property Items.ItemMaxHeight(Index as Long) as Long
Retrieves or sets a value that indicates the maximum height when the item's height is variable.

Index as Long A long expression that indicates the index of the item. For instance, the ItemMaxHeight(-1) = 24, changes the maximum-height for all items to be 24 pixels wide.
Long A long value that indicates the maximum height when the item's height is variable.
By default, the ItemMaxHeight property is -1. The ItemMaxHeight property has effect only if it is greater than 0, and the item contains cells with CellSingleLine property on False. The ItemMinHeight property specifies the minimal height of the item while resizing. The CellSingleLine property specifies whether a cell displays its caption using multiple lines. The CellSingleLine property specifies whether a cell displays its caption using multiple lines. The ItemHeight property has no effect, if the CellSingleLine property is False. If the CellSingleLine property is False, you can specify the maximum height for the item using the ItemMaxHeight property. Use the ItemAllowSizing property to specify whether the user can resize the item at runtime.