemsAsc
			.FilterBarDropDownWidth = 2
			.FilterType = 240
			.Filter = "Italy|Romania|Germany"
		End With
		.FilterBarPromptPattern = "a"
		.ColumnAutoResize = True
		.SearchColumnIndex = .Columns.Item("CountryName").Index
		.FilterInclude = 1
		.FilterBarCaption = "`<fgcolor=0000FF><i>value/current</i></fgcolor>: <fgcolor=808080>` + value + `</fgcolor>` + `<br><fgcolor=0000FF><i>available</" & _
"i></fgcolor>: ` + available + `<br><fgcolor=0000FF><i>allui</i></fgcolor>: ` + allui + `<br><fgcolor=0000FF><i>all</i></fgcolor>" & _
": ` + all + `<br><fgcolor=0000FF><i>itemcount</i></fgcolor>: <fgcolor=808080>` + itemcount + `</fgcolor>`+ `<br><fgcolor=0000FF>" & _
"<i>visibleitemcount</i></fgcolor>: <fgcolor=808080>` + visibleitemcount + `</fgcolor>`+ `<br><fgcolor=0000FF><i>matchitemcount</" & _
"i></fgcolor>: <fgcolor=808080>` + matchitemcount + `</fgcolor>`+ `<br><fgcolor=0000FF><i>promptpattern</i></fgcolor>: <fgcolor=8" & _
"08080>` + promptpattern + `</fgcolor>`+ `<br><fgcolor=0000FF><i>leafitemcount</i></fgcolor>: <fgcolor=808080>` + leafitemcount +" & _
" `</fgcolor>`"
		.FilterBarPromptVisible = 7 ' FilterBarVisibleEnum.exFilterBarCaptionVisible Or FilterBarVisibleEnum.exFilterBarVisible Or FilterBarVisibleEnum.exFilterBarPromptVisible
	End With
End With
How can I enable the column's filter bar (view)

' CreateView event - A view has been created.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_CreateView(ByVal View As Object)
	With CascadeTree1
		.View.FilterBarPromptVisible = 1
	End With
End Sub

' Error event - An internal error occurs.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_Error(ByVal Error As Long,ByVal Description As String)
	With CascadeTree1
		Debug.Print( "Error" )
		Debug.Print( Description )
	End With
End Sub

With CascadeTree1
	.Mode = 3
	.Background(18) = RGB(196,196,196)
	.DataSource = "Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExCascadeTree\Sample\Access\cities.accdb;Member=Select * FROM Countries;Key=CountryCode;Tag=Co" & _
"untry;Name=CountryName >>> Member=Select * FROM States WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>);Key=StateCode;Name=StateNam" & _
"e;Tag=State ||| Member=Select * FROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>);Tag=City;Name=Name >>> Member=Select *" & _
" FROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.Parent.CountryCode%>) AND StateCode IN (<%Parent.StateCode%>);Tag=City;Name=Name"
	.Select = "US\AK"
	With .DefaultView().View("Country")
		.ColumnAutoResize = True
		.Columns.Item("CountryCode").Visible = False
		With .Columns.Item("CountryName")
			.DisplayFilterButton = True
			.FilterList = 9504 ' FilterListEnum.exShowExclude Or FilterListEnum.exShowFocusItem Or FilterListEnum.exShowCheckBox Or FilterListEnum.exSortItemsAsc
			.FilterBarDropDownWidth = 2
			.FilterType = 240
			.Filter = "Romania|Germany"
		End With
	End With
End With
How can I enable the column's filter bar

' CreateView event - A view has been created.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_CreateView(ByVal View As Object)
	With CascadeTree1
		With .View
			.FilterBarPromptVisible = 1
			With .Columns.Item(0)
				.DisplayFilterButton = True
				.FilterList = 9504 ' FilterListEnum.exShowExclude Or FilterListEnum.exShowFocusItem Or FilterListEnum.exShowCheckBox Or FilterListEnum.exSortItemsAsc
				.FilterBarDropDownWidth = 2
			End With
		End With
		With .DefaultView().View("Country")
			With .Columns.Item(0)
				.FilterType = 240
				.Filter = "US|RO|GE"
			End With
		End With
	End With
End Sub

' Error event - An internal error occurs.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_Error(ByVal Error As Long,ByVal Description As String)
	With CascadeTree1
		Debug.Print( "Error" )
		Debug.Print( Description )
	End With
End Sub

With CascadeTree1
	.Mode = 3
	.Background(18) = RGB(196,196,196)
	.DataSource = "Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExCascadeTree\Sample\Access\cities.accdb;Member=Select * FROM Countries;Key=CountryCode;Tag=Co" & _
"untry;Name=CountryName >>> Member=Select * FROM States WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>);Key=StateCode;Name=StateNam" & _
"e;Tag=State ||| Member=Select * FROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>);Tag=City;Name=Name >>> Member=Select *" & _
" FROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.Parent.CountryCode%>) AND StateCode IN (<%Parent.StateCode%>);Tag=City;Name=Name"
	.Select = "US\AK"
End With
How can I enable the control's filter bar (view)

' Error event - An internal error occurs.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_Error(ByVal Error As Long,ByVal Description As String)
	With CascadeTree1
		Debug.Print( "Error" )
		Debug.Print( Description )
	End With
End Sub

With CascadeTree1
	.Mode = 3
	.Background(18) = RGB(196,196,196)
	.DataSource = "Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExCascadeTree\Sample\Access\cities.accdb;Member=Select * FROM Countries;Key=CountryCode;Tag=Co" & _
"untry;Name=CountryName >>> Member=Select * FROM States WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>);Key=StateCode;Name=StateNam" & _
"e;Tag=State ||| Member=Select * FROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>);Tag=City;Name=Name >>> Member=Select *" & _
" FROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.Parent.CountryCode%>) AND StateCode IN (<%Parent.StateCode%>);Tag=City;Name=Name"
	.Select = "US\AK"
	.DefaultView().FilterBarPromptVisible = 1
End With
How can I enable the control's filter bar

' CreateView event - A view has been created.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_CreateView(ByVal View As Object)
	With CascadeTree1
		.View.FilterBarPromptVisible = 1
	End With
End Sub

' Error event - An internal error occurs.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_Error(ByVal Error As Long,ByVal Description As String)
	With CascadeTree1
		Debug.Print( "Error" )
		Debug.Print( Description )
	End With
End Sub

With CascadeTree1
	.Mode = 3
	.Background(18) = RGB(196,196,196)
	.DataSource = "Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExCascadeTree\Sample\Access\cities.accdb;Member=Select * FROM Countries;Key=CountryCode;Tag=Co" & _
"untry;Name=CountryName >>> Member=Select * FROM States WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>);Key=StateCode;Name=StateNam" & _
"e;Tag=State ||| Member=Select * FROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>);Tag=City;Name=Name >>> Member=Select *" & _
" FROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.Parent.CountryCode%>) AND StateCode IN (<%Parent.StateCode%>);Tag=City;Name=Name"
	.Select = "US\AK"
End With
Aggregate sum, min, max, count, avg, divider, total (view)

' Error event - An internal error occurs.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_Error(ByVal Error As Long,ByVal Description As String)
	With CascadeTree1
		Debug.Print( "Error" )
		Debug.Print( Description )
	End With
End Sub

With CascadeTree1
	.Mode = 2
	.Background(18) = RGB(196,196,196)
	.Background(170) = RGB(4,0,0)
	.DataSource = "Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExCascadeTree\Sample\Access\cities.accdb;Member=Select * FROM Countries;Key=CountryCode;Tag=Co" & _
"untry;Name=CountryName >>> Member=Select * FROM States WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>);Key=StateCode;Name=StateNam" & _
"e;Tag=State ||| Member=Select * FROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>);Tag=City;Name=Name >>> Member=Select *" & _
" FROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.Parent.CountryCode%>) AND StateCode IN (<%Parent.StateCode%>);Tag=City;Name=Name"
	.Select = "RO"
	With .DefaultView().View("Country")
		.ColumnAutoResize = True
		.Columns.Item(0).Visible = False
		With .Items
			.LockedItemCount(0) = 1
			h = .LockedItem(0,0)
			.ItemDivider(h) = 0
			.CellValueFormat(h,0) = 5 ' ValueFormatEnum.exTotalField Or ValueFormatEnum.exHTML
			.CellValue(h,0) = "count(all,all,1)"
			.FormatCell(h,0) = "`<r>Countries: <b>`+ (value format `0`)"
		End With
	End With
End With
Aggregate sum, min, max, count, avg, divider, total

' CreateView event - A view has been created.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_CreateView(ByVal View As Object)
	With CascadeTree1
		.View.HeaderVisible = False
		With .DefaultView()
			With .View("Country")
				.ColumnAutoResize = True
				.Columns.Item(0).Visible = False
				With .Items
					.LockedItemCount(0) = 1
					h = .LockedItem(0,0)
					.ItemDivider(h) = 0
					.CellValueFormat(h,0) = 5 ' ValueFormatEnum.exTotalField Or ValueFormatEnum.exHTML
					.CellValue(h,0) = "count(all,all,1)"
					.FormatCell(h,0) = "`<r>Countries: <b>`+ (value format `0`)"
				End With
			End With
			With .View("State")
				.SingleSel = False
				.ColumnAutoResize = True
				.Columns.Item(0).Visible = False
				.Columns.Item(1).Visible = False
				With .Items
					.LockedItemCount(0) = 1
					h = .LockedItem(0,0)
					.ItemDivider(h) = 0
					.CellValueFormat(h,0) = 5 ' ValueFormatEnum.exTotalField Or ValueFormatEnum.exHTML
					.CellValue(h,0) = "count(all,all,1)"
					.FormatCell(h,0) = "`<r>States: <b>`+ (value format `0`)"
				End With
			End With
			With .View("City")
				.Columns.Item(0).Visible = False
				.Columns.Item(1).Visible = False
				With .Columns.Item(2)
					.Width = 128
					.HTMLCaption = "CityName"
				End With
				With .Items
					.LockedItemCount(0) = 1
					h = .LockedItem(0,0)
					.ItemDivider(h) = 0
					.CellValueFormat(h,0) = 5 ' ValueFormatEnum.exTotalField Or ValueFormatEnum.exHTML
					.CellValue(h,0) = "count(all,all,1)"
					.FormatCell(h,0) = "`<r>Cities: <b>`+ (value format `0`)"
				End With
			End With
		End With
	End With
End Sub

' Error event - An internal error occurs.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_Error(ByVal Error As Long,ByVal Description As String)
	With CascadeTree1
		Debug.Print( "Error" )
		Debug.Print( Description )
	End With
End Sub

With CascadeTree1
	.Mode = 3
	.Background(18) = RGB(196,196,196)
	.Background(170) = RGB(4,0,0)
	.DataSource = "Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExCascadeTree\Sample\Access\cities.accdb;Member=Select * FROM Countries;Key=CountryCode;Tag=Co" & _
"untry;Name=CountryName >>> Member=Select * FROM States WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>);Key=StateCode;Name=StateNam" & _
"e;Tag=State ||| Member=Select * FROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>);Tag=City;Name=Name >>> Member=Select *" & _
" FROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.Parent.CountryCode%>) AND StateCode IN (<%Parent.StateCode%>);Tag=City;Name=Name"
	.Select = "US\AK"
End With
How can I add a check-box column (view)

' Error event - An internal error occurs.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_Error(ByVal Error As Long,ByVal Description As String)
	With CascadeTree1
		Debug.Print( "Error" )
		Debug.Print( Description )
	End With
End Sub

With CascadeTree1
	.StatusBarVisible = 2
	.StatusBarLabel = "<c>Select multiple-items in the City view, and press <b>SPACE</b> key"
	.Background(168) = .BackColor
	.SelBackColor = &H1000000
	.SelForeColor = .ForeColor
	.Mode = 3
	.Background(18) = RGB(196,196,196)
	.DataSource = "Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExCascadeTree\Sample\Access\cities.accdb;Member=Select * FROM Countries;Key=CountryCode;Tag=Co" & _
"untry;Name=CountryName >>> Member=Select * FROM States WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>);Key=StateCode;Name=StateNam" & _
"e;Tag=State ||| Member=Select * FROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>);Tag=City;Name=Name >>> Member=Select *" & _
" FROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.Parent.CountryCode%>) AND StateCode IN (<%Parent.StateCode%>);Tag=City;Name=Name"
	.Select = "US\AK"
	With .DefaultView().View("City")
		.ShowFocusRect = False
		.SingleSel = False
		.Columns.Item(0).Visible = False
		.Columns.Item(1).Visible = False
		With .Columns.Item(2)
			.HTMLCaption = "City <off 4><fgcolor=808080>Name"
			.Width = 128
			.Def(0) = True
		End With
		.SearchColumnIndex = .Columns.Item("Name").Index
		With .Columns.Add("Pos")
			.Position = 0
			.Width = 32
			.FormatColumn = "1 pos ``"
		End With
		With .ConditionalFormats
			.Add("%CS2 = 1").BackColor = RGB(190,190,190)
			With .Add("%CS2 = 1")
				.Bold = True
				.ApplyTo = 8 ' &H8
			End With
		End With
		With .Items
			.CellState(.ItemByIndex(1),2) = 1
			.CellState(.ItemByIndex(3),2) = 1
			.CellState(.ItemByIndex(5),2) = 1
		End With
	End With
End With
How can I add a check-box column

' CreateView event - A view has been created.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_CreateView(ByVal View As Object)
	With CascadeTree1
		With .View
			.HeaderAppearance = 4
			.HeaderHeight = 24
			.DrawGridLines = 2
			.GridLineStyle = 12
		End With
		With .DefaultView()
			With .View("Country")
				.ColumnAutoResize = True
				.Columns.Item(0).Visible = False
				.Columns.Item(1).HTMLCaption = "Country <off 4><fgcolor=808080>Name"
			End With
			With .View("State")
				.ColumnAutoResize = True
				.Columns.Item(0).Visible = False
				.Columns.Item(1).Visible = False
				.Columns.Item(2).HTMLCaption = "State <off 4><fgcolor=808080>Name"
			End With
			With .View("City")
				.ShowFocusRect = False
				.SingleSel = False
				.Columns.Item(0).Visible = False
				.Columns.Item(1).Visible = False
				With .Columns.Item(2)
					.HTMLCaption = "City <off 4><fgcolor=808080>Name"
					.Width = 128
					.Def(0) = True
				End With
				.SearchColumnIndex = .Columns.Item("Name").Index
				With .Columns.Add("Pos")
					.Position = 0
					.Width = 32
					.FormatColumn = "1 pos ``"
				End With
				With .ConditionalFormats
					.Add("%CS2 = 1").BackColor = RGB(190,190,190)
					With .Add("%CS2 = 1")
						.Bold = True
						.ApplyTo = 8 ' &H8
					End With
				End With
				With .Items
					.CellState(.ItemByIndex(1),2) = 1
					.CellState(.ItemByIndex(3),2) = 1
					.CellState(.ItemByIndex(5),2) = 1
				End With
			End With
		End With
	End With
End Sub

' Error event - An internal error occurs.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_Error(ByVal Error As Long,ByVal Description As String)
	With CascadeTree1
		Debug.Print( "Error" )
		Debug.Print( Description )
	End With
End Sub

With CascadeTree1
	.StatusBarVisible = 2
	.StatusBarLabel = "<c>Select multiple-items in the City view, and press <b>SPACE</b> key"
	.Background(168) = .BackColor
	.SelBackColor = &H1000000
	.SelForeColor = .ForeColor
	.Mode = 3
	.Background(18) = RGB(196,196,196)
	.DataSource = "Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExCascadeTree\Sample\Access\cities.accdb;Member=Select * FROM Countries;Key=CountryCode;Tag=Co" & _
"untry;Name=CountryName >>> Member=Select * FROM States WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>);Key=StateCode;Name=StateNam" & _
"e;Tag=State ||| Member=Select * FROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>);Tag=City;Name=Name >>> Member=Select *" & _
" FROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.Parent.CountryCode%>) AND StateCode IN (<%Parent.StateCode%>);Tag=City;Name=Name"
	.Select = "US\AK"
End With
How can I access a view

' CreateView event - A view has been created.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_CreateView(ByVal View As Object)
	With CascadeTree1
		With .View
			.HeaderAppearance = 4
			.HeaderHeight = 24
			.DrawGridLines = -1
			.GridLineStyle = 12
		End With
		With .DefaultView()
			With .View("Country")
				.ColumnAutoResize = True
				.Columns.Item(0).Visible = False
				.Columns.Item(1).HTMLCaption = "Country <off 4><fgcolor=808080>Name"
			End With
			With .View("State")
				.ColumnAutoResize = True
				.Columns.Item(0).Visible = False
				.Columns.Item(1).Visible = False
				.Columns.Item(2).HTMLCaption = "State <off 4><fgcolor=808080>Name"
			End With
			With .View("City")
				.Columns.Item(0).Visible = False
				.Columns.Item(1).Visible = False
				With .Columns.Item(2)
					.HTMLCaption = "City <off 4><fgcolor=808080>Name"
					.Width = 128
					.Def(4) = 15790320
				End With
				.CountLockedColumns = 1
			End With
		End With
	End With
End Sub

' Error event - An internal error occurs.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_Error(ByVal Error As Long,ByVal Description As String)
	With CascadeTree1
		Debug.Print( "Error" )
		Debug.Print( Description )
	End With
End Sub

With CascadeTree1
	.Mode = 3
	.Background(18) = RGB(196,196,196)
	.DataSource = "Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExCascadeTree\Sample\Access\cities.accdb;Member=Select * FROM Countries;Key=CountryCode;Tag=Co" & _
"untry;Name=CountryName >>> Member=Select * FROM States WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>);Key=StateCode;Name=StateNam" & _
"e;Tag=State ||| Member=Select * FROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>);Tag=City;Name=Name >>> Member=Select *" & _
" FROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.Parent.CountryCode%>) AND StateCode IN (<%Parent.StateCode%>);Tag=City;Name=Name"
	.Select = "US\AK"
End With
Conditional Format (check)

' CreateView event - A view has been created.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_CreateView(ByVal View As Object)
	With CascadeTree1
		With .View
			With .ConditionalFormats.Add("%CS0 = 1")
				.Bold = True
			End With
			.Columns.Item(0).Def(0) = True
			With .Items
				.CellState(.FocusItem,0) = 1
			End With
		End With
	End With
End Sub

' Error event - An internal error occurs.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_Error(ByVal Error As Long,ByVal Description As String)
	With CascadeTree1
		Debug.Print( "Error" )
		Debug.Print( Description )
	End With
End Sub

With CascadeTree1
	.Mode = 3
	.Background(18) = RGB(196,196,196)
	.DataSource = "Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExCascadeTree\Sample\Access\cities.accdb;Member=Select * FROM Countries;Key=CountryCode;Tag=Co" & _
"untry;Name=CountryName >>> Member=Select * FROM States WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>);Key=StateCode;Name=StateNam" & _
"e;Tag=State ||| Member=Select * FROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>);Tag=City;Name=Name >>> Member=Select *" & _
" FROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.Parent.CountryCode%>) AND StateCode IN (<%Parent.StateCode%>);Tag=City;Name=Name"
	.Select = "US\AK"
End With
Conditional Format (view)

' Error event - An internal error occurs.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_Error(ByVal Error As Long,ByVal Description As String)
	With CascadeTree1
		Debug.Print( "Error" )
		Debug.Print( Description )
	End With
End Sub

With CascadeTree1
	.Mode = 3
	.Background(18) = RGB(196,196,196)
	.DataSource = "Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExCascadeTree\Sample\Access\cities.accdb;Member=Select * FROM Countries;Key=CountryCode;Tag=Co" & _
"untry;Name=CountryName >>> Member=Select * FROM States WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>);Key=StateCode;Name=StateNam" & _
"e;Tag=State ||| Member=Select * FROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>);Tag=City;Name=Name >>> Member=Select *" & _
" FROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.Parent.CountryCode%>) AND StateCode IN (<%Parent.StateCode%>);Tag=City;Name=Name"
	.Select = "US\AK"
	With .DefaultView().View("City")
		With .ConditionalFormats.Add("(%0 = `US`) and (%2 like `Al*`)")
			.Bold = True
			.BackColor = RGB(240,240,240)
		End With
	End With
End With
Conditional Format

' CreateView event - A view has been created.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_CreateView(ByVal View As Object)
	With CascadeTree1
		With .View
			With .ConditionalFormats.Add("%0 = `US`")
				.Bold = True
			End With
		End With
	End With
End Sub

' Error event - An internal error occurs.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_Error(ByVal Error As Long,ByVal Description As String)
	With CascadeTree1
		Debug.Print( "Error" )
		Debug.Print( Description )
	End With
End Sub

With CascadeTree1
	.Mode = 3
	.Background(18) = RGB(196,196,196)
	.DataSource = "Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExCascadeTree\Sample\Access\cities.accdb;Member=Select * FROM Countries;Key=CountryCode;Tag=Co" & _
"untry;Name=CountryName >>> Member=Select * FROM States WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>);Key=StateCode;Name=StateNam" & _
"e;Tag=State ||| Member=Select * FROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>);Tag=City;Name=Name >>> Member=Select *" & _
" FROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.Parent.CountryCode%>) AND StateCode IN (<%Parent.StateCode%>);Tag=City;Name=Name"
	.Select = "US\AK"
End With
I've seen the AllowSplitView property, the question is how can I load data to

' Error event - An internal error occurs.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_Error(ByVal Error As Long,ByVal Description As String)
	With CascadeTree1
		Debug.Print( "Error" )
		Debug.Print( Description )
	End With
End Sub

With CascadeTree1
	.Mode = 3
	.DataSource = "Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExCascadeTree\Sample\Access\cities.accdb;Member=Select * FROM Countries;Key=CountryCode;Tag=Co" & _
"untry;Name=CountryName >>> Member=Select * FROM States WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>);Key=StateCode;Name=StateNam" & _
"e;Tag=State ||| Member=Select * FROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>);Tag=City;Name=Name >>> Member=Select *" & _
" FROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.Parent.CountryCode%>) AND StateCode IN (<%Parent.StateCode%>);Tag=City;Name=Name"
	.Select = "US\AK"
	.AllowSplitView = 1
	.SplitViewHeight = 256
	With .DefaultView(1)
	End With
End With
How can I group the items (view)

' CreateView event - A view has been created.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_CreateView(ByVal View As Object)
	With CascadeTree1
		.View.SingleSel = False
	End With
End Sub

' Error event - An internal error occurs.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_Error(ByVal Error As Long,ByVal Description As String)
	With CascadeTree1
		Debug.Print( "Error" )
		Debug.Print( Description )
	End With
End Sub

With CascadeTree1
	With .VisualAppearance
	End With
	.SelBackColor = &H1000000
	.SelForeColor = RGB(0,0,0)
	.BackColorHeader = &H2000000
	.ScrollPartVisible(0,65536) = True
	.ScrollPartVisible(1,65536) = True
	.ScrollPartVisible(2,65536) = True
	.ScrollWidth = 4
	.Background(276) = RGB(240,240,240)
	.Background(260) = RGB(128,128,128)
	.ScrollHeight = 4
	.Background(404) = .Background(276)
	.Background(388) = .Background(260)
	.Background(511) = .Background(276)
	.Background(18) = RGB(196,196,196)
	.Background(142) = .Background(18)
	.Background(141) = .Background(18)
	.Background(170) = RGB(2,0,0)
	.BackColorSortBar = .BackColor
	.Mode = 3
	.DataSource = "Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExCascadeTree\Sample\Access\cities.accdb;Member=Select * FROM Countries;Key=CountryCode;Tag=Co" & _
"untry;Name=CountryName >>> Member=Select * FROM States WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>);Key=StateCode;Name=StateNam" & _
"e;Tag=State ||| Member=Select * FROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>);Tag=City;Name=Name >>> Member=Select *" & _
" FROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.Parent.CountryCode%>) AND StateCode IN (<%Parent.StateCode%>);Tag=City;Name=Name"
	.Select = "RO\CJ|BV|CS"
	With .DefaultView().View("City")
		With .Columns
			.Item("CountryCode").Visible = False
			With .Item("Name")
				.SortOrder = 1
				.Width = 128
			End With
		End With
		.SortBarVisible = True
		.AllowGroupBy = True
		.SingleSort = False
		.Columns.Item("StateCode").SortOrder = 1
		.TreeColumnIndex = .Columns.Item("Name").Index
	End With
End With
How can I group the items

' CreateView event - A view has been created.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_CreateView(ByVal View As Object)
	' Columns("StateCode").Visible = False
	' Columns("StateName").SortOrder = 1
	' Columns("StateCode").SortOrder = nGroupByIfCity
	With CascadeTree1
		nGroupByIfCity = .FormatABC("( A = `City`) ? 1 : 0",.View.Tag)
		bColumnAutoResize = .FormatABC(" (A = `City`) ? 0 : -1",.View.Tag)
		With .View
			.SingleSel = False
			.Columns.Item("CountryCode").Visible = False
			.Columns.Item("CountryName").SortOrder = 1
			With .Columns.Item(2)
			End With
			.TreeColumnIndex = 2
			.AllowGroupBy = True
			.SingleSort = False
			.SortBarVisible = nGroupByIfCity
			.ColumnAutoResize = bColumnAutoResize
		End With
	End With
End Sub

' Error event - An internal error occurs.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_Error(ByVal Error As Long,ByVal Description As String)
	With CascadeTree1
		Debug.Print( "Error" )
		Debug.Print( Description )
	End With
End Sub

With CascadeTree1
	With .VisualAppearance
	End With
	.SelBackColor = &H1000000
	.SelForeColor = RGB(0,0,0)
	.BackColorHeader = &H2000000
	.ScrollPartVisible(0,65536) = True
	.ScrollPartVisible(1,65536) = True
	.ScrollPartVisible(2,65536) = True
	.ScrollWidth = 4
	.Background(276) = RGB(240,240,240)
	.Background(260) = RGB(128,128,128)
	.ScrollHeight = 4
	.Background(404) = .Background(276)
	.Background(388) = .Background(260)
	.Background(511) = .Background(276)
	.Background(18) = RGB(196,196,196)
	.Background(142) = .Background(18)
	.Background(141) = .Background(18)
	.Background(170) = RGB(2,0,0)
	.BackColorSortBar = .BackColor
	.Mode = 3
	.DataSource = "Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExCascadeTree\Sample\Access\cities.accdb;Member=Select * FROM Countries;Key=CountryCode;Tag=Co" & _
"untry;Name=CountryName >>> Member=Select * FROM States WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>);Key=StateCode;Name=StateNam" & _
"e;Tag=State ||| Member=Select * FROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>);Tag=City;Name=Name >>> Member=Select *" & _
" FROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.Parent.CountryCode%>) AND StateCode IN (<%Parent.StateCode%>);Tag=City;Name=Name"
	.Select = "RO\CJ|BV|CS"
End With
How can I change the visual appearance of the selection/header

' CreateView event - A view has been created.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_CreateView(ByVal View As Object)
	' Columns("StateCode").Visible = False
	' Columns("StateName").SortOrder = 1
	With CascadeTree1
		With .View
			.ColumnAutoResize = True
			.Columns.Item("CountryCode").Visible = False
			.Columns.Item("CountryName").SortOrder = 1
			With .Columns.Item("Name")
			End With
		End With
	End With
End Sub

' Error event - An internal error occurs.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_Error(ByVal Error As Long,ByVal Description As String)
	With CascadeTree1
		Debug.Print( "Error" )
		Debug.Print( Description )
	End With
End Sub

With CascadeTree1
	With .VisualAppearance
"QKAyf4gAwMZoisMIMGOTJ/B0KQK0EG5NhqDolBmKhRG6JQUX8GJYD+aZaBaGweAqEwEkYPNpDaL4u2kIJXi8a5xgKPwViucQuj8EBrnqXJ/i0DARlyJwwCyIYglaLxtD" & _
"Mvkg0KxHhYNBSACMQyA6c5wn8MJrg2Axflga4DAaOAviuApyjgLorg0dJ/laDICAyNQyg8LR47INxznzfI3jOPkS4NQMDzCoPgMQUBNqzFyJAco0ROLRFOPkVIEB4v7F" & _
"WBAeT/xTB7E+OYR4MAzjzAMG8GIxgPj8CSJwIolxjCJTeB8cw7hIjVDqD0LwkA3BpAMNYFgbAxDGF8C0aYxw+gpA8GEeI/QgjJFeHcc4/xBjggePEYgfRPjnAOJAN4+Q" & _
"DjHCiN0TQhBMiODWOkA4+RqjGH0P4W4sRjCdB4GkaIxhOD6HiM0V4ehfCRFcEsDIZhkjcD4J8PwQR/j3D8Acf43x8h+B+Jkf49RPh/CCLIVIEwTBxFsP8L4+x/CAAgA4" & _
"FSFYlFkXRThQZQJEkVg4gyM5+GCGImBmDhbhOTRCj4RRVg4Ewkn+GxmnmOhwhaZopiYaxUk4Awgn+Hhnjmah8h0JQJioI4fCgSZ6HqIAnGoDoGh8aJKCCMAgGiKgygUV" & _
"YNEoPoViQFRqE6E4WmkYpAgKJBpioHJ/iUSAqhKIIimeeoOh4NQLBIDoniSKgqjCA4szqYJoDcKxqmKN4uGkSo2oGKxam6Qoug2Sp0gRggiBaQYxCuGpyFuMhsgsKRTj" & _
"MbA7DqI40AsIgakuNQsEoUpZYIOxqlONRsDoUphjgCB7G6ZIxGWMpMgeOgsBMbo2jyDoLlCW45i6cpSmmOJvGuTpziUL4jFCNAiC8G56nWP5ljwDJVC0CIcBcB5Dm8dR" & _
"PZyTRSlcDY/DAa5ZFaRRxEKVIKkOL5blcG5Hg0UpYgsVYPhuVwpDaco87eSYyFyHRTkscoslcEQ/nMExYjYIwygyWw0k2c4iDCVgtkiXJ3CyT4yCUTxDCMdI9BsP5LjS" & _
"LQTEMI40m0IxAd4YxYjgI51NsXhVjWIg8leVp1lzLJYnYIpkhCWRzG2HxqDWS4SEcbJXlUPZAhGXAJC2TxQD+O8AwuQ6i8HMGcIItRKDwD4BcBIsx3j7HiCcTw8BeBvA" & _
"vAJD0EwO4vA1CtHCBMDwEQZjmHwP4SIsgvh6D8C8II6h9geFyDUdQcwVCfF4G0C4xBvjBG2PwQg2RaBfH4MoTI9Rgh9HMNccY+BVDfC+NQL4kxFC3HOPgP4nwjjwBsIY" & _
	End With
	.SelBackColor = &H1000000
	.SelForeColor = RGB(0,0,0)
	.BackColorHeader = &H2000000
	.ScrollPartVisible(0,65536) = True
	.ScrollPartVisible(1,65536) = True
	.ScrollPartVisible(2,65536) = True
	.ScrollWidth = 4
	.Background(276) = RGB(240,240,240)
	.Background(260) = RGB(128,128,128)
	.ScrollHeight = 4
	.Background(404) = .Background(276)
	.Background(388) = .Background(260)
	.Background(511) = .Background(276)
	.Background(18) = RGB(196,196,196)
	.Background(142) = .Background(18)
	.Background(141) = .Background(18)
	.Background(170) = RGB(2,0,0)
	.BackColorSortBar = .BackColor
	.Mode = 3
	.DataSource = "Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExCascadeTree\Sample\Access\cities.accdb;Member=Select * FROM Countries;Key=CountryCode;Tag=Co" & _
"untry;Name=CountryName >>> Member=Select * FROM States WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>);Key=StateCode;Name=StateNam" & _
"e;Tag=State ||| Member=Select * FROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>);Tag=City;Name=Name >>> Member=Select *" & _
" FROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.Parent.CountryCode%>) AND StateCode IN (<%Parent.StateCode%>);Tag=City;Name=Name"
	.Select = "RO\CJ"
End With
How can I format a column so it display its content in a different way
' CreateView event - A view has been created.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_CreateView(ByVal View As Object)
	' Columns("StateCode").Visible = False
	With CascadeTree1
		With .View
			.ContinueColumnScroll = False
			.ScrollBySingleLine = True
			.DrawGridLines = -1
			.EnsureVisibleColumn "Date"
			.Columns.Item("CountryCode").Visible = False
			With .Columns.Item("Date")
			End With
			With .Columns.Item("Function")
			End With
			With .Columns.Item("Coordinates")
			End With
			With .Columns.Item("Status")
			End With
		End With
	End With
End Sub

' Error event - An internal error occurs.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_Error(ByVal Error As Long,ByVal Description As String)
	With CascadeTree1
		Debug.Print( "Error" )
		Debug.Print( Description )
	End With
End Sub

With CascadeTree1
	.FitCascadeColumns = 7
	.Mode = 3
	.ScrollWidth = 4
	.ScrollHeight = 4
	.Images "gBJJgBAIDAAGAAEAAQhYAf8Pf4hh0QihCJo2AEZjQAjEZFEaIEaEEaAIAkcbk0olUrlktl0vmExmUzmk1m03nE5nU7nk9n0/oFBoVDolFo1HpFJpVLplNp1PqFRqVTq" & _
"lVq1XrFZrVbrldr1fsFhsVjslls1ntFptVrtltt1vuFxuVzul1u13vF5vV7vl9v1/wGBwWDwmFw2HxGJxWLxmNx0xiFdyOTh8Tf9ZymXx+QytcyNgz8r0OblWjyWds+m" & _
"0ka1Vf1ta1+r1mos2xrG2xeZ0+a0W0qOx3GO4NV3WeyvD2XJ5XL5nN51aiw+lfSj0gkUkAEllHanHI5j/cHg8EZf7w8vl8j4f/qfEZeB09/vjLAB30+kZQAP/P5/H6/y" & _
	.DataSource = "Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExCascadeTree\Sample\Access\cities.accdb;Member=Select * FROM Countries;Key=CountryCode;Tag=Co" & _
"untry;Name=CountryName >>> Member=Select * FROM States WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>);Key=StateCode;Name=StateNam" & _
"e;Tag=State ||| Member=Select * FROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>);Tag=City;Name=Name >>> Member=Select *" & _
" FROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.Parent.CountryCode%>) AND StateCode IN (<%Parent.StateCode%>);Tag=City;Name=Name"
	.Select = "US\OR"
End With
How can I add a position column

' CreateView event - A view has been created.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_CreateView(ByVal View As Object)
	With CascadeTree1
		With .View
			With .Columns.Add("Pos")
				.Width = 32
				.AllowSizing = False
				.Position = 0
				.FormatColumn = "1 pos ``"
				.Def(4) = 15790320
				.Alignment = 2
				.HeaderAlignment = .Alignment ' .Alignment
				.Def(49) = 2
				.Def(48) = 2
				.Def(52) = 2
				.Def(53) = 2
			End With
			.CountLockedColumns = 1
		End With
	End With
End Sub

' Error event - An internal error occurs.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_Error(ByVal Error As Long,ByVal Description As String)
	With CascadeTree1
		Debug.Print( "Error" )
		Debug.Print( Description )
	End With
End Sub

With CascadeTree1
	.Mode = 3
	.DataSource = "Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExCascadeTree\Sample\Access\cities.accdb;Member=Select * FROM Countries;Key=CountryCode;Tag=Co" & _
"untry;Name=CountryName >>> Member=Select * FROM States WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>);Key=StateCode;Name=StateNam" & _
"e;Tag=State ||| Member=Select * FROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>);Tag=City;Name=Name >>> Member=Select *" & _
" FROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.Parent.CountryCode%>) AND StateCode IN (<%Parent.StateCode%>);Tag=City;Name=Name"
	.Select = "US\IA"
End With
How can I display icons or images

' CreateView event - A view has been created.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_CreateView(ByVal View As Object)
	With CascadeTree1
		With .View
			.EnsureVisibleColumn "Function"
			With .Columns.Item("Function")
			End With
		End With
	End With
End Sub

' Error event - An internal error occurs.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_Error(ByVal Error As Long,ByVal Description As String)
	With CascadeTree1
		Debug.Print( "Error" )
		Debug.Print( Description )
	End With
End Sub

With CascadeTree1
	.Images "gBJJgBAIDAAGAAEAAQhYAf8Pf4hh0QihCJo2AEZjQAjEZFEaIEaEEaAIAkcbk0olUrlktl0vmExmUzmk1m03nE5nU7nk9n0/oFBoVDolFo1HpFJpVLplNp1PqFRqVTq" & _
"lVq1XrFZrVbrldr1fsFhsVjslls1ntFptVrtltt1vuFxuVzul1u13vF5vV7vl9v1/wGBwWDwmFw2HxGJxWLxmNx0xiFdyOTh8Tf9ZymXx+QytcyNgz8r0OblWjyWds+m" & _
"0ka1Vf1ta1+r1mos2xrG2xeZ0+a0W0qOx3GO4NV3WeyvD2XJ5XL5nN51aiw+lfSj0gkUkAEllHanHI5j/cHg8EZf7w8vl8j4f/qfEZeB09/vjLAB30+kZQAP/P5/H6/y" & _
	.Mode = 3
	.DataSource = "Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExCascadeTree\Sample\Access\cities.accdb;Member=Select * FROM Countries;Key=CountryCode;Tag=Co" & _
"untry;Name=CountryName >>> Member=Select * FROM States WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>);Key=StateCode;Name=StateNam" & _
"e;Tag=State ||| Member=Select * FROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>);Tag=City;Name=Name >>> Member=Select *" & _
" FROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.Parent.CountryCode%>) AND StateCode IN (<%Parent.StateCode%>);Tag=City;Name=Name"
	.Select = "US\MN"
End With
How can I turn-on the control's status bar

' CreateView event - A view has been created.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_CreateView(ByVal View As Object)
	With CascadeTree1
		.StatusBarLabel = .FormatABC("`<b>` + ( value replace `\\` with ` </b><font ;6><off 4>` )",.Name)
	End With
End Sub

' Error event - An internal error occurs.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_Error(ByVal Error As Long,ByVal Description As String)
	With CascadeTree1
		Debug.Print( "Error" )
		Debug.Print( Description )
	End With
End Sub

' ViewEndChanging event - Occurs once the user is about to change the view.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_ViewEndChanging(ByVal Operation As Long)
	With CascadeTree1
		.StatusBarLabel = .FormatABC("`<b>` + ( value replace `\\` with ` </b><font ;6><off 4>` )",.Name)
	End With
End Sub

With CascadeTree1
	.StatusBarVisible = 2
	.StatusBarHeight = 24
	.Mode = 3
	.DataSource = "Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExCascadeTree\Sample\Access\cities.accdb;Member=Select * FROM Countries;Key=CountryCode;Tag=Co" & _
"untry;Name=CountryName >>> Member=Select * FROM States WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>);Key=StateCode;Name=StateNam" & _
"e;Tag=State ||| Member=Select * FROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>);Tag=City;Name=Name >>> Member=Select *" & _
" FROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.Parent.CountryCode%>) AND StateCode IN (<%Parent.StateCode%>);Tag=City;Name=Name"
	.Name = "Romania\Cluj\Baciu*"
End With
How can I disable incremental searching
' CreateView event - A view has been created.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_CreateView(ByVal View As Object)
	With CascadeTree1
		.View.AutoSearch = False
	End With
End Sub

' Error event - An internal error occurs.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_Error(ByVal Error As Long,ByVal Description As String)
	With CascadeTree1
		Debug.Print( "Error" )
		Debug.Print( Description )
	End With
End Sub

With CascadeTree1
	.Mode = 3
	.DataSource = "Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExCascadeTree\Sample\Access\cities.accdb;Member=Select * FROM Countries;Key=CountryCode;Tag=Co" & _
"untry;Name=CountryName >>> Member=Select * FROM States WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>);Key=StateCode;Name=StateNam" & _
"e;Tag=State ||| Member=Select * FROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>);Tag=City;Name=Name >>> Member=Select *" & _
" FROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.Parent.CountryCode%>) AND StateCode IN (<%Parent.StateCode%>);Tag=City;Name=Name"
	.Select = "US\AK"
End With
ScrollBar extension

' CreateView event - A view has been created.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_CreateView(ByVal View As Object)
	' Columns("StateCode").Visible = False
	With CascadeTree1
		With .View
			.ColumnAutoResize = True
			.Columns.Item("CountryCode").Visible = False
		End With
	End With
End Sub

' Error event - An internal error occurs.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_Error(ByVal Error As Long,ByVal Description As String)
	With CascadeTree1
		Debug.Print( "Error" )
		Debug.Print( Description )
	End With
End Sub

With CascadeTree1
	.ScrollPartVisible(0,65536) = True
	.ScrollPartVisible(1,65536) = True
	.ScrollPartVisible(2,65536) = True
	.ScrollWidth = 4
	.Background(276) = RGB(240,240,240)
	.Background(260) = RGB(128,128,128)
	.ScrollHeight = 4
	.Background(404) = .Background(276)
	.Background(388) = .Background(260)
	.Background(511) = .Background(276)
	.Background(18) = RGB(196,196,196)
	.Background(142) = .Background(18)
	.Background(141) = .Background(18)
	.Background(170) = RGB(2,0,0)
	.Mode = 3
	.DataSource = "Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExCascadeTree\Sample\Access\cities.accdb;Member=Select * FROM Countries;Key=CountryCode;Tag=Co" & _
"untry;Name=CountryName >>> Member=Select * FROM States WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>);Key=StateCode;Name=StateNam" & _
"e;Tag=State ||| Member=Select * FROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>);Tag=City;Name=Name >>> Member=Select *" & _
" FROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.Parent.CountryCode%>) AND StateCode IN (<%Parent.StateCode%>);Tag=City;Name=Name"
	.Select = "US\AK"
	.DefaultView().Columns.Item("CountryName").SortOrder = 1
	.DefaultView().NextView.Columns.Item("StateName").SortOrder = 1
	With .DefaultView().NextView.NextView
		.ColumnAutoResize = False
		With .Columns.Item("Name")
			.SortOrder = 1
			.Width = 128
		End With
		With .Items
			.SelectItem(.FindItem("Anchorage","Name")) = True
		End With
	End With
End With
How can I access the next/prev/parent/child view

' CreateView event - A view has been created.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_CreateView(ByVal View As Object)
	' Columns("StateCode").Visible = False
	With CascadeTree1
		With .View
			.ColumnAutoResize = True
			.Columns.Item("CountryCode").Visible = False
		End With
	End With
End Sub

' Error event - An internal error occurs.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_Error(ByVal Error As Long,ByVal Description As String)
	With CascadeTree1
		Debug.Print( "Error" )
		Debug.Print( Description )
	End With
End Sub

With CascadeTree1
	.Mode = 2
	.DataSource = "Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExCascadeTree\Sample\Access\cities.accdb;Member=Select * FROM Countries;Key=CountryCode;Tag=Co" & _
"untry;Name=CountryName >>> Member=Select * FROM States WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>);Key=StateCode;Name=StateNam" & _
"e;Tag=State ||| Member=Select * FROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>);Tag=City;Name=Name >>> Member=Select *" & _
" FROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.Parent.CountryCode%>) AND StateCode IN (<%Parent.StateCode%>);Tag=City;Name=Name"
	.Select = "RO\CJ"
	.DefaultView().Columns.Item("CountryName").SortOrder = 1
	.DefaultView().NextView.Columns.Item("StateName").SortOrder = 1
	With .DefaultView().NextView.NextView
		.ColumnAutoResize = False
		With .Columns.Item("Name")
			.Width = 128
			.SortOrder = 1
		End With
		.SingleSort = False
		.AllowGroupBy = True
		.Columns.Item("Status").SortOrder = 2
		.TreeColumnIndex = .Columns.Item("Name").Index
	End With
End With
Predefined Keywords of ShowContextMenu property

' CreateView event - A view has been created.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_CreateView(ByVal View As Object)
	' Columns("StateCode").Visible = False
	With CascadeTree1
		With .View
			.ColumnAutoResize = True
			.Columns.Item("CountryCode").Visible = False
		End With
		.StatusBarLabel = .FormatABC("`<b>` + ( value replace `\\` with ` </b><font ;6><off 4>` )",.Name)
	End With
End Sub

' Error event - An internal error occurs.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_Error(ByVal Error As Long,ByVal Description As String)
	With CascadeTree1
		Debug.Print( "Error" )
		Debug.Print( Description )
	End With
End Sub

' ViewEndChanging event - Occurs once the user is about to change the view.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_ViewEndChanging(ByVal Operation As Long)
	With CascadeTree1
		.StatusBarLabel = .FormatABC("`<b>` + ( value replace `\\` with ` </b><font ;6><off 4>` )",.Name)
		.ExecuteContextMenu = 0
	End With
End Sub

With CascadeTree1
	.AllowSplitView = 1
	.FitCascadeColumns = 3
	.Mode = 2
	.StatusBarVisible = 2
	.StatusBarHeight = 24
	.ScrollPartVisible(0,65536) = True
	.ScrollPartVisible(1,65536) = True
	.ScrollPartVisible(2,65536) = True
	.ScrollWidth = 4
	.Background(276) = RGB(240,240,240)
	.Background(260) = RGB(128,128,128)
	.ScrollHeight = 4
	.Background(404) = .Background(276)
	.Background(388) = .Background(260)
	.Background(511) = .Background(276)
	.Background(18) = RGB(196,196,196)
	.Background(142) = .Background(18)
	.Background(141) = .Background(18)
	.Background(170) = RGB(2,0,0)
	.DataSource = "Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExCascadeTree\Sample\Access\cities.accdb;Member=Select * FROM Countries;Key=CountryCode;Tag=Co" & _
"untry;Name=CountryName >>> Member=Select * FROM States WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>);Key=StateCode;Name=StateNam" & _
"e;Tag=State ||| Member=Select * FROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>);Tag=City;Name=Name >>> Member=Select *" & _
" FROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.Parent.CountryCode%>) AND StateCode IN (<%Parent.StateCode%>);Tag=City;Name=Name"
	.Select = "US\AK"
	.ShowContextMenu = "`vlevels=` + vlevels + `,vlevel=` + vlevel + `,hlevels=` + hlevels + `,hlevel=` + hlevel + `,view=` + view "
	.SplitViewHeight = "256"
End With
How can I display the identifiers of the control's context menu (debug)

' CreateView event - A view has been created.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_CreateView(ByVal View As Object)
	' Columns("StateCode").Visible = False
	With CascadeTree1
		With .View
			.ColumnAutoResize = True
			.Columns.Item("CountryCode").Visible = False
		End With
	End With
End Sub

' Error event - An internal error occurs.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_Error(ByVal Error As Long,ByVal Description As String)
	With CascadeTree1
		Debug.Print( "Error" )
		Debug.Print( Description )
	End With
End Sub

' ViewEndChanging event - Occurs once the user is about to change the view.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_ViewEndChanging(ByVal Operation As Long)
	With CascadeTree1
		Debug.Print( .ExecuteContextMenu )
	End With
End Sub

With CascadeTree1
	.Mode = 3
	.Background(18) = RGB(196,196,196)
	.DataSource = "Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExCascadeTree\Sample\Access\cities.accdb;Member=Select * FROM Countries;Key=CountryCode;Tag=Co" & _
"untry;Name=CountryName >>> Member=Select * FROM States WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>);Key=StateCode;Name=StateNam" & _
"e;Tag=State ||| Member=Select * FROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>);Tag=City;Name=Name >>> Member=Select *" & _
" FROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.Parent.CountryCode%>) AND StateCode IN (<%Parent.StateCode%>);Tag=City;Name=Name"
	.Select = "US\AK"
	.ShowContextMenu = "[debug]Popup(Item 1[id=1001],Item 2[id=1002],Item 3[id=1003]),[sep],Exit[def][id=1000]"
End With
ShowContextMenu usage

' CreateView event - A view has been created.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_CreateView(ByVal View As Object)
	' Columns("StateCode").Visible = False
	With CascadeTree1
		With .View
			.ColumnAutoResize = True
			.Columns.Item("CountryCode").Visible = False
		End With
	End With
End Sub

' Error event - An internal error occurs.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_Error(ByVal Error As Long,ByVal Description As String)
	With CascadeTree1
		Debug.Print( "Error" )
		Debug.Print( Description )
	End With
End Sub

' ViewEndChanging event - Occurs once the user is about to change the view.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_ViewEndChanging(ByVal Operation As Long)
	With CascadeTree1
		Debug.Print( .ExecuteContextMenu )
	End With
End Sub

With CascadeTree1
	.Mode = 3
	.Background(18) = RGB(196,196,196)
	.DataSource = "Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExCascadeTree\Sample\Access\cities.accdb;Member=Select * FROM Countries;Key=CountryCode;Tag=Co" & _
"untry;Name=CountryName >>> Member=Select * FROM States WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>);Key=StateCode;Name=StateNam" & _
"e;Tag=State ||| Member=Select * FROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>);Tag=City;Name=Name >>> Member=Select *" & _
" FROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.Parent.CountryCode%>) AND StateCode IN (<%Parent.StateCode%>);Tag=City;Name=Name"
	.Select = "US\AK"
	.ShowContextMenu = "Popup(Item 1[id=1001],Item 2[id=1002],Item 3[id=1003]),[sep],Exit[def][id=1000]"
End With
How can I resize automatically all views, when the control is resized

' CreateView event - A view has been created.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_CreateView(ByVal View As Object)
	' Columns("StateCode").Visible = False
	With CascadeTree1
		With .View
			.ColumnAutoResize = True
			.Columns.Item("CountryCode").Visible = False
		End With
	End With
End Sub

' Error event - An internal error occurs.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_Error(ByVal Error As Long,ByVal Description As String)
	With CascadeTree1
		Debug.Print( "Error" )
		Debug.Print( Description )
	End With
End Sub

With CascadeTree1
	.Mode = 515 ' CascadeModeEnum.exAutoFitOnResizeClient Or CascadeModeEnum.exSplitFixCascadeMode
	.Background(18) = RGB(196,196,196)
	.DataSource = "Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExCascadeTree\Sample\Access\cities.accdb;Member=Select * FROM Countries;Key=CountryCode;Tag=Co" & _
"untry;Name=CountryName >>> Member=Select * FROM States WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>);Key=StateCode;Name=StateNam" & _
"e;Tag=State ||| Member=Select * FROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>);Tag=City;Name=Name >>> Member=Select *" & _
" FROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.Parent.CountryCode%>) AND StateCode IN (<%Parent.StateCode%>);Tag=City;Name=Name"
	.Select = "US\AK"
End With
How can I hide some columns

' CreateView event - A view has been created.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_CreateView(ByVal View As Object)
	' Columns("StateCode").Visible = False
	With CascadeTree1
		With .View
			.ColumnAutoResize = True
			.Columns.Item("CountryCode").Visible = False
		End With
	End With
End Sub

' Error event - An internal error occurs.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_Error(ByVal Error As Long,ByVal Description As String)
	With CascadeTree1
		Debug.Print( "Error" )
		Debug.Print( Description )
	End With
End Sub

With CascadeTree1
	.Mode = 3
	.Background(18) = RGB(196,196,196)
	.DataSource = "Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExCascadeTree\Sample\Access\cities.accdb;Member=Select * FROM Countries;Key=CountryCode;Tag=Co" & _
"untry;Name=CountryName >>> Member=Select * FROM States WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>);Key=StateCode;Name=StateNam" & _
"e;Tag=State ||| Member=Select * FROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>);Tag=City;Name=Name >>> Member=Select *" & _
" FROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.Parent.CountryCode%>) AND StateCode IN (<%Parent.StateCode%>);Tag=City;Name=Name"
	.Select = "US\AK"
End With
Is it possible to disable resizing the cascade columns

' CreateView event - A view has been created.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_CreateView(ByVal View As Object)
	With CascadeTree1
		.View.ColumnAutoResize = True
	End With
End Sub

' Error event - An internal error occurs.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_Error(ByVal Error As Long,ByVal Description As String)
	With CascadeTree1
		Debug.Print( "Error" )
		Debug.Print( Description )
	End With
End Sub

With CascadeTree1
	.Background(18) = RGB(196,196,196)
	.Mode = 771 ' CascadeModeEnum.exAutoFitOnResizeClient Or CascadeModeEnum.exDisableResizeCascadeColumns Or CascadeModeEnum.exSplitFixCascadeMode
	.DataSource = "Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExCascadeTree\Sample\Access\cities.accdb;Member=Select * FROM Countries;Key=CountryCode;Tag=Co" & _
"untry;Name=CountryName >>> Member=Select * FROM States WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>);Key=StateCode;Name=StateNam" & _
"e;Tag=State ||| Member=Select * FROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>);Tag=City;Name=Name >>> Member=Select *" & _
" FROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.Parent.CountryCode%>) AND StateCode IN (<%Parent.StateCode%>);Tag=City;Name=Name"
	.Select = "US\AK"
End With
SplitFixCascadeMode Mode

' Error event - An internal error occurs.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_Error(ByVal Error As Long,ByVal Description As String)
	With CascadeTree1
		Debug.Print( "Error" )
		Debug.Print( Description )
	End With
End Sub

With CascadeTree1
	.Background(18) = RGB(196,196,196)
	.Mode = 3
	.DataSource = "Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExCascadeTree\Sample\Access\cities.accdb;Member=Select * FROM Countries;Key=CountryCode;Tag=Co" & _
"untry;Name=CountryName >>> Member=Select * FROM States WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>);Key=StateCode;Name=StateNam" & _
"e;Tag=State ||| Member=Select * FROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>);Tag=City;Name=Name >>> Member=Select *" & _
" FROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.Parent.CountryCode%>) AND StateCode IN (<%Parent.StateCode%>);Tag=City;Name=Name"
	.Select = "US\AK"
End With
FixCascadeMode Mode

' Error event - An internal error occurs.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_Error(ByVal Error As Long,ByVal Description As String)
	With CascadeTree1
		Debug.Print( "Error" )
		Debug.Print( Description )
	End With
End Sub

With CascadeTree1
	.Background(18) = RGB(196,196,196)
	.DefColumnWidth = 96
	.Mode = 0
	.DataSource = "Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExCascadeTree\Sample\Access\cities.accdb;Member=Select * FROM Countries;Key=CountryCode;Tag=Co" & _
"untry;Name=CountryName >>> Member=Select * FROM States WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>);Key=StateCode;Name=StateNam" & _
"e;Tag=State ||| Member=Select * FROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>);Tag=City;Name=Name >>> Member=Select *" & _
" FROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.Parent.CountryCode%>) AND StateCode IN (<%Parent.StateCode%>);Tag=City;Name=Name"
	.Select = "US\AK"
End With
SplitEqualCascadeMode Mode

' Error event - An internal error occurs.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_Error(ByVal Error As Long,ByVal Description As String)
	With CascadeTree1
		Debug.Print( "Error" )
		Debug.Print( Description )
	End With
End Sub

With CascadeTree1
	.Background(18) = RGB(196,196,196)
	.Mode = 2
	.DataSource = "Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExCascadeTree\Sample\Access\cities.accdb;Member=Select * FROM Countries;Key=CountryCode;Tag=Co" & _
"untry;Name=CountryName >>> Member=Select * FROM States WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>);Key=StateCode;Name=StateNam" & _
"e;Tag=State ||| Member=Select * FROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>);Tag=City;Name=Name >>> Member=Select *" & _
" FROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.Parent.CountryCode%>) AND StateCode IN (<%Parent.StateCode%>);Tag=City;Name=Name"
	.Select = "US\AK"
End With
Default Mode

' Error event - An internal error occurs.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_Error(ByVal Error As Long,ByVal Description As String)
	With CascadeTree1
		Debug.Print( "Error" )
		Debug.Print( Description )
	End With
End Sub

With CascadeTree1
	.Background(18) = RGB(196,196,196)
	.DataSource = "Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExCascadeTree\Sample\Access\cities.accdb;Member=Select * FROM Countries;Key=CountryCode;Tag=Co" & _
"untry;Name=CountryName >>> Member=Select * FROM States WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>);Key=StateCode;Name=StateNam" & _
"e;Tag=State ||| Member=Select * FROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>);Tag=City;Name=Name >>> Member=Select *" & _
" FROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.Parent.CountryCode%>) AND StateCode IN (<%Parent.StateCode%>);Tag=City;Name=Name"
	.Select = "US\AK"
End With
SingleCascadeMode ( single-view )

' Error event - An internal error occurs.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_Error(ByVal Error As Long,ByVal Description As String)
	With CascadeTree1
		Debug.Print( "Error" )
		Debug.Print( Description )
	End With
End Sub

With CascadeTree1
	.Mode = 1
	With .DefaultView()
		.DataSource = "Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExCascadeTree\Sample\Access\cities.accdb;Member=Select * FROM Cities Where CountryCode = 'RO' " & _
		.AllowGroupBy = True
		.SortBarVisible = True
		.Columns.Item("StateCode").SortOrder = 1
		.Name = "Name"
	End With
	.Name = "Isaccea"
End With
How can I display the current selection, as a path

' CreateView event - A view has been created.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_CreateView(ByVal View As Object)
	With CascadeTree1
		.StatusBarLabel = .Name
	End With
End Sub

' Error event - An internal error occurs.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_Error(ByVal Error As Long,ByVal Description As String)
	With CascadeTree1
		Debug.Print( "Error" )
		Debug.Print( Description )
	End With
End Sub

' ViewEndChanging event - Occurs once the user is about to change the view.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_ViewEndChanging(ByVal Operation As Long)
	With CascadeTree1
		.StatusBarLabel = .Name
	End With
End Sub

With CascadeTree1
	.StatusBarVisible = 2
	.Mode = 3
	.DataSource = "Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExCascadeTree\Sample\Access\cities.accdb;Member=Select * FROM Countries;Key=CountryCode;Tag=Co" & _
"untry;Name=CountryName >>> Member=Select * FROM States WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>);Key=StateCode;Name=StateNam" & _
"e;Tag=State ||| Member=Select * FROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>);Tag=City;Name=Name >>> Member=Select *" & _
" FROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.Parent.CountryCode%>) AND StateCode IN (<%Parent.StateCode%>);Tag=City;Name=Name"
	.Select = "US\AK"
End With
How can I add multiple-views to the control

' Error event - An internal error occurs.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_Error(ByVal Error As Long,ByVal Description As String)
	With CascadeTree1
		Debug.Print( "Error" )
		Debug.Print( Description )
	End With
End Sub

With CascadeTree1
	.Mode = 3
	.DataSource = "Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExCascadeTree\Sample\Access\cities.accdb;Member=Select * FROM Countries;Key=CountryCode;Tag=Co" & _
"untry;Name=CountryName >>> Member=Select * FROM States WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>);Key=StateCode;Name=StateNam" & _
"e;Tag=State ||| Member=Select * FROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>);Tag=City;Name=Name >>> Member=Select *" & _
" FROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.Parent.CountryCode%>) AND StateCode IN (<%Parent.StateCode%>);Tag=City;Name=Name"
	.Select = "US\AK"
End With
I wish I select items based on names, rather than keys. Is that possible

' CreateView event - A view has been created.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_CreateView(ByVal View As Object)
	With CascadeTree1
		.View.ColumnAutoResize = CascadeTree1.FormatABC("not(A = `City`)",.View.Tag)
		label = .FormatABC("`<b>Select = </b>` + value",.Select)
		label = .FormatABC("A + `<br>` + `<b>Name = </b>` + B replace `|` with ` `",label,.Name)
		.StatusBarLabel = label
	End With
End Sub

' Error event - An internal error occurs.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_Error(ByVal Error As Long,ByVal Description As String)
	With CascadeTree1
		Debug.Print( "Error" )
		Debug.Print( Description )
	End With
End Sub

' ViewEndChanging event - Occurs once the user is about to change the view.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_ViewEndChanging(ByVal Operation As Long)
	With CascadeTree1
		label = .FormatABC("`<b>Select = </b>` + value",.Select)
		label = .FormatABC("A + `<br>` + `<b>Name = </b>` + B replace `|` with ` `",label,.Name)
		.StatusBarLabel = label
	End With
End Sub

With CascadeTree1
	.Mode = 2
	.StatusBarVisible = 18 ' StatusBarAnchorEnum.exStatusBarWordWrap Or StatusBarAnchorEnum.exStatusBarAnchorTop
	ds = "Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExCascadeTree\Sample\Access\cities.accdb"
	dm1 = "Member=Select * FROM Countries;Key=CountryCode;Tag=Country;Name=CountryName"
	ds = .FormatABC("A + `;` + B",ds,dm1)
	dm2 = "Member=Select * FROM States WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>);Key=StateCode;Name=StateName;Tag=State ||| Member=Sel" & _
"ect * FROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>);Tag=City;Name=Name"
	ds = .FormatABC("A + ` >>> ` + B",ds,dm2)
	dm3 = "Member=Select * FROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.Parent.CountryCode%>) AND StateCode IN (<%Parent.StateCode%>);Tag=Ci" & _
	ds = .FormatABC("A + ` >>> ` + B",ds,dm3)
	.DataSource = ds
	.Name = "Romania\Cluj\Baciu*"
End With
I've noticed that I can't select multiple items. How can I do that

' CreateView event - A view has been created.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_CreateView(ByVal View As Object)
	With CascadeTree1
		bColumnAutoResize = .FormatABC("not(A = `City`)",.View.Tag)
		With .View
			.SingleSel = False
			.ColumnAutoResize = bColumnAutoResize
		End With
		label = .FormatABC("`<b>Select = </b>` + value",.Select)
		label = .FormatABC("A + `<br>` + `<b>Name = </b>` + B replace `|` with ` `",label,.Name)
		.StatusBarLabel = label
	End With
End Sub

' Error event - An internal error occurs.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_Error(ByVal Error As Long,ByVal Description As String)
	With CascadeTree1
		Debug.Print( "Error" )
		Debug.Print( Description )
	End With
End Sub

' ViewEndChanging event - Occurs once the user is about to change the view.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_ViewEndChanging(ByVal Operation As Long)
	With CascadeTree1
		label = .FormatABC("`<b>Select = </b>` + value",.Select)
		label = .FormatABC("A + `<br>` + `<b>Name = </b>` + B replace `|` with ` `",label,.Name)
		.StatusBarLabel = label
	End With
End Sub

With CascadeTree1
	.Mode = 2
	.StatusBarVisible = 18 ' StatusBarAnchorEnum.exStatusBarWordWrap Or StatusBarAnchorEnum.exStatusBarAnchorTop
	.StatusBarHeight = 48
	ds = "Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExCascadeTree\Sample\Access\cities.accdb"
	dm1 = "Member=Select * FROM Countries;Key=CountryCode;Tag=Country;Name=CountryName"
	ds = .FormatABC("A + `;` + B",ds,dm1)
	dm2 = "Member=Select * FROM States WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>);Key=StateCode;Name=StateName;Tag=State ||| Member=Sel" & _
"ect * FROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>);Tag=City;Name=Name"
	ds = .FormatABC("A + ` >>> ` + B",ds,dm2)
	dm3 = "Member=Select * FROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.Parent.CountryCode%>) AND StateCode IN (<%Parent.StateCode%>);Tag=Ci" & _
	ds = .FormatABC("A + ` >>> ` + B",ds,dm3)
	.DataSource = ds
	.Select = "RO\CJ|D*"
End With
How do I programmatically selects a path/item

' CreateView event - A view has been created.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_CreateView(ByVal View As Object)
	With CascadeTree1
		bColumnAutoResize = .FormatABC("not(A = `City`)",.View.Tag)
		.View.ColumnAutoResize = bColumnAutoResize
	End With
End Sub

' Error event - An internal error occurs.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_Error(ByVal Error As Long,ByVal Description As String)
	With CascadeTree1
		Debug.Print( "Error" )
		Debug.Print( Description )
	End With
End Sub

' ViewEndChanging event - Occurs once the user is about to change the view.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_ViewEndChanging(ByVal Operation As Long)
	With CascadeTree1
		.StatusBarLabel = CascadeTree1.Select
	End With
End Sub

With CascadeTree1
	.Mode = 2
	.StatusBarVisible = 1
	ds = "Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExCascadeTree\Sample\Access\cities.accdb"
	dm1 = "Member=Select * FROM Countries;Key=CountryCode;Tag=Country"
	ds = .FormatABC("A + `;` + B",ds,dm1)
	dm2 = "Member=Select * FROM States WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>);Key=StateCode;Tag=State ||| Member=Select * FROM Citi" & _
"es WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>);Tag=City"
	ds = .FormatABC("A + ` >>> ` + B",ds,dm2)
	dm3 = "Member=Select * FROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.Parent.CountryCode%>) AND StateCode IN (<%Parent.StateCode%>);Tag=Ci" & _
	ds = .FormatABC("A + ` >>> ` + B",ds,dm3)
	.DataSource = ds
	.Select = "RO\CJ"
End With

' CreateView event - A view has been created.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_CreateView(ByVal View As Object)
	With CascadeTree1
		.StatusBarLabel = .FormatABC("value replace `data source` with `<b><fgcolor=808080>Source</fgcolor></b>` replace `Source` with `<b><fgcolor=808080>Source</fg" & _
	"color></b>` replace `Member` with `<b><fgcolor=808080>Member</fgcolor></b>` replace `Key` with `<b><fgcolor=808080>Key</fgcolor>" & _
	"</b>` replace `Tag` with `<b><fgcolor=808080>Tag</fgcolor></b>` replace `;` with `;<br>`",.View.DataSource)
		bColumnAutoResize = .FormatABC("not(A = `City`)",.View.Tag)
		nWidth = .FormatABC("A = `City` ? B : C",.View.Tag,.View.WidthToFit,.View.Width)
		With .View
			.ColumnAutoResize = bColumnAutoResize
			.Width = nWidth
		End With
	End With
End Sub

' Error event - An internal error occurs.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_Error(ByVal Error As Long,ByVal Description As String)
	With CascadeTree1
		Debug.Print( "Error" )
		Debug.Print( Description )
	End With
End Sub

With CascadeTree1
	.StatusBarHeight = 58
	.StatusBarVisible = 18 ' StatusBarAnchorEnum.exStatusBarWordWrap Or StatusBarAnchorEnum.exStatusBarAnchorTop
	ds = "Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExCascadeTree\Sample\Access\cities.accdb"
	dm1 = "Member=Select * FROM Countries;Key=CountryCode;Tag=Country"
	ds = .FormatABC("A + `;` + B",ds,dm1)
	dm2 = "Member=Select * FROM States WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>);Key=StateCode;Tag=State ||| Member=Select * FROM Citi" & _
"es WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>);Tag=City"
	ds = .FormatABC("A + ` >>> ` + B",ds,dm2)
	dm3 = "Member=Select * FROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.Parent.CountryCode%>) AND StateCode IN (<%Parent.StateCode%>);Tag=Ci" & _
	ds = .FormatABC("A + ` >>> ` + B",ds,dm3)
	.DataSource = ds
End With
DataSource (view, data source, data member, ACCDB)

' Error event - An internal error occurs.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_Error(ByVal Error As Long,ByVal Description As String)
	With CascadeTree1
		Debug.Print( "Error" )
		Debug.Print( Description )
	End With
End Sub

With CascadeTree1
	.StatusBarVisible = 2
	.StatusBarLabel = "<b>DataSource</b> could ""Data Source=...;Data Member=..."" or ""Source=...;Member=..."" "
	.DefColumnWidth = 336
	ds = "Data Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExCascadeTree\Sample\Access\cities.accdb"
	dm = "Data Member=Select * FROM Countries"
	With .DefaultView()
		.DataSource = CascadeTree1.FormatABC("A + `;` + B",ds,dm)
		.ColumnAutoResize = True
	End With
End With
DataSource (view, data source, data member, MDB)

' Error event - An internal error occurs.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_Error(ByVal Error As Long,ByVal Description As String)
	With CascadeTree1
		Debug.Print( "Error" )
		Debug.Print( Description )
	End With
End Sub

With CascadeTree1
	.StatusBarVisible = 2
	.StatusBarLabel = "<b>DataSource</b> could ""Data Source=...;Data Member=..."" or ""Source=...;Member=..."" "
	.DefColumnWidth = 336
	ds = "Data Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExCascadeTree\Sample\Access\cities.mdb"
	dm = "Data Member=Select * FROM Countries"
	With .DefaultView()
		.DataSource = CascadeTree1.FormatABC("A + `;` + B",ds,dm)
		.ColumnAutoResize = True
	End With
End With
DataSource (view, ADODB, ACCDB)

' Error event - An internal error occurs.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_Error(ByVal Error As Long,ByVal Description As String)
	With CascadeTree1
		Debug.Print( "Error" )
		Debug.Print( Description )
	End With
End Sub

With CascadeTree1
	.StatusBarVisible = 2
	.StatusBarLabel = "<b>DataSource</b> could be string (Source/Member), ADO or DAO objects"
	.DefColumnWidth = 336
	Set ado = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
	With ado
		.Open "Countries","Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExCascadeTree\Sample\Access\cities.accdb",3,3
	End With
	With .DefaultView()
		.DataSource = ado
		.ColumnAutoResize = True
	End With
End With
DataSource (view, ADODB, MDB)

' Error event - An internal error occurs.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_Error(ByVal Error As Long,ByVal Description As String)
	With CascadeTree1
		Debug.Print( "Error" )
		Debug.Print( Description )
	End With
End Sub

With CascadeTree1
	.StatusBarVisible = 2
	.StatusBarLabel = "<b>DataSource</b> could be string (Source/Member), ADO or DAO objects"
	.DefColumnWidth = 336
	Set ado = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
	With ado
		.Open "Countries","Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExCascadeTree\Sample\Access\cities.mdb",3,3
	End With
	With .DefaultView()
		.DataSource = ado
		.ColumnAutoResize = True
	End With
End With
DataSource (control, data source, data member, ACCDB)

' Error event - An internal error occurs.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_Error(ByVal Error As Long,ByVal Description As String)
	With CascadeTree1
		Debug.Print( "Error" )
		Debug.Print( Description )
	End With
End Sub

With CascadeTree1
	.StatusBarVisible = 2
	.StatusBarLabel = "<b>DataSource</b> could ""Data Source=...;Data Member=..."" or ""Source=...;Member=..."" "
	.DefColumnWidth = 336
	ds = "Data Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExCascadeTree\Sample\Access\cities.accdb"
	dm = "Data Member=Select * FROM Countries"
	.DataSource = .FormatABC("A + `;` + B",ds,dm)
	.View.ColumnAutoResize = True
End With
DataSource (control, data source, data member, MDB)

' Error event - An internal error occurs.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_Error(ByVal Error As Long,ByVal Description As String)
	With CascadeTree1
		Debug.Print( "Error" )
		Debug.Print( Description )
	End With
End Sub

With CascadeTree1
	.StatusBarVisible = 2
	.StatusBarLabel = "<b>DataSource</b> could ""Data Source=...;Data Member=..."" or ""Source=...;Member=..."" "
	.DefColumnWidth = 336
	ds = "Data Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExCascadeTree\Sample\Access\cities.mdb"
	dm = "Data Member=Select * FROM Countries"
	.DataSource = .FormatABC("A + `;` + B",ds,dm)
	.View.ColumnAutoResize = True
End With
DataSource (control, ADODB, ACCDB)

' Error event - An internal error occurs.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_Error(ByVal Error As Long,ByVal Description As String)
	With CascadeTree1
		Debug.Print( "Error" )
		Debug.Print( Description )
	End With
End Sub

With CascadeTree1
	.StatusBarVisible = 2
	.StatusBarLabel = "<b>DataSource</b> could be string (Source/Member), ADO or DAO objects"
	.DefColumnWidth = 336
	Set ado = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
	With ado
		.Open "Countries","Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExCascadeTree\Sample\Access\cities.accdb",3,3
	End With
	.DataSource = ado
	.View.ColumnAutoResize = True
End With
DataSource (control, ADODB, MDB)

' Error event - An internal error occurs.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_Error(ByVal Error As Long,ByVal Description As String)
	With CascadeTree1
		Debug.Print( "Error" )
		Debug.Print( Description )
	End With
End Sub

With CascadeTree1
	.StatusBarVisible = 2
	.StatusBarLabel = "<b>DataSource</b> could be string (Source/Member), ADO or DAO objects"
	.DefColumnWidth = 336
	Set ado = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
	With ado
		.Open "Countries","Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExCascadeTree\Sample\Access\cities.mdb",3,3
	End With
	.DataSource = ado
	.View.ColumnAutoResize = True
End With
DataSource (view, XMLDOMDocument)

' Error event - An internal error occurs.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_Error(ByVal Error As Long,ByVal Description As String)
	With CascadeTree1
		Debug.Print( "Error" )
		Debug.Print( Description )
	End With
End Sub

With CascadeTree1
	.StatusBarVisible = 2
	.StatusBarLabel = "<b>DataSource</b> could be a XML file name, a URL, an IStream, an IXMLDOMDocument"
	.DefColumnWidth = 336
	With .DefaultView()
		Set xml = CreateObject("MSXML.DOMDocument")
		With xml
			.load "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExCascadeTree\Sample\Testing.xml"
		End With
		.DataSource = xml
		.ColumnAutoResize = True
	End With
End With
DataSource (view, XML, file)

' Error event - An internal error occurs.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_Error(ByVal Error As Long,ByVal Description As String)
	With CascadeTree1
		Debug.Print( "Error" )
		Debug.Print( Description )
	End With
End Sub

With CascadeTree1
	.StatusBarVisible = 2
	.StatusBarLabel = "<b>DataSource</b> could be a XML file name, a URL, an IStream, an IXMLDOMDocument"
	.DefColumnWidth = 336
	With .DefaultView()
		.DataSource = "http://www.exontrol.net/testing.xml"
		.ColumnAutoResize = True
	End With
End With
DataSource (control, XMLDOMDocument)

' Error event - An internal error occurs.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_Error(ByVal Error As Long,ByVal Description As String)
	With CascadeTree1
		Debug.Print( "Error" )
		Debug.Print( Description )
	End With
End Sub

With CascadeTree1
	.StatusBarVisible = 2
	.StatusBarLabel = "<b>DataSource</b> could be a XML file name, a URL, an IStream, an IXMLDOMDocument"
	.DefColumnWidth = 336
	Set xml = CreateObject("MSXML.DOMDocument")
	With xml
		.load "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExCascadeTree\Sample\Testing.xml"
	End With
	.DataSource = xml
	.View.ColumnAutoResize = True
End With
DataSource (control, XML, file)

' Error event - An internal error occurs.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_Error(ByVal Error As Long,ByVal Description As String)
	With CascadeTree1
		Debug.Print( "Error" )
		Debug.Print( Description )
	End With
End Sub

With CascadeTree1
	.StatusBarVisible = 2
	.StatusBarLabel = "<b>DataSource</b> could be a XML file name, a URL, an IStream, an IXMLDOMDocument"
	.DefColumnWidth = 336
	.DataSource = "http://www.exontrol.net/testing.xml"
	.View.ColumnAutoResize = True
End With
How can I get the selected items (sample 1)

' CreateView event - A view has been created.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_CreateView(ByVal View As Object)
	With CascadeTree1
		With .View
			k = .ParentView.Value()
			.ColumnAutoResize = True
			.Key = -1
			.Columns.Add k
			With .Items
				.AddItem CascadeTree1.FormatABC("A + `-> Sub-Item 1`",k)
				.AddItem CascadeTree1.FormatABC("A + `-> Sub-Item 2`",k)
				.AddItem CascadeTree1.FormatABC("A + `-> Sub-Item 3`",k)
			End With
		End With
	End With
End Sub

' ViewEndChanging event - Occurs once the user is about to change the view.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_ViewEndChanging(ByVal Operation As Long)
	With CascadeTree1
		Debug.Print( "End" )
		Debug.Print( Operation )
		With .View.Items
			Debug.Print( "FocusItem" )
			Debug.Print( .CellCaption(.FocusItem,0) )
			Debug.Print( "SelectedItem" )
			Debug.Print( .CellCaption(.SelectedItem(0),0) )
		End With
	End With
End Sub

' ViewStartChanging event - Occurs once the user is about to change the view.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_ViewStartChanging(ByVal Operation As Long)
	With CascadeTree1
		Debug.Print( "Start" )
		Debug.Print( Operation )
	End With
End Sub

With CascadeTree1
	With .View
		.ColumnAutoResize = True
		.Columns.Add "Default"
		.Key = 0
		.LinesAtRoot = -1
		With .Items
			.AddItem "Item A"
			.SelectItem(.AddItem("Item B")) = True
			.AddItem "Item C"
		End With
	End With
End With
Can I use this control as a simple tree

With CascadeTree1
	.Mode = 1
	With .View
		.ColumnAutoResize = True
		.Columns.Add "Default"
		.Key = -1
		.LinesAtRoot = -1
		With .Items
			.AddItem "Item A"
			.InsertItem .AddItem("Item B"),,"Child"
			.AddItem "Item C"
		End With
	End With
End With
How can I use this control

' CreateView event - A view has been created.
Private Sub CascadeTree1_CreateView(ByVal View As Object)
	With CascadeTree1
		With .View
			k = .ParentView.Value()
			.ColumnAutoResize = True
			.Columns.Add k
			With .Items
				.AddItem CascadeTree1.FormatABC("A + `-> Sub-Item 1`",k)
				.AddItem CascadeTree1.FormatABC("A + `-> Sub-Item 2`",k)
				.AddItem CascadeTree1.FormatABC("A + `-> Sub-Item 3`",k)
			End With
		End With
	End With
End Sub

With CascadeTree1
	With .View
		.ColumnAutoResize = True
		.Columns.Add "Default"
		.Key = 0
		With .Items
			.AddItem "Item A"
			.SelectItem(.AddItem("Item B")) = True
			.AddItem "Item C"
		End With
	End With
End With
How do I change the control's background color
With CascadeTree1
	.BackColor = RGB(240,240,240)
End With