constants ContextHitTestInfoEnum
The ContextHitTestInfoEnum type defines areas of the host. The HitTest property determines the host' objects that can be accessed at current cursor location. For instance, if the HitTest property includes the exHTValidColumn flag, it indicates that the cursor hovers a column, and the Column property gives the index of the column from the cursor. The ContextHitTestInfoEnum type defines the following flags:

exHTUnknown0 The position of the cursor can not be determined as being one of the following.
exHTItemsArea256 The cursor hovers the items/columns section of the control ( left-panel ).
exHTChartArea512 The cursor hovers the chart/tasks section of the control ( right-panel ).
exHTEmptySpace4096 The cursor hovers an empty part of the control ( no item at the cursor position ). This flag can be combined with exHTItemsArea or exHTChartArea, which indicates that the item hovers an empty area within the items/columns section of control, or hovers the empty area of the chart/tasks section of the control. If present, the exHTEmptySpace flag indicates that the EmptySpace property is valid ( Returns the number of rows, between current cursor position and the the last fully-visible item of the control )
exHTValidMask255 Specifies the mask for valid values. 
exHTValidItem1 If present, the exHTValidItem flag indicates that the Item property is valid ( Returns the handle of the item from the current cursor location )
exHTValidColumn2 If present, the exHTValidColumn flag indicates that the Column property is valid ( Returns the index of the column from the current cursor location )
exHTValidDate4 If present, the exHTValidDate flag indicates that the Date property is valid ( Specifies the date-time from the current cursor location )
exHTValidBar8 If present, the exHTValidBar flag indicates that the Bar property is valid ( Returns the key of the bar from the current cursor location )
exHTValidLink16 If present, the exHTValidLink flag indicates that the Link property is valid ( Returns the key of the link from the current cursor location )