property Legend.Dock as PanelDockEnum
Specifies the edge of the container the legend-window is anchored to

PanelDockEnum A PanelDockEnum expression that specifies the edge of the container the legend-window is anchored to. For instance:
  • exLeft or 3 {number}, the legend is docked to the left side of the control
By default, the Dock property is exBottom (the legend is anchored to the bottom side of the view). The Dock property specifies the edge of the container the legend-window is anchored to. The Flow property determines whether the legend objects are arranged from left to right or top to bottom. The Align property specifies the alignment of the legend's content. The Grid property specifies the number of columns or rows that the legend divides its content into. The Reverse property reverses the order of the items within the legend.