method G2Host.Save ()
Saves the host, if it was modified.

The Save method saves the control's data, while the HostDirty property is True. If no change occurs since last save, nothing will be saved. The Save method may not be allowed based on the data-source provided. Before calling programmatically the Save method or performing changes in the control ( like changing a property of a task bar ) you should call the HostDirty property on True. Generally, any UI interaction of the control may produce a change, and if the change occurs the HostDirty property on True. For instance, the user resizes one or more task bars, a change occurs, and so the HostDirty property is set on True. The Reload method reloads the control's data for original sources. The Refresh method refreshes the control including the inner host.

Once the HostDirty property is set, the Save will be performed if:

Once the Save method is performed, the HostDirty property is set on False. 

The Error event notifies your application once any error occurs. 

For instance, the following error:

0 The data-source provides no support for AddNew method[...]
0 The data-source provides no support for Delete method[...]
0 The data-source provides no support for Update method[...]

Indicates that no AddNew, Delete or Update is allowed, and so no Save will be performed.