Here's the IDL definition of the IUnboundHandler interface:
[ uuid(BA3AA5FA-5B09-40F6-80DF-B051C20150B6), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IUnboundHandler : IUnknown { [propget, id(1), helpcontext(3001), helpstring("Gets the number of items.")] HRESULT ItemsCount( IDispatch* Source, [out, retval ] long* pVal ); [id(2), helpcontext(3002), helpstring("The source requires an item.")] HRESULT ReadItem( long Index, IDispatch* Source, long ItemHandle ); }
Here's the IDL definition of the UnboundHandler interface ( this interface is available starting from the version 11.1 ):
[ uuid(BA3AA5FA-5B09-40F6-80DF-B051C20150B7), ] dispinterface UnboundHandler { interface IUnboundHandler; }
The following VB sampledisplays 1,000,000 items in virtual mode:
Implements EXGRIDLibCtl.IUnboundHandler Private Sub Form_Load() With Grid1 .BeginUpdate .Columns.Add("Index").FormatColumn = "value format `0`" .VirtualMode = True Set .UnboundHandler = Me .EndUpdate End With End Sub Private Property Get IUnboundHandler_ItemsCount(ByVal Source As Object) As Long IUnboundHandler_ItemsCount = 1000000 End Property Private Sub IUnboundHandler_ReadItem(ByVal Index As Long, ByVal Source As Object, ByVal ItemHandle As Long) With Source.Items .CellValue(ItemHandle, 0) = Index + 1 End With End Sub
The following VB/NET sampledisplays 1,000,000 items in virtual mode:
Public Class Form1 Implements EXGRIDLib.IUnboundHandler Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load With AxGrid1 .BeginUpdate() .Columns.Add("Index").FormatColumn = "value format `0`" .VirtualMode = True .UnboundHandler = Me .EndUpdate() End With End Sub Public ReadOnly Property ItemsCount(ByVal Source As Object) As Integer Implements EXGRIDLib.IUnboundHandler.ItemsCount Get ItemsCount = 10000000 End Get End Property Public Sub ReadItem(ByVal Index As Integer, ByVal Source As Object, ByVal ItemHandle As Integer) Implements EXGRIDLib.IUnboundHandler.ReadItem With Source.Items .CellValue(ItemHandle, 0) = Index + 1 End With End Sub End Class
The following C# sampledisplays 1,000,000 items in virtual mode:
public partial class Form1 : Form, EXGRIDLib.IUnboundHandler { public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); } private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { axGrid1.BeginUpdate(); (axGrid1.Columns.Add("Index") as EXGRIDLib.IColumn).FormatColumn = "value format `0`"; axGrid1.VirtualMode = true; axGrid1.UnboundHandler = this; axGrid1.EndUpdate(); } public int get_ItemsCount(object Source) { return 1000000; } public void ReadItem(int Index, object Source, int ItemHandle) { (Source as EXGRIDLib.IGrid).Items.set_CellValue(ItemHandle, 0, Index + 1); } }
The following VFP 9 sample displays 1,000,000 items in virtual mode:
with thisform.Grid1 .Columns.Add("Index").FormatColumn = "value format `0`" .VirtualMode = .T. .UnboundHandler = newobject('UnboundHandler', 'class1.prg') endwith
where the class1.prg is:
define class UnboundHandler as session OLEPUBLIC implements IUnboundHandler in "ExGrid.dll" function IUnboundHandler_get_ItemsCount(Source) return 1000000 endfunc function IUnboundHandler_ReadItem(Index, Source, ItemHandle) With Source.Items .CellValue(ItemHandle, 0) = Index + 1 EndWith endfunc implements UnboundHandler in "ExGrid.dll" function UnboundHandler_get_ItemsCount(Source) return this.IUnboundHandler_get_ItemsCount(Source) endfunc function UnboundHandler_ReadItem(Index, Source, ItemHandle) return this.IUnboundHandler_ReadItem(Index, Source, ItemHandle) endfunc enddefine
The following VFP 7 and VFP 8 sample displays 1,000,000 items in virtual mode:
with thisform.Grid1 .Columns.Add("Index").FormatColumn = "value format `0`" .VirtualMode = .T. .UnboundHandler = newobject('UnboundHandler', 'class1.prg') endwith
where the class1.prg is:
define class UnboundHandler as custom implements IUnboundHandler in "ExGrid.dll" function IUnboundHandler_get_ItemsCount(Source) return 10000000 endfunc function IUnboundHandler_ReadItem(Index, Source, ItemHandle) With Source.Items .DefaultItem = ItemHandle .CellValue(0, 0) = Index + 1 EndWith endfunc enddefine
The UnboundHandler / IUnboundHandler interface requires the following properties and methods:
Name | Description | |||
ItemsCount | Gets the number of items. | |||
ReadItem | The source requires an item. |