Type | Description | |||
Ascending as Boolean | A boolean value that indicates whether the items get sorted ascendant or descendent. |
The following VB sample sorts the list of items as follows:
With Edit1.Context .Add "<b>a</b>", , , 9 .Add "<b>b</b>", , , 8 .Add "<b>c</b>", , , 7 .Sort True End With
and the list of items is 'c', 'b', 'a'.
The following VB sample sorts the list as follows:
With Edit1.Context .Add "<b>a</b>" .Add "<b>b</b>" .Add "<b>c</b>" .Sort True End With
and the list of items is 'a', 'b', 'c'.
With Edit1.Context .Add "<b>a</b>" .Add "<b>b</b>", , , 9999 .Add "<b>c</b>" .Sort True End With
and the list of items is 'a', 'c', 'b'.
The following C++ sample sorts the list of items as follows:
#include "Context.h" COleVariant vtMissing; vtMissing.vt = VT_ERROR; CContext context = m_edit.GetContext( vtMissing ); context.Add("<b>a</b>", vtMissing , vtMissing, COleVariant( long(9) ) ); context.Add("<b>b</b>", vtMissing , vtMissing, COleVariant( long(8) ) ); context.Add("<b>c</b>", vtMissing , vtMissing, COleVariant( long(7) ) ); context.Sort( TRUE );
and the list of items is 'c', 'b', 'a'.
The following VB.NET sample sorts the list of items as follows:
With AxEdit1.get_Context("") .Add("<b>a</b>", , , 9) .Add("<b>b</b>", , , 8) .Add("<b>c</b>", , , 7) .Sort(True) End With
and the list of items is 'c', 'b', 'a'.
The following C# sample sorts the list of items as follows:
EXEDITLib.Context context = axEdit1.get_Context(""); context.Add("<b>a</b>", null , null, 9 ); context.Add("<b>b</b>", null, null, 8); context.Add("<b>c</b>", null, null, 7); context.Sort(true);
and the list of items is 'c', 'b', 'a'.
The following VFP sample sorts the list of items as follows:
With thisform.Edit1.Context() .Add("<b>a</b>", , , 9) .Add("<b>b</b>", , , 8) .Add("<b>c</b>", , , 7) .Sort(.t.) EndWith
and the list of items is 'c', 'b', 'a'.