property Item.ShowPopupOnChecked as Boolean
Specifies whether the item's sub menu is shown only if the item is checked.

Boolean A Boolean expression that specifies whether the item's sub menu is shown only if the item is checked.
By default, the ShowPopupOnChecked property is False. The Check property assigns a check box to the current item. The SubMenu property specifies the sub-items of the current item. The  ShowPopupOnChecked property has effect only if the item displays sub items ( the SubMenu.Count property is not zero ). The ShowCheckedAsSelected property specifies how the checked item is displayed.

The following screen shot show items with ShowPopupOnChecked on False ( default ) ( please notice that all items display the popup-arrow ):

The following screen shot show items with ShowPopupOnChecked on True ( please notice that just checked popup displays the popup-arrow, and so the sub-menu ):