property Serie.ShowValue as ShowValueEnum
Shows or hides the serie's value-points, value-lines and values.

ShowValueEnum A ShowValueEnum expression that specifies whether the value-points, value-lines and values are shown or hidden.
By default, the ShowValue property is exHide. The ShowValue property shows or hides the serie's value-points, value-lines and values. The ValuePoint property specifies the size, color, frame color and size of the value point, frame color, size and length of the value line, color, frame color, size and pad of the value-point's background, each separated by a comma. The ToolTipFormat property specifies the expression to customize the tooltip (shown while the cursor hovers value-points of the chart)

The Misc property sets or gets different options of the control, such as:

The value-points are not available for xy-compatible chart types as:

The following screen show shows how the value-point is represented:
