property Editor.Locked as Boolean
Determines whether the editor is locked or unlocked.

Boolean A boolean expression that indicates whether the editor is locked or unlocked.

Use the Locked property to lock the editor. If the editor is locked, the user is not able to change the control's content using the editor. Use the CellEditorVisible property to hide the cell's editor. For instance, if the editor displays a drop down portion, even if locked, it is visible, but the user can't select new items to change the cell's value. Use the ReadOnly property to make the control read only. If the ReadOnly property is exLocked, all editors are locked. If the editor is locked, the user still can use the editor's buttons. The control fires the ButtonClick event when the user clicks a button. Use the Option(exEditLockedBackColor) and Option(exEditLockedForeColor)  property to specify background and foreground colors while the edit control is locked.