constants OnDragLayerEnum
The OnDragLayerEnum type indicates the operation a layer can perform when user clicks and drags it. The OnDrag property indicates the action to be performed when the user drags the layer. The OnDragLayerEnum type supports the following value:

exDoNothing0 Nothing happens if the user drags the layer.
exDoMove1 The layer is moved while dragging. The layer's OffsetX and OffsetY indicates the current (x,y) position of the layer.
exDoRotate2 The layer is rotated while dragging. The RotateAngle property indicates the currently rotation angle.
exDoRotamove3 The layer is moved by rotation while dragging. The RotateAngle property indicates the currently rotation angle. In this case, the layer's RotamoveOffsetX  / RotamoveOffsetY property indicates the current (x,y) position of the layer.