property ExFileView.ColumnCaption(ColumnName as String) as String
Specifies the column's caption.

ColumnName as String A string expression that indicates the column's name. The valid values are: 'Name', 'Size', 'Modified', 'Type', 'In Folder'.
String A string expression that indicates the column's caption using built-in HTML tags. 
Use the ColumnCaption property to specify the column's caption. The column's caption is displayed on the control's header bar. The HeaderVisible property specifies whether the control displays its header bar.  Use the ColumnVisible property to hide or show a column. Use the BackColorHeader property to specify the background color for the control's header bar. Use the ForeColorHeader property to specify the foreground color for the control's header bar.

In VFP environment, you need to call Object property of the control before calling the ColumnCaption property, else an error occurs.

The ColumnCaption property supports built-in HTML format like follows:

The following VB sample changes the caption of the 'Name' column':

ExFileView1.ColumnCaption("Name") = "Verzeichnis"

The following C++ sample changes the caption of the 'Name' column':

m_fileview.SetColumnCaption( "Name", "Verzeichnis" );

The following VB.NET sample changes the caption of the 'Name' column':

AxExFileView1.set_ColumnCaption("Name", "Verzeichnis")

The following C# sample changes the caption of the 'Name' column':

axExFileView1.set_ColumnCaption("Name", "Verzeichnis");

The following VFP sample changes the caption of the 'Name' column:

with thisform.FileView1
   .Object.ColumnCaption("Name") = "Verzeichnis"