event URChange (Operation as Long)
Occurs once the control's undo/redo queue is changed.

Operation as Long A long expression that specifies the type of operation that occurred as defined:
  •  exUndoRedo (0x10, 16), specifies that an undo/redo operation occurred
  • exUndo(0x11, 17), specifies that an undo operation occurred
  • exUndo(0x12, 18), specifies that an redo operation occurred
The URChange event occurs once an undo/redo operation occurs. The AllowUndoRedo property enables or disables the control's Undo/Redo feature. The UndoListAction property lists the Undo actions that can be performed in the control. The RedoListAction property lists the Redo actions that can be performed in the control. The Undo and Redo features let you remove or repeat single or multiple actions, but all actions must be undone or redone in the order you did or undid them – you can’t skip actions. For example, if you change the value of three cells in an item and then decide you want to undo the first change you made, you must undo all three changes. To undo an action you need to press Ctrl+Z, while for to redo something you've undone, press Ctrl+Y.