property Gauge.CopyTo (File as String) as Variant
Exports the control's view to an EMF file.

File as String A String expression that indicates the name of the file to be saved. If present, the CopyTo property retrieves True, if the operation succeeded, else False it is failed. If the File parameter is missing or empty, the CopyTo property retrieves an one dimension safe array of bytes that contains the EMF content.

If the File parameter is not empty, the extension ( characters after last dot ) determines the graphical/ format of the file to be saved as follows:

  • *.bmp *.dib *.rle, saves the control's content in BMP format.
  • *.jpg *.jpe *.jpeg *.jfif, saves the control's content in JPEG format.
  • *.gif, , saves the control's content in GIF format.
  • *.tif *.tiff, saves the control's content in TIFF format.
  • *.png, saves the control's content in PNG format.
  • *.pdf, saves the control's content to PDF format. The File argument may carry up to 4 parameters separated by the | character in the following order: filename.pdf | paper size | margins | options. In other words, you can specify the file name of the PDF document, the paper size, the margins and options to build the PDF document. By default, the paper size is 210 mm × 297 mm ( A4 format ) and the margins are 12.7 mm 12.7 mm 12.7 mm 12.7 mm. The units  for the paper size and margins can be pt for PostScript Points, mm for Millimeters,  cm for Centimeters, in for Inches and px for pixels. If PostScript Points are used if unit is missing. For instance, 8.27 in x 11.69 in, indicates the size of the paper in inches. Currently, the options can be single, which indicates that the control's content is exported to a single PDF page. For instance, the CopyTo("shot.pdf|33.11 in x 46.81 in|0 0 0 0|single") exports the control's content to an A0 single PDF page, with no margins.
  • *.emf or any other extension determines the control to save the control's content in EMF format.

For instance, the CopyTo("c:\temp\snapshot.png") property saves the control's content in PNG format to snapshot.png file.

Variant A boolean expression that indicates whether the File was successful saved, if the File parameter is not empty, or a one dimension safe array of bytes, if the File parameter is empty string.
The CopyTo method copies/exports the control's view to BMP, PNG, JPG, GIF, TIFF, PDF or EMF graphical files.

The following VB sample saves the control's content to a EMF file:

If (Control.CopyTo("c:\temp\test.emf")) Then
    MsgBox "test.emf file created, open it using the mspaint editor."
End If

The following VB sample prints the EMF content ( as bytes, File parameter is empty string ):

Dim i As Variant
For Each i In Control.CopyTo("")
    Debug.Print i