property Column.ComputedField as String
Retrieves or sets a value that indicates the formula of the computed column.

String A String expression that indicates the formula to compute the field/cell. The formula is applied to all cells in the column with the CellValueFormat property on exText ( the exText value is by default ).
By default, the ComputedField property is empty (no effect). A computed field or cell displays the result of a complex arithmetic formula. This formula can incorporate a variety of elements, including mathematical operators (such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division), variables (representing values that can change), and constants (fixed values). The combination of these elements allows for dynamic calculations within the cell, reflecting real-time changes based on the formula's components. If the ComputedField property is not empty, all cells in the column, that have the CellValueFormat property on exText, uses the same formula to display their content. For instance, you can use the CellValueFormat property on exHTML, for cells in the column, that need to display other things than column's formula, or you can use the CellValueFormat property on exComputedField, to change the formula for a particular cell. Use the FormatColumn property to format the column. The Def(exTotalColumn) property specifies a formula that defines the total fields applied to all unformatted and non-leaf cells within the column.

Use the CellValueFormat property to change the type for a particular cell. Use the CellValue property to specify the cell's content. For instance, if the CellValueFormat property is exComputedField, the Caption property indicates the formula to compute the cell's content. 

The Def(exCellValueFormat) property is changed to exComputedField, each time the ComputeField property is changed to a not empty value. If the ComputedField property is set to an empty string, the Def(exCellValueFormat) property is set to exText. Call the Refresh method to force refreshing the control.

The expression may be a combination of variables, constants, strings, dates and operators.  A string is delimited by ", ` or ' characters, and inside they can have the starting character preceded by \ character, ie "\"This is a quote\"". A date is delimited by # character, ie #1/31/2001 10:00# means the January 31th, 2001, 10:00 AM.

The expression supports cell's identifiers as follows:

Usage samples:

This property supports auto-numbering (index, pos, ...) expressions as described here. This property/method supports predefined constants and operators/functions as described here.