property ValueAxis.AsPercent as Boolean
Indicates whether the value-axis converts the serie's values to [0,1] range, as percentages (the values area always numbers between 0 and 1).

Boolean A boolean expression that specifies whether the the value-axis converts the serie's values to [0,1] range, as percentages (the values area always numbers between 0 and 1)
By default, the AsPercent property is False. The AsPercent property specifies whether the value-axis converts the serie's values to [0,1] range, as percentages (the values area always numbers between 0 and 1). When the AsPercent property is set to true, the highest value is displayed as 100%, and the remaining values are shown proportionally relative to this maximum value. By default, the value-axis is displayed from 0 to 1, and so you can use the Format property to customize the labels to be shown the value-axis.

The following screen shot shows the chart using AsPercent on True:

The following screen shot shows the chart using the same data and AsPercent on False (by default):