constants NoteLinkTypeEnum
The NoteLinkTypeEnum expression specifies whether the link between the parts of the note is visible or hidden, whether the link is shown the direction between parts. The ShowLink property specifies whether the note shows or hides the link between parts of the notes. Use the PartVisible property to specify whether the start or ending part of the note is visible or hidden. The LinkStyle property determines the style of the link between parts of the note. The LinkColor property specifies the color of the link between parts of the notes, while the LinkWidth property determines the width of the link between parts of the notes. The link between parts of the note is shown if the ShowLink property includes the exNoteLinkVisible flag, LinkWidth property is greater than 0, the start and end part of the note do not intersect.  

The following screen shows the link between starting and ending parts of the note:

exNoteLinkHidden0 The link between parts of the note is not shown.
exNoteLinkVisible1 The link between parts of the note is shown.
exNoteLinkShowDirStartToEnd2 The link between parts of the note shows the direction from start to end.
exNoteLinkShowDirEndToStart4 The link between parts of the note shows the direction from end to start.
exNoteLinkStartToEnd3 The link shows its direction and goes from start to end.
exNoteLinkEndToStart5 The link shows its direction and goes from end to start.