property Graph.DataSample as Variant
Retrieves a data sample.

Variant A string expression that specifies the sample of the data being loaded
The DataSample property gives a sample of the data being loaded. The control can load data using one of the following methods:

The Data property of the Serie object, defines the list of column-names or column-indexes separated by comma within the control's data, such as "AAPL (open),AAPL (high),AAPL (low),AAPL (close)" or "1,2,3,4".

The DataSample property returns a string such as:

"OrderID"   "EmployeeID"    "OrderDate" "RequiredDate"  "ShippedDate"   "ShipVia"   "Freight"   "ShipName"  "ShipAddress"   "ShipCity"  "ShipRegion"    "ShipPostalCode"    "ShipCountry"
10248   5   #08/11/1994#    #08/14/1994#    #08/30/1994#    3   "32.38" "Vins et alcools Chevalier" "59 rue de l'Abbaye"    "Reims" ""  "51100" "France"
10249   6   #08/10/1994#    #08/22/1994#    #09/28/1994#    1   "11.61" "Toms Spezialitäten"    "Luisenstr. 48" "Münster"   ""  "44087" "Germany"
10250   3   #08/14/1994#    #08/18/1994#    #08/30/1994#    2   "65.83" "Hanari Carnes" "Rua do Paço, 67"   "Rio de Janeiro"    "RJ"    "05454-876" "Brazil"
10251   4   #08/01/1994#    #09/05/1994#    #08/15/1994#    1   "41.34" "Victuailles en stock"  "2, rue du Commerce"    "Lyon"  ""  "69004" "France"