property Serie.Stack as String
Specifies whether the serie is stacked (same value for multiple series of the same type indicates same stacking-group)

String A string expression that specifies the identifier of the stacked-group. 
By default, the Stack property is "", which indicates that the series is not part of any stacking-group. The stacked feature, a fundamental aspect of data visualization, is characterized by bars subdivided into distinct segments, each delineating a cumulative effect. This feature serves as an effective tool for portraying the distribution or production of monetary resources over a temporal continuum. By visually segregating and stacking these segments, the Stacked Bar feature facilitates a comprehensive understanding of how individual values contribute to the overall total, offering valuable insights into proportional relationships within the dataset. The Type property specifies the type of the serie (the way the data is represented).

The following screen shot show the data un-stacked (default):

The following screen shot show the same data stacked :

The Stack property is supported by the following chart-types: