property ExFileView.Get (Type as TypeEnum) as Files

Builds and gets the collection of File objects of the given type.

Type as TypeEnum Use SelItems to get the collection of selected files/folder, or AllItems for retrieving the entire collection of files/folders.
Files A Files collection that contains files based on the specified type.

Use the HasCheckBox property to assign a check box for each item in your control. Use the BrowseFolderPath property to specify the path to the browsed folder. Use the Name property to specify the name of the file or folder. Use the FullName property to get the full name of the file or folder. Use the Folder property to specify whether the File object hosts a file or a folder. 

Use the Get method to retrieve :

The File.Children property helps you to collect recursively all files/folders of specified object. The EnumR function displays the full name of each file/folder, and goes recursively to each subfolder. Use the Folder property to specify whether the File object hosts a file or a folder. The Children property returns a collection of File objects, if the ExpandFolders property is True. 

Public Sub EnumR(ByVal f As EXFILEVIEWLibCtl.File)
    Debug.Print f.FullName
    For Each c In f.Children
        EnumR (c)
End Sub

The following VB sample displays the list of files as they are displayed:

With ExFileView1.Get(VisibleItems)
    For i = 0 To .Count - 1
        With .Item(i)
            Debug.Print .Name
        End With
End With

The following VB enumerates the selected files and folders:

Dim i As Long
With ExFileView1.Get(SelItems)
    For i = 0 To .Count - 1
        Debug.Print .Item(i).FullName
End With

The following C++ sample displays the list of files as they are displayed:

CFiles files = m_fileview.GetGet( 3 /*VisibleItems*/ );
for ( long i = 0; i < files.GetCount(); i++ )
	OutputDebugString( files.GetItem( COleVariant( i ) ).GetName() );

The following C++ enumerates the selected files and folders:

CFiles files = m_fileview.GetGet( 0 /*SelItems*/ );
for ( long i = 0; i < files.GetCount(); i++ )
	OutputDebugString( files.GetItem( COleVariant( i ) ).GetFullName() );

The following VB.NET sample displays the list of files as they are displayed:

With AxExFileView1.get_Get(EXFILEVIEWLib.TypeEnum.VisibleItems)
    Dim i As Integer
    For i = 0 To .Count - 1
        With .Item(i)
        End With
End With

The following VB.NET enumerates the selected files and folders:

With AxExFileView1.get_Get(EXFILEVIEWLib.TypeEnum.SelItems)
    Dim i As Integer
    For i = 0 To .Count - 1
End With

The following C# sample displays the list of files as they are displayed:

EXFILEVIEWLib.Files files = axExFileView1.get_Get(EXFILEVIEWLib.TypeEnum.VisibleItems);
for (int i = 0; i < files.Count; i++)
	EXFILEVIEWLib.File file = files[i];

The following C# enumerates the selected files and folders:

EXFILEVIEWLib.Files files = axExFileView1.get_Get(EXFILEVIEWLib.TypeEnum.SelItems);
for (int i = 0; i < files.Count; i++)
	EXFILEVIEWLib.File file = files[i];

The following VFP sample displays the list of files as they are displayed:

With thisform.ExFileView1.Get(3)	&& VisibleItems
	For i = 0 To .Count - 1
		With .Item(i)
			wait window nowait .Name

The following VFP enumerates the selected files and folders: 

with thisform.ExFileView1.Get( 0 ) && SelItems
 	local i
 	for i = 0 to .Count - 1
		with .Item(i)
			wait window nowait .FullName