64 |
ImageSize property on 32 (specifies the size of the control' icons)
Dim oGauge as P oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.BeginUpdate() oGauge.ImageSize = 32 oGauge.Font.Size = 16 oGauge.Images("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") oGauge.Template = "Caption(0) = `<img>1</img>Caption`" // oGauge.Caption(0) = "<img>1</img>Caption" oGauge.EndUpdate() |
63 |
ImageSize property on 16 (default) (specifies the size of the control' icons)
Dim oGauge as P oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.BeginUpdate() oGauge.ImageSize = 16 oGauge.Images("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") oGauge.Template = "Caption(0) = `<img>1</img>Caption`" // oGauge.Caption(0) = "<img>1</img>Caption" oGauge.EndUpdate() |
62 |
I found that the control's needle/knob is too small to touch, is it possible somehow to make it working
Dim oGauge as P Dim var_Layer as P oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.BeginUpdate() oGauge.PicturesPath = "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGauge\Sample\Design\Circular\Knob" oGauge.PicturesName = "`Layer` + str(value + 1) + `.png`" oGauge.LayerAutoSize = -1 oGauge.Layers.Count = 10 var_Layer = oGauge.Layers.Item(9) var_Layer.OnDrag = 3 var_Layer.Idem = "0,7" oGauge.LayerDragAny = 9 oGauge.EndUpdate() |
61 |
How can I rotate/move multiple layers once the user drags the layer
Dim oGauge as P Dim var_Layer as P oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.BeginUpdate() oGauge.PicturesPath = "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGauge\Sample\Design\Circular\Knob" oGauge.PicturesName = "`Layer` + str(value + 1) + `.png`" oGauge.LayerAutoSize = -1 oGauge.Layers.Count = 10 var_Layer = oGauge.Layers.Item(9) var_Layer.OnDrag = 3 var_Layer.Idem = "0,7" oGauge.EndUpdate() |
60 |
How can I show a layer as disabled
Dim oGauge as P Dim var_Layer as P Dim var_Layer1 as P Dim var_Layer2 as P oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.BeginUpdate() oGauge.PicturesPath = "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGauge\Sample\Design\Circular\Knob 1" var_Layer = oGauge.Layers.Add("original") var_Layer.OnDrag = 1 var_Layer.Background.Picture.Name = "Layer2.png" var_Layer.DefaultOffsetY = -164 var_Layer.Grayscale = 0 var_Layer1 = oGauge.Layers.Add("grayscale 50%") var_Layer1.Background.Picture.Name = "Layer2.png" var_Layer1.Grayscale = 50 var_Layer1.DefaultOffsetY = -82 var_Layer2 = oGauge.Layers.Add("grayscale 100%") var_Layer2.Background.Picture.Name = "Layer2.png" var_Layer2.Grayscale = 100 oGauge.EndUpdate() |
59 |
Is it possible to stretch all layers
Dim oGauge as P Dim var_Layer as P oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.BeginUpdate() oGauge.PicturesPath = "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGauge\Sample\Design\Circular\Knob 2" oGauge.PicturesName = "`Layer` + int(value + 1) + `.png`" oGauge.Layers.Count = 5 var_Layer = oGauge.Layers.Add("empty") var_Layer.Background.Color.Value = 15790320 var_Layer.Position = 0 oGauge.LayerAutoSize = -1 oGauge.EndUpdate() |
58 |
Tic Tac Toe Game
' Occurs when the user presses a mouse button. function MouseDown as v (Button as N,Shift as N,X as OLE::Exontrol.Gauge.1::OLE_XPOS_PIXELS,Y as OLE::Exontrol.Gauge.1::OLE_YPOS_PIXELS) ' Left = Me.Layers(l).Left ' Top = Me.Layers(l).Top ' Width = Me.Layers(l).Width ' Height = Me.Layers(l).Height Dim l as Dim var_Layer as P Dim var_Layers as P Dim var_Picture as P oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex l = oGauge.LayerFromPoint(-1,-1) var_Layers = oGauge.Layers var_Layer = var_Layers.Add(oGauge.Layers.Count) var_Picture = var_Layer.Background.Picture var_Picture.Left = "8" var_Picture.Width = "width - 2 * 8" var_Picture.Top = "8" var_Picture.Height = "height - 2 * 8" var_Picture.Name = oGauge.FormatABC("A mod 2 = 0 ? `x` : `o`",oGauge.Layers.Count) var_Layer.Transparency = 0 end function Dim oGauge as P Dim var_Layer as P Dim var_Layer1 as P Dim var_Layer2 as P Dim var_Layer3 as P Dim var_Layer4 as P Dim var_Layer5 as P Dim var_Layer6 as P Dim var_Layer7 as P Dim var_Layer8 as P oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.BeginUpdate() oGauge.VisualAppearance.Add(1,"gBFLBCJwBAEHhEJAAEhABS0IQAAYAQGKIYBkAKBQAGaAoDDcMQ5QwAAyDGKEEwsACEIrjKCRShyCYZRhGcTALD8EhhECTZKkAZAEiWIovRbHMBzFIMYRFFCcIRGSaYDiCNovTRNE7TfBMIhkGoSaKpCIRVDCSYJUzTc6wS79KgAASiJjjao6ZhaSpSABRYiyXRlHSxLiuYyoGTrJACEQxDhEEIjGLAazLMadJItCzabqGbJ8Ro6cQwTAIgI=") oGauge.Template = "DefaultLayer(18) = `width/3`" // oGauge.DefaultLayer(18) = "width/3" oGauge.Template = "DefaultLayer(19) = `height/3`" // oGauge.DefaultLayer(19) = "height/3" oGauge.Template = "HTMLPicture(`x`) = `C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGauge\Sample\Design\Pictures\x.png`" // oGauge.HTMLPicture("x") = "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGauge\Sample\Design\Pictures\x.png" oGauge.Template = "HTMLPicture(`o`) = `C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGauge\Sample\Design\Pictures\o.png`" // oGauge.HTMLPicture("o") = "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGauge\Sample\Design\Pictures\o.png" oGauge.LayerAutoSize = -1 oGauge.Layers.Count = 9 var_Layer = oGauge.Layers.Item(0) var_Layer.Background.Color.Value = 16777216 var_Layer1 = oGauge.Layers.Item(1) var_Layer1.Left = " width/3 - 4" var_Layer1.Background.Color.Value = 16777216 var_Layer2 = oGauge.Layers.Item(2) var_Layer2.Left = "2 * (width/3 - 4) - 4" var_Layer2.Background.Color.Value = 16777216 var_Layer3 = oGauge.Layers.Item(3) var_Layer3.Top = "height/3 - 4" var_Layer3.Background.Color.Value = 16777216 var_Layer4 = oGauge.Layers.Item(4) var_Layer4.Top = "height/3 - 4" var_Layer4.Left = " width/3 - 4" var_Layer4.Background.Color.Value = 16777216 var_Layer5 = oGauge.Layers.Item(5) var_Layer5.Top = "height/3 - 4" var_Layer5.Left = "2 * (width/3 - 4) - 4" var_Layer5.Background.Color.Value = 16777216 var_Layer6 = oGauge.Layers.Item(6) var_Layer6.Top = "2 * (height/3 - 4) " var_Layer6.Background.Color.Value = 16777216 var_Layer7 = oGauge.Layers.Item(7) var_Layer7.Top = "2 * (height/3 - 4) " var_Layer7.Left = " width/3 - 4" var_Layer7.Background.Color.Value = 16777216 var_Layer8 = oGauge.Layers.Item(8) var_Layer8.Top = "2 * (height/3 - 4) " var_Layer8.Left = "2 * (width/3 - 4) - 4" var_Layer8.Background.Color.Value = 16777216 oGauge.Template = "DefaultLayer(22) = 99" // oGauge.DefaultLayer(22) = 99 oGauge.EndUpdate() |
57 |
What's the difference Rotate vs Rotamove
' Occurs once the user starts dragging a layer. function DragStart as v (DragInfo as OLE::Exontrol.Gauge.1::IDragInfo,Cancel as L) ' DragInfo.Debug = 227 oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex end function Dim oGauge as P Dim var_Foreground as P Dim var_Foreground1 as P Dim var_Layer as P Dim var_Layer1 as P Dim var_Layer2 as P Dim var_Layers as P Dim var_Picture as P Dim var_Picture1 as P oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.AllowSmoothChange = 0 oGauge.PicturesPath = "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGauge\Sample\Design\Linear\Button with LEDs" var_Layers = oGauge.Layers var_Layer = var_Layers.Add("base") var_Layer1 = var_Layers.Add("rotate") var_Layer1.ToolTip = var_Layer1.Key var_Picture = var_Layer1.Background.Picture var_Picture.Name = "Example Button Up.png" var_Picture.Left = "width/2" var_Picture.Top = "height/2" var_Picture.Width = 128 var_Picture.Height = 64 var_Foreground = var_Layer1.Foreground ' var_Foreground.Caption(0) = "<font ;14><sha ;;0>Rotate" oGauge.TemplateDef = "dim var_Foreground" oGauge.TemplateDef = var_Foreground oGauge.Template = "var_Foreground.Caption(0) = `<font ;14><sha ;;0>Rotate`" ' var_Foreground.Caption(4) = "width/2 + 32" oGauge.TemplateDef = "dim var_Foreground" oGauge.TemplateDef = var_Foreground oGauge.Template = "var_Foreground.Caption(4) = `width/2 + 32`" ' var_Foreground.Caption(5) = "height/2 + 16" oGauge.TemplateDef = "dim var_Foreground" oGauge.TemplateDef = var_Foreground oGauge.Template = "var_Foreground.Caption(5) = `height/2 + 16`" ' var_Layer1.Brightness(1) = 100 oGauge.TemplateDef = "dim var_Layer1" oGauge.TemplateDef = var_Layer1 oGauge.Template = "var_Layer1.Brightness(1) = 100" var_Layer1.OnDrag = 2 var_Layer1.RotateAngle = 45 var_Layer2 = var_Layers.Add("rotamove") var_Layer2.ToolTip = var_Layer2.Key var_Picture1 = var_Layer2.Background.Picture var_Picture1.Name = "Example Button Up.png" var_Picture1.Left = "width/2" var_Picture1.Top = "height/2" var_Picture1.Width = 128 var_Picture1.Height = 64 var_Foreground1 = var_Layer2.Foreground ' var_Foreground1.Caption(0) = "<font ;14><sha ;;0>Rotamove" oGauge.TemplateDef = "dim var_Foreground1" oGauge.TemplateDef = var_Foreground1 oGauge.Template = "var_Foreground1.Caption(0) = `<font ;14><sha ;;0>Rotamove`" ' var_Foreground1.Caption(4) = "width/2 + 24" oGauge.TemplateDef = "dim var_Foreground1" oGauge.TemplateDef = var_Foreground1 oGauge.Template = "var_Foreground1.Caption(4) = `width/2 + 24`" ' var_Foreground1.Caption(5) = "height/2 + 16" oGauge.TemplateDef = "dim var_Foreground1" oGauge.TemplateDef = var_Foreground1 oGauge.Template = "var_Foreground1.Caption(5) = `height/2 + 16`" ' var_Layer2.Brightness(2) = 100 oGauge.TemplateDef = "dim var_Layer2" oGauge.TemplateDef = var_Layer2 oGauge.Template = "var_Layer2.Brightness(2) = 100" var_Layer2.RotateAngle = 45 var_Layer2.Transparency = 25 var_Layer2.OnDrag = 3 |
56 |
How do I display a tooltip, when cursor hovers the layer
' Notifies that the cursor enters the layer. function MouseIn as v (Layer as N) oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.Layers.Item(9).ToolTip = oGauge.FormatABC("`The current value is: <br><c><b>` + ((100 - A) format ``)",oGauge.Value) end function Dim oGauge as P Dim var_Layer as P oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.BeginUpdate() oGauge.PicturesPath = "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGauge\Sample\Design\Circular\Knob" oGauge.PicturesName = "`Layer` + str(value + 1) + `.png`" oGauge.Layers.Count = 10 var_Layer = oGauge.Layers.Item(9) var_Layer.DefaultRotateAngle = -126 var_Layer.OnDrag = 3 var_Layer.RotateAngleToValue = "100 - value / 360 * 100" var_Layer.ValueToRotateAngle = "(value)/100 * 360" oGauge.Layers.Item(3).Visible = .f. oGauge.Layers.Item(4).Visible = .f. oGauge.Layers.Item(9).Value = 25 oGauge.EndUpdate() |
55 |
I've noticed that the OnDrag can move the layer itself, but how about moving the clipping region
' Notifies that the user drags the layer. function Drag as v (DragInfo as OLE::Exontrol.Gauge.1::IDragInfo) ' Layers(DragInfo.Layer).Clip.Ellipse oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex end function Dim oGauge as P Dim var_ClipEllipse as P Dim var_Layer as P Dim var_Picture as local oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.BeginUpdate() oGauge.BackColor = 14277081 oGauge.PicturesPath = "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGauge\Sample\Design\Circular\Guage" var_Layer = oGauge.Layers.Add("background") var_Layer.Background.Picture.Name = "Guage_Background.png" var_ClipEllipse = var_Layer.Clip.Ellipse var_ClipEllipse.RadiusX = "width/3" var_ClipEllipse.RadiusY = "height/3" ' oGauge.Layers.Add("needle").Background.Picture.Name = "Guage_Needle.png" var_Picture = oGauge.Layers.Add("needle").Background.Picture oGauge.TemplateDef = "dim var_Picture" oGauge.TemplateDef = var_Picture oGauge.Template = "var_Picture.Name = `Guage_Needle.png`" oGauge.EndUpdate() |
54 |
How do I show a portion of layer with a different color (sample 2)
' Occurs when the layer's value is changed. function Change as v (Layer as N) Dim var_Layer as P Dim var_Layers as local oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.Layers.Item("Color").Clip.Value = oGauge.Layers.Item("Thumb").RotateAngle var_Layer = oGauge.Layers.Item("Color") ' var_Layer.Brightness(3) = var_Layer.RotateAngle oGauge.TemplateDef = "dim var_Layer" oGauge.TemplateDef = var_Layer oGauge.Template = "var_Layer.Brightness(3) = RotateAngle" ' oGauge.Layers.Item("Thumb").Brightness(3) = oGauge.Layers.Item("Color").RotateAngle var_Layers = oGauge.Layers.Item("Thumb") oGauge.TemplateDef = "dim var_Layers" oGauge.TemplateDef = var_Layers oGauge.Template = "var_Layers.Brightness(3) = Me.Layers.Item(`Color`).RotateAngle" end function Dim oGauge as P Dim var_ClipEllipse as P Dim var_Layer as P Dim var_Layer1 as P oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.BeginUpdate() oGauge.PicturesPath = "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGauge\Sample\Design\Circular\Knob 1" oGauge.PicturesName = "`Layer` + int(value + 1) + `.png`" oGauge.Layers.Count = 5 oGauge.Layers.Item(1).Visible = .f. var_Layer = oGauge.Layers.Item(4) var_Layer.Key = "Thumb" var_Layer.DefaultRotateAngle = -141 var_Layer.OnDrag = 2 var_Layer.RotateType = 2 ' var_Layer.Brightness(0) = 0 oGauge.TemplateDef = "dim var_Layer" oGauge.TemplateDef = var_Layer oGauge.Template = "var_Layer.Brightness(0) = 0" ' var_Layer.Brightness(1) = 100 oGauge.TemplateDef = "dim var_Layer" oGauge.TemplateDef = var_Layer oGauge.Template = "var_Layer.Brightness(1) = 100" var_Layer1 = oGauge.Layers.Add("Color") var_Layer1.OnDrag = 2 var_Layer1.Position = 3 ' var_Layer1.Brightness(0) = 0 oGauge.TemplateDef = "dim var_Layer1" oGauge.TemplateDef = var_Layer1 oGauge.Template = "var_Layer1.Brightness(0) = 0" ' var_Layer1.Brightness(1) = 100 oGauge.TemplateDef = "dim var_Layer1" oGauge.TemplateDef = var_Layer1 oGauge.Template = "var_Layer1.Brightness(1) = 100" var_Layer1.Background.Picture.Name = "Layer3.png" var_Layer1.Clip.Pie.SweepAngle = "value" var_ClipEllipse = var_Layer1.Clip.Ellipse var_ClipEllipse.RadiusX = "150" var_ClipEllipse.RadiusY = "150" var_ClipEllipse.InverseClip = .t. oGauge.Layers.Item("Thumb").RotateAngle = 135 oGauge.EndUpdate() |
53 |
How do I show a portion of layer with a different color (sample 1)
' Occurs when the layer's value is changed. function Change as v (Layer as N) Dim var_Layer as P Dim var_Layers as local oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.Layers.Item("Color").Clip.Value = oGauge.Layers.Item("Thumb").RotateAngle var_Layer = oGauge.Layers.Item("Color") ' var_Layer.Brightness(3) = var_Layer.RotateAngle oGauge.TemplateDef = "dim var_Layer" oGauge.TemplateDef = var_Layer oGauge.Template = "var_Layer.Brightness(3) = RotateAngle" ' oGauge.Layers.Item("Thumb").Brightness(3) = oGauge.Layers.Item("Color").RotateAngle var_Layers = oGauge.Layers.Item("Thumb") oGauge.TemplateDef = "dim var_Layers" oGauge.TemplateDef = var_Layers oGauge.Template = "var_Layers.Brightness(3) = Me.Layers.Item(`Color`).RotateAngle" end function Dim oGauge as P Dim var_Layer as P Dim var_Layer1 as P oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.BeginUpdate() oGauge.PicturesPath = "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGauge\Sample\Design\Circular\Knob 1" oGauge.PicturesName = "`Layer` + int(value + 1) + `.png`" oGauge.Layers.Count = 5 oGauge.Layers.Item(1).Visible = .f. var_Layer = oGauge.Layers.Item(4) var_Layer.Key = "Thumb" var_Layer.DefaultRotateAngle = -141 var_Layer.OnDrag = 2 var_Layer.RotateType = 2 ' var_Layer.Brightness(0) = 0 oGauge.TemplateDef = "dim var_Layer" oGauge.TemplateDef = var_Layer oGauge.Template = "var_Layer.Brightness(0) = 0" ' var_Layer.Brightness(2) = 100 oGauge.TemplateDef = "dim var_Layer" oGauge.TemplateDef = var_Layer oGauge.Template = "var_Layer.Brightness(2) = 100" var_Layer1 = oGauge.Layers.Add("Color") var_Layer1.OnDrag = 2 var_Layer1.Position = 3 ' var_Layer1.Brightness(0) = 0 oGauge.TemplateDef = "dim var_Layer1" oGauge.TemplateDef = var_Layer1 oGauge.Template = "var_Layer1.Brightness(0) = 0" ' var_Layer1.Brightness(2) = 100 oGauge.TemplateDef = "dim var_Layer1" oGauge.TemplateDef = var_Layer1 oGauge.Template = "var_Layer1.Brightness(2) = 100" var_Layer1.Background.Picture.Name = "Layer3.png" var_Layer1.Clip.Pie.SweepAngle = "value" oGauge.Layers.Item("Thumb").RotateAngle = 135 oGauge.EndUpdate() |
52 |
How can I display / clip a picture with no transparency
Dim oGauge as P Dim var_ClipPicture as P Dim var_Layer as P Dim var_Layer1 as P oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.BeginUpdate() oGauge.PicturesPath = "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGauge\Sample\Design\Circular\Knob 1" var_Layer = oGauge.Layers.Add("default") var_Layer.OnDrag = 1 var_Layer.Background.Picture.Name = "Layer2.png" var_Layer.DefaultOffsetY = -164 var_Layer1 = oGauge.Layers.Add("notransparency") var_Layer1.OnDrag = 1 var_Layer1.Background.Picture.Name = "Layer2.png" var_ClipPicture = var_Layer1.Clip.Picture var_ClipPicture.Name = oGauge.Layers.Item("notransparency").Background.Picture.Name var_ClipPicture.AlphaTo = "128" var_Layer1.Grayscale = 100 oGauge.EndUpdate() |
51 |
How can I resize all layers
Dim oGauge as P Dim var_Layer as P oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.BeginUpdate() oGauge.PicturesPath = "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGauge\Sample\Design\Circular\Knob 2" oGauge.PicturesName = "`Layer` + int(value + 1) + `.png`" oGauge.Layers.Count = 5 var_Layer = oGauge.Layers.Add("autosize") var_Layer.Visible = .f. var_Layer.Width = 164 var_Layer.Height = 128 oGauge.LayerAutoSize = oGauge.Layers.Item("autosize").Index oGauge.EndUpdate() |
50 |
How can I start moving any layer when user clicks it
' Occurs once the user starts dragging a layer. function DragStart as v (DragInfo as OLE::Exontrol.Gauge.1::IDragInfo,Cancel as L) ' Layers(DragInfo.Layer).OnDrag = 1 oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex end function Dim oGauge as P oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.PicturesPath = "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGauge\Sample\Design\Circular\Knob" oGauge.PicturesName = "`Layer` + int(value + 1) + `.png`" oGauge.Layers.Count = 11 |
49 |
How can I prevent dragging the layers when user right click it
' Occurs once the user starts dragging a layer. function DragStart as v (DragInfo as OLE::Exontrol.Gauge.1::IDragInfo,Cancel as L) ' Cancel = Me.FormatABC("A=2",DragInfo.Button) oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex end function Dim oGauge as P oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.PicturesPath = "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGauge\Sample\Design\Circular\Knob" oGauge.PicturesName = "`Layer` + int(value + 1) + `.png`" oGauge.Layers.Count = 11 oGauge.Layers.Item(0).OnDrag = 1 |
48 |
Is your control DPI-Aware
Dim oGauge as P Dim var_Layer as P oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.PicturesPath = "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGauge\Sample\Design\Circular\Knob" oGauge.PicturesName = "`Layer` + str(value + 1) + `.png`" oGauge.Template = "DefaultLayer(185) = 2" // oGauge.DefaultLayer(185) = 2 oGauge.Layers.Count = 11 oGauge.Layers.Item(3).Grayscale = 100 oGauge.Layers.Item(4).Grayscale = 100 var_Layer = oGauge.Layers.Item(10) var_Layer.Width = "128 * dpix" var_Layer.Height = "128 * dpiy" oGauge.Layers.Item(9).OnDrag = 2 oGauge.LayerAutoSize = 10 |
47 |
Is it possible to make the control transparent, I would like to put the control on a form, then make the form transparent so the control appears on the desktop with just the images contained in the layers visible
Dim oGauge as P Dim var_Layer as P oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.PicturesPath = "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGauge\Sample\Design\Circular\Knob" oGauge.PicturesName = "`Layer` + str(value + 1) + `.png`" oGauge.Layers.Count = 10 var_Layer = oGauge.Layers.Item(9) var_Layer.RotateType = 2 var_Layer.OnDrag = 2 oGauge.AllowMoveOnClick = .t. oGauge.LayerUpdate = 2 |
46 |
How can I show the layers on perspective
Dim oGauge as P oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.PicturesPath = "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGauge\Sample\Design\Circular\Knob" oGauge.PicturesName = "`Layer` + str(value + 1) + `.png`" oGauge.Layers.Count = 10 oGauge.Debug = 1 |
45 |
Is it possible to resize all layers after they are loaded (method 2)
Dim oGauge as P Dim var_Layer as P oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.PicturesPath = "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGauge\Sample\Design\Circular\Knob" oGauge.PicturesName = "`Layer` + str(value + 1) + `.png`" oGauge.Template = "DefaultLayer(185) = 2" // oGauge.DefaultLayer(185) = 2 oGauge.Layers.Count = 11 oGauge.Layers.Item(3).Grayscale = 100 oGauge.Layers.Item(4).Grayscale = 100 oGauge.Layers.Item(9).OnDrag = 2 var_Layer = oGauge.Layers.Item(10) var_Layer.Width = 128 var_Layer.Height = 128 oGauge.LayerAutoSize = 10 |
44 |
Is it possible to resize all layers after they are loaded (method 1)
Dim oGauge as P oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.PicturesPath = "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGauge\Sample\Design\Circular\Knob" oGauge.PicturesName = "`Layer` + str(value + 1) + `.png`" oGauge.Template = "DefaultLayer(185) = 2" // oGauge.DefaultLayer(185) = 2 oGauge.Layers.Count = 10 oGauge.Layers.Item(3).Grayscale = 100 oGauge.Layers.Item(4).Grayscale = 100 oGauge.LayerAutoSize = -1 |
43 |
Is it possible to load images for different layers from different folders
Dim oGauge as P Dim var_Layer as P Dim var_Picture as P oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.PicturesPath = "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGauge\Sample\Design\Circular\Knob" oGauge.PicturesName = "`Layer` + str(value + 1) + `.png`" oGauge.Layers.Count = 12 oGauge.Layers.Item(0).Background.Picture.Name = "\..\Clock\vista_clock.png" oGauge.Layers.Item(9).Background.Picture.Name = "\..\Knob 2\Layer3.png" oGauge.Layers.Item(10).Background.Picture.Name = "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGauge\Sample\Design\Led\Speed\noBack.png" var_Layer = oGauge.Layers.Item(11) var_Layer.DefaultOffsetX = 64 var_Layer.DefaultOffsetY = -36 var_Picture = var_Layer.Background.Picture var_Picture.Name = "gCJKBOI4NBQaBQAhQNJJIIhShQAEEREAIA0ROZ6PT0hQEX5JIhBKhYQrFSxNNhUKoUY7/c6+R6+a7pPg0UAjaISTQwCzMEgtWQ2IyDBJJMYiNJCJgTVJuMghNTcSgFAxlNZiMinYKNRQ2NxMBhWNQkSRUAQkRRNEhYEBhMogMADOwGfY6N7eXb3DgXeamZgMGbQIStE55RZ7c7ce7/XpzZycOaBf7ZNAlZwiGQIMAnQBnAL4ACKAACABXADMAY4BLgHYiXS6VQAESyDbAHYAGwvea9E4BXhPIgXD4KQCZD4FeAJzqWFLcNQf1KkSgyFYGMDmVoAEwAHjxQDiOo7AbgKqlaj8WQBRgxDYBfmabpDRTXdumF5ZSwVboXIBrToAhgBIwHWFREvoNZtlsb42G6Kg2g4b59AeYgAnAMpWnqBZWk2JoIkQcY8AGQAvgAPBWkcScUnceh6FoLYWAsepsGwLBsCcMIMh8C4AHYOAODOVIUHaYwviKMgvh2eIxmORxcnHJ5MjYExBlmM5nBAVgqGodY9nuFxXGoA5al8WIJmAe5OgAIxtD6bJUimU5uC4GxFiOaxXkOc59lwOh0kkFYREWFZ6iSdhiiMQBSg0VArFWAZ0CgepijEKJdlcBZnnuaJ2n2PBZCgaAHnESZsHmRpFlKBBECQY5hA2DoOgaYYYCoC4zjObpAkCAJ+mVGgQBEFZ7CSVgbgYYYGk8c4ugODRFFgKRUnYAZ4C8E5ECqWwOl8d5/gcGgjmALQRjiUBQmg9oVDWBAIFoAZ8DmBoAlcWoBlwWAjHEK5pnSehpDALR9A2U1+FWAB3B2X4rmCJwaBcLQNmiG4AG8do6FkLRWjEOw7GsEwRBQUogCIEBRH0LJEAQeR8h4c55jyXwDmAK9TlMLIoBcS4pgAZwBGwaB3FIGIDBHopsmWS4Xh2HpUgoPhvkOcYcWANBWiCIh5GicJhnKUOvCcJp0CIGxNg6doEIUUopHSGoAA+OhhFeKgVBoGIYnCfo7HcTgdhuG4zkWBB68GdJmkKQQPcSVx6Hue47l0foMAAZ5yjkXJTBoW5ekgSglFKZ4AAYO5BDwIAdkgZZykcWg3G8OoPlgNpDicT4fH6AwZk+M4zDEMwZGMVB9GGZgqGeO51kmfAbnyGQZjSVofmeepzB8Nojmqah+gQEAzCsKfvgoI5oniYOvCCZaghiWfeiWNY2mOOJ2CMKJyDUVpOhwR38EcDpWlq/4Ox6xLAxCMIkRAShQCoC4C4D42RaCpH+BAGY1wDiDFoGgbwFQIjbHuH0Y48x+BUCeE8O47h0DRBeN8FwFAFC7ESMgJ4AAOARFyCsOQSgIhbEsK0FoywZC2DaOsFAig3DOGYMwPguAzjPE8G8QZFT1ghEA5IG4QhaHIB4M8JragUitDqK5jIrhvj2HoLYU49hHjvA+NsWQZRligHWLoDwRAkAaGcBICIExIshBwAgQQ8ojjMCeAcB4Hh8DiGMI0X4rhiixEyNcLQBwRASAEIgKAKxjB7CMEAfIfhbjrB0E4JQGxOgWEiF4CIzhFjgDi+gfQdh2jaBqLQPo+x7CNHSEwYwfwWCfHeA5WYXgsBYAQG4bougag/B6P0eYHwpg/A4D8F4pBXArGQJwRI9RviGHyDYQARQAAVAAPoTwAACCQGoCADgrxljzF0KwVwbgDBnGIJIDgGxnCxHgDoGInAxhmC+O4agjwUCQBMEIVAiA3ALCiMkRAKgAhcGsHEKgTg3BFikGoEQ3hqCkE0DsMILQbgCGADgVwGwsiOCKCYGQBBAgREiKoRABIkATGYK4AAThJAGBCEACYEAEhRGKBAFoCAmBgEYAkSQCQthtEuPsWwAAkgUCIAARzUgnD3HoHAS46xMDFWgDUbQLAlDMgiKsFwIw2AzGwEoUQJXQjXCIGIAwQhUh9DiJQBAxwQAwFID0IA2wjCkCQBEBYUw3g2AWMsKwNAvgqFWLQJIOwbAcBOEIMgLwxDRGkNACw7gAAwDUPkRokwYBrCKKQLo1xKhIDWGEMYOhnCGD+AETIaBOCABEEYVY0yI1SCKE4IgrghBgEEQEA=" var_Picture.Width = 64 var_Picture.Height = 64 |
42 |
How can I specify whether an object can be selected or not
' Occurs when the user moves the mouse. function MouseMove as v (Button as N,Shift as N,X as OLE::Exontrol.Gauge.1::OLE_XPOS_PIXELS,Y as OLE::Exontrol.Gauge.1::OLE_YPOS_PIXELS) oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex ? oGauge.LayerFromPoint(-1,-1) end function Dim oGauge as P Dim var_Foreground as P Dim var_Foreground1 as P Dim var_Layer as P Dim var_Layer1 as P Dim var_Picture as P Dim var_Picture1 as P oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.BeginUpdate() oGauge.PicturesPath = "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGauge\Sample\Design\Circular\Knob" oGauge.PicturesName = "`Layer` + str(value + 1) + `.png`" oGauge.Layers.Count = 12 var_Layer = oGauge.Layers.Item(10) var_Layer.RotateType = 2 var_Layer.OnDrag = 2 var_Picture = var_Layer.Background.ExtraPicture("extra1") var_Picture.Name = "Layer1.png" var_Picture.Left = "32" var_Picture.Top = "32" var_Picture.Width = 64 var_Picture.Height = 64 var_Foreground = var_Layer.Foreground ' var_Foreground.Caption(0) = "<sha ;;0>selectable" oGauge.TemplateDef = "dim var_Foreground" oGauge.TemplateDef = var_Foreground oGauge.Template = "var_Foreground.Caption(0) = `<sha ;;0>selectable`" ' var_Foreground.Caption(4) = 38 oGauge.TemplateDef = "dim var_Foreground" oGauge.TemplateDef = var_Foreground oGauge.Template = "var_Foreground.Caption(4) = 38" ' var_Foreground.Caption(5) = -5 oGauge.TemplateDef = "dim var_Foreground" oGauge.TemplateDef = var_Foreground oGauge.Template = "var_Foreground.Caption(5) = -5" var_Layer1 = oGauge.Layers.Item(11) var_Picture1 = var_Layer1.Background.ExtraPicture("extra2") var_Picture1.Name = "Layer1.png" var_Picture1.Left = "width-64" var_Picture1.Top = "height-84 - 32" var_Picture1.Width = 64 var_Picture1.Height = 64 var_Picture1.Selectable = .f. ' var_Layer1.Brightness(0) = 25 oGauge.TemplateDef = "dim var_Layer1" oGauge.TemplateDef = var_Layer1 oGauge.Template = "var_Layer1.Brightness(0) = 25" var_Foreground1 = var_Layer1.Foreground ' var_Foreground1.Caption(0) = "<sha ;;0>not selectable" oGauge.TemplateDef = "dim var_Foreground1" oGauge.TemplateDef = var_Foreground1 oGauge.Template = "var_Foreground1.Caption(0) = `<sha ;;0>not selectable`" ' var_Foreground1.Caption(3) = 8 oGauge.TemplateDef = "dim var_Foreground1" oGauge.TemplateDef = var_Foreground1 oGauge.Template = "var_Foreground1.Caption(3) = 8" ' var_Foreground1.Caption(5) = "height-theight/4" oGauge.TemplateDef = "dim var_Foreground1" oGauge.TemplateDef = var_Foreground1 oGauge.Template = "var_Foreground1.Caption(5) = `height-theight/4`" oGauge.EndUpdate() |
41 |
How do I get the layer/object/picture from the cursor
' Occurs when the user moves the mouse. function MouseMove as v (Button as N,Shift as N,X as OLE::Exontrol.Gauge.1::OLE_XPOS_PIXELS,Y as OLE::Exontrol.Gauge.1::OLE_YPOS_PIXELS) oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex ? oGauge.LayerFromPoint(-1,-1) end function Dim oGauge as P Dim var_Layer as P oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.PicturesPath = "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGauge\Sample\Design\Circular\Knob" oGauge.PicturesName = "`Layer` + str(value + 1) + `.png`" oGauge.Layers.Count = 10 var_Layer = oGauge.Layers.Item(9) var_Layer.RotateType = 2 var_Layer.OnDrag = 2 |
40 |
How can I display a speedometer
' Occurs when the layer's value is changed. function Change as v (Layer as N) Dim var_Picture as local Dim var_Picture1 as local oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.Layers.Item("arc").Clip.Value = oGauge.Value ' oGauge.Layers.Item("noDigit").Background.ExtraPicture("80").Name = oGauge.FormatABC("`no` + int((value MIN 0 MAX 99)/10) + `.png`",oGauge.Value) var_Picture = oGauge.Layers.Item("noDigit").Background.ExtraPicture("80") oGauge.TemplateDef = "dim var_Picture" oGauge.TemplateDef = var_Picture oGauge.Template = "Me.Layers.Item(`noDigit`).Background.ExtraPicture(`80`).Name = Me.FormatABC(```no`` + int((value MIN 0 MAX 99)/10) + ``.png```,Me.Value)" ' oGauge.Layers.Item("noDigit").Background.ExtraPicture("08").Name = oGauge.FormatABC("`no` + int((value MIN 0 MAX 99) mod 10) + `.png`",oGauge.Value) var_Picture1 = oGauge.Layers.Item("noDigit").Background.ExtraPicture("08") oGauge.TemplateDef = "dim var_Picture1" oGauge.TemplateDef = var_Picture1 oGauge.Template = "Me.Layers.Item(`noDigit`).Background.ExtraPicture(`08`).Name = Me.FormatABC(```no`` + int((value MIN 0 MAX 99) mod 10) + ``.png```,Me.Value)" end function ' Occurs when the mouse wheel moves while the control has focus function MouseWheel as v (Delta as N) oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.Value = oGauge.FormatABC("value + B",oGauge.Value,Delta) end function Dim oGauge as P Dim var_ClipPie as P Dim var_ClipPie1 as P Dim var_Layer as P Dim var_Layer1 as P Dim var_Layer2 as P Dim var_Layer3 as P Dim var_Layer4 as P Dim var_Layer5 as P Dim var_Picture as P Dim var_Picture1 as P Dim var_Picture2 as P Dim var_Picture3 as P oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.BeginUpdate() oGauge.BackColor = 2631720 oGauge.AllowSmoothChange = 0 oGauge.PicturesPath = "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGauge\Sample\Design\Led\Speed" oGauge.Layers.Count = 6 var_Layer = oGauge.Layers.Item(0) var_Layer.Key = "arcBack" var_Layer.Background.Picture.Name = "noArcBack.png" var_ClipPie = var_Layer.Clip.Pie var_ClipPie.StartAngle = 240 var_ClipPie.SweepAngle = 240 var_Layer1 = oGauge.Layers.Item(1) var_Layer1.Key = "arc" var_Layer1.Background.Picture.Name = "noArc.png" var_ClipPie1 = var_Layer1.Clip.Pie var_ClipPie1.StartAngle = 240 var_ClipPie1.SweepAngle = "value/100 * 240" var_Layer2 = oGauge.Layers.Item(2) var_Layer2.RotateType = 2 var_Layer2.Key = "pointer" var_Layer2.Background.Picture.Name = "noLine.png" var_Layer2.DefaultRotateAngle = 240 var_Layer2.RotateAngleToValue = "value/240 * 100" var_Layer2.ValueToRotateAngle = "value / 100 * 240" var_Layer2.RotateAngleValid = "value > 240 ? (value > 300 ? 0 : 240) : value" var_Layer2.OnDrag = 2 var_Layer3 = oGauge.Layers.Item(3) var_Layer3.Key = "noBack" var_Layer3.Left = "(width - 55 * 2)/2" var_Layer3.Top = "(height - 94 * 1)/2" var_Layer3.Width = "2 * 45 + 8" var_Layer3.Height = "1 * 94" var_Layer3.Transparency = 90 var_Picture = var_Layer3.Background.ExtraPicture("80") var_Picture.Name = "noBack.png" var_Picture.Left = "-4" var_Picture.Width = "70" var_Picture1 = var_Layer3.Background.ExtraPicture("08") var_Picture1.Name = "noBack.png" var_Picture1.Left = "36" var_Picture1.Width = 70 var_Layer4 = oGauge.Layers.Item(4) var_Layer4.Key = "noDigit" var_Layer4.Left = "(width - 55 * 2)/2" var_Layer4.Top = "(height - 94 * 1)/2" var_Layer4.Width = "2 * 45 + 8" var_Layer4.Height = "1 * 94" var_Picture2 = var_Layer4.Background.ExtraPicture("80") var_Picture2.Name = "no1.png" var_Picture2.Left = "-4" var_Picture2.Width = "70" var_Picture3 = var_Layer4.Background.ExtraPicture("08") var_Picture3.Name = "no2.png" var_Picture3.Left = "36" var_Picture3.Width = 70 var_Layer5 = oGauge.Layers.Item(5) var_Layer5.Key = "noCap" var_Layer5.Background.Picture.Name = "noCap.png" var_Layer5.Transparency = 45 oGauge.Layers.Item("pointer").Position = oGauge.Layers.Item("noCap").Position oGauge.LayerOfValue = oGauge.Layers.Item("pointer").Index oGauge.Value = 56 oGauge.EndUpdate() |
39 |
How can I display LED-numbers
' Occurs when the layer's value is changed. function Change as v (Layer as N) Dim var_Picture as local Dim var_Picture1 as local oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.Value = oGauge.FormatABC("value MIN 0 MAX 99",.Value) ' oGauge.Layers.Item("noDigit").Background.ExtraPicture("80").Name = oGauge.FormatABC("`no` + int((value MIN 0 MAX 99)/10) + `.png`",oGauge.Value) var_Picture = oGauge.Layers.Item("noDigit").Background.ExtraPicture("80") oGauge.TemplateDef = "dim var_Picture" oGauge.TemplateDef = var_Picture oGauge.Template = "Me.Layers.Item(`noDigit`).Background.ExtraPicture(`80`).Name = Me.FormatABC(```no`` + int((value MIN 0 MAX 99)/10) + ``.png```,Me.Value)" ' oGauge.Layers.Item("noDigit").Background.ExtraPicture("08").Name = oGauge.FormatABC("`no` + int((value MIN 0 MAX 99) mod 10) + `.png`",oGauge.Value) var_Picture1 = oGauge.Layers.Item("noDigit").Background.ExtraPicture("08") oGauge.TemplateDef = "dim var_Picture1" oGauge.TemplateDef = var_Picture1 oGauge.Template = "Me.Layers.Item(`noDigit`).Background.ExtraPicture(`08`).Name = Me.FormatABC(```no`` + int((value MIN 0 MAX 99) mod 10) + ``.png```,Me.Value)" end function ' Occurs when the mouse wheel moves while the control has focus function MouseWheel as v (Delta as N) oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.Value = oGauge.FormatABC("value + B",oGauge.Layers.Item("noDigit").Value,Delta) end function ' Occurs when the interval elapses. function Timer as v (TickCount as N) oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.Value = oGauge.FormatABC("value = 99 ? 0 : ( value + B )",oGauge.Value,1) end function Dim oGauge as P Dim var_Layer as P Dim var_Layer1 as P Dim var_Picture as P Dim var_Picture1 as P Dim var_Picture2 as P Dim var_Picture3 as P oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.BeginUpdate() oGauge.AllowSmoothChange = 0 oGauge.PicturesPath = "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGauge\Sample\Design\Led\Speed" oGauge.Layers.Count = 3 var_Layer = oGauge.Layers.Item(1) var_Layer.Key = "noBack" var_Layer.Left = "(width - 55 * 2)/2" var_Layer.Top = "(height - 94 * 1)/2" var_Layer.Width = "2 * 45 + 8" var_Layer.Height = "1 * 94" var_Layer.Transparency = 90 var_Picture = var_Layer.Background.ExtraPicture("80") var_Picture.Name = "noBack.png" var_Picture.Left = "-4" var_Picture.Width = "70" var_Picture1 = var_Layer.Background.ExtraPicture("08") var_Picture1.Name = "noBack.png" var_Picture1.Left = "36" var_Picture1.Width = 70 var_Layer1 = oGauge.Layers.Item(2) var_Layer1.Key = "noDigit" var_Layer1.Left = "(width - 55 * 2)/2" var_Layer1.Top = "(height - 94 * 1)/2" var_Layer1.Width = "2 * 45 + 8" var_Layer1.Height = "1 * 94" var_Picture2 = var_Layer1.Background.ExtraPicture("80") var_Picture2.Name = "no1.png" var_Picture2.Left = "-4" var_Picture2.Width = "70" var_Picture3 = var_Layer1.Background.ExtraPicture("08") var_Picture3.Name = "no2.png" var_Picture3.Left = "36" var_Picture3.Width = 70 oGauge.LayerOfValue = oGauge.Layers.Item("noDigit").Index oGauge.Value = 73 oGauge.TimerInterval = 100 oGauge.EndUpdate() |
38 |
How can I display a simple knob, to fit the control's client area
Dim oGauge as P Dim var_Layer as P oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.PicturesPath = "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGauge\Sample\Design\Circular\Knob 1" oGauge.PicturesName = "`Layer` + str(value + 1) + `.png`" oGauge.LayerAutoSize = -1 oGauge.Template = "DefaultLayer(18) = `width MAX height`" // oGauge.DefaultLayer(18) = "width MAX height" oGauge.Template = "DefaultLayer(19) = `width MAX height`" // oGauge.DefaultLayer(19) = "width MAX height" oGauge.Layers.Count = 5 var_Layer = oGauge.Layers.Item(4) var_Layer.OnDrag = 3 var_Layer.DefaultRotateAngle = -142 |
37 |
How can I display a switch
' Occurs when the user presses and then releases the left mouse button over the control. function Click as v () oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.Value = oGauge.FormatABC("(value + 1) mod 2",.Value) end function ' Occurs once the user ends dragging a layer. function DragEnd as v (DragInfo as OLE::Exontrol.Gauge.1::IDragInfo,Cancel as L) oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.Value = oGauge.FormatABC("(value < 24 ? 0 : 1)",oGauge.Layers.Item("knob").OffsetX) end function ' Occurs once the user starts dragging a layer. function DragStart as v (DragInfo as OLE::Exontrol.Gauge.1::IDragInfo,Cancel as L) oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex end function ' Occurs when the mouse wheel moves while the control has focus function MouseWheel as v (Delta as N) oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.Value = oGauge.FormatABC("value > 0 ? 1 : 0",Delta) end function Dim oGauge as P Dim var_Layer as P Dim var_Layer1 as P Dim var_Layer2 as P Dim var_Picture as P Dim var_Picture1 as P Dim var_Picture2 as P oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.PicturesPath = "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGauge\Sample\Design\Linear\Switch" oGauge.Layers.Count = 4 oGauge.Layers.Item(0).Background.Picture.Name = "background.png" var_Layer = oGauge.Layers.Item(1) var_Picture = var_Layer.Background.Picture var_Picture.Name = "Indicator_ON.png" var_Picture.DisplayAs = 16 var_Layer.OffsetXValid = 48 var_Layer.OffsetYValid = 0 var_Layer1 = oGauge.Layers.Item(2) var_Picture1 = var_Layer1.Background.Picture var_Picture1.Name = "Indicator_OFF.png" var_Picture1.DisplayAs = 18 var_Layer1.OffsetXValid = -12 var_Layer1.OffsetYValid = 0 var_Layer2 = oGauge.Layers.Item(3) var_Layer2.OnDrag = 1 var_Layer2.Key = "knob" var_Picture2 = var_Layer2.Background.Picture var_Picture2.Name = "knob.png" var_Picture2.DisplayAs = 17 var_Layer2.DefaultOffsetY = "9" var_Layer2.DefaultOffsetX = "-5" var_Layer2.OffsetYValid = "0" var_Layer2.ValueToOffsetX = "value = 0 ? 0 : 48" var_Layer2.OffsetToValue = "value = 0 ? 0 : 1" var_Layer2.OffsetXValid = "(value MIN 0 MAX 48)" oGauge.LayerOfValue = oGauge.Layers.Item("knob").Index oGauge.Value = 1 |
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How can I colorize the layer
' Occurs when the layer's value is changed. function Change as v (Layer as N) oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.Template = "Caption(0) = FormatABC(``` Value: <b>`` + (value format ````)`,Layers.Item(4).Value)" // oGauge.Caption(0) = oGauge.FormatABC("` Value: <b>` + (value format ``)",oGauge.Layers.Item(4).Value) end function ' Occurs when the user presses and then releases the left mouse button over the control. function Click as v () Dim var_Object as P oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex var_Object = oGauge.Layers.Item(oGauge.LayerFromPoint(-1,-1)) end function ' Notifies that the cursor enters the layer. function MouseIn as v (Layer as N) Dim var_Layer as P oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex var_Layer = oGauge.Layers.Item(Layer) ' var_Layer.Brightness(1) = 100 oGauge.TemplateDef = "dim var_Layer" oGauge.TemplateDef = var_Layer oGauge.Template = "var_Layer.Brightness(1) = 100" ' var_Layer.Brightness(2) = 0 oGauge.TemplateDef = "dim var_Layer" oGauge.TemplateDef = var_Layer oGauge.Template = "var_Layer.Brightness(2) = 0" ' var_Layer.Brightness(3) = 0 oGauge.TemplateDef = "dim var_Layer" oGauge.TemplateDef = var_Layer oGauge.Template = "var_Layer.Brightness(3) = 0" end function ' Notifies that the cursor exits the layer. function MouseOut as v (Layer as N) Dim var_Layer as P oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex var_Layer = oGauge.Layers.Item(Layer) ' var_Layer.Brightness(1) = oGauge.DefaultLayer(128) oGauge.TemplateDef = "dim var_Layer" oGauge.TemplateDef = var_Layer oGauge.Template = "var_Layer.Brightness(1) = Me.DefaultLayer(128)" ' var_Layer.Brightness(2) = oGauge.DefaultLayer(128) oGauge.TemplateDef = "dim var_Layer" oGauge.TemplateDef = var_Layer oGauge.Template = "var_Layer.Brightness(2) = Me.DefaultLayer(128)" ' var_Layer.Brightness(3) = oGauge.DefaultLayer(128) oGauge.TemplateDef = "dim var_Layer" oGauge.TemplateDef = var_Layer oGauge.Template = "var_Layer.Brightness(3) = Me.DefaultLayer(128)" end function ' Occurs when the mouse wheel moves while the control has focus function MouseWheel as v (Delta as N) oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.Value = oGauge.FormatABC("A - B",.Value,Delta) end function Dim oGauge as P Dim var_Layer as P Dim var_Layer1 as P oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.BeginUpdate() oGauge.Template = "DefaultLayer(128) = 51" // oGauge.DefaultLayer(128) = 51 oGauge.PicturesPath = "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGauge\Sample\Design\Circular\Knob 2" oGauge.PicturesName = "`Layer` + str(value + 1) + `.png`" oGauge.Layers.Count = 6 var_Layer = oGauge.Layers.Item(0) var_Layer.RotateCenterX = "lwidth/2-3" var_Layer.RotateCenterY = "lheight/2+23" var_Layer1 = oGauge.Layers.Item(4) var_Layer1.DefaultRotateAngle = -132 var_Layer1.OnDrag = 3 var_Layer1.RotateAngleValid = "value < 0 ? 0 : (value > 236 ? (value > 300 ? 0 : 236 ) : value)" var_Layer1.ValueToRotateAngle = "value < 20 ? (value /20 * 86) : (value - 20) / (90-20) * (236-86) + 86" var_Layer1.RotateAngleToValue = "value < 86 ? value / 86 * 20: ( 20 + ( value -86 ) / (236-86) * 70 )" oGauge.Value = 45 oGauge.EndUpdate() |
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How can I imitate the rotating angle on an unequal scale
' Occurs when the layer's value is changed. function Change as v (Layer as N) oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.Template = "Caption(0) = FormatABC(``` Value: <b>`` + (value format ````)`,Layers.Item(4).Value)" // oGauge.Caption(0) = oGauge.FormatABC("` Value: <b>` + (value format ``)",oGauge.Layers.Item(4).Value) end function ' Occurs when the mouse wheel moves while the control has focus function MouseWheel as v (Delta as N) oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.Value = oGauge.FormatABC("A - B",.Value,Delta) end function Dim oGauge as P Dim var_Layer as P Dim var_Layer1 as P oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.BeginUpdate() oGauge.PicturesPath = "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGauge\Sample\Design\Circular\Knob 2" oGauge.PicturesName = "`Layer` + str(value + 1) + `.png`" oGauge.Layers.Count = 6 var_Layer = oGauge.Layers.Item(0) var_Layer.RotateCenterX = "lwidth/2-3" var_Layer.RotateCenterY = "lheight/2+23" var_Layer1 = oGauge.Layers.Item(4) var_Layer1.DefaultRotateAngle = -132 var_Layer1.OnDrag = 3 var_Layer1.RotateAngleValid = "value < 0 ? 0 : (value > 236 ? (value > 300 ? 0 : 236 ) : value)" var_Layer1.ValueToRotateAngle = "value < 20 ? (value /20 * 86) : (value - 20) / (90-20) * (236-86) + 86" var_Layer1.RotateAngleToValue = "value < 86 ? value / 86 * 20: ( 20 + ( value -86 ) / (236-86) * 70 )" oGauge.Value = 45 oGauge.EndUpdate() |
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How can I rotate more knobs at once
' Occurs when the layer's value is changed. function Change as v (Layer as N) oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.Template = "Caption(0) = FormatABC(``` Value: <b>`` + (value format ````)`,Layers.Item(4).Value)" // oGauge.Caption(0) = oGauge.FormatABC("` Value: <b>` + (value format ``)",oGauge.Layers.Item(4).Value) oGauge.Layers.Item(2).RotateAngle = oGauge.Layers.Item(4).RotateAngle end function ' Occurs when the mouse wheel moves while the control has focus function MouseWheel as v (Delta as N) oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.Layers.Item(4).RotateAngle = oGauge.FormatABC("A - B",oGauge.Layers.Item(4).RotateAngle,Delta) end function Dim oGauge as P Dim var_Layer as P Dim var_Layer1 as P oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.PicturesPath = "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGauge\Sample\Design\Circular\Knob 1" oGauge.PicturesName = "`Layer` + str(value + 1) + `.png`" oGauge.Layers.Count = 5 var_Layer = oGauge.Layers.Item(4) var_Layer.OnDrag = 3 var_Layer.DefaultRotateAngle = -142 var_Layer1 = oGauge.Layers.Item(2) var_Layer1.OnDrag = 2 var_Layer1.RotateType = 2 |
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How can I clip one layer while other is rotating
' Occurs when the layer's value is changed. function Change as v (Layer as N) oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.Template = "Caption(0) = FormatABC(``` Value: <b>`` + (value format ````)`,Layers.Item(9).Value)" // oGauge.Caption(0) = oGauge.FormatABC("` Value: <b>` + (value format ``)",oGauge.Layers.Item(9).Value) oGauge.Template = "ExtraCaption(`RotateAngle`,0) = FormatABC(``` RotateAngle: <b>`` + ( A format ```` ) + ``°```,Layers.Item(9).RotateAngle)" // oGauge.ExtraCaption("RotateAngle",0) = oGauge.FormatABC("` RotateAngle: <b>` + ( A format `` ) + `°`",oGauge.Layers.Item(9).RotateAngle) oGauge.Template = "ExtraCaption(`RotateAngle`,5) = 18" // oGauge.ExtraCaption("RotateAngle",5) = 18 oGauge.Template = "ExtraCaption(`RotamoveCenter`,0) = FormatABC(``` RotamoveCenter: <b> (`` + A + ``,`` + B + ``)```,Layers.Item(9).RotamoveCenterX,Layers.Item(9).RotamoveCenterY)" // oGauge.ExtraCaption("RotamoveCenter",0) = oGauge.FormatABC("` RotamoveCenter: <b> (` + A + `,` + B + `)`",oGauge.Layers.Item(9).RotamoveCenterX,oGauge.Layers.Item(9).RotamoveCenterY) oGauge.Template = "ExtraCaption(`RotamoveCenter`,5) = 36" // oGauge.ExtraCaption("RotamoveCenter",5) = 36 oGauge.Template = "ExtraCaption(`RotamoveOffset`,0) = FormatABC(``` RotamoveOffset: <b> (`` + A + ``,`` + B + ``)```,Layers.Item(9).RotamoveOffsetX,Layers.Item(9).RotamoveOffsetY)" // oGauge.ExtraCaption("RotamoveOffset",0) = oGauge.FormatABC("` RotamoveOffset: <b> (` + A + `,` + B + `)`",oGauge.Layers.Item(9).RotamoveOffsetX,oGauge.Layers.Item(9).RotamoveOffsetY) oGauge.Template = "ExtraCaption(`RotamoveOffset`,5) = 54" // oGauge.ExtraCaption("RotamoveOffset",5) = 54 oGauge.Template = "ExtraCaption(`Offset`,0) = FormatABC(``` Offset: <b> (`` + A + ``,`` + B + ``)```,Layers.Item(9).OffsetX,Layers.Item(9).OffsetY)" // oGauge.ExtraCaption("Offset",0) = oGauge.FormatABC("` Offset: <b> (` + A + `,` + B + `)`",oGauge.Layers.Item(9).OffsetX,oGauge.Layers.Item(9).OffsetY) oGauge.Template = "ExtraCaption(`Offset`,5) = 72" // oGauge.ExtraCaption("Offset",5) = 72 oGauge.Template = "ExtraCaption(`Client`,0) = FormatABC(```<sha ;;0><font ;12><b>`` + ((100 - value) format ````)`,Me.Value)" // oGauge.ExtraCaption("Client",0) = oGauge.FormatABC("`<sha ;;0><font ;12><b>` + ((100 - value) format ``)",oGauge.Value) oGauge.Template = "ExtraCaption(`Client`,4) = FormatABC(`value - 12`,Layers.Item(9).LayerToClientX(RotamoveCenterX,RotamoveCenterY))" // oGauge.ExtraCaption("Client",4) = oGauge.FormatABC("value - 12",.Item(9).LayerToClientX(oGauge.Layers.RotamoveCenterX,.RotamoveCenterY)) oGauge.Template = "ExtraCaption(`Client`,5) = FormatABC(`value - 36`,Layers.Item(9).LayerToClientY(RotamoveCenterX,RotamoveCenterY))" // oGauge.ExtraCaption("Client",5) = oGauge.FormatABC("value - 36",.Item(9).LayerToClientY(oGauge.Layers.RotamoveCenterX,.RotamoveCenterY)) oGauge.Layers.Item(3).Clip.Value = oGauge.Layers.Item(9).RotateAngle oGauge.Layers.Item(4).Clip.Value = oGauge.Layers.Item(3).Clip.Value end function ' Occurs once the user starts dragging a layer. function DragStart as v (DragInfo as OLE::Exontrol.Gauge.1::IDragInfo,Cancel as L) ' DragInfo.RotateAngleValid = "value < 0 ? 0 : ( value >= 360 ? 359.999 : value )" oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex end function ' Occurs when the mouse wheel moves while the control has focus function MouseWheel as v (Delta as N) oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.Value = oGauge.FormatABC("100 - value - B",oGauge.Value,Delta) end function Dim oGauge as P Dim var_Layer as P oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.BeginUpdate() oGauge.PicturesPath = "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGauge\Sample\Design\Circular\Knob" oGauge.PicturesName = "`Layer` + str(value + 1) + `.png`" oGauge.Layers.Count = 11 oGauge.AllowSmoothChange = 0 var_Layer = oGauge.Layers.Item(9) var_Layer.DefaultRotateAngle = -126 var_Layer.OnDrag = 3 var_Layer.RotateAngleToValue = "100 - value / 360 * 100" var_Layer.ValueToRotateAngle = "(value)/100 * 360" oGauge.Layers.Item(3).Clip.Pie.SweepAngle = "value" oGauge.Layers.Item(4).Clip.Pie.SweepAngle = oGauge.Layers.Item(3).Clip.Pie.SweepAngle oGauge.Layers.Item(9).Value = 25 oGauge.EndUpdate() |
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Can I move one or more layers at once
' Occurs when the layer's value is changed. function Change as v (Layer as N) Dim var_Layers as local Dim var_Layers1 as local oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex ' oGauge.Layers.Item(3).Brightness(1) = oGauge.FormatABC("100 - value ",oGauge.Value) var_Layers = oGauge.Layers.Item(3) oGauge.TemplateDef = "dim var_Layers" oGauge.TemplateDef = var_Layers oGauge.Template = "var_Layers.Brightness(1) = Me.FormatABC(`100 - value `,Me.Value)" ' oGauge.Layers.Item(4).Brightness(1) = oGauge.Layers.Item(3).Brightness(1) var_Layers1 = oGauge.Layers.Item(4) oGauge.TemplateDef = "dim var_Layers1" oGauge.TemplateDef = var_Layers1 oGauge.Template = "var_Layers1.Brightness(1) = Me.Layers.Item(3).Brightness(1)" oGauge.Template = "Caption(0) = FormatABC(``` Value: <b>`` + (100 - value format ````)`,Layers.Item(9).Value)" // oGauge.Caption(0) = oGauge.FormatABC("` Value: <b>` + (100 - value format ``)",oGauge.Layers.Item(9).Value) oGauge.Template = "ExtraCaption(`RotateAngle`,0) = FormatABC(``` RotateAngle: <b>`` + ( A format ```` ) + ``°```,Layers.Item(9).RotateAngle)" // oGauge.ExtraCaption("RotateAngle",0) = oGauge.FormatABC("` RotateAngle: <b>` + ( A format `` ) + `°`",oGauge.Layers.Item(9).RotateAngle) oGauge.Template = "ExtraCaption(`RotateAngle`,5) = 18" // oGauge.ExtraCaption("RotateAngle",5) = 18 oGauge.Template = "ExtraCaption(`RotamoveCenter`,0) = FormatABC(``` RotamoveCenter: <b> (`` + A + ``,`` + B + ``)```,Layers.Item(9).RotamoveCenterX,Layers.Item(9).RotamoveCenterY)" // oGauge.ExtraCaption("RotamoveCenter",0) = oGauge.FormatABC("` RotamoveCenter: <b> (` + A + `,` + B + `)`",oGauge.Layers.Item(9).RotamoveCenterX,oGauge.Layers.Item(9).RotamoveCenterY) oGauge.Template = "ExtraCaption(`RotamoveCenter`,5) = 36" // oGauge.ExtraCaption("RotamoveCenter",5) = 36 oGauge.Template = "ExtraCaption(`RotamoveOffset`,0) = FormatABC(``` RotamoveOffset: <b> (`` + A + ``,`` + B + ``)```,Layers.Item(9).RotamoveOffsetX,Layers.Item(9).RotamoveOffsetY)" // oGauge.ExtraCaption("RotamoveOffset",0) = oGauge.FormatABC("` RotamoveOffset: <b> (` + A + `,` + B + `)`",oGauge.Layers.Item(9).RotamoveOffsetX,oGauge.Layers.Item(9).RotamoveOffsetY) oGauge.Template = "ExtraCaption(`RotamoveOffset`,5) = 54" // oGauge.ExtraCaption("RotamoveOffset",5) = 54 oGauge.Template = "ExtraCaption(`Offset`,0) = FormatABC(``` Offset: <b> (`` + A + ``,`` + B + ``)```,Layers.Item(9).OffsetX,Layers.Item(9).OffsetY)" // oGauge.ExtraCaption("Offset",0) = oGauge.FormatABC("` Offset: <b> (` + A + `,` + B + `)`",oGauge.Layers.Item(9).OffsetX,oGauge.Layers.Item(9).OffsetY) oGauge.Template = "ExtraCaption(`Offset`,5) = 72" // oGauge.ExtraCaption("Offset",5) = 72 oGauge.Layers.Item(10).RotateAngle = oGauge.Layers.Item(9).RotateAngle end function ' Occurs when the user dblclk the left mouse button over an object. function DblClick as v (Shift as N,X as OLE::Exontrol.Gauge.1::OLE_XPOS_PIXELS,Y as OLE::Exontrol.Gauge.1::OLE_YPOS_PIXELS) oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.Value = 0 end function ' Notifies that the user drags the layer. function Drag as v (DragInfo as OLE::Exontrol.Gauge.1::IDragInfo) ' ExtraCaption("Clockwise",0) = FormatABC( "` Clockwise: <b>` + ( value != 0 ? `Yes` : `No`) ", DragInfo.Clockwise ) ' ExtraCaption("Cumulative",0) = FormatABC( "` CumulativeRotateAngle: <b>` + ( value format `` ) + `°` ", DragInfo.CumulativeRotateAngle ) oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex ? DragInfo oGauge.Template = "ExtraCaption(`Clockwise`,5) = 90" // oGauge.ExtraCaption("Clockwise",5) = 90 oGauge.Template = "ExtraCaption(`Cumulative`,5) = 108" // oGauge.ExtraCaption("Cumulative",5) = 108 end function ' Occurs once the user ends dragging a layer. function DragEnd as v (DragInfo as OLE::Exontrol.Gauge.1::IDragInfo,Cancel as L) oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.Template = "ExtraCaption(`Clockwise`,0) = ``" // oGauge.ExtraCaption("Clockwise",0) = "" end function ' Occurs once the user starts dragging a layer. function DragStart as v (DragInfo as OLE::Exontrol.Gauge.1::IDragInfo,Cancel as L) ' DragInfo.Debug = 227 ' DragInfo.RotateAngleValid = "value < 0 ? 0 : (value > 360 ? 359.999999 : value)" oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.Template = "ExtraCaption(`Clockwise`,0) = ``" // oGauge.ExtraCaption("Clockwise",0) = "" oGauge.Template = "ExtraCaption(`Cumulative`,0) = ``" // oGauge.ExtraCaption("Cumulative",0) = "" end function ' Occurs when the mouse wheel moves while the control has focus function MouseWheel as v (Delta as N) oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.Value = oGauge.FormatABC("100 - A - B",oGauge.Value,Delta) end function Dim oGauge as P Dim var_Layer as P Dim var_Layer1 as P Dim var_Layer2 as P Dim var_Layer3 as P oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.BeginUpdate() oGauge.PicturesPath = "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGauge\Sample\Design\Circular\Knob" oGauge.PicturesName = "`Layer` + str(value + 1) + `.png`" oGauge.Template = "DefaultLayer(185) = 2" // oGauge.DefaultLayer(185) = 2 oGauge.Layers.Count = 11 oGauge.AllowSmoothChange = 0 var_Layer = oGauge.Layers.Item(9) var_Layer.OnDrag = 3 var_Layer.DefaultRotateAngle = -126 var_Layer.RotateAngleToValue = "100 - (value ) / 360 * 100" var_Layer.ValueToRotateAngle = "(value)/100 * 360" var_Layer1 = oGauge.Layers.Item(10) var_Layer1.Grayscale = 100 var_Layer1.Transparency = 25 var_Layer1.DefaultRotateAngle = -69.5 var_Layer1.RotateAngleToValue = "100 - (value ) / 360 * 100" var_Layer1.ValueToRotateAngle = "(value 1)/100 * 360" var_Layer1.Background.Picture.Value = "Highlighted_Layer4.png" var_Layer2 = oGauge.Layers.Item(3) ' var_Layer2.Brightness(0) = 0 oGauge.TemplateDef = "dim var_Layer2" oGauge.TemplateDef = var_Layer2 oGauge.Template = "var_Layer2.Brightness(0) = 0" ' var_Layer2.Brightness(1) = 0 oGauge.TemplateDef = "dim var_Layer2" oGauge.TemplateDef = var_Layer2 oGauge.Template = "var_Layer2.Brightness(1) = 0" var_Layer3 = oGauge.Layers.Item(4) ' var_Layer3.Brightness(0) = 0 oGauge.TemplateDef = "dim var_Layer3" oGauge.TemplateDef = var_Layer3 oGauge.Template = "var_Layer3.Brightness(0) = 0" ' var_Layer3.Brightness(1) = 0 oGauge.TemplateDef = "dim var_Layer3" oGauge.TemplateDef = var_Layer3 oGauge.Template = "var_Layer3.Brightness(1) = 0" oGauge.LayerOfValue = 9 oGauge.Value = 5 oGauge.EndUpdate() |
31 |
How can I rotate a knob by moving ( rotamove )
' Occurs when the layer's value is changed. function Change as v (Layer as N) oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.Layers.Item(3).Transparency = oGauge.Value oGauge.Layers.Item(4).Transparency = oGauge.Value oGauge.Template = "Caption(0) = FormatABC(``` Value: <b>`` + (100 - value format ````)`,Layers.Item(9).Value)" // oGauge.Caption(0) = oGauge.FormatABC("` Value: <b>` + (100 - value format ``)",oGauge.Layers.Item(9).Value) oGauge.Template = "ExtraCaption(`RotateAngle`,0) = FormatABC(``` RotateAngle: <b>`` + ( A format ```` ) + ``°```,Layers.Item(9).RotateAngle)" // oGauge.ExtraCaption("RotateAngle",0) = oGauge.FormatABC("` RotateAngle: <b>` + ( A format `` ) + `°`",oGauge.Layers.Item(9).RotateAngle) oGauge.Template = "ExtraCaption(`RotateAngle`,5) = 18" // oGauge.ExtraCaption("RotateAngle",5) = 18 oGauge.Template = "ExtraCaption(`RotamoveCenter`,0) = FormatABC(``` RotamoveCenter: <b> (`` + A + ``,`` + B + ``)```,Layers.Item(9).RotamoveCenterX,Layers.Item(9).RotamoveCenterY)" // oGauge.ExtraCaption("RotamoveCenter",0) = oGauge.FormatABC("` RotamoveCenter: <b> (` + A + `,` + B + `)`",oGauge.Layers.Item(9).RotamoveCenterX,oGauge.Layers.Item(9).RotamoveCenterY) oGauge.Template = "ExtraCaption(`RotamoveCenter`,5) = 36" // oGauge.ExtraCaption("RotamoveCenter",5) = 36 oGauge.Template = "ExtraCaption(`RotamoveOffset`,0) = FormatABC(``` RotamoveOffset: <b> (`` + A + ``,`` + B + ``)```,Layers.Item(9).RotamoveOffsetX,Layers.Item(9).RotamoveOffsetY)" // oGauge.ExtraCaption("RotamoveOffset",0) = oGauge.FormatABC("` RotamoveOffset: <b> (` + A + `,` + B + `)`",oGauge.Layers.Item(9).RotamoveOffsetX,oGauge.Layers.Item(9).RotamoveOffsetY) oGauge.Template = "ExtraCaption(`RotamoveOffset`,5) = 54" // oGauge.ExtraCaption("RotamoveOffset",5) = 54 oGauge.Template = "ExtraCaption(`Offset`,0) = FormatABC(``` Offset: <b> (`` + A + ``,`` + B + ``)```,Layers.Item(9).OffsetX,Layers.Item(9).OffsetY)" // oGauge.ExtraCaption("Offset",0) = oGauge.FormatABC("` Offset: <b> (` + A + `,` + B + `)`",oGauge.Layers.Item(9).OffsetX,oGauge.Layers.Item(9).OffsetY) oGauge.Template = "ExtraCaption(`Offset`,5) = 72" // oGauge.ExtraCaption("Offset",5) = 72 end function ' Occurs when the user dblclk the left mouse button over an object. function DblClick as v (Shift as N,X as OLE::Exontrol.Gauge.1::OLE_XPOS_PIXELS,Y as OLE::Exontrol.Gauge.1::OLE_YPOS_PIXELS) oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.Value = 0 end function ' Occurs once the user starts dragging a layer. function DragStart as v (DragInfo as OLE::Exontrol.Gauge.1::IDragInfo,Cancel as L) ' DragInfo.RotateAngleValid = "value < 0 ? 0 : (value > 360 ? 359.999999 : value)" oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex end function ' Occurs when the mouse wheel moves while the control has focus function MouseWheel as v (Delta as N) oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.Value = oGauge.FormatABC("100 - A - B",oGauge.Value,Delta) end function Dim oGauge as P Dim var_Layer as P Dim var_Layer1 as P Dim var_Layer2 as P Dim var_Picture as local oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.BeginUpdate() oGauge.PicturesPath = "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGauge\Sample\Design\Circular\Knob" oGauge.PicturesName = "`Layer` + str(value + 1) + `.png`" oGauge.Layers.Count = 11 oGauge.AllowSmoothChange = 0 var_Layer = oGauge.Layers.Item(9) var_Layer.OnDrag = 3 var_Layer.DefaultRotateAngle = -126 var_Layer.RotateAngleToValue = "100 - value / 360 * 100" var_Layer.ValueToRotateAngle = "(value)/100 * 360" ' var_Layer.Background.ExtraPicture("Aka").Value = "Highlighted_Layer4.png" var_Picture = var_Layer.Background.ExtraPicture("Aka") oGauge.TemplateDef = "dim var_Picture" oGauge.TemplateDef = var_Picture oGauge.Template = "var_Picture.Value = `Highlighted_Layer4.png`" var_Layer1 = oGauge.Layers.Item(3) ' var_Layer1.Brightness(0) = 0 oGauge.TemplateDef = "dim var_Layer1" oGauge.TemplateDef = var_Layer1 oGauge.Template = "var_Layer1.Brightness(0) = 0" ' var_Layer1.Brightness(1) = 100 oGauge.TemplateDef = "dim var_Layer1" oGauge.TemplateDef = var_Layer1 oGauge.Template = "var_Layer1.Brightness(1) = 100" var_Layer2 = oGauge.Layers.Item(4) var_Layer2.OnDrag = 3 ' var_Layer2.Brightness(0) = 0 oGauge.TemplateDef = "dim var_Layer2" oGauge.TemplateDef = var_Layer2 oGauge.Template = "var_Layer2.Brightness(0) = 0" ' var_Layer2.Brightness(1) = 100 oGauge.TemplateDef = "dim var_Layer2" oGauge.TemplateDef = var_Layer2 oGauge.Template = "var_Layer2.Brightness(1) = 100" oGauge.Value = 15 oGauge.EndUpdate() |
30 |
How can I display a knob, and displays the current value on it
' Occurs when the layer's value is changed. function Change as v (Layer as N) oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.Template = "Caption(0) = FormatABC(``` Value: <b>`` + (100 - value format ````)`,Layers.Item(9).Value)" // oGauge.Caption(0) = oGauge.FormatABC("` Value: <b>` + (100 - value format ``)",oGauge.Layers.Item(9).Value) oGauge.Template = "ExtraCaption(`RotateAngle`,0) = FormatABC(``` RotateAngle: <b>`` + ( A format ```` ) + ``°```,Layers.Item(9).RotateAngle)" // oGauge.ExtraCaption("RotateAngle",0) = oGauge.FormatABC("` RotateAngle: <b>` + ( A format `` ) + `°`",oGauge.Layers.Item(9).RotateAngle) oGauge.Template = "ExtraCaption(`RotateAngle`,5) = 18" // oGauge.ExtraCaption("RotateAngle",5) = 18 oGauge.Template = "ExtraCaption(`RotamoveCenter`,0) = FormatABC(``` RotamoveCenter: <b> (`` + A + ``,`` + B + ``)```,Layers.Item(9).RotamoveCenterX,Layers.Item(9).RotamoveCenterY)" // oGauge.ExtraCaption("RotamoveCenter",0) = oGauge.FormatABC("` RotamoveCenter: <b> (` + A + `,` + B + `)`",oGauge.Layers.Item(9).RotamoveCenterX,oGauge.Layers.Item(9).RotamoveCenterY) oGauge.Template = "ExtraCaption(`RotamoveCenter`,5) = 36" // oGauge.ExtraCaption("RotamoveCenter",5) = 36 oGauge.Template = "ExtraCaption(`RotamoveOffset`,0) = FormatABC(``` RotamoveOffset: <b> (`` + A + ``,`` + B + ``)```,Layers.Item(9).RotamoveOffsetX,Layers.Item(9).RotamoveOffsetY)" // oGauge.ExtraCaption("RotamoveOffset",0) = oGauge.FormatABC("` RotamoveOffset: <b> (` + A + `,` + B + `)`",oGauge.Layers.Item(9).RotamoveOffsetX,oGauge.Layers.Item(9).RotamoveOffsetY) oGauge.Template = "ExtraCaption(`RotamoveOffset`,5) = 54" // oGauge.ExtraCaption("RotamoveOffset",5) = 54 oGauge.Template = "ExtraCaption(`Offset`,0) = FormatABC(``` Offset: <b> (`` + A + ``,`` + B + ``)```,Layers.Item(9).OffsetX,Layers.Item(9).OffsetY)" // oGauge.ExtraCaption("Offset",0) = oGauge.FormatABC("` Offset: <b> (` + A + `,` + B + `)`",oGauge.Layers.Item(9).OffsetX,oGauge.Layers.Item(9).OffsetY) oGauge.Template = "ExtraCaption(`Offset`,5) = 72" // oGauge.ExtraCaption("Offset",5) = 72 oGauge.Template = "ExtraCaption(`Client`,0) = FormatABC(```<sha ;;0><font ;12><b>`` + (100 - value format ``0``)`,Me.Value)" // oGauge.ExtraCaption("Client",0) = oGauge.FormatABC("`<sha ;;0><font ;12><b>` + (100 - value format `0`)",oGauge.Value) oGauge.Template = "ExtraCaption(`Client`,4) = FormatABC(`value - 8`,Me.Layers.Item(9).LayerToClientX(Me.Layers.Item(9).RotamoveCenterX,Me.Layers.Item(9).RotamoveCenterY))" // oGauge.ExtraCaption("Client",4) = oGauge.FormatABC("value - 8",oGauge.Layers.Item(9).LayerToClientX(oGauge.Layers.Item(9).RotamoveCenterX,oGauge.Layers.Item(9).RotamoveCenterY)) oGauge.Template = "ExtraCaption(`Client`,5) = FormatABC(`value - 26`,Me.Layers.Item(9).LayerToClientY(Me.Layers.Item(9).RotamoveCenterX,Me.Layers.Item(9).RotamoveCenterY))" // oGauge.ExtraCaption("Client",5) = oGauge.FormatABC("value - 26",oGauge.Layers.Item(9).LayerToClientY(oGauge.Layers.Item(9).RotamoveCenterX,oGauge.Layers.Item(9).RotamoveCenterY)) oGauge.Layers.Item(7).RotateAngle = oGauge.Layers.Item(0).RotateAngle end function ' Occurs when the mouse wheel moves while the control has focus function MouseWheel as v (Delta as N) oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.Value = oGauge.FormatABC("100 - A - B",oGauge.Value,Delta) end function Dim oGauge as P Dim var_Layer as P Dim var_Layer1 as P Dim var_Layer2 as P oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.BeginUpdate() oGauge.PicturesPath = "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGauge\Sample\Design\Circular\Knob" oGauge.PicturesName = "`Layer` + str(value + 1) + `.png`" oGauge.Layers.Count = 11 oGauge.AllowSmoothChange = 0 var_Layer = oGauge.Layers.Item(9) var_Layer.DefaultRotateAngle = -126 var_Layer.OnDrag = 3 var_Layer.RotateAngleToValue = "100 - (value / 360 * 100)" var_Layer.ValueToRotateAngle = "(value)/100 * 360" var_Layer.ValueToOffsetX = "value" var_Layer.OffsetToValue = "value" var_Layer.RotateAngleValid = "int(value / 360 * 100)/100 * 360" oGauge.Layers.Item(3).Visible = .f. oGauge.Layers.Item(4).Visible = .f. var_Layer1 = oGauge.Layers.Item(0) var_Layer1.OnDrag = 2 var_Layer1.RotateType = 2 var_Layer2 = oGauge.Layers.Item(7) var_Layer2.OnDrag = 2 var_Layer2.RotateType = 2 oGauge.Value = 25 oGauge.EndUpdate() |
29 |
How can I display an indicator
' Occurs when the mouse wheel moves while the control has focus function MouseWheel as v (Delta as N) oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.Layers.Item(1).Clip.Value = oGauge.FormatABC("(value + B) MIN 0 MAX 100",.Layers.Item(1).Clip.Value,Delta) end function Dim oGauge as P Dim var_Clip as P Dim var_ClipRectangle as P Dim var_Layer as P Dim var_Layer1 as P oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.PicturesPath = "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGauge\Sample\Design\Linear\Indicator" oGauge.Layers.Count = 3 oGauge.Layers.Item(0).Background.Picture.Name = "Background.png" var_Layer = oGauge.Layers.Item(1) var_Layer.Background.Picture.Name = "Green_Lights.png" var_Clip = var_Layer.Clip var_ClipRectangle = var_Clip.Rectangle var_ClipRectangle.Height = "(100 - value)/100 * height" var_ClipRectangle.InverseClip = .t. var_Clip.Value = 50 var_Layer1 = oGauge.Layers.Item(2) var_Layer1.Visible = .f. var_Layer1.Background.Picture.Name = "overlay_top_layer.png" |
28 |
How can I display a gauge
' Occurs when the layer's value is changed. function Change as v (Layer as N) Dim var_Layers as local oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex ' oGauge.Layers.Item(1).Brightness(2) = oGauge.Value var_Layers = oGauge.Layers.Item(1) oGauge.TemplateDef = "dim var_Layers" oGauge.TemplateDef = var_Layers oGauge.Template = "var_Layers.Brightness(2) = Me.Value" end function ' Occurs once the user starts dragging a layer. function DragStart as v (DragInfo as OLE::Exontrol.Gauge.1::IDragInfo,Cancel as L) oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex end function ' Occurs when the mouse wheel moves while the control has focus function MouseWheel as v (Delta as N) oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.Value = oGauge.FormatABC("A - B",oGauge.Value,Delta) end function Dim oGauge as P Dim var_Layer as P Dim var_Layer1 as P oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.BeginUpdate() oGauge.BackColor = 14277081 oGauge.PicturesPath = "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGauge\Sample\Design\Circular\Guage" oGauge.Layers.Count = 2 oGauge.AllowSmoothChange = 0 var_Layer = oGauge.Layers.Item(0) var_Layer.RotateCenterY = "lheight/2 + 78" var_Layer.Background.Picture.Name = "Guage_Background.png" var_Layer1 = oGauge.Layers.Item(1) var_Layer1.OnDrag = 2 var_Layer1.Background.Picture.Name = "Guage_Needle.png" var_Layer1.RotateAngleValid = "value < 90 ? value : (value < 180 ? 90 : ( value < 270 ? 270 : value ))" var_Layer1.RotateAngleToValue = "value >= 270 ? (value - 270)/90*50 : (value/90)*50 + 50" var_Layer1.ValueToRotateAngle = "value < 50 ? (270 + value/50*90) : (value - 50)/50 * 90" var_Layer1.RotateType = 2 ' var_Layer1.Brightness(0) = 0 oGauge.TemplateDef = "dim var_Layer1" oGauge.TemplateDef = var_Layer1 oGauge.Template = "var_Layer1.Brightness(0) = 0" oGauge.Value = 78 oGauge.EndUpdate() |
27 |
How can I display a clock (rotate,wolf)
' Occurs when the layer's value is changed. function Change as v (Layer as N) oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.Layers.Item("sec").Value = oGauge.Value oGauge.Layers.Item("min").Value = oGauge.Value oGauge.Layers.Item("hour").Value = oGauge.Value oGauge.Layers.Item("range").Clip.Value = oGauge.Layers.Item("pointer").Value end function ' Occurs once the user starts dragging a layer. function DragStart as v (DragInfo as OLE::Exontrol.Gauge.1::IDragInfo,Cancel as L) ' DragInfo.Debug = -1 oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex end function ' Occurs when the mouse wheel moves while the control has focus function MouseWheel as v (Delta as N) oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.Layers.Item("pointer").Value = oGauge.FormatABC("A - B",oGauge.Layers.Item("pointer").Value,Delta) end function ' Occurs when the interval elapses. function Timer as v (TickCount as N) oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.Value = oGauge.FormatABC(" date(`now`)") oGauge.Layers.Item("pointer").Value = oGauge.FormatABC("sin((value/100 mod 100)/100 * 2 * asin(1)) * 100",TickCount) oGauge.Layers.Item("range").Clip.Value = oGauge.Layers.Item("pointer").Value end function Dim oGauge as P Dim var_ClipPie as P Dim var_Layer as P Dim var_Layer1 as P Dim var_Layer2 as P Dim var_Layer3 as P Dim var_Layer4 as P Dim var_Layer5 as P Dim var_Layer6 as P Dim var_Layer7 as P Dim var_Layer8 as P Dim var_Picture as P Dim var_Picture1 as P Dim var_Picture2 as P oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.PicturesPath = "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGauge\Sample\Design\Circular\Clock - Wolf" oGauge.Template = "DefaultLayer(185) = 2" // oGauge.DefaultLayer(185) = 2 oGauge.Layers.Count = 9 var_Layer = oGauge.Layers.Item(0) var_Layer.Left = "(width-512)/2" var_Layer.Top = "(height-512)/2" var_Layer.Height = 512 var_Layer.Width = 512 var_Layer.Background.Picture.Name = "Back.png" var_Layer1 = oGauge.Layers.Item(1) var_Layer1.Key = "scale" var_Layer1.DefaultOffsetX = -90 var_Layer1.DefaultOffsetY = -150 var_Layer1.Background.Picture.Name = "Scale.png" var_Layer1.RotateCenterLayer = 1 var_Layer1.RotateCenterX = "(lwidth+181)/2" var_Layer1.RotateCenterY = "(lheight+232)/2" var_Layer2 = oGauge.Layers.Item(2) var_Layer2.Key = "range" var_Layer2.DefaultOffsetX = oGauge.Layers.Item("scale").DefaultOffsetX var_Layer2.DefaultOffsetY = oGauge.Layers.Item("scale").DefaultOffsetY var_Layer2.RotateCenterLayer = oGauge.Layers.Item("scale").Index var_Picture = var_Layer2.Background.Picture var_Picture.Name = "ScalePointerArc.png" var_Layer2.RotateCenterLayer = oGauge.Layers.Item("scale").Index var_ClipPie = var_Layer2.Clip.Pie var_ClipPie.RadiusX = 100 var_ClipPie.RadiusY = 100 var_ClipPie.CenterX = oGauge.Layers.Item("scale").RotateCenterX var_ClipPie.CenterY = oGauge.Layers.Item("scale").RotateCenterY var_ClipPie.StartAngle = -148 var_ClipPie.SweepAngle = "value/100 * 300" var_Layer3 = oGauge.Layers.Item(3) var_Layer3.Key = "pointer" var_Layer3.DefaultOffsetX = oGauge.Layers.Item("scale").DefaultOffsetX var_Layer3.DefaultOffsetY = oGauge.Layers.Item("scale").DefaultOffsetY var_Picture1 = var_Layer3.Background.Picture var_Picture1.Name = "ScalePointer.png" var_Layer3.RotateCenterLayer = oGauge.Layers.Item("scale").Index var_Layer3.OnDrag = 2 var_Layer3.DefaultRotateAngle = -148 var_Layer3.RotateAngleValid = "value > 300 ? (value > 330 ? 0 : 300) : value" var_Layer3.RotateAngleToValue = "value / 300 * 100" var_Layer3.ValueToRotateAngle = "value /100 * 300" var_Layer4 = oGauge.Layers.Item(4) var_Layer4.Key = "bolt" var_Layer4.DefaultOffsetX = oGauge.Layers.Item("scale").DefaultOffsetX var_Layer4.DefaultOffsetY = oGauge.Layers.Item("scale").DefaultOffsetY var_Picture2 = var_Layer4.Background.Picture var_Picture2.Name = "Bolt.png" var_Layer5 = oGauge.Layers.Item(5) var_Layer5.Left = "(width-512)/2" var_Layer5.Top = "(height-512)/2" var_Layer5.Height = 512 var_Layer5.Width = 512 var_Layer5.Key = "sec" var_Layer5.OnDrag = 2 var_Layer5.Selectable = .f. var_Layer5.Background.Picture.Name = "second-hand.png" var_Layer5.ValueToRotateAngle = "((2:=(((1:=( ( (0:=(value < 0 ? floor(value) + 1 - value : value - floor(value))) < 0.5 ? =:0 : (0:= (=:0 - 0.5)) ) * 24 )) - floor(=:1)) * 60 )) - floor(=:2) ) * 360" var_Layer5.RotateAngleToValue = "value / 360 / 24 / 60" var_Layer6 = oGauge.Layers.Item(6) var_Layer6.Left = "(width-512)/2" var_Layer6.Top = "(height-512)/2" var_Layer6.Height = 512 var_Layer6.Width = 512 var_Layer6.Key = "min" var_Layer6.OnDrag = 2 var_Layer6.Selectable = .f. var_Layer6.Background.Picture.Name = "Minute.png" var_Layer6.ValueToRotateAngle = "((1:=( ( (0:=(value < 0 ? floor(value) + 1 - value : value - floor(value))) < 0.5 ? =:0 : (0:= (=:0 - 0.5)) ) * 24 )) - floor(=:1)) * 360" var_Layer6.RotateAngleToValue = "value / 360 / 24 / 60" var_Layer7 = oGauge.Layers.Item(7) var_Layer7.Left = "(width-512)/2" var_Layer7.Top = "(height-512)/2" var_Layer7.Height = 512 var_Layer7.Width = 512 var_Layer7.Key = "hour" var_Layer7.OnDrag = 2 var_Layer7.Background.Picture.Name = "Hour.png" var_Layer7.ValueToRotateAngle = "2 * 360 * ( (0:=(value < 0 ? floor(value) + 1 - value : value - floor(value))) < 0.5 ? =:0 : (0:= (=:0 - 0.5)) )" var_Layer7.RotateAngleToValue = "value / 360 * 0.5" var_Layer8 = oGauge.Layers.Item(8) var_Layer8.Left = "(width-512)/2" var_Layer8.Top = "(height-512)/2" var_Layer8.Height = 512 var_Layer8.Width = 512 var_Layer8.Key = "front" var_Layer8.OnDrag = 2 var_Layer8.Background.Picture.Name = "front.png" oGauge.LayerOfValue = oGauge.Layers.Item("hour").Index oGauge.Value = oGauge.FormatABC("date(`now`)") oGauge.TimerInterval = 100 |
26 |
How can I display a clock (rotate,vintage)
' Occurs when the layer's value is changed. function Change as v (Layer as N) oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.Layers.Item("sec").Value = oGauge.Value oGauge.Layers.Item("min").Value = oGauge.Value oGauge.Layers.Item("hour").Value = oGauge.Value end function ' Occurs once the user starts dragging a layer. function DragStart as v (DragInfo as OLE::Exontrol.Gauge.1::IDragInfo,Cancel as L) oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex end function ' Occurs when the mouse wheel moves while the control has focus function MouseWheel as v (Delta as N) oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.Value = oGauge.FormatABC("A - 1/24/60/60*B",oGauge.Value,Delta) end function ' Occurs when the interval elapses. function Timer as v (TickCount as N) oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.Value = oGauge.FormatABC("value + 1/24/60/60",oGauge.Value) end function Dim oGauge as P Dim var_Layer as P Dim var_Layer1 as P Dim var_Layer2 as P Dim var_Layer3 as P Dim var_Layer4 as P oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.PicturesPath = "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGauge\Sample\Design\Circular\Clock - Vintage" oGauge.Template = "DefaultLayer(185) = 2" // oGauge.DefaultLayer(185) = 2 oGauge.Layers.Count = 5 var_Layer = oGauge.Layers.Item(0) var_Layer.Left = "(width-512)/2" var_Layer.Top = "(height-512)/2" var_Layer.Height = 512 var_Layer.Width = 512 var_Layer.Background.Picture.Name = "Back.png" var_Layer1 = oGauge.Layers.Item(1) var_Layer1.Position = 3 var_Layer1.Left = "(width-512)/2" var_Layer1.Top = "(height-512)/2" var_Layer1.Height = 512 var_Layer1.Width = 512 var_Layer1.Key = "sec" var_Layer1.OnDrag = 2 var_Layer1.Selectable = .f. var_Layer1.Background.Picture.Name = "second-hand.png" var_Layer1.ValueToRotateAngle = "((2:=(((1:=( ( (0:=(value < 0 ? floor(value) + 1 - value : value - floor(value))) < 0.5 ? =:0 : (0:= (=:0 - 0.5)) ) * 24 )) - floor(=:1)) * 60 )) - floor(=:2) ) * 360" var_Layer1.RotateAngleToValue = "value / 360 / 24 / 60" var_Layer2 = oGauge.Layers.Item(2) var_Layer2.Left = "(width-512)/2" var_Layer2.Top = "(height-512)/2" var_Layer2.Height = 512 var_Layer2.Width = 512 var_Layer2.Position = 2 var_Layer2.Key = "min" var_Layer2.OnDrag = 2 var_Layer2.Selectable = .f. var_Layer2.Background.Picture.Name = "Minute.png" var_Layer2.ValueToRotateAngle = "((1:=( ( (0:=(value < 0 ? floor(value) + 1 - value : value - floor(value))) < 0.5 ? =:0 : (0:= (=:0 - 0.5)) ) * 24 )) - floor(=:1)) * 360" var_Layer2.RotateAngleToValue = "value / 360 / 24 / 60" var_Layer3 = oGauge.Layers.Item(3) var_Layer3.Left = "(width-512)/2" var_Layer3.Top = "(height-512)/2" var_Layer3.Height = 512 var_Layer3.Width = 512 var_Layer3.Position = 1 var_Layer3.Key = "hour" var_Layer3.OnDrag = 2 var_Layer3.Background.Picture.Name = "Hour.png" var_Layer3.ValueToRotateAngle = "2 * 360 * ( (0:=(value < 0 ? floor(value) + 1 - value : value - floor(value))) < 0.5 ? =:0 : (0:= (=:0 - 0.5)) )" var_Layer3.RotateAngleToValue = "value / 360 * 0.5" var_Layer4 = oGauge.Layers.Item(4) var_Layer4.Left = "(width-512)/2" var_Layer4.Top = "(height-512)/2" var_Layer4.Height = 512 var_Layer4.Width = 512 var_Layer4.Position = 1 var_Layer4.Key = "front" var_Layer4.OnDrag = 2 var_Layer4.Background.Picture.Name = "front.png" var_Layer4.ValueToRotateAngle = "2 * 360 * ( (0:=(value < 0 ? floor(value) + 1 - value : value - floor(value))) < 0.5 ? =:0 : (0:= (=:0 - 0.5)) )" var_Layer4.RotateAngleToValue = "value / 360 * 0.5" oGauge.LayerOfValue = 3 oGauge.Value = oGauge.FormatABC("date(`now`)") oGauge.TimerInterval = 1000 |
25 |
How can I display a clock (rotate,london)
' Occurs when the layer's value is changed. function Change as v (Layer as N) oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.Layers.Item("sec").Value = oGauge.Value oGauge.Layers.Item("min").Value = oGauge.Value oGauge.Layers.Item("hour").Value = oGauge.Value end function ' Occurs once the user starts dragging a layer. function DragStart as v (DragInfo as OLE::Exontrol.Gauge.1::IDragInfo,Cancel as L) oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex end function ' Occurs when the mouse wheel moves while the control has focus function MouseWheel as v (Delta as N) oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.Value = oGauge.FormatABC("A - 1/24/60/60*B",oGauge.Value,Delta) end function ' Occurs when the interval elapses. function Timer as v (TickCount as N) oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.Value = oGauge.FormatABC("value + 1/24/60/60",.Value) end function Dim oGauge as P Dim var_Layer as P Dim var_Layer1 as P Dim var_Layer2 as P Dim var_Layer3 as P Dim var_Layer4 as P Dim var_Layer5 as P oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.PicturesPath = "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGauge\Sample\Design\Circular\Clock - London" oGauge.Template = "DefaultLayer(185) = 2" // oGauge.DefaultLayer(185) = 2 oGauge.Layers.Count = 6 var_Layer = oGauge.Layers.Item(0) var_Layer.Left = "(width-512)/2" var_Layer.Top = "(height-512)/2" var_Layer.Height = 512 var_Layer.Width = 512 var_Layer.Background.Picture.Name = "Back.png" var_Layer1 = oGauge.Layers.Item(1) var_Layer1.Position = 3 var_Layer1.Left = "(width-512)/2" var_Layer1.Top = "(height-512)/2" var_Layer1.Height = 512 var_Layer1.Width = 512 var_Layer1.Key = "sec" var_Layer1.OnDrag = 2 var_Layer1.Selectable = .f. var_Layer1.RotateCenterLayer = 1 var_Layer1.Background.Picture.Name = "second-hand.png" var_Layer1.ValueToRotateAngle = "((2:=(((1:=( ( (0:=(value < 0 ? floor(value) + 1 - value : value - floor(value))) < 0.5 ? =:0 : (0:= (=:0 - 0.5)) ) * 24 )) - floor(=:1)) * 60 )) - floor(=:2) ) * 360" var_Layer1.RotateAngleToValue = "value / 360 / 24 / 60" var_Layer2 = oGauge.Layers.Item(2) var_Layer2.Left = "(width-512)/2" var_Layer2.Top = "(height-512)/2" var_Layer2.Height = 512 var_Layer2.Width = 512 var_Layer2.Position = 2 var_Layer2.RotateCenterLayer = 2 var_Layer2.Key = "min" var_Layer2.OnDrag = 2 var_Layer2.Selectable = .f. var_Layer2.Background.Picture.Name = "Minute.png" var_Layer2.ValueToRotateAngle = "((1:=( ( (0:=(value < 0 ? floor(value) + 1 - value : value - floor(value))) < 0.5 ? =:0 : (0:= (=:0 - 0.5)) ) * 24 )) - floor(=:1)) * 360" var_Layer2.RotateAngleToValue = "value / 360 / 24 / 60" var_Layer3 = oGauge.Layers.Item(3) var_Layer3.Left = "(width-512)/2" var_Layer3.Top = "(height-512)/2" var_Layer3.Height = 512 var_Layer3.Width = 512 var_Layer3.Position = 1 var_Layer3.Key = "hour" var_Layer3.RotateCenterLayer = 3 var_Layer3.OnDrag = 2 var_Layer3.Background.Picture.Name = "Hour.png" var_Layer3.ValueToRotateAngle = "2 * 360 * ( (0:=(value < 0 ? floor(value) + 1 - value : value - floor(value))) < 0.5 ? =:0 : (0:= (=:0 - 0.5)) )" var_Layer3.RotateAngleToValue = "value / 360 * 0.5" var_Layer4 = oGauge.Layers.Item(4) var_Layer4.Left = "(width-512)/2" var_Layer4.Top = "(height-512)/2" var_Layer4.Height = 512 var_Layer4.Width = 512 var_Layer4.Position = 1 var_Layer4.Key = "front" var_Layer4.RotateCenterLayer = 4 var_Layer4.OnDrag = 2 var_Layer4.Background.Picture.Name = "front.png" var_Layer4.ValueToRotateAngle = "2 * 360 * ( (0:=(value < 0 ? floor(value) + 1 - value : value - floor(value))) < 0.5 ? =:0 : (0:= (=:0 - 0.5)) )" var_Layer4.RotateAngleToValue = "value / 360 * 0.5" var_Layer5 = oGauge.Layers.Item(5) var_Layer5.Left = "(width-512)/2" var_Layer5.Top = "(height-512)/2" var_Layer5.Height = 512 var_Layer5.Width = 512 var_Layer5.Key = "bolt" var_Layer5.RotateCenterLayer = 5 var_Layer5.Background.Picture.Name = "Bolt.png" oGauge.LayerOfValue = oGauge.Layers.Item("hour").Index oGauge.Value = oGauge.FormatABC("date(`now`)") oGauge.TimerInterval = 1000 |
24 |
How can I display a clock (rotate)
' Occurs when the layer's value is changed. function Change as v (Layer as N) oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.Layers.Item("sec").Value = oGauge.Value oGauge.Layers.Item("min").Value = oGauge.Value oGauge.Layers.Item("hour").Value = oGauge.Value end function ' Occurs once the user starts dragging a layer. function DragStart as v (DragInfo as OLE::Exontrol.Gauge.1::IDragInfo,Cancel as L) oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex end function ' Occurs when the mouse wheel moves while the control has focus function MouseWheel as v (Delta as N) oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.Value = oGauge.FormatABC("A - 1/24/60/60*B",oGauge.Value,Delta) end function ' Occurs when the interval elapses. function Timer as v (TickCount as N) oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.Value = oGauge.FormatABC("value + 1/24/60/60",oGauge.Value) end function Dim oGauge as P Dim var_Layer as P Dim var_Layer1 as P Dim var_Layer2 as P Dim var_Layer3 as P oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.PicturesPath = "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGauge\Sample\Design\Circular\Clock" oGauge.Template = "DefaultLayer(185) = 2" // oGauge.DefaultLayer(185) = 2 oGauge.Layers.Count = 4 var_Layer = oGauge.Layers.Item(0) var_Layer.Background.Picture.Name = "vista_clock.png" var_Layer1 = oGauge.Layers.Item(1) var_Layer1.Position = 3 var_Layer1.Key = "sec" var_Layer1.OnDrag = 2 var_Layer1.Selectable = .f. var_Layer1.Background.Picture.Name = "second-hand.png" var_Layer1.ValueToRotateAngle = "((2:=(((1:=( ( (0:=(value < 0 ? floor(value) + 1 - value : value - floor(value))) < 0.5 ? =:0 : (0:= (=:0 - 0.5)) ) * 24 )) - floor(=:1)) * 60 )) - floor(=:2) ) * 360" var_Layer1.RotateAngleToValue = "value / 360 / 24 / 60" var_Layer2 = oGauge.Layers.Item(2) var_Layer2.Position = 2 var_Layer2.Key = "min" var_Layer2.OnDrag = 2 var_Layer2.Selectable = .f. var_Layer2.Background.Picture.Name = "Minute.png" var_Layer2.ValueToRotateAngle = "((1:=( ( (0:=(value < 0 ? floor(value) + 1 - value : value - floor(value))) < 0.5 ? =:0 : (0:= (=:0 - 0.5)) ) * 24 )) - floor(=:1)) * 360" var_Layer2.RotateAngleToValue = "value / 360 / 24 / 60" var_Layer3 = oGauge.Layers.Item(3) var_Layer3.Position = 1 var_Layer3.Key = "hour" var_Layer3.OnDrag = 2 var_Layer3.Background.Picture.Name = "Hour.png" var_Layer3.ValueToRotateAngle = "2 * 360 * ( (0:=(value < 0 ? floor(value) + 1 - value : value - floor(value))) < 0.5 ? =:0 : (0:= (=:0 - 0.5)) )" var_Layer3.RotateAngleToValue = "value / 360 * 0.5" oGauge.LayerOfValue = 3 oGauge.Value = oGauge.FormatABC("date(`now`)") oGauge.TimerInterval = 1000 |
23 |
How can I clip as a triangle
' Notifies that the user drags the layer. function Drag as v (DragInfo as OLE::Exontrol.Gauge.1::IDragInfo) ' Me.Layers(0).Clip.Value = Me.FormatABC("(value + B) MIN 0 MAX 100", Me.Layers(0).UserData, DragInfo.DeltaY ) oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex end function ' Occurs once the user starts dragging a layer. function DragStart as v (DragInfo as OLE::Exontrol.Gauge.1::IDragInfo,Cancel as L) ' DragInfo.Debug= 287 Dim var_Layer as P oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex var_Layer = oGauge.Layers.Item(0) var_Layer.UserData = var_Layer.Clip.Value end function ' Occurs when the mouse wheel moves while the control has focus function MouseWheel as v (Delta as N) oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.Layers.Item(0).Clip.Value = oGauge.FormatABC("(value + B) MIN 0 MAX 100",oGauge.Layers.Item(0).Clip.Value,Delta) end function Dim oGauge as P Dim var_Clip as P Dim var_ClipPolygon as P Dim var_Layer as P oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.Layers.Count = 1 var_Layer = oGauge.Layers.Item(0) var_Layer.Background.Picture.Value = "c:\exontrol\images\card.png" var_Clip = var_Layer.Clip var_ClipPolygon = var_Clip.Polygon var_ClipPolygon.Points = 3 ' var_ClipPolygon.X(0) = 0 oGauge.TemplateDef = "dim var_ClipPolygon" oGauge.TemplateDef = var_ClipPolygon oGauge.Template = "var_ClipPolygon.X(0) = 0" ' var_ClipPolygon.Y(0) = "height" oGauge.TemplateDef = "dim var_ClipPolygon" oGauge.TemplateDef = var_ClipPolygon oGauge.Template = "var_ClipPolygon.Y(0) = `height`" ' var_ClipPolygon.X(1) = "width/2" oGauge.TemplateDef = "dim var_ClipPolygon" oGauge.TemplateDef = var_ClipPolygon oGauge.Template = "var_ClipPolygon.X(1) = `width/2`" ' var_ClipPolygon.Y(1) = "value/100*width" oGauge.TemplateDef = "dim var_ClipPolygon" oGauge.TemplateDef = var_ClipPolygon oGauge.Template = "var_ClipPolygon.Y(1) = `value/100*width`" ' var_ClipPolygon.X(2) = "width" oGauge.TemplateDef = "dim var_ClipPolygon" oGauge.TemplateDef = var_ClipPolygon oGauge.Template = "var_ClipPolygon.X(2) = `width`" ' var_ClipPolygon.Y(2) = "height" oGauge.TemplateDef = "dim var_ClipPolygon" oGauge.TemplateDef = var_ClipPolygon oGauge.Template = "var_ClipPolygon.Y(2) = `height`" var_ClipPolygon.InverseClip = .t. var_Clip.Value = 50 |
22 |
How can I limit the rotation from 0 to 360 degree, while dragging
' Occurs once the user starts dragging a layer. function DragStart as v (DragInfo as OLE::Exontrol.Gauge.1::IDragInfo,Cancel as L) ' DragInfo.Debug = 483 ' DragInfo.RotateAngleValid = "value < 0 ? 0 : (value > 360 ? 359.999999 : value)" oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex end function Dim oGauge as P Dim var_Layer as P Dim var_Picture as P oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex var_Layer = oGauge.Layers.Add("back") var_Layer.RotateType = 2 var_Layer.Left = "(width-512)/2" var_Layer.Top = "(height-512)/2" var_Layer.Height = 512 var_Layer.Width = 512 var_Picture = var_Layer.Background.Picture var_Picture.Value = "c:\exontrol\images\card.png" var_Picture.Left = "(width-pwidth)/2" var_Picture.Top = "(height-pheight)/2" var_Picture.Width = "pwidth" var_Picture.Height = "pheight" var_Layer.OnDrag = 2 var_Layer.RotateAngle = -45 |
21 |
How can I clip as a pie
' Notifies that the user drags the layer. function Drag as v (DragInfo as OLE::Exontrol.Gauge.1::IDragInfo) ' Me.Layers(0).Clip.Value = Me.FormatABC("value + B/360 * 100", Me.Layers(0).UserData, DragInfo.DeltaAngle ) oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex end function ' Occurs once the user starts dragging a layer. function DragStart as v (DragInfo as OLE::Exontrol.Gauge.1::IDragInfo,Cancel as L) ' DragInfo.Debug = -1 Dim var_Layer as P oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex var_Layer = oGauge.Layers.Item(0) var_Layer.UserData = var_Layer.Clip.Value end function ' Occurs when the mouse wheel moves while the control has focus function MouseWheel as v (Delta as N) oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.Layers.Item(0).Clip.Value = oGauge.FormatABC("(value + B) MIN 0 MAX 100",oGauge.Layers.Item(0).Clip.Value,Delta) end function Dim oGauge as P Dim var_Clip as P Dim var_ClipPie as P Dim var_Layer as P oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.Layers.Count = 1 var_Layer = oGauge.Layers.Item(0) var_Layer.Left = "(width-128)/2" var_Layer.Top = "(height-128)/2" var_Layer.Height = 128 var_Layer.Width = 128 var_Layer.Background.Color.Value = 65280 var_Clip = var_Layer.Clip var_ClipPie = var_Clip.Pie var_ClipPie.InverseClip = .t. var_ClipPie.StartAngle = 0 var_ClipPie.SweepAngle = "value/100*360" var_Clip.Value = 15 |
20 |
How can I use a picture to clip the layer
' Occurs when the layer's value is changed. function Change as v (Layer as N) oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.Layers.Item("Clip").Clip.Value = oGauge.Layers.Item("Thumb").RotateAngle end function Dim oGauge as P Dim var_Clip as P Dim var_ClipPicture as P Dim var_Layer as P Dim var_Layer1 as P oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.BeginUpdate() oGauge.PicturesPath = "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGauge\Sample\Design\Circular\Knob 1" oGauge.PicturesName = "`Layer` + int(value + 1) + `.png`" oGauge.Layers.Count = 5 var_Layer = oGauge.Layers.Item(4) var_Layer.Key = "Thumb" var_Layer.DefaultRotateAngle = -141 var_Layer.OnDrag = 2 var_Layer.RotateType = 2 var_Layer1 = oGauge.Layers.Item(1) var_Layer1.Key = "Clip" var_Clip = var_Layer1.Clip var_Clip.Pie.SweepAngle = "value" var_ClipPicture = var_Clip.Picture var_ClipPicture.Name = oGauge.Layers.Item("Clip").Background.Picture.Name var_ClipPicture.AlphaTo = "128" oGauge.Layers.Item("Thumb").RotateAngle = 90 oGauge.EndUpdate() |
19 |
How do I clip a circle/ellipse
' Notifies that the user drags the layer. function Drag as v (DragInfo as OLE::Exontrol.Gauge.1::IDragInfo) ' Me.Layers(0).Clip.Value = Me.FormatABC("(value + B) MIN 0 MAX 100", Me.Layers(0).UserData, DragInfo.DeltaX ) oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex end function ' Occurs once the user starts dragging a layer. function DragStart as v (DragInfo as OLE::Exontrol.Gauge.1::IDragInfo,Cancel as L) ' DragInfo.Debug= 287 Dim var_Layer as P oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex var_Layer = oGauge.Layers.Item(0) var_Layer.UserData = var_Layer.Clip.Value end function ' Occurs when the mouse wheel moves while the control has focus function MouseWheel as v (Delta as N) oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.Layers.Item(0).Clip.Value = oGauge.FormatABC("(value + B) MIN 0 MAX 100",oGauge.Layers.Item(0).Clip.Value,Delta) end function Dim oGauge as P Dim var_Clip as P Dim var_Layer as P oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.Layers.Count = 1 var_Layer = oGauge.Layers.Item(0) var_Layer.Left = "(width-128)/2" var_Layer.Top = "(height-128)/2" var_Layer.Height = 128 var_Layer.Width = 128 var_Layer.Background.Color.Value = 65280 var_Clip = var_Layer.Clip var_Clip.Ellipse.RadiusX = "value/100 * width" var_Clip.Value = 25 |
18 |
What InverseClip does
' Notifies that the user drags the layer. function Drag as v (DragInfo as OLE::Exontrol.Gauge.1::IDragInfo) ' Me.Layers(0).Clip.Value = Me.FormatABC("(value + B) MIN 0 MAX 100", Me.Layers(0).UserData, DragInfo.DeltaX ) oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex end function ' Occurs once the user starts dragging a layer. function DragStart as v (DragInfo as OLE::Exontrol.Gauge.1::IDragInfo,Cancel as L) ' DragInfo.Debug= 287 Dim var_Layer as P oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex var_Layer = oGauge.Layers.Item(0) var_Layer.UserData = var_Layer.Clip.Value end function ' Occurs when the mouse wheel moves while the control has focus function MouseWheel as v (Delta as N) oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.Layers.Item(0).Clip.Value = oGauge.FormatABC("(value + B) MIN 0 MAX 100",oGauge.Layers.Item(0).Clip.Value,Delta) end function Dim oGauge as P Dim var_Clip as P Dim var_ClipRoundRectangle as P Dim var_Layer as P oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.Layers.Count = 1 var_Layer = oGauge.Layers.Item(0) var_Layer.Left = "(width-128)/2" var_Layer.Top = "(height-128)/2" var_Layer.Height = 128 var_Layer.Width = 128 var_Layer.Background.Color.Value = 65280 var_Clip = var_Layer.Clip var_ClipRoundRectangle = var_Clip.RoundRectangle var_ClipRoundRectangle.Width = "value/100 * width" var_ClipRoundRectangle.RoundRadiusX = "width/8" var_ClipRoundRectangle.RoundRadiusY = "height/8" var_ClipRoundRectangle.InverseClip = .t. var_Clip.Value = 50 |
17 |
How do I clip as rectangle (round), from left to right
' Notifies that the user drags the layer. function Drag as v (DragInfo as OLE::Exontrol.Gauge.1::IDragInfo) ' Me.Layers(0).Clip.Value = Me.FormatABC("(value + B) MIN 0 MAX 100", Me.Layers(0).UserData, DragInfo.DeltaX ) oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex end function ' Occurs once the user starts dragging a layer. function DragStart as v (DragInfo as OLE::Exontrol.Gauge.1::IDragInfo,Cancel as L) ' DragInfo.Debug= 287 Dim var_Layer as P oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex var_Layer = oGauge.Layers.Item(0) var_Layer.UserData = var_Layer.Clip.Value end function ' Occurs when the mouse wheel moves while the control has focus function MouseWheel as v (Delta as N) oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.Layers.Item(0).Clip.Value = oGauge.FormatABC("(value + B) MIN 0 MAX 100",oGauge.Layers.Item(0).Clip.Value,Delta) end function Dim oGauge as P Dim var_Clip as P Dim var_ClipRoundRectangle as P Dim var_Layer as P oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.Layers.Count = 1 var_Layer = oGauge.Layers.Item(0) var_Layer.Left = "(width-128)/2" var_Layer.Top = "(height-128)/2" var_Layer.Height = 128 var_Layer.Width = 128 var_Layer.Background.Color.Value = 65280 var_Clip = var_Layer.Clip var_ClipRoundRectangle = var_Clip.RoundRectangle var_ClipRoundRectangle.Width = "value/100 * width" var_ClipRoundRectangle.RoundRadiusX = "width/8" var_ClipRoundRectangle.RoundRadiusY = "height/8" var_Clip.Value = 50 |
16 |
How do I clip as rectangle, from bottom to top
' Notifies that the user drags the layer. function Drag as v (DragInfo as OLE::Exontrol.Gauge.1::IDragInfo) ' Me.Layers(0).Clip.Value = Me.FormatABC("(value + B) MIN 0 MAX 100", Me.Layers(0).UserData, DragInfo.DeltaY ) oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex end function ' Occurs once the user starts dragging a layer. function DragStart as v (DragInfo as OLE::Exontrol.Gauge.1::IDragInfo,Cancel as L) ' DragInfo.Debug= 287 Dim var_Layer as P oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex var_Layer = oGauge.Layers.Item(0) var_Layer.UserData = var_Layer.Clip.Value end function ' Occurs when the mouse wheel moves while the control has focus function MouseWheel as v (Delta as N) oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.Layers.Item(0).Clip.Value = oGauge.FormatABC("(value + B) MIN 0 MAX 100",oGauge.Layers.Item(0).Clip.Value,Delta) end function Dim oGauge as P Dim var_Clip as P Dim var_ClipRectangle as P Dim var_Layer as P oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.Layers.Count = 1 var_Layer = oGauge.Layers.Item(0) var_Layer.Background.Picture.Value = "c:\exontrol\images\card.png" var_Clip = var_Layer.Clip var_ClipRectangle = var_Clip.Rectangle var_ClipRectangle.Height = "value/100 * height" var_ClipRectangle.InverseClip = .t. var_Clip.Value = 50 |
15 |
How do I clip as rectangle, from top to bottom
' Notifies that the user drags the layer. function Drag as v (DragInfo as OLE::Exontrol.Gauge.1::IDragInfo) ' Me.Layers(0).Clip.Value = Me.FormatABC("(value + B) MIN 0 MAX 100", Me.Layers(0).UserData, DragInfo.DeltaY ) oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex end function ' Occurs once the user starts dragging a layer. function DragStart as v (DragInfo as OLE::Exontrol.Gauge.1::IDragInfo,Cancel as L) ' DragInfo.Debug= 287 Dim var_Layer as P oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex var_Layer = oGauge.Layers.Item(0) var_Layer.UserData = var_Layer.Clip.Value end function ' Occurs when the mouse wheel moves while the control has focus function MouseWheel as v (Delta as N) oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.Layers.Item(0).Clip.Value = oGauge.FormatABC("(value + B) MIN 0 MAX 100",oGauge.Layers.Item(0).Clip.Value,Delta) end function Dim oGauge as P Dim var_Clip as P Dim var_Layer as P oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.Layers.Count = 1 var_Layer = oGauge.Layers.Item(0) var_Layer.Background.Picture.Value = "c:\exontrol\images\card.png" var_Clip = var_Layer.Clip var_Clip.Rectangle.Height = "value/100 * height" var_Clip.Value = 50 |
14 |
How do I clip as rectangle, from right to left
' Notifies that the user drags the layer. function Drag as v (DragInfo as OLE::Exontrol.Gauge.1::IDragInfo) ' Me.Layers(0).Clip.Value = Me.FormatABC("(value + B) MIN 0 MAX 100", Me.Layers(0).UserData, DragInfo.DeltaX ) oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex end function ' Occurs once the user starts dragging a layer. function DragStart as v (DragInfo as OLE::Exontrol.Gauge.1::IDragInfo,Cancel as L) ' DragInfo.Debug= 287 Dim var_Layer as P oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex var_Layer = oGauge.Layers.Item(0) var_Layer.UserData = var_Layer.Clip.Value end function ' Occurs when the mouse wheel moves while the control has focus function MouseWheel as v (Delta as N) oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.Layers.Item(0).Clip.Value = oGauge.FormatABC("(value + B) MIN 0 MAX 100",oGauge.Layers.Item(0).Clip.Value,Delta) end function Dim oGauge as P Dim var_Clip as P Dim var_ClipRectangle as P Dim var_Layer as P oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.Layers.Count = 1 var_Layer = oGauge.Layers.Item(0) var_Layer.Background.Picture.Value = "c:\exontrol\images\card.png" var_Clip = var_Layer.Clip var_ClipRectangle = var_Clip.Rectangle var_ClipRectangle.Width = "value/100 * width" var_ClipRectangle.InverseClip = .t. var_Clip.Value = 50 |
13 |
How do I clip as rectangle, from left to right
' Notifies that the user drags the layer. function Drag as v (DragInfo as OLE::Exontrol.Gauge.1::IDragInfo) ' Me.Layers(0).Clip.Value = Me.FormatABC("(value + B) MIN 0 MAX 100", Me.Layers(0).UserData, DragInfo.DeltaX ) oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex end function ' Occurs once the user starts dragging a layer. function DragStart as v (DragInfo as OLE::Exontrol.Gauge.1::IDragInfo,Cancel as L) ' DragInfo.Debug= 287 Dim var_Layer as P oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex var_Layer = oGauge.Layers.Item(0) var_Layer.UserData = var_Layer.Clip.Value end function ' Occurs when the mouse wheel moves while the control has focus function MouseWheel as v (Delta as N) oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.Layers.Item(0).Clip.Value = oGauge.FormatABC("(value + B) MIN 0 MAX 100",oGauge.Layers.Item(0).Clip.Value,Delta) end function Dim oGauge as P Dim var_Clip as P Dim var_Layer as P oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.Layers.Count = 1 var_Layer = oGauge.Layers.Item(0) var_Layer.Background.Picture.Value = "c:\exontrol\images\card.png" var_Clip = var_Layer.Clip var_Clip.Rectangle.Width = "value/100 * width" var_Clip.Value = 50 |
12 |
How can I associate a value to rotation angle
' Occurs when the layer's value is changed. function Change as v (Layer as N) oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.Template = "Caption(0) = FormatABC(```Value: <b>`` + (value format ````) `,Layers.Item(0).Value)" // oGauge.Caption(0) = oGauge.FormatABC("`Value: <b>` + (value format ``) ",oGauge.Layers.Item(0).Value) end function ' Occurs once the user starts dragging a layer. function DragStart as v (DragInfo as OLE::Exontrol.Gauge.1::IDragInfo,Cancel as L) ' DragInfo.Debug = 483 oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex end function Dim oGauge as P Dim var_Layer as P Dim var_Picture as P oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex var_Layer = oGauge.Layers.Add("back") var_Layer.RotateType = 2 var_Layer.Left = "(width-512)/2" var_Layer.Top = "(height-512)/2" var_Layer.Height = 512 var_Layer.Width = 512 var_Picture = var_Layer.Background.Picture var_Picture.Value = "c:\exontrol\images\card.png" var_Picture.Left = "(width-pwidth)/2" var_Picture.Top = "(height-pheight)/2" var_Picture.Width = "pwidth" var_Picture.Height = "pheight" var_Layer.OnDrag = 2 var_Layer.DefaultRotateAngle = 45 var_Layer.RotateCenterY = "lheight/2 + 32" var_Layer.RotateCenterX = "lwidth/2 + 32" var_Layer.RotateAngleToValue = "value/360 * 100" var_Layer.ValueToRotateAngle = "value / 100 * 360" var_Layer.Value = 50 |
11 |
How can I associate a value to vertical offset
' Occurs when the layer's value is changed. function Change as v (Layer as N) oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.Template = "Caption(0) = FormatABC(```Value: <b>`` + (value format ````)`,Layers.Item(0).Value)" // oGauge.Caption(0) = oGauge.FormatABC("`Value: <b>` + (value format ``)",oGauge.Layers.Item(0).Value) end function ' Occurs once the user starts dragging a layer. function DragStart as v (DragInfo as OLE::Exontrol.Gauge.1::IDragInfo,Cancel as L) ' DragInfo.Debug = 287 oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex end function Dim oGauge as P Dim var_Layer as P oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex var_Layer = oGauge.Layers.Add("back") var_Layer.Background.Picture.Value = "c:\exontrol\images\card.png" var_Layer.OnDrag = 1 var_Layer.DefaultOffsetY = -100 var_Layer.OffsetYValid = "value MIN 0 MAX 200" var_Layer.OffsetXValid = 0 var_Layer.OffsetToValue = "offsety /200 * 100" var_Layer.ValueToOffsetY = "value / 100 * 200" var_Layer.Value = 50 |
10 |
How can I associate a value to horizontal offset
' Occurs when the layer's value is changed. function Change as v (Layer as N) oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.Template = "Caption(0) = FormatABC(```Value: <b>`` + (value format ````)`,Layers.Item(0).Value)" // oGauge.Caption(0) = oGauge.FormatABC("`Value: <b>` + (value format ``)",oGauge.Layers.Item(0).Value) end function ' Occurs once the user starts dragging a layer. function DragStart as v (DragInfo as OLE::Exontrol.Gauge.1::IDragInfo,Cancel as L) ' DragInfo.Debug = 287 oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex end function Dim oGauge as P Dim var_Layer as P oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex var_Layer = oGauge.Layers.Add("back") var_Layer.Background.Picture.Value = "c:\exontrol\images\card.png" var_Layer.OnDrag = 1 var_Layer.DefaultOffsetX = -100 var_Layer.OffsetXValid = "value MIN 0 MAX 200" var_Layer.OffsetYValid = 0 var_Layer.OffsetToValue = "offsetx /200 * 100" var_Layer.ValueToOffsetX = "value / 100 * 200" var_Layer.Value = 50 |
9 |
How can I display the current angle
' Occurs when the layer's value is changed. function Change as v (Layer as N) oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.Template = "Caption(0) = FormatABC(```Angle: <b>`` + (value format ````) + ``°```,Layers.Item(0).RotateAngle)" // oGauge.Caption(0) = oGauge.FormatABC("`Angle: <b>` + (value format ``) + `°`",oGauge.Layers.Item(0).RotateAngle) end function ' Occurs once the user starts dragging a layer. function DragStart as v (DragInfo as OLE::Exontrol.Gauge.1::IDragInfo,Cancel as L) ' DragInfo.Debug = 483 oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex end function Dim oGauge as P Dim var_Layer as P Dim var_Picture as P oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex var_Layer = oGauge.Layers.Add("back") var_Layer.RotateType = 2 var_Layer.Left = "(width-512)/2" var_Layer.Top = "(height-512)/2" var_Layer.Height = 512 var_Layer.Width = 512 var_Picture = var_Layer.Background.Picture var_Picture.Value = "c:\exontrol\images\card.png" var_Picture.Left = "(width-pwidth)/2" var_Picture.Top = "(height-pheight)/2" var_Picture.Width = "pwidth" var_Picture.Height = "pheight" var_Layer.OnDrag = 2 var_Layer.RotateAngleValid = "(value > 180 ? value - 360 : value) MIN 15 MAX 65" |
8 |
How can I limit the rotation angle
' Occurs when the layer's value is changed. function Change as v (Layer as N) oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.Template = "Caption(0) = FormatABC(```Angle: <b>`` + (value format ````) + ``°```,Layers.Item(0).RotateAngle)" // oGauge.Caption(0) = oGauge.FormatABC("`Angle: <b>` + (value format ``) + `°`",oGauge.Layers.Item(0).RotateAngle) end function ' Occurs once the user starts dragging a layer. function DragStart as v (DragInfo as OLE::Exontrol.Gauge.1::IDragInfo,Cancel as L) ' DragInfo.Debug = 483 oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex end function Dim oGauge as P Dim var_Layer as P Dim var_Picture as P oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex var_Layer = oGauge.Layers.Add("back") var_Layer.RotateType = 2 var_Layer.Left = "(width-512)/2" var_Layer.Top = "(height-512)/2" var_Layer.Height = 512 var_Layer.Width = 512 var_Picture = var_Layer.Background.Picture var_Picture.Value = "c:\exontrol\images\card.png" var_Picture.Left = "(width-pwidth)/2" var_Picture.Top = "(height-pheight)/2" var_Picture.Width = "pwidth" var_Picture.Height = "pheight" var_Layer.OnDrag = 2 var_Layer.RotateAngleValid = "(value > 180 ? value - 360 : value) MIN 15 MAX 65" |
7 |
Can I specify a different center while rotating
' Occurs once the user starts dragging a layer. function DragStart as v (DragInfo as OLE::Exontrol.Gauge.1::IDragInfo,Cancel as L) ' DragInfo.Debug = 483 oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex end function Dim oGauge as P Dim var_Layer as P Dim var_Picture as P oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex var_Layer = oGauge.Layers.Add("back") var_Layer.RotateType = 2 var_Layer.Left = "(width-512)/2" var_Layer.Top = "(height-512)/2" var_Layer.Height = 512 var_Layer.Width = 512 var_Picture = var_Layer.Background.Picture var_Picture.Value = "c:\exontrol\images\card.png" var_Picture.Left = "(width-pwidth)/2" var_Picture.Top = "(height-pheight)/2" var_Picture.Width = "pwidth" var_Picture.Height = "pheight" var_Layer.OnDrag = 2 var_Layer.RotateAngle = -45 var_Layer.RotateCenterY = "lheight/2 + 32" var_Layer.RotateCenterX = "lwidth/2 + 32" |
6 |
How can I rotate a layer, without cutting off the picture
' Occurs once the user starts dragging a layer. function DragStart as v (DragInfo as OLE::Exontrol.Gauge.1::IDragInfo,Cancel as L) ' DragInfo.Debug = 483 oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex end function Dim oGauge as P Dim var_Layer as P Dim var_Picture as P oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex var_Layer = oGauge.Layers.Add("back") var_Layer.Left = "(width-512)/2" var_Layer.Top = "(height-512)/2" var_Layer.Height = 512 var_Layer.Width = 512 var_Picture = var_Layer.Background.Picture var_Picture.Value = "c:\exontrol\images\card.png" var_Picture.Left = "(width-pwidth)/2" var_Picture.Top = "(height-pheight)/2" var_Picture.Width = "pwidth" var_Picture.Height = "pheight" var_Layer.OnDrag = 2 var_Layer.RotateAngle = -45 |
5 |
How can I rotate a layer
' Occurs once the user starts dragging a layer. function DragStart as v (DragInfo as OLE::Exontrol.Gauge.1::IDragInfo,Cancel as L) ' DragInfo.Debug = 483 oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex end function Dim oGauge as P Dim var_Layer as P Dim var_Picture as P oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex var_Layer = oGauge.Layers.Add("back") var_Picture = var_Layer.Background.Picture var_Picture.Value = "c:\exontrol\images\card.png" var_Picture.Width = "pwidth" var_Picture.Height = "pheight" var_Layer.OnDrag = 2 var_Layer.RotateAngle = 45 |
4 |
Is there any way to debug the layer while moving
' Occurs once the user starts dragging a layer. function DragStart as v (DragInfo as OLE::Exontrol.Gauge.1::IDragInfo,Cancel as L) ' DragInfo.Debug = 287 oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex end function Dim oGauge as P Dim var_Layer as P oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex var_Layer = oGauge.Layers.Add("back") var_Layer.Background.Picture.Value = "c:\exontrol\images\card.png" var_Layer.OnDrag = 1 |
3 |
How do I specify where to move the layer, while dragging
Dim oGauge as P Dim var_Layer as P oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex var_Layer = oGauge.Layers.Add("back") var_Layer.Background.Picture.Value = "c:\exontrol\images\card.png" var_Layer.OnDrag = 1 var_Layer.OffsetXValid = "int(value / 64) * 64" var_Layer.OffsetYValid = "int(value / 64) * 64" |
2 |
How can I add layers to the control
Dim oGauge as P Dim var_Layer as P oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex var_Layer = oGauge.Layers.Add("back") var_Layer.Background.Picture.Value = "c:\exontrol\images\card.png" var_Layer.OnDrag = 1 |
1 |
How can I add layers to the control
Dim oGauge as P Dim var_Layer as P oGauge = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex oGauge.Layers.Count = 1 var_Layer = oGauge.Layers.Item(0) var_Layer.Background.Picture.Value = "c:\exontrol\images\card.png" var_Layer.OnDrag = 1 |