property Column.Alignment as AlignmentEnum

Retrieves or sets the alignment of the cells in the column.

AlignmentEnum An AlignmentEnum expression that indicates the alignment of the cells in the column.

Use the Alignment property to change the alignment of the cells in the column. Use the HeaderAlignment property to align the column's caption in the control's header. Use the CellHAlignment property to align a particular cell. Please make sure that If the cell belongs to the column that displays the hierarchy in the control ( TreeColumnIndex property indicates the index of the column that displays the hierarchy lines ),  the caption, icon or its picture can't be centered. In this case the caption can be aligned to the left or to the right. Use the HasLines property to display the control's hierarchy lines. Use the CellHAlignment property to align a particular cell. Use the RightToLeft property to align the drop down button to the left side of the control. The RightToLeft property specifies the drawing order of the control's elements.