property File.Children as Files
Returns a collection with child objects of the current object.

Files A Files collection that includes the files and sub-folders of the current folder object.
The Children property retrieves an empty collection, if the current object is a file. The Folder property specifies whether the current object is a folder or a file. A Folder object may returns empty collection if no files or sub-folders are included. You can use the Children property to enumerate recursively the files and folders.

The Files collection supports for each statement, so for instance, the following sample displays the list of files/folders of the current selection:

Private Sub ExFileView1_StateChange(ByVal State As EXFILEVIEWLibCtl.StateChangeEnum)
    If (State = SelChangeState) Then
       With ExFileView1.Get(SelItems)
            If (.Count > 0) Then
                With .Item(0)
                    If (.Folder) Then
                        Dim f As EXFILEVIEWLibCtl.File
                        For Each f In .Children
                            Debug.Print "Sub-Files/Folders: " & f.Name
                    End If
                End With
            End If
        End With
    End If
End Sub