constants FieldDialogEnum
Specifies the captions for the Find, Replace dialogs or Incremental Search field.

exCaption0 Specifies the caption of the dialog.
exFieldFindWhat202 Identifies the 'Find what' field.
exFieldWordOnly104 Identifies the 'Match whole word only' field.
exFieldMatchCase105 Identifies the 'Match case' field.
exFieldDirection203 Identifies the 'Direction' field.
exFieldUp113 Identifies the 'Up' field.
exFieldDown114 Identifies the 'Down' field.
exFieldFindNext103 Identifies the 'Find Next' field.
exFieldMarkAll21199 Identifies the 'Mark All' field.
exFieldCancel2 Identifies the 'Cancel' field.
exFieldReplaceWith204 Identifies the 'Replace with' field.
exFieldReplaceIn205 Identifies the 'Replace in' field.
exFieldSelection113 Identifies the 'Selection' field.
exFieldWholeFile114 Identifies the 'Whole file' field.
exFieldReplace21199 Identifies the 'Replace' field.
exFieldReplaceAll21200 Identifies the 'Replace All' field.
exErrorTitle32000 Specifies the title of the message if an error occurs.
exErrorFindNext32001 Specifies the message when 'Find Next' operation fails.
exReplaceDone32002 Specifies the message that's displayed when replacing is done.
exContextUndo16384 Specifies the Undo caption in the control's context menu.
exContextRedo16385 Specifies the Redo caption in the control's context menu.
exContextCut16387 Specifies the Cut caption in the control's context menu.
exContextCopy16388 Specifies the Copy caption in the control's context menu.
exContextPaste16389 Specifies the Paste caption in the control's context menu.
exContextDelete16390 Specifies the Delete caption in the control's context menu.
exContextSelectAll16392 Specifies the Select All caption in the control's context menu.