property HostContext.ToString as String
Gets a string representation of the object.

String Gets a string representation of the object such as: exHTItemsArea,exHTEmptySpace,exHTValidColumn
The ToString property Gets a string representation of the object. The HitTest property determines the host' objects that can be accessed at current cursor location. For instance, if the HitTest property includes the exHTValidColumn flag, it indicates that the cursor hovers a column, and the Column property gives the index of the column from the cursor. The Context event notifies your application once the user right clicks the control.

The following sample displays brief information about the object from the current cursor position:

' HostEvent event - Notifies the application once the host fires an event.
Private Sub G2Host1_HostEvent(ByVal EventID As EXG2HOSTLibCtl.HostEventEnum)
	With G2Host1
		Debug.Print( .HostContext.ToString )
	End With
End Sub

With G2Host1
	.DataSource("Items") = "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExG2Host\Sample\sample.accdb"
	.DataMember("Items") = "Employees"
	.DataField(exItemsDataSource) = "Items"
	.HostReadOnly = HostReadOnlyEnum.exHostAllowUpdate Or HostReadOnlyEnum.exHostAllowAddNew
End With