constants HTMLEditContextMenuEnum
The HTMLEditContextMenuEnum type specifies the flags to show the control's context menu. The AllowContextMenu property specifies the items to be shown on the control's context menu. 

By default, the control's context menu is shown as following:

The HTMLEditContextMenuEnum type supports the following values:

exHideContextMenu0 No context menu is shown when the user right-clicks the control. 
exShowContextMenu-1 The control shows its context menu when the user right-clicks the control. The ContextMenuItems property specifies the items to be shown on the control's context menu.
exContextMenuUndoRedo1 Specifies whether the Undo/Redo commands are shown in the control's context menu. The Caption(exContextMenu, exContextUndo) / Caption(exContextMenu, exContextRedo) property specifies the Undo/Redo caption.
exContextMenuCopyPaste2 Specifies whether the Cut/Copy/Paste/Delete commands are shown in the control's context menu. The Caption(exContextMenu, exContextCut) / Caption(exContextMenu, exContextCopy) / Caption(exContextMenu, exContextPaste) / Caption(exContextMenu, exContextDelete) property specifies the Cut/Copy/Paste/Delete caption.
exContextMenuSelectAll4 Specifies whether the Select All command is shown in the control's context menu. The Caption(exContextMenu, exContextSelectAll) property specifies the Select All caption.
exContextMenuFormat-16 Specifies whether the Format items ( Type, Align, Color, Font, Misc ) are shown in the control's context menu.
exContextMenuFormatAlign16 Specifies whether the Align commands are shown in the control's context menu. The Align commands include Left, Center and Right flags. The exContextMenuFormatOffset flag specifies whether the Offset command is shown in the control's context menu. The Center and Right inserts or deletes the <c> or <r> built-in HTML tags from the selected text. 
exContextMenuFormatColors32 Specifies whether the Color commands are shown in the control's context menu. The Color item includes the Fore to change the selected text foreground color, and Back to update the selected text background color. The Fore command inserts or deletes the <fgcolor>...</fgcolor> built-in HTML tags from the selected text. The Back command inserts or deletes the <bgcolor>...</bgcolor> built-in HTML tags from the selected text. 
exContextMenuFormatDecorative64 Specifies whether the G (gradient), O (outlined) and S (shadow) commands are shown in the control's context menu. The G (gradient) command inserts or deletes the <gra>...</gra> built-in HTML tags from the selected text. The O (outlined) command inserts or deletes the <out>...</out> built-in HTML tags from the selected text. The S (shadow) command inserts or deletes the <sha>...</sha> built-in HTML tags from the selected text.
exContextMenuFormatFont128 Specifies whether the Font commands are shown on the control's context menu. The Font commands include the Face, to change the face/name of the font for selected text, and Size to update the size of the font for selected text. The Face command inserts or deletes the <font face>...</font> built-in HTML tags from the selected text. The Size command inserts or deletes the <font ;size>...</font> built-in HTML tags from the selected text.
exContextMenuFormatLine256 Specifies whether the No Line, Solid, Dot and Up Line commands are shown on the control's context menu.  The Solid, Dot and Up Line commands insert or delete the <solidline>...</solidline>, <dotline>...</dotline>, <upline>...</upline> built-in HTML tags from the text, at cursor position. 
exContextMenuFormatImage512 Indicates if the Image sub-menu is shown in the control's context menu. The Image sub-menu is shown, only if the control loads any image using the Images or HTMLPicture methods. The Size item is shown under the Image menu, if the selection contains a single icon or picture. The Image context menu inserts or deletes the <img>...</img> built-in HTML tags.
exContextMenuFormatOffset1024 Specifies whether the Offset command is shown in the control's context menu. The exContextMenuFormatAlign flag specifies whether the Align commands are shown in the control's context menu. The Offset command inserts or deletes the <off>...</off> built-in HTML tags from the selected text.
exContextMenuFormatHyperlink2048 Specifies whether the A command is shown in the control's context menu. The A (anchor ) command inserts or deletes the <a>...</a> built-in HTML tags from the selected text. 
exContextMenuFormatBold4096 Specifies whether the B command is shown in the control's context menu. The B (bold ) command inserts or deletes the <b>...</b> built-in HTML tags from the selected text. 
exContextMenuFormatItalic8192 Specifies whether the I command is shown in the control's context menu. The I (italic ) command inserts or deletes the <i>...</i> built-in HTML tags from the selected text. 
exContextMenuFormatUnderline16384 Specifies whether the U command is shown in the control's context menu. The U (underline ) command inserts or deletes the <u>...</u> built-in HTML tags from the selected text. 
exContextMenuFormatStrikeout32768 Specifies whether the S command is shown in the control's context menu. The S (strikeout ) command inserts or deletes the <s>...</s> built-in HTML tags from the selected text.