constants SerieMiscEnum
The Misc property defines the serie's miscellaneous options. The following miscellaneous options are available:

exScatterPlotSize1 Specifies the radius to show the plot on scatter-type charts. For "bubble" chart- type, it defines the maximum radius to show the bubbles within the chart.
  • 128, defines the maximum radius to show the bubbles within the chart ( for "bubble" chart- type only )

By default, the exScatterPlotSize option is 6.

(numeric expression)

exCandleStickSize2 Specifies the size to display the candle-stick.
  • 2, indicates a ticker candle line

By default, the exCandleStickSize option is 1.


(numeric expression)

exCandleAllowHollow3 The exCandleAllowHollow feature denotes that the "candleStick" or "ohlc" chart type enables the presentation of hollow representations. This indicates instances where the closing price exceeds the opening price, resulting in candlesticks characterized by unfilled bodies.
  • false, disable hallow feature

By default, the exCandleAllowHollow option is true.


(boolean expression)

exSplineTension4 Controls the tightness or looseness of the curve between control points (a higher tension value will result in a tighter curve, whereas a lower tension value will produce a more relaxed curve). The Style property indicates the way the values of the serie get connected. 
  • 1, the curve exhibits a rectangular shape rather than being rounded.

By default, the exSplineTension option is 0.0.

(numeric expression between 0 and 1)

exSplineAlpha5 Serves as a tension control, influencing the curvature of the resulting spline between control points (a higher alpha value leads to a smoother curve, while a lower value produces a more rigid interpolation that closely follows the control points). The Style property indicates the way the values of the serie get connected. 
  • 1, the curve is characterized by more tension

By default, the exSplineAlpha option is 0.5.

(numeric expression between 0 and 1)

exLineSize6 Specifies the size of the line (frame). The Type property defines the type of the serie. The exLineSize property specifies the size for linear chart-types such as "line", "radarLine", ... or the size of the frame around the pies for "pie" chart-types
  • 4, indicates a ticker line

By default, the exLineSize option is 1.

(numeric expression)

exPieFrameColor7 Indicates the color to show the frame around the pies. This color property accepts values in various formats: CSS named colors, RGB format (e.g., rgb(red, green, blue)), or hexadecimal format (#RRGGBB). In RGB format, the red, green, and blue values range from 0 to 255, while in hexadecimal format, RR, GG, and BB represent the hexadecimal values of the red, green, and blue channels, respectively. The Type property defines the type of the serie. The exPieFrameColor property defines the color to show the frame around the pies, for "pie" chart-types
  • "black", shows the frame around the pies in black

By default, the exPieFrameColor option is "white".

(string expression)