property Gauge.TransparentColorTo as Color
Specifies the transparent color for all pictures in all layers, to define transparency part (to).

Color A Color expression that defines the second transparent color to be applied on all pictures on any layer.
By default, the TransparentColorFrom property is RGB( 255, 255, 255 ) and TransparentColorTo property is -1, which indicates that pixels of white colors are transparent. The TransparentColorFrom property defines the transparent color for all pictures on any layer, that has the TransparentColorFrom property on -1 ( by default ). The TransparentColorTo defines the second transparent color, to define transparent pixels between a range of colors. The Opaque property indicates if the picture is shown as opaque or transparent.

The TransparentColorFrom / TransparentColorTo properties have effect it:

If The TransparentColorFrom / TransparentColorTo properties have effect, any picture where these apply defines the pixels as:

If using the PNG format, the control handles automatically its transparency / alpha blending ( if saved with transparency ), unless the Opaque property is True, so in this case, any TransparentColorFrom or TransparentColorTo property has no effect. 

For any other picture type, you can use any of the following to define the transparent region of the picture:

The control supports almost all type of pictures like