property List.SingleSort as Boolean
Returns or sets a value that indicates whether the control supports sorting by single or multiple columns.

Boolean A boolean expression that indicates whether the control supports single or multiple selection.
Use the SingleSort property to allow sorting by multiple columns. Sorting by a single column in the control is a simple matter of clicking on the column head. Sorting by multiple columns, however, is not so obvious. But it's actually quite easy. The user has two options to sort by multiple columns:

By default, the SingleSort property is True, and so the user can have sorting by a single column only. Use the SortBarVisible property to show the control's sort bar. The SingleSort property is automatically set on False, if the SortBarVisible property is set to True. Use the SortOnClick property to specify the action that control should execute when the user clicks the control's header. Use the SortOrder property to sort a column programmatically. Use the SortPosition property to specify the position of the column in the sorted columns list. The control fires the Sort event when the user sorts a column. Use the ItemBySortPosition property to get the columns being sorted in their order.

For instance, if the control contains multiple sorted columns, changing the SingleSort property on True, erases all the columns in the sorting columns collection, and so no column is sorted.