property Chart.PaneWidth(Right as Boolean) as Long
Specifies the width for the left or side pane.

Right as Boolean A Boolean expression that indicates whether the left ( items area ) or right ( chart area ) area is changed. 
Long A Long expression that indicates the width of the pane.
Use the PaneWidth property to specify the width of the control ( items area ) or chart area. Use the AddBar method to add bars to the item. The bars are always shown in the chart area. Use the HeaderVisible property to show or hide the control's header. Use the SortBarVisible property to specify whether the control's sort bar is visible or it is hidden. Use the LevelCount property to specify the number of levels being displayed in the chart's header. Use the Level property to access the level in the chart area. Use the BackColor property to specify the items's background color. Use the ForeColor property to specify the item's foreground color. Use the BackColor property to specify the chart's background color. Use the ForeColor property to specify the chart's foreground color. The HistogramBoundsChanged event notifies your application when the location and the size of the chart's histogram is changed, so you can use it to add your legend for the histogram in a panel component. Use the OnResizeControl(exResizeList) or OnResizeControl(exResizeChart) property to specify whether the left or right part gets resized when the control gets resized. The controls vertical splitter is hidden if the OnControlResize property is exResizeChart + exDisableSplitter (129 ) and the PaneWidth(False) property is 0.

Use the OnResizeControl property to allow:

You can also use the OnResizeControl property to prevent:

The following VFP sample changes the width of the control's area:

with thisform.G2antt1.Chart
	.PaneWidth(0) = 256

The following VFP sample changes the width of the chart's area:

with thisform.G2antt1.Chart
	.PaneWidth(1) = 256