constants ItemBarPropertyEnum
The ItemBarPropertyEnum type specifies a property related to a bar inside an item. Use the ItemBar property to retrieve or sets a value for bars in the item. The ItemBarPropertyEnum type  supports the following values:

exBarName0 Retrieves or sets a value that indicates the name of the bar. Use the Add method to add new type of bars to your chart. String expression.
exBarStart1 Retrieves or sets a value that indicates the start of the bar. Use the exBarStart property to changes the starting point of the bar. DATE expression. Use the ShowEmptyBars property to show the bars, even if the start and end dates are identical. Use the exBarMove or exBarDuration to move or resize programmatically the bar.
exBarEnd2 Retrieves or sets a value that indicates the end of the bar. Use the exBarStart property to changes the ending point of the bar. DATE expression. Use the ShowEmptyBars property to show the bars, even if the start and end dates are identical. Use the exBarMove or exBarDuration to move or resize programmatically the bar.
exBarCaption3 Retrieves or sets a value that indicates the caption being assigned to the bar. String expression.
exBarHAlignCaption4 Retrieves or sets a value that indicates the horizontal alignment of the caption inside the bar. Use the exBarHAlignCaption property to align horizontally the caption being displayed between exBarStart and exBarEnd. 
  • If the exBarHAlignCaption property is 0,1 or 2 the caption is not clipped and it is aligned to the left, center or right side of the bar.
  • If the exBarHAlignCaption property is 3, 4 or 5 the caption of the bar gets clipped to the bar area, else the caption is aligned to the left, center or right side of the bar.
  • If the exBarHAlignCaption property includes the AlignmentEnum.exHOutside the caption is displayed outside of the bar to the left or to the right. For instance, if the exBarHAlignCaption property is AlignmentEnum.LeftAlignment OR AlignmentEnum. exHOutside, the caption is displayed outside of the bar in the left side of the bar. If the exBarHAlignCaption property is AlignmentEnum.RightAlignment OR AlignmentEnum. exHOutside, the caption is displayed outside of the bar in the right side of the bar. 

By default, the exBarHAlignCaption is CenterAlignment. AlignmentEnum expression

exBarVAlignCaption5 Retrieves or sets a value that indicates the vertical alignment of the caption inside the bar. Use the exBarHAlignCaption property to align vertically the caption being displayed between exBarStart and exBarEnd. If the exBarVAlignCaption property includes the VAlignmentEnum.exVOutside the caption is displayed outside of the bar at the top or bottom side of the bar. For instance, if the exBarVAlignCaption property is VAlignmentEnum.exTop OR VAlignmentEnum.exVOutside, the caption is displayed outside of the bar in the top side of the bar. If the exBarVAlignCaption property is VAlignmentEnum.exBottom OR VAlignmentEnum.exVOutside, the caption is displayed outside of the bar in the bottom side of the bar. exBarVAlignCaption is MiddleAlignment.  VAlignmentEnum expression.
exBarToolTip6 Retrieves or sets a value that indicates the tooltip being shown when the cursor hovers the bar. Use the exBarToolTip property to assign a tooltip to a bar or to a text in the chart's area. String expression.
exBarBackColor7 Retrieves or sets a value that indicates the background color for the area being occupied by the bar. Color expression. This option has effect only if the exBarBackColor property is not zero. The last 7 bits in the high significant byte of the color indicates the identifier of the skin being used. Use the Add method to add new skins to the control. If you need to remove the skin appearance from a part of the control you need to reset the last 7 bits in the high significant byte of the color being applied to the background's part.
exBarForeColor8 Retrieves or sets a value that indicates the foreground color for the caption of the bar. Color expression. This option has effect only if the exBarBackColor property is not zero.
exBarKey9 Specifies key of the bar.
exBarPercent10 Specifies the percent from the original bar where the progress bar is displayed. This float value should be between 0 and 1 ( 1 means 100% ). Use the Add("A%B") to add a combination of two bars, so the exBarPercent value specifies the percent from the bar A to be displayed as bar B. For instance, the Add("Task%Progress") adds a combination of Task and Progress bars, so the Task shape is displayed on the full bar, and the Progress shape is displayed only on the portion determined by the exBarPercent value. When you resize the original bar (A), the inside bar (B) is shown proportionally. Use the exBarShowPercentCaption option to show the percent value as caption on the bar. Use the exBarPercentCaptionFormat property to define the format of the percent value being displayed as text. Use the exBarAlignmentPercentCaption property to specify the alignment of the percent on the bar. 
exBarPercentCaptionFormat11 Specifies the HTML format to be displayed as percent. The percent is displayed on the bar only if the exBarShowPercentCaption option is True. By default, the exBarPercentCaptionFormat property is "<b>%p%</b>" where the %p is the value of the percent ( exBarPercent property ), and it displays the percent as 15%, where exBarPercent is 0.15. The <b> indicates that the text is bolded. (String expression)
exBarShowPercentCaption12 Specifies whether the percent is displayed as caption on the bar. By default, the exBarShowPercentCaption property is False, which means that the percent value is not shown. Use the exBarPercent property to specify the value of the percent. Use the exBarPercentCaptionFormat property to define the format of the percent being displayed on the bar. Use the exBarAlignPercentCaption property to indicates the alignment of the percent in the bar. Boolean expression.
exBarAlignPercentCaption13 Specifies the alignment of the percent caption on the bar. By default, the exBarAlignmentPercentCaption property is RightAlignment, that indicates that the percent value is displayed to the right. AlignmentEnum expression.
exBarData14 Associates an extra data to a bar. Use this property to assign your extra data to any bar in the item.
exBarOffset15 Specifies the vertical offset where the bar is shown. By default, this property is 0 and the bar is shown in the center. Use this property to show up or down the bar. (long expression)
exBarTransparent16 Specifies the percent of the transparency to display the bar. By default, this property is 0, which means that the bar is opaque. If the property is 50, the bar is shown semi-transparent.  Use the ShowTransparentBars property to draw all bars using a semi- transparent color. ( long expression between 0 and 100 ).
exBarPattern17 By default the exBarPattern option is empty. If the exBarPattern property is empty, the option is ignored. Use the exBarPattern to specify a different pattern to be displayed on the bar in the chart area. The Pattern property of the Bar specifies the pattern to be applied for all bars of the same type. For instance, includes the exPatternFrameShadow in the bar's pattern to show a shadow around the bar. (PatternEnum expression)
exBarsCount256 Retrieves a value that indicates the number of bars in the item. The exBarsCount property counts the bars being displayed in the item. Use the AddBar property to add new bars to the item.
exBarWorkingCount257 Use the AddNonworkingDate property to add custom non-working days. Use the NonworkingHours property to specify the non-working hours. Use the exBarWorkingCount property to specify the number of working days for a specified bar. For instance, if your chart displays days, and the NonworkingDays is set, the exBarWorkingCount property sets or gets the count of working days in the bar. If the chart displays hours, and the NonworkingHours property is set, the exBarWorkingCount property sets or gets the count of working hours in the bar.
exBarNonWorkingCount258 Specifies the count of non-working units in the bar. The NonworkingDays property specifies the non-working days. Use the AddNonworkingDate property to add custom non-working days. Use the NonworkingHours property to specify the non-working hours. For instance, if your chart displays days, and the NonworkingDays is set, the exBarNonworkingCount property gets the count of non-working days in the bar. If the chart displays hours, and the NonworkingHours property is set, the exBarNonWorkingCount property gets the count of non-working hours in the bar.
exBarColor513 Specifies the color for the bar. If used, it replaces the bar's type color. By default, the exBarColor is 0, which means that the default bar's color is used. The Color property defines the default's bar color.  The Color property defines the color for all bars of the same type. Use the exBarColor to change the color for particular bars. As usual, this option may indicates a skin object to display the bar. ( Color expression ).
exBarDuration514 Specifies the duration of the bar in days. Gets the difference between exBarEnd and exBarStart as a double expression. If calling the set property, it changes the bar's duration. If negative the start date is baed on the end - duration, since if it is positive, the end date is start + duration. The round part indicates the number of days. Use the exBarMove property to move programmatically a bar by specified time ( double expression )
exBarMove515 Moves the bar inside the same item by specified amount of time. The exBarParent changes the bar's parent. Use the exBarCanMoveToAnother option to specify whether the user can move a bar from one item to another by drag and drop. ( double expression )