Defines the symbol used to indicate repeated captions, providing a clear visual cue for identical entries (ditto mark)

With List1
	.HeaderAppearance = Etched
	.HeaderHeight = 24
	.DrawGridLines = exAllLines
	.Columns.Add("Country").ShowIdem = "<fgcolor gray>〃"
	With .Items
		.Add "Spain"
		.Add "Spain"
		.Add "Spain"
		.Add "Spain"
		.Add "Germany"
		.Add "Germany"
		.Add "Germany"
		.Add "Germany"
	End With
End With
Defines the symbol used to indicate repeated captions, providing a clear visual cue for identical entries (space)

With List1
	.HeaderAppearance = Etched
	.HeaderHeight = 24
	.DrawGridLines = exAllLines
	.Columns.Add("Country").ShowIdem = " "
	With .Items
		.Add "Spain"
		.Add "Spain"
		.Add "Spain"
		.Add "Spain"
		.Add "Germany"
		.Add "Germany"
		.Add "Germany"
		.Add "Germany"
	End With
End With
Displays a glitch funnel for drop-down filter buttons (empty or active)

With List1
	With .VisualAppearance
		.RenderType = -1
		.Add 2,"CP:1 -2 0 0 0"
	End With
	.DrawGridLines = exAllLines
	.GridLineStyle = exGridLinesGeometric
	.ShowFocusRect = False
	.Background(exHeaderFilterBarButton) = &H2000000
	.Background(exHeaderFilterBarActive) = &H2000001
	.HeaderAppearance = Etched
	.BackColorHeader = RGB(255,255,255)
	.HeaderHeight = 24
	.HeaderVisible = 1
	With .Columns.Add("1st col")
		.DisplayFilterButton = True
		.DisplayFilterPattern = False
		.Filter = "Item B"
		.FilterType = exFilter
	End With
	.Columns.Add "2nd col"
	With .Items
		.Add "Item A"
		.Add "Item B"
		.Add "Item C"
	End With
End With
How can I replace or add an icon at runtime

With List1
	.ReplaceIcon "gAAAABgYACEHgUJFEEAAWhUJCEJEEJggEhMCYEXjUbjkJQECj8gj8hAEjkshYEpk8kf8ClsulsvAExmcvf83js5nU7nkCeEcn8boMaocXosCB9Hn09pkzcEuoL/fE+O" & _
	.ReplaceIcon "C:\images\favicon.ico",0
	.Columns.Add("Items").Def(exCaptionFormat) = 1
	.Items.Add "Item <img>1</img>"
End With
Can I set a filter that automatically adds a * before and after the word, so the user can just search for 'cat' and it becomes '*cat*' automatically

With List1
	.HeaderAppearance = Etched
	.HeaderHeight = 24
	With .Columns.Add("Items")
		.DisplayFilterButton = True
		.DisplayFilterPattern = True
		.Def(exFilterPatternTemplate) = "*<%filter%>*"
		.FilterType = exPattern
		.Filter = "1"
	End With
	With .Items
		.Add "Item 1"
		.Add "Item 2"
		.Add "Item 3"
		.Add "Item 1"
		.Add "Item 2"
		.Add "Item 3"
	End With
End With
Disable temporarily the column's sort, resize and drag and drop
With List1
	.SortBarVisible = True
	.SortBarCaption = "<fgcolor 808080><c>the header and the sort-bar are disabled (no drag and drop is allowed)"
	.HeaderEnabled = False
	.HeaderAppearance = Etched
	.Columns.Add("Index").FormatColumn = "1 index ``"
	.Columns.Add("Pos").FormatColumn = "1 apos ``"
	.Columns.Add "Edit"
	.GridLineStyle = exGridLinesGeometric
	.DrawGridLines = exVLines
	.GridLineColor = RGB(224,224,224)
End With

' AnchorClick event - Occurs when an anchor element is clicked.
Private Sub List1_AnchorClick(ByVal AnchorID As String,ByVal Options As String)
	With List1
		Debug.Print( AnchorID )
	End With
End Sub

With List1
	.ColumnAutoResize = True
	.DrawGridLines = exAllLines
	.GridLineStyle = exGridLinesGeometric
	.BackColorAlternate = RGB(240,240,240)
	.ShowFocusRect = False
	.Columns.Add "Default"
	With .Items
		.Add "before item"
		h = .Add("<solidline> <c><b>Bank Account</b></solidline><br>+ owner: String <r><a 1;e64=gA8ABzABvABsABpABkg8JABuABlAA+AAgAECMcTi4AMwAM4Aj" & _
"MGhEGOUVAA4AAwk8plcqihwAElg0wiUlOkOiUEgQvgcFhsKhkIhUQiUUnccj0gn0jmMagUlowAMNOpEfkMNkkmlEqrctjQmAAjAA5AA2sssHcbnkdq1Ln1QtVSjQAAEB" & _
"A==>▲</a><br><solidline>+ balance: Currency = 0</solidline><br>+ deposit(amount: Currency)<r><a 2;e64=gA8ABjAA+AECMwAM8DAB" & _
"650;</a><br>+ withdraw(amount: Currency)")
		.CaptionFormat(h,0) = exHTML
		.CellSingleLine(h,0) = exCaptionWordWrap
		.Add "after item"
	End With
End With

With List1
	.ColumnAutoResize = True
	.DrawGridLines = exAllLines
	.GridLineStyle = exGridLinesGeometric
	.BackColorAlternate = RGB(240,240,240)
	.ShowFocusRect = False
	.Columns.Add "Default"
	With .Items
		.Add "before item"
		h = .Add("<solidline><b>Header</b></solidline><br>Line1<r><a ;exp=show lines>+</a><br>Line2<br>Line3")
		.CaptionFormat(h,0) = exHTML
		.CellSingleLine(h,0) = exCaptionWordWrap
		.Add "after item"
	End With
End With
Force hover-all feature
With List1
	.Background(exScrollHoverAll) = -1
End With
Disable hover-all feature (Windows 11 or greater)
With List1
	.Background(exScrollHoverAll) = RGB(1,0,0)
End With
Display a custom tooltip
' MouseMove event - Occurs when the user moves the mouse.
Private Sub List1_MouseMove(Button As Integer,Shift As Integer,X As Single,Y As Single)
	With List1
		.ShowToolTip "new content","",,"+8","+8"
	End With
End Sub

Shows the tooltip of the object moved relative to its default position
' MouseMove event - Occurs when the user moves the mouse.
Private Sub List1_MouseMove(Button As Integer,Shift As Integer,X As Single,Y As Single)
	With List1
		.ShowToolTip "<null>","<null>",,"+8","+8"
	End With
End Sub

With List1
	.ColumnAutoResize = False
	.Columns.Add("tootip").ToolTip = "this is a tooltip assigned to a column"
End With
How do I prevent changing the cell's state ( check-box state )
' CellStateChanging event - Fired before cell's state is about to be changed.
Private Sub List1_CellStateChanging(ByVal ItemIndex As Long,ByVal ColIndex As Long,NewState As Long)
	With List1
		With .Items
			NewState = .CellState(ItemIndex,ColIndex)
		End With
	End With
End Sub

With List1
	.FreezeEvents True
	.Columns.Add("P1").Def(exCellHasCheckBox) = True
	.Columns.Add("P2").Def(exCellHasCheckBox) = True
	With .Items
		.Add "C1"
		.CellState(.Add("C2"),0) = 1
		.CellState(.Add("C3"),0) = 1
		.Add "C4"
	End With
	.FreezeEvents False
End With

With List1
	.ColumnAutoResize = False
	Set rs = CreateObject("ADOR.Recordset")
	With rs
		.Open "Orders","Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExList\Sample\Access\sample.mdb",3,3
	End With
	.DataSource = rs
End With
Highlight the match once the filter is applied
' FilterChange event - Occurs when filter was changed.
Private Sub List1_FilterChange()
	With List1
		format = .FormatABC("`lower(value) replace lower('` + value + `') with '<bgcolor 000000><fgcolor FFFFFF>` + value  + `</fgcolor></bgcolor>'`",.FilterBarPromptPattern)
		.Columns.Item(0).FormatColumn = format
		.Columns.Item(1).FormatColumn = format
		.Columns.Item(2).FormatColumn = format
	End With
End Sub

With List1
	.SelBackColor = .BackColor
	.SelForeColor = .ForeColor
	.ColumnAutoResize = True
	.ContinueColumnScroll = 0
	.MarkSearchColumn = False
	.SearchColumnIndex = 1
	.HeaderAppearance = Etched
	.HeaderHeight = 23
	.BackColorLevelHeader = .BackColor
	.FilterBarCaption = "`<b>` + value + `</b><r><fgcolor=808080>` + ( matchitemcount < 0 ? abs(matchitemcount + 1) + ` result(s)` : ``)"
	.FilterBarPromptVisible = FilterBarVisibleEnum.exFilterBarCompact Or FilterBarVisibleEnum.exFilterBarCaptionVisible Or FilterBarVisibleEnum.exFilterBarVisible Or FilterBarVisibleEnum.exFilterBarPromptVisible
	.FilterBarBackColor = .BackColor
	.FilterBarPromptPattern = "and"
	With .Columns
		With .Add("Name")
			.Def(exCaptionFormat) = 1
			.FormatColumn = "lower(value)"
		End With
		With .Add("Title")
			.Def(exCaptionFormat) = 1
			.FormatColumn = "lower(value)"
		End With
		With .Add("City")
			.Def(exCaptionFormat) = 1
			.FormatColumn = "lower(value)"
		End With
	End With
	With .Items
		h0 = .Add("Nancy Davolio")
		.Caption(h0,1) = "Sales Representative"
		.Caption(h0,2) = "Seattle"
		h0 = .Add("Andrew Fuller")
		.Caption(h0,1) = "Vice President, Sales"
		.Caption(h0,2) = "Tacoma"
		.SelectItem(h0) = 1
		h0 = .Add("Janet Leverling")
		.Caption(h0,1) = "Sales Representative"
		.Caption(h0,2) = "Kirkland"
		h0 = .Add("Margaret Peacock")
		.Caption(h0,1) = "Sales Representative"
		.Caption(h0,2) = "Redmond"
		h0 = .Add("Steven Buchanan")
		.Caption(h0,1) = "Sales Manager"
		.Caption(h0,2) = "London"
		h0 = .Add("Michael Suyama")
		.Caption(h0,1) = "Sales Representative"
		.Caption(h0,2) = "London"
		h0 = .Add("Robert King")
		.Caption(h0,1) = "Sales Representative"
		.Caption(h0,2) = "London"
		h0 = .Add("Laura Callahan")
		.Caption(h0,1) = "Inside Sales Coordinator"
		.Caption(h0,2) = "Seattle"
		h0 = .Add("Anne Dodsworth")
		.Caption(h0,1) = "Sales Representative"
		.Caption(h0,2) = "London"
	End With
End With
Re-order the cell's caption, icons and images/pictures

With List1
	.ColumnAutoResize = True
	.Images "gBJJgBAICAADAAEAAQhYAf8Pf4hh0QihCJo2AEZjQAjEZFEaIEahkZAIAEEbjMjlErlktl0vmExmUzmk1m03nE5nU7nk9n0/oFBoVDolFo1HpFJpVLplNp1PqFRqVTq" & _
"lVq1XrFZrVbrlTiFdib/sNjr9gs1nldlrlqtFtt0stlguNvulyh91ud1vVVvNuvt7wFHr9/vl3luEwOJouIq+Dw2KyGRyWTymVy2XzGZzUuiw+lmej0gkUaksljaAnmD" & _
	With .Columns.Add("ToLeft")
		.Def(exCellHasCheckBox) = True
	End With
	With .Columns.Add("ToRight")
		.Def(exCellHasCheckBox) = True
		.Def(exCellDrawPartsOrder) = "caption,picture,icons,icon,check"
	End With
	.DefaultItemHeight = 32
	.DrawGridLines = exVLines
	.HeaderAppearance = Etched
	With .Items
		h = .Add("Caption")
		.CellImage(h,0) = 2
		.CellImages(h,0) = "1,2"
		.CellPicture(h,0) = List1.ExecuteTemplate("loadpicture(`gCJKBOI4NBQaBQAhQNJJIIhShQAEEREAIA0ROZ6PT0hQKYZpIZDKBJkIgKByN5mNJsMsKPABVqXBI4KjrD7HL6GWKPJKiCIhMiySidKxbOzZZJWMLs" & _
"GL2FqyLjZMonNa2CyiZDOUqsQqUEq0ZCNISFXDIFxzZ4hUrbdrefZ/fz3ZgzZ75Tz3XjvHZnZznPieb55AKgAqmRyOOzEhR7XirWaWQQMTa+QIhDbZOZAAoYUCPDAQG7" & _
"nEVgSFYLo2CydhGg4OROF2HJjlydR7i+cJjDGFo8BgHgVl4Po+DufJRgcbQOlkCxyKuCJNAsdwIhSC4mgieYKkeHJWD0Ih8BQaYYkkMYppwTg0EsFhJC0SxEkgeodDSF" & _
"pTheV5SDgLBIieRIigyVo5CeOpymoWhtEQfRACMR4zE2KxRnsV5dF2ehFCeC50G+GBkBiZgaCUGYnBySY+BsdIuEkJJJDSSRsjGeYqEWOhliYVYOHWDYbFuNhFmcS5si" & _
"XhIaQSniLhIiaGwnDiJZGicZYnjeZw8D6OoSkWEIthwI4emudwtGwepNhuLQ3F8Zojm4bQrhALo0D0HZwCcJwoimeI0ASWR6CAJkJQORfAiFcLIXgahaiGCgMsKIpw8D" & _
"jJGmHIRQ8gJAKB4IoZgShaDKAQOUIolQkjVBuGoSw6hugaFaJoeoWgajaDKDoO4dB5j0FcJ0Zw1Ang3CQDEdgNQnA6EmHgGw4QuCiCSAKFIXBgilEwGcLAZAtDmC0N0W" & _
"gLhaApFiK0HgfxniuGKP4GIvhrhhGgHEZgaRtB5GSBUcIhg5BnHkOAeQFB5A6DiEEao2xoDHH0KIQ4bxYBfFEP8RogB5BfA8AQHwvwqAZBIBURgCgwgPAqAkKYCgfgTH" & _
"1iuDEMkfI0hUCyEkPIfwihKgqGsGobIGhNhfFGGoZY6gDDuGWDceANA1A2DyDUM4txaA/EwG0bo0wTDXEcH8Sg/BcD2GSHQC4pgtiuGOOkNIRg3hbG+MIGYjhzgaBeHw" & _
"ZQS4YhIgaEkJYS43hLAxE8EkTodQUBbBWMcHoNxy0lHqOETYyAeDeD4I0AQlRhD0G2E0O4PgKCjHeEoSgmBKCGEsBUS4vxUA8C6M0K4ox7irD+O0VouhfD7FUA33I+gm" & _
"iXE0IsLY1gtipG0CQbQLQPjFDuDQHw2RtjFGsK0bw4x9j0CcO8N4/RtBnhSgvAcBehmAOh0ANgiAhAnhih8gwh1gbhugRhSBRhDhjh2Bvgyhfh3gPhThOBIBOA6B9gsA" & _
"YAah+BdhlBWBtAuBoBThtB8gnhFheAlhcByh6BKhvAahNBnh5B1gJB1g+hCAsgAAbB1gOguAJhIAoAmhFBvqzACABh0BlgFggA6CaBvBQA7BDEHAaA0AABoAcgGBEACg" & _
"IBdA1BDh2BHAnBdAZg6Apgdh+h0g7lCBoAXh3BJBugahkBwBihkBkAsBYgtg/h7gNATBNgkhIgUhBg0gzI6BZgJRJglhvAvARgrAtBrALBbBFh2BxB2BZh9hFAcgOAcA" & _
"dAcgCgcBzhcAVB7h9g5BlgxhohsArgDh5A8heA8BKh8hMB8gzB8APgPBmAdByAShQAVgUAWMMAaAThuATgpAWhNASgLARB3ASAwg+AsEwhiAoimBTBxhUAJhEAJhVhJB" & _
"PhSBTBSBjgyhvBPlWAbgUgfhRhYBUAkAoBTAoBQgrgygfyhgTBShXBSgwhUh0hWgKhTguhQBphRAdhWAjhoBvg1gQA0g0A1AKACAehLgegzgrgmhcAmBahmB+A4AihzA" & _
"vgjAUgiALhjBpBig8hjhHgSA1ASBqgvA4gkhzAmgkglhRgnB7hlh8BKA0hNgxhMBtg7guh5gjAzhPAtB/BJgBBmhhBvAdhDAighg7g2glAzBlg+AVhUAVAphVAHhqURA" & _
"Ghvh7g0AgAahvA2FigMg2BhhaBrg6AMAegTA6AVi5B6BlgehNgMgoA9gigMAZA/hBgMgGg+hfgbAvAegSgbApgegXhZhqBagzBYgogfgwB/Cwg7hgh/hDA/gTg5B+gNh" & _
"/gXh6B8hbh8B/hEhfASg2h/BHh6BfhZBbhuAjB/g9h7BbBth0h/gbh2Ayh/hAh+h/gnh/Ajh3AwgnA/gigPBzBPBVBegigfA1h8BPhshr1HgNhvAxB/hoBdgGgBhZh3s" & _
"UhMh0gmh1hLg9hIgchQB7BthugQh5hbgugth6BTgLi/ALBkocoPgCA/BQBfhmh+hXhzA/hzh+g7B1hbgch/heh4gvhEg3hsBfBOgbA2B9ArhrANhPTSKXAMg7A+Bhh4A" & _
"fgZh/AVhdg/hzB7BTBsgfh5B+gdhZh/g7oQBogSh/BMrPhUhYBshvheBfA9AThph7ANhvhNgog/hZBNg/hdhvgIAxhjB2hHBhhOBtg1gPBCg3hZBDAmhDg0gfhNhAg8x" & _
"2BOB9BYhxhrBAA/hfg7hah4BCBrAxgABkAdAcK4BtgsAshdhZCSAVglgFgbASgeB3AQAPhNhIFJ2TBnhahchDBBh9gQBogABSAlhhBUgbBLANBvA+hbh+gAgWBzB5BXB" & _
"WhFh/knAAADgLAkgiAggqAsAEhigrA1g2AKAqgKBfAZgdh9g2BbhugjhUgCgtgBALAtAYy+AWhEgmgAhFgSAaT4gAASgaATAahIgxACB9ghhGgfgmBoAEB4gIg/ANBag" & _
"xAkhGBRA0gs3yBaBjTNAFBCBFBghCACAJAlhFh+AAAEgCAQgQg+h2g7Bbhdgdgdhdhxh7gGvUhbBHhah/B5ATAzh3BOtAWchuh3hOA9h3XvAfgbh0hfh8Brg6hegDB9B" & _
"tnWDQByA4gkAGJIAZAEgcgFh8gvBJBSAdh0BLhqBLACAABHBtgwB2x8yngsg+gAByA2gAB8hxhvh6Byg+AFBp4nBShMgmBzANgAB8ACBZADARBLPVhQh7uKBOg/B7hqB" & _
"UgphbA+AfALAygQYohXBZi2AThYhcAeBPhAuwhdgIBEgiB7B9YzhDA0AvAthIBAg8AeBfApAohKA/B2BRA+BYm/gGBCguAG5JhAhjZLAgAvgvhPg1gYgehmAbgLZQhDA" & _
"jAjgjgOh5heAxzgABhx5Wgig0AfgQA/B13iBgBchVgrhXgVXFhbh9gKBdgugUAbXDgygsg+A/B+B8AqA6g6hahbBsANBmA/hCgmhegeSVgeADBwB+BKg+BnA0hwBxBih" & _
"Fh7BxBxAxAIgGACAiAYAMAKA/BPgnguAMgPBbBngak8B+hsgqAVBag2hnBOAoBWAJhYgsA2AchvAHhIEMAmgmAmAkAjhHgPB6hUBkhSAqApgpjehsBcgZhAhuAYBOBdA" & _
"uAXAwgpgPBMBwAOB5AjB+AeAYBwANACghgnBTgph3h0B0BMB4h91BgMAJhxAmgSByhshbajBaWPgTgCAYA4ACWGg3g/AyBfgzhnhPBxA1hrhXBshehChChRBQBQAgAeA" & _
"FBNAtg7h3hHB7h7B7A9BOgHBDgggfhrBEBHA+h9gRB+68hPAfg3huAoAzbAAiAGBZA7B2htAqB7hYgxgwhVgehOVIFFBRgchLhhgAA7BfBthdB9hkhkgkg0hyBlAKhBg" & _
"3ABAgAZBEg4AcBWAGYIhzgXAEgDA6gmhphwAtgRBYBmBwBwBQAThBA3gvBXn3hrBDBuBcA/BugnANgEBLhKhCgzhwYzhAAiARAohGgHgggJgMg9gMBrA4g+A6BoAUhch" & _
"QAcAgV4gPhcgIBWhVhXgnhBApA4hVBXhngFhTLMgcgOhRgtAMh+hFh2h2gohnAsgshCg+rTAGgNhcgjgvwhAsA0BOA8gV4dBN8qBJh68rgUgoB2BdA6h5hTABhMgWAxh" & _
"Tg9A2guguhJBDB0g4B5hzBmsvhwgwgzgog4g4gDAmAygPBUhWAqANgbg3AmBAI2AOBzhDA8hmBKgxBIAFgAAJhbCuhGgKl7BwhwAmgcAKAigDh2gZAJArABANgDBegx5" & _
"WgZADgwBGBEAkBegAg2AYg9gwKABtBmhPABBoBZAPgFhHBMAPhmB/B6bdhZhdhdhth1hh8lBGgIBEAUgOhEgKgVgrA0AngaAaBiBIgyB5A3gLgXBcAEhlJjAJgEAsAJA" & _
"kgqqlhththThrhrhrBVBTAWhZhDhPhThIBWARg+Bn7Sg7A3gDhZAvAphEgegGgehuhpAJAyAJBZQ9gBggAAgAgwBDg3BCAAhkgTh0hkAAhLhthWhTgqAqhJBIAhhmAEg" & _
"qgqgCgbBiB6h9BD8zhxhmABrOhfAqhMg7ghwiA4BSJNhMgqg4BEhkY8AjBphNATBaA6AtAwBYgEACBBiEBABIAggbg7gmh1AlglAlgahXBmhmB1BgBPBEAmAnwZgogyh" & _
"Wh3gchuBwBxhrhkB1BbhWAFAP5mBCghgTgnA8AgBV+OgqhSg2g1g3AnBOAcg+hNAYgbhHBRg8g6BjhjhjA2ADgdAdhTg/Aeg/hvA6h1h7A2gChLhKfjAdAxhahigYgMA" & _
"GAshzg5AAaYh/AGAjh2AChABwBOgwXnBFh/ApAzgT2GBZBGvTBHAjBGhAF0wAgsDi1w4Nza2UkyBUYiA+maxm6g1K32ad3s2Qg8AKlRaBlKD1wKE+rCCjSObAK8iGsFO" & _
"rC0vR0lTeDV8IUatHu6GO2jkAHgAwgfgC5TYrVsKk2Y3MBRcpBQkgmOUuznY2FqKy0WSymXeX0ASwel0olHI5AwJ1mx0gL1mTXU6XS8Vpdj4hyg8BemDYZHqMFOUyYZT" & _
"WP1WJ1CN1MTR6gH4cmysjKr2mlCqn3GuR+jDoJHGWlKkU+ajXpgg1yq2FQDFigSEBROwkCKnQwGwjliIU45x2HGyIB4dnM0UmUC+PhaLxefwOdia5zMT3+8wwYCQmEwd" & _
"PiPNg1ygP4uywIgMSwK4zSQG46BnFAATDJcL3IHM6DQBsPR3O83j/AsJyGH8w4ZJY5TsN8EAdFojTwJ0AAoA4MgATIMDqAcrQPMEwTDBgVy0LYtiuK8qyrFs6QtCocnL" & _
		.Caption(h,1) = .Caption(h,0)
		.CellHAlignment(h,1) = RightAlignment
		.CellImage(h,1) = .CellImage(h,0)
		.CellImages(h,1) = "2,1"
		.CellPicture(h,1) = .CellPicture(h,0)
		h = .Add("<b>HTML</b> <off 4>Caption")
		.CaptionFormat(h,0) = exHTML
		.CellImage(h,0) = 2
		.CellImages(h,0) = "1,2"
		.CellPicture(h,0) = List1.ExecuteTemplate("loadpicture(`gCJKBOI4NBQaBQAhQNJJIIhShQAEEREAIA0ROZ6PT0hQKYZpIZDKBJkIgKByN5mNJsMsKPABVqXBI4KjrD7HL6GWKPJKiCIhMiySidKxbOzZZJWMLs" & _
"GL2FqyLjZMonNa2CyiZDOUqsQqUEq0ZCNISFXDIFxzZ4hUrbdrefZ/fz3ZgzZ75Tz3XjvHZnZznPieb55AKgAqmRyOOzEhR7XirWaWQQMTa+QIhDbZOZAAoYUCPDAQG7" & _
"nEVgSFYLo2CydhGg4OROF2HJjlydR7i+cJjDGFo8BgHgVl4Po+DufJRgcbQOlkCxyKuCJNAsdwIhSC4mgieYKkeHJWD0Ih8BQaYYkkMYppwTg0EsFhJC0SxEkgeodDSF" & _
"pTheV5SDgLBIieRIigyVo5CeOpymoWhtEQfRACMR4zE2KxRnsV5dF2ehFCeC50G+GBkBiZgaCUGYnBySY+BsdIuEkJJJDSSRsjGeYqEWOhliYVYOHWDYbFuNhFmcS5si" & _
"XhIaQSniLhIiaGwnDiJZGicZYnjeZw8D6OoSkWEIthwI4emudwtGwepNhuLQ3F8Zojm4bQrhALo0D0HZwCcJwoimeI0ASWR6CAJkJQORfAiFcLIXgahaiGCgMsKIpw8D" & _
"jJGmHIRQ8gJAKB4IoZgShaDKAQOUIolQkjVBuGoSw6hugaFaJoeoWgajaDKDoO4dB5j0FcJ0Zw1Ang3CQDEdgNQnA6EmHgGw4QuCiCSAKFIXBgilEwGcLAZAtDmC0N0W" & _
"gLhaApFiK0HgfxniuGKP4GIvhrhhGgHEZgaRtB5GSBUcIhg5BnHkOAeQFB5A6DiEEao2xoDHH0KIQ4bxYBfFEP8RogB5BfA8AQHwvwqAZBIBURgCgwgPAqAkKYCgfgTH" & _
"1iuDEMkfI0hUCyEkPIfwihKgqGsGobIGhNhfFGGoZY6gDDuGWDceANA1A2DyDUM4txaA/EwG0bo0wTDXEcH8Sg/BcD2GSHQC4pgtiuGOOkNIRg3hbG+MIGYjhzgaBeHw" & _
"ZQS4YhIgaEkJYS43hLAxE8EkTodQUBbBWMcHoNxy0lHqOETYyAeDeD4I0AQlRhD0G2E0O4PgKCjHeEoSgmBKCGEsBUS4vxUA8C6M0K4ox7irD+O0VouhfD7FUA33I+gm" & _
"iXE0IsLY1gtipG0CQbQLQPjFDuDQHw2RtjFGsK0bw4x9j0CcO8N4/RtBnhSgvAcBehmAOh0ANgiAhAnhih8gwh1gbhugRhSBRhDhjh2Bvgyhfh3gPhThOBIBOA6B9gsA" & _
"YAah+BdhlBWBtAuBoBThtB8gnhFheAlhcByh6BKhvAahNBnh5B1gJB1g+hCAsgAAbB1gOguAJhIAoAmhFBvqzACABh0BlgFggA6CaBvBQA7BDEHAaA0AABoAcgGBEACg" & _
"IBdA1BDh2BHAnBdAZg6Apgdh+h0g7lCBoAXh3BJBugahkBwBihkBkAsBYgtg/h7gNATBNgkhIgUhBg0gzI6BZgJRJglhvAvARgrAtBrALBbBFh2BxB2BZh9hFAcgOAcA" & _
"dAcgCgcBzhcAVB7h9g5BlgxhohsArgDh5A8heA8BKh8hMB8gzB8APgPBmAdByAShQAVgUAWMMAaAThuATgpAWhNASgLARB3ASAwg+AsEwhiAoimBTBxhUAJhEAJhVhJB" & _
"PhSBTBSBjgyhvBPlWAbgUgfhRhYBUAkAoBTAoBQgrgygfyhgTBShXBSgwhUh0hWgKhTguhQBphRAdhWAjhoBvg1gQA0g0A1AKACAehLgegzgrgmhcAmBahmB+A4AihzA" & _
"vgjAUgiALhjBpBig8hjhHgSA1ASBqgvA4gkhzAmgkglhRgnB7hlh8BKA0hNgxhMBtg7guh5gjAzhPAtB/BJgBBmhhBvAdhDAighg7g2glAzBlg+AVhUAVAphVAHhqURA" & _
"Ghvh7g0AgAahvA2FigMg2BhhaBrg6AMAegTA6AVi5B6BlgehNgMgoA9gigMAZA/hBgMgGg+hfgbAvAegSgbApgegXhZhqBagzBYgogfgwB/Cwg7hgh/hDA/gTg5B+gNh" & _
"/gXh6B8hbh8B/hEhfASg2h/BHh6BfhZBbhuAjB/g9h7BbBth0h/gbh2Ayh/hAh+h/gnh/Ajh3AwgnA/gigPBzBPBVBegigfA1h8BPhshr1HgNhvAxB/hoBdgGgBhZh3s" & _
"UhMh0gmh1hLg9hIgchQB7BthugQh5hbgugth6BTgLi/ALBkocoPgCA/BQBfhmh+hXhzA/hzh+g7B1hbgch/heh4gvhEg3hsBfBOgbA2B9ArhrANhPTSKXAMg7A+Bhh4A" & _
"fgZh/AVhdg/hzB7BTBsgfh5B+gdhZh/g7oQBogSh/BMrPhUhYBshvheBfA9AThph7ANhvhNgog/hZBNg/hdhvgIAxhjB2hHBhhOBtg1gPBCg3hZBDAmhDg0gfhNhAg8x" & _
"2BOB9BYhxhrBAA/hfg7hah4BCBrAxgABkAdAcK4BtgsAshdhZCSAVglgFgbASgeB3AQAPhNhIFJ2TBnhahchDBBh9gQBogABSAlhhBUgbBLANBvA+hbh+gAgWBzB5BXB" & _
"WhFh/knAAADgLAkgiAggqAsAEhigrA1g2AKAqgKBfAZgdh9g2BbhugjhUgCgtgBALAtAYy+AWhEgmgAhFgSAaT4gAASgaATAahIgxACB9ghhGgfgmBoAEB4gIg/ANBag" & _
"xAkhGBRA0gs3yBaBjTNAFBCBFBghCACAJAlhFh+AAAEgCAQgQg+h2g7Bbhdgdgdhdhxh7gGvUhbBHhah/B5ATAzh3BOtAWchuh3hOA9h3XvAfgbh0hfh8Brg6hegDB9B" & _
"tnWDQByA4gkAGJIAZAEgcgFh8gvBJBSAdh0BLhqBLACAABHBtgwB2x8yngsg+gAByA2gAB8hxhvh6Byg+AFBp4nBShMgmBzANgAB8ACBZADARBLPVhQh7uKBOg/B7hqB" & _
"UgphbA+AfALAygQYohXBZi2AThYhcAeBPhAuwhdgIBEgiB7B9YzhDA0AvAthIBAg8AeBfApAohKA/B2BRA+BYm/gGBCguAG5JhAhjZLAgAvgvhPg1gYgehmAbgLZQhDA" & _
"jAjgjgOh5heAxzgABhx5Wgig0AfgQA/B13iBgBchVgrhXgVXFhbh9gKBdgugUAbXDgygsg+A/B+B8AqA6g6hahbBsANBmA/hCgmhegeSVgeADBwB+BKg+BnA0hwBxBih" & _
"Fh7BxBxAxAIgGACAiAYAMAKA/BPgnguAMgPBbBngak8B+hsgqAVBag2hnBOAoBWAJhYgsA2AchvAHhIEMAmgmAmAkAjhHgPB6hUBkhSAqApgpjehsBcgZhAhuAYBOBdA" & _
"uAXAwgpgPBMBwAOB5AjB+AeAYBwANACghgnBTgph3h0B0BMB4h91BgMAJhxAmgSByhshbajBaWPgTgCAYA4ACWGg3g/AyBfgzhnhPBxA1hrhXBshehChChRBQBQAgAeA" & _
"FBNAtg7h3hHB7h7B7A9BOgHBDgggfhrBEBHA+h9gRB+68hPAfg3huAoAzbAAiAGBZA7B2htAqB7hYgxgwhVgehOVIFFBRgchLhhgAA7BfBthdB9hkhkgkg0hyBlAKhBg" & _
"3ABAgAZBEg4AcBWAGYIhzgXAEgDA6gmhphwAtgRBYBmBwBwBQAThBA3gvBXn3hrBDBuBcA/BugnANgEBLhKhCgzhwYzhAAiARAohGgHgggJgMg9gMBrA4g+A6BoAUhch" & _
"QAcAgV4gPhcgIBWhVhXgnhBApA4hVBXhngFhTLMgcgOhRgtAMh+hFh2h2gohnAsgshCg+rTAGgNhcgjgvwhAsA0BOA8gV4dBN8qBJh68rgUgoB2BdA6h5hTABhMgWAxh" & _
"Tg9A2guguhJBDB0g4B5hzBmsvhwgwgzgog4g4gDAmAygPBUhWAqANgbg3AmBAI2AOBzhDA8hmBKgxBIAFgAAJhbCuhGgKl7BwhwAmgcAKAigDh2gZAJArABANgDBegx5" & _
"WgZADgwBGBEAkBegAg2AYg9gwKABtBmhPABBoBZAPgFhHBMAPhmB/B6bdhZhdhdhth1hh8lBGgIBEAUgOhEgKgVgrA0AngaAaBiBIgyB5A3gLgXBcAEhlJjAJgEAsAJA" & _
"kgqqlhththThrhrhrBVBTAWhZhDhPhThIBWARg+Bn7Sg7A3gDhZAvAphEgegGgehuhpAJAyAJBZQ9gBggAAgAgwBDg3BCAAhkgTh0hkAAhLhthWhTgqAqhJBIAhhmAEg" & _
"qgqgCgbBiB6h9BD8zhxhmABrOhfAqhMg7ghwiA4BSJNhMgqg4BEhkY8AjBphNATBaA6AtAwBYgEACBBiEBABIAggbg7gmh1AlglAlgahXBmhmB1BgBPBEAmAnwZgogyh" & _
"Wh3gchuBwBxhrhkB1BbhWAFAP5mBCghgTgnA8AgBV+OgqhSg2g1g3AnBOAcg+hNAYgbhHBRg8g6BjhjhjA2ADgdAdhTg/Aeg/hvA6h1h7A2gChLhKfjAdAxhahigYgMA" & _
"GAshzg5AAaYh/AGAjh2AChABwBOgwXnBFh/ApAzgT2GBZBGvTBHAjBGhAF0wAgsDi1w4Nza2UkyBUYiA+maxm6g1K32ad3s2Qg8AKlRaBlKD1wKE+rCCjSObAK8iGsFO" & _
"rC0vR0lTeDV8IUatHu6GO2jkAHgAwgfgC5TYrVsKk2Y3MBRcpBQkgmOUuznY2FqKy0WSymXeX0ASwel0olHI5AwJ1mx0gL1mTXU6XS8Vpdj4hyg8BemDYZHqMFOUyYZT" & _
"WP1WJ1CN1MTR6gH4cmysjKr2mlCqn3GuR+jDoJHGWlKkU+ajXpgg1yq2FQDFigSEBROwkCKnQwGwjliIU45x2HGyIB4dnM0UmUC+PhaLxefwOdia5zMT3+8wwYCQmEwd" & _
"PiPNg1ygP4uywIgMSwK4zSQG46BnFAATDJcL3IHM6DQBsPR3O83j/AsJyGH8w4ZJY5TsN8EAdFojTwJ0AAoA4MgATIMDqAcrQPMEwTDBgVy0LYtiuK8qyrFs6QtCocnL" & _
		.Caption(h,1) = .Caption(h,0)
		.CaptionFormat(h,1) = exHTML
		.CellHAlignment(h,1) = RightAlignment
		.CellImage(h,1) = .CellImage(h,0)
		.CellImages(h,1) = "2,1"
		.CellPicture(h,1) = .CellPicture(h,0)
	End With
End With
ImageSize property on 32 (specifies the size of control' icons/images/check-boxes/radio-buttons)

' AddColumn event - Fired after a new column is added.
Private Sub List1_AddColumn(ByVal Column As EXLISTLibCtl.IColumn)
	' Column.Def(48) = 2
	' Column.Def(49) = 2
End Sub

With List1
	.ImageSize = 32
	.DefaultItemHeight = 36
	.HeaderHeight = .DefaultItemHeight
	.SortBarHeight = .DefaultItemHeight
	.Font.Size = 16
	.FilterBarFont.Size = List1.Font.Size
	.ToolTipFont.Size = List1.Font.Size
	.Images "gBJJgBAIDAAEg4AEEKAD/hz/EMNh8TIRNGwAjEZAEXjAojKAjMLjABhkaABAk0plUrlktl0vmExmUzmk1m03nE5nU7nk9miAoE+oVDolFo1HpFJpU5h8Sf9OqFNqUOq" & _
"NUqdPq9VrFWrlbr1QpdhAFAkFis1ntFptVrtkrpszrNvmVxqk3uVtm1kmF3sdBvF/wGBmV+j9BYGHwWJulfxdax2NyFdx2JlV6l9Nw7AAGZymdz2Cy2GxErvWcz9ivlw" & _
"yV21cuxugwktzGIzmvwtl0+53U5y0a0Wazmmyu/3dCyOMyXHx/J5nIr9q3uyqnBxFN3G46ma4vb7mD2Ng4nZze00fDkHC7t7us2rOX5tguetpHRlmz4HVqnXk1PjHO+C" & _
"MPo9MBMC+j2vC8j7wS8cFNI4kBo05UIvfCT/NsnsApU+0Fqg/T+oy/kPxC0sEQfErKQK96+w28UWRI8UGvO8sTLS9r2PWmsMJTDTask3CsIbIEQRA3shOXEEAO/GclJ9" & _
"FEKrrA8FRbKMXRIlb0JxCkjS1LMswhCcvuel0cv26cSMa8Ufx+2sQwhEUoSXOCjSbLcnxjKc7sdKUVyq28NtVI71P9P7JxtQEapjQ6fzfM8zPfNE2PhIsLL63E40slk5" & _
"FgTxT9iONZ9xVTdq+L1eKg3kkF6Upe68XtfV51/MtrVjBlwYFL1ev8y1/P6/lyzzYl02wntj0RVFmS1Qa+M5as93QxEUW9e993rfmQ2+vy65M/mL1lhl/2bj2ByVduMt" & _
"NhCJT9hdz41nN14Ld12Z9UjfI/oUAaGseiw6+uFLLhcVabJOS5RqOE0BHlZ5VnEr5fOMs3st+aa/bbRzrJGV51Y0b0DbqaWXZD90hIsPbjWu52+6Wyadpe66hhO+P/Xi" & _
"oW5rD8ZbrUZuVg6n1dsE/cXmewu1m9PVwnd35/nueXho/NaJzmjc61W76esuT77eG8pTquy9TwWH8LEzG8RDfFalx3Gcfvna9rvG/cptGLd9tuI6TZOP5Fiqi99vea+X" & _
"4VRcBq/JZZtVQ9cwSs5lsXE372+a9z7PbfB3VVqHyvMctLto8uob6eV0m/cD6MN2v+T33t6sBut42vdv2bJ8a997x2maFJfK+qArbGJPEKE+1qTflMsIdW/GCJX17KcT" & _
"6/czr/X+u1g29B7j/4BQfWkkx4zIHisjhPCmE0K4SwtXM+d4BvHRwNZOoBph9IJvPek9d40FoMJxf691jj2ywQQcHEWET4XJwkTszlVqm2GokewxtBT1DpQjRxDN0rUV" & _
"DNKdC3lb6tzNOwh6upMSSYfv4YBCl/bsn9PxiFCEo7SI6Obc9HeOrnY8x4jtHtdpN4GRbaorhsbu18Pph5CiHymI0RpSXGJ/z2oUOxYxG858AyiI+bfJtuTcG5yelBJy" & _
"T8okhqFd4a5yxL0rvulYtKCsZiWxWkc1s1cRoxxwhA31DLE0mR9l9HqX8fJgTDmFMVH0MIsRzVYnwnMi1dyzmhLt2kS2pxIiU62Wj5ptQGlSYFakLonTUJNLKaM5Wzlf" & _
"fEkuFkk5wTrhVO2eE7G6lJhxFFYUZ55zmn0WuBCD4pzhirFCKkbomsOoIYmZx5p90LoYWGPdD5g0QmJRKYxbZ6zYoVQ2jVGylSak7KSkFH6RSjpHKFuU+YMyNo5SulkC" & _
"6I0vonTCitMXPoEpVS2H5FQfEqp2R1opIgAEkJISYARTCukOhmPNI5Ex/wzGHUsicMwA1LHgQ90Y/KpoQHAD+pB/R4NzIaMAB9Xaw1gqaAOsh/A/ptIkWUfhGK1kZH8R" & _
"gH5GqvgArqRmt4AAPrTroRofBGADkqr6Rmu4D7CEaHARiwpJrEEZsXXwlVjyMWRsaRqwdkLGNBABZmytmyMnaINZqyVpLR2ftKAAAdd6h2osbaskdiq4EZtgSmyNcbVW" & _
	With .VisualAppearance
"MRwF6rfbyfZ7Xg/ORPTijZ4sdzMHTzJyscx3HqfaBoOaZU5eMLceTUMofHIndxCcasPbsOatVqjG5sYjcGC3La9cz3Pq/bpuDCbMxuaK1TrYXr1TTrcofBDldAxXRKDx" & _
"RDWVhLnYOw9i6XxzjuXprCaOoKB6EwbiCZZCGOdZYlcT4xHmbhMnwNxtn+G5bmqdZ7n4Pw/i+X5zm+dQ9g4CAFjsfAJheOI8HsDoWDWTB/lwSAQkmA5PEgRYoDyDwYFY" & _
"kmCUmBKZYJGYWoWCUUhiFMNZckNUh2GENoaGaGZmgmJhqhqZpGGIEx2GYIxSGGGJdggWJth2Z4JmYeoemeSZ2H6H4hGmQhihyTRHGYLg7CiCgmgqIpokoNoOiOaJ4jqA" & _
"ochqaZGgaCxpAoZoaiaaJqEmWIcGgShcnCJwqEqFoR3YOoFlgchflqNouiuawHmWSYqGkWZQhcatzmaOoumuSp2j6L5bBaKo0GQKRnGGCxqiyCwmkqMpsksNpOGUGI7A" & _
"0ew1G0Rxlg0PptgsZuDG2Sx2l6N5tnYNZZjUDRXDCVo5l2FoymqOpukuNpujubwLjmWY5k0ZwxkaFxYlWdp6j6b5Lnafo/nABQdg2FxcUsY5BkmXAkmeQpckwNRrkKTh" & _
"8CSHZBk4NwyC4KxxgMDwakOMZDn8GgwnGAo2C4cwthMcwmCcMoHBMHRehwTIghySYNksZwcH4HBMEsHx5hyPItiweYxnwSZEH4Mozn0fR+DMAo7EYJ50gkdZelKdNql2" & _
"MRwF6rfbyfZ7Xg/ORPTijZ4sdzMHTzJyscx3HqfaBoOaZU5eMLceTUMofHIndxCcasPbsLpOS5LNKsaxmWLYdhFdTxQi6LpvfA8BwXC6JY7heRYRbFbYxRjGNi1TS7G4" & _
"nGKd5WGuL4UHwI4VkaYxii8V4pgQMgVBQdQ5iCTYGi8T4vlWbJ3nuPg+l+H5AlSCg6ByPBoE8Ap3jqYxhBido5g0OgOGOGI4CsSpCCAcgcAuEokiEN5NCKfJ9DyTRjnS" & _
"cg1CEYxOBmBpPCgagdgcIZoHoGIFA4AxQkCAxKAgKBwgGSpIBCZhjF2E5UnQPQMiMCJBCIBwxkSQgsgo+JtDKT4ziiQw+k6EwAnsOgLnkHI+yCQ4iEuE4klkPhShEJBp" & _
"AoPgymOMoaDgHBjFMBgyD0HYTiCZSZhIIIGC4ChiHSew5kwM5omILZPiOBI0hwZw5kodIdA+M4Uj4PxOmMSJ9DuTQzmyZgviceZagaHVfj4awwmaAh2GUIYmCOEZZDaD" & _
"RDFGdwcg4EwyHMN4LBOaJbCoaZqgKH8qkMfIyD8DozDyfA7A0Coui0OpMmOZJdCsahKg6NooioChwmEMxLEoXJbDUTRXGSUgykyMgQG0GpPHMdI3D4TRCgSeQ0kmaw+l" & _
"XpMiyRpKjKR4wngM4JmOWJACCdYtHMWw+Eych4nINYLAEYA8AgdAEEsQZajaQoog4GxPiMVIolcdxNG8XZVkmNoRwWRVBlFeFEeAZQJgnFiHgHwcAhjhHgGMSI5xki2C" & _
"MRwF6rfbyfZ7Xg/ORPTijZ4sdzMHTzJyscx3HqfaBoOaZU5eMLceTUMofHIndxCcasPbsLpOS5LNKsaxmWLYdhFdTxQi6LpvfA8BwXC6JY7heRYRbFbYxRjGNi1TS7G4" & _
"nGKd5WGuL4UHwI4VkaYxii8V4pgQMgVBQdQ5iCTYGi8T4vlWbJ3nuPg+l+H5AlSCg6ByPBoE8Ap3jqYxhBido5g0OgOGOGI4CsSpCCAcgcAuEosiYN5NHMOJ+D4TpTnS" & _
"J9DuDR6F6GYmCmKh0nANtMioP4Gg8aoSiIO5NhodociqaY6GaFYkEyOg8lsNRNTaUgykyMgQG0GpPiONJbD8DpDEyfA6k0KwOkWMQsGsAJU0SagwkoJQJDIPISCQCJTG" & _
"SUwyGaM4KkmMgtksHpFjAZ4TGCBAbgaSpcksdhNAMIJHHsD5TjSWWMAMOpwjyLwbk6cAz0KRJiDkDYzESCwiggcgcgYIQwCIEINCMCITj6TVxkMXp2j0cQLlCTo7E2F4" & _
"ymkMZdhMPJHDGHpLAyVg+k4UwrCCSIyByDJ8DuDY8CiWY0kiXAXC6QJwFKGIjCeJpjgyezjlyDw6klHx5myRoMGwZwbkcToTEiew4kwbQfEmUgPkOKJUD4DpTHSHQmgk" & _
"XI/ASTA1g0XIEDMTBimyfI7jSLYHEiUoPk0Fw/kadAsHGao8A0A5smEMJ2mNyg5gzJZwDgCpChyIZVyIZwFCMJEPASRkBqE+IcHInRcDxA2H4bIsx0AtDsIBpwZwYicD" & _
"mWCRmFKFAgGOTheheZgJgYYoYmYSYWGaF4lkMMJ0hqZpJjYbobmcCZGHKHJmjmJh0h2Z4JmYcIaE8WZ2H6H5oAoBoCiCaBKBYfdjGoJoKiKaJKDaDojmkChGgmIgpCoV" & _
"oWiWaJZiSd4mmmSh2h6J5qAqBoiiiaY5iSeIpmqComiqKpqkqNouiuah6hqMIsmsSpWiuGhP1kOoumuSp2j6L5sAsBo54gKwWkaMZsgsJpKjKbJLDaRYxYWRpSjSbIZi" & _
"Se41m2CxmlqNptksdpejebR5iSfI4m4S4W16boLiaao6m5fJ9jubwLkaco8m8S5WnaPZunuOp4j6b5Lnac4SA0PAGlgP4wEwFwGkGcIMCcCpCnCCxiA8NYAAmMJfkSbh" & _
	End With
	.BackColorHeader = &H4c6c6c6
	.SelBackColor = &H4000000
	.SelForeColor = RGB(0,0,1)
	.CheckImage(Unchecked) = 16777216
	.CheckImage(Checked) = 33554432
	.CheckImage(PartialChecked) = 50331648
	.Background(exSelBackColorFilter) = .SelBackColor
	.Background(exSelForeColorFilter) = .SelForeColor
	.Background(exBackColorFilter) = .BackColor
	.Background(exForeColorFilter) = .ForeColor
	.Background(exCursorHoverColumn) = -1
	.Background(exHeaderFilterBarButton) = &H4000000
	.Background(exHeaderFilterBarActive) = &H4010101
	.Background(exFooterFilterBarButton) = &H40000ff
	.HeaderAppearance = Etched
	.ShowFocusRect = False
	.SortBarVisible = True
	.BackColorSortBar = .BackColor
	.BackColorLevelHeader = .BackColor
	.FilterBarDropDownHeight = 1
	With .Columns.Add("Check")
		.Def(exCellHasCheckBox) = True
		.Width = 128
		.DisplayFilterButton = True
		.FilterList = exShowCheckBox
	End With
	With .Columns.Add("Pos")
		.FormatColumn = "1 pos ``"
		.AllowSort = False
		.Width = 48
		.AllowSizing = False
		.Alignment = CenterAlignment
		.HeaderAlignment = CenterAlignment
	End With
	With .Columns.Add("Image")
		.DisplayFilterButton = True
		.FilterList = FilterListEnum.exShowExclude Or FilterListEnum.exShowCheckBox Or FilterListEnum.exSortItemsAsc
		.FilterType = exImage
		.Width = 128
		.HeaderImage = 1
	End With
	With .Columns.Add("Images")
		.Def(exCellHasCheckBox) = True
		.Width = 196
		.HTMLCaption = "<img>1</img><img>2</img><img>3</img> Images"
	End With
	.Columns.Item("Pos").Position = 3
	With .Items
		h = .Add("Child A")
		.CellImage(h,2) = 1
		.CellImages(h,3) = "1,2,3"
		.Caption(h,3) = "123"
		h = .Add("Child B")
		.CellState(h,0) = 1
		.CellImage(h,2) = 3
		.CellImages(h,3) = "2,3,1"
		.Caption(h,3) = "231"
		.SelectItem(h) = True
		h = .Add("Child C")
		.CellImage(h,2) = 2
		.CellState(h,3) = 1
		.Caption(h,3) = "312"
		.CellImages(h,3) = "3,1,2"
	End With
End With
ImageSize property on 16 (default) (specifies the size of control' icons/images/check-boxes/radio-buttons)

' AddColumn event - Fired after a new column is added.
Private Sub List1_AddColumn(ByVal Column As EXLISTLibCtl.IColumn)
	' Column.Def(48) = 2
	' Column.Def(49) = 2
End Sub

With List1
	.ImageSize = 16
	.Images "gBJJgBAIDAAEg4ACEKAD/hz/EMNh8TIRNGwAjEZAEXjAojJAjMLjABAAgjUYkUnlUrlktl0vmExmUzmk1m03nE5nU7nkrQCAntBoVDolFo1HoM/ADAplLptImdMYFOq" & _
"dSqlXq1QrVbrlGpVWsFNrNdnNjsk7pQAtNroFnt0sh8Yr9iulTuNxs1Eu8OiT/vsnsNVutXlk/oGGtVKxGLxWNtsZtN8iUYuNvy0Zvd+xNYwdwvl4p870GCqc8vOeuVt" & _
"tmp1knyOayWVy+WzN/ze1wOElenm+12WUz/Bv2/3UyyWrzeutux2GSyGP2dQ33C1ur3GD3M4zUNzHdlWjq/E3nGzVpjWv4HA7fRy/Tv2IrN8rPW6nZ3ve7mUlfu20Z8a" & _
"cvQyb+vY9jasYoDwMm+LytVBDqKG3z8O3Cb8P+mkAuY9cCQ2uL4KaxDKvkp8RNLEjqugnrwQo/UWPzFyeQw5sNLZFENrI4kOqU66pw8uzmOKvTqNqjULJvGL1JO48GtT" & _
"GsbLdEL3scxLlyiw8dQeoUVxdLTtyKmUjwGlslRPJsnK1HbAKbKCrsQo8uQk/CeP44iaR/ATnTNPLvyxPU+z9P9AUDQVBowiofJXQ6Oo+kKMpIkjztE4TKn4P6JowfgP" & _
	With .VisualAppearance
"mWCRmFKFAgGOTheheZgJgYYoYmYSYWGaF4lkMMJ0hqZpJjYbobmcCZGHKHJmjmJh0h2Z4JmYcIaE8WZ2H6H5oAoBoCiCaBKBYfdjGoJoKiKaJKDaDojmkChGgmIgpCoV" & _
"oWiWaJZiSd4mmmSh2h6J5qAqBoiiiaY5iSeIpmqComiqKpqkqNouiuah6hqMIsmsSpWiuGhP1kOoumuSp2j6L5sAsBo54gKwWkaMZsgsJpKjKbJLDaRYxYWRpSjSbIZi" & _
"Se41m2CxmlqNptksdpejebR5iSfI4m4S4W16boLiaao6m5fJ9jubwLkaco8m8S5WnaPZunuOp4j6b5Lnac4SA0PAGlgP4wEwFwGkGcIMCcCpCnCCxiA8NYAAmMJfkSbh" & _
	End With
	.BackColorHeader = &H4c6c6c6
	.SelBackColor = &H4000000
	.SelForeColor = RGB(0,0,1)
	.Background(exSelBackColorFilter) = .SelBackColor
	.Background(exSelForeColorFilter) = .SelForeColor
	.Background(exBackColorFilter) = .BackColor
	.Background(exForeColorFilter) = .ForeColor
	.Background(exCursorHoverColumn) = -1
	.Background(exHeaderFilterBarButton) = &H4000000
	.Background(exHeaderFilterBarActive) = &H4010101
	.Background(exFooterFilterBarButton) = &H40000ff
	.HeaderAppearance = Etched
	.ShowFocusRect = False
	.SortBarVisible = True
	.BackColorSortBar = .BackColor
	.BackColorLevelHeader = .BackColor
	.FilterBarDropDownHeight = 1
	With .Columns.Add("Check")
		.Def(exCellHasCheckBox) = True
		.Width = 128
		.DisplayFilterButton = True
		.FilterList = exShowCheckBox
	End With
	With .Columns.Add("Pos")
		.FormatColumn = "1 pos ``"
		.AllowSort = False
		.Width = 48
		.AllowSizing = False
		.Alignment = CenterAlignment
		.HeaderAlignment = CenterAlignment
	End With
	With .Columns.Add("Image")
		.DisplayFilterButton = True
		.FilterList = FilterListEnum.exShowExclude Or FilterListEnum.exShowCheckBox Or FilterListEnum.exSortItemsAsc
		.FilterType = exImage
		.Width = 128
		.HeaderImage = 1
	End With
	With .Columns.Add("Images")
		.Def(exCellHasCheckBox) = True
		.Width = 196
		.HTMLCaption = "<img>1</img><img>2</img><img>3</img> Images"
	End With
	.Columns.Item("Pos").Position = 3
	With .Items
		h = .Add("Child A")
		.CellImage(h,2) = 1
		.CellImages(h,3) = "1,2,3"
		.Caption(h,3) = "123"
		h = .Add("Child B")
		.CellState(h,0) = 1
		.CellImage(h,2) = 3
		.CellImages(h,3) = "2,3,1"
		.Caption(h,3) = "231"
		.SelectItem(h) = True
		h = .Add("Child C")
		.CellImage(h,2) = 2
		.CellState(h,3) = 1
		.Caption(h,3) = "312"
		.CellImages(h,3) = "3,1,2"
	End With
End With
The user clicks the drop-down filter, select a value and the control's list filters for the selected item(s). Is there a way for when the user then goes to the next column to add another filter and the drop down arrow is clicked for the list of values they can filter by to be limited to what is being displayed in the list due to the first filter they set

' AddColumn event - Fired after a new column is added.
Private Sub List1_AddColumn(ByVal Column As EXLISTLibCtl.IColumn)
	With List1
		With Column
		End With
	End With
End Sub

With List1
	.ColumnAutoResize = False
	Set rs = CreateObject("ADOR.Recordset")
	With rs
		.Open "Orders","Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExList\Sample\Access\sample.accdb",3,3
	End With
	.DataSource = rs
	.Columns.Item("ShipVia").Position = 2
End With
Is it possible to set from code, a column sort without being inserted in the sortbar

With List1
	.ColumnAutoResize = False
	Set rs = CreateObject("ADOR.Recordset")
	With rs
		.Open "Orders","Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExList\Sample\Access\SAMPLE.ACCDB",3,3
	End With
	.DataSource = rs
	.SortBarVisible = True
	.Layout = "singlesort=""C1:1"""
End With
Is it possible to highligth the match while a filter is applied

' AddColumn event - Fired after a new column is added.
Private Sub List1_AddColumn(ByVal Column As EXLISTLibCtl.IColumn)
	' Column.Def(17) = 1
End Sub

' FilterChange event - Occurs when filter was changed.
Private Sub List1_FilterChange()
	With List1
		format = .FormatABC("`value replace '` + value + `' with '<bgcolor 000000><fgcolor FFFFFF>` + value  + `</fgcolor></bgcolor>'`",.FilterBarPromptPattern)
		.Columns.Item(0).FormatColumn = format
		.Columns.Item(1).FormatColumn = format
	End With
End Sub

With List1
	.DrawGridLines = exVLines
	.HeaderAppearance = Etched
	.Columns.Add "Col 1"
	.Columns.Add "Col 2"
	With .Items
		.Caption(.Add("219 Smith"),1) = "Ignacio 1234"
		.Caption(.Add("1666 County Road 309A"),1) = "897 Manassa"
		.Caption(.Add("38 Lone Pine"),1) = "Durango 11"
		.Caption(.Add("612 Jachim Street"),1) = "Lamar 222"
	End With
	.FilterBarPromptPattern = "1"
	.FilterBarPromptVisible = FilterBarVisibleEnum.exFilterBarCompact Or FilterBarVisibleEnum.exFilterBarSingleLine Or FilterBarVisibleEnum.exFilterBarVisible Or FilterBarVisibleEnum.exFilterBarPromptVisible
	.FilterBarPromptType = FilterPromptEnum.exFilterPromptCaseSensitive Or FilterPromptEnum.exFilterPromptContainsAll
End With
Is it possible to highlight the column's header once a filter is applied

With List1
	With .VisualAppearance
"NYuPhjR4dRTIMhvVAsUArFh8Zg9GZZFjmDIDT4ydBLTQwcyVIKnP5qOa6XbmPoCQDYKxZHYxPzVDa3axuL76dqCAT7XrXNy1TbNRrzQKfcJqfCbdw2YaDZLOOT3fjuI4" & _
"hhKaRzFAHJ+jYQ4xHuY4gHuGIXGeExqC8Tp6C+PoEm+G5ImycRgh0XwvDGa5rgOeoejyXwnFeQp2mkf5ClgBB9gCWIYAwfYAEKV58mkdwOggNArgOXY2EWLoDkKOA0mg" & _
		.Add 1,"CP:2 -8 -4 2 4"
	End With
	.Background(exHeaderFilterBarButton) = &H1fefefe
	.Background(exHeaderFilterBarActive) = &H1010101
	.Background(exCursorHoverColumn) = -1
	.HeaderHeight = 28
	.BackColorHeader = RGB(255,255,255)
	.DrawGridLines = exAllLines
	.HeaderVisible = 1
	With .Columns
		.Add("C1").DisplayFilterButton = True
		With .Add("C2")
			.DisplayFilterButton = True
			.Filter = "Item 2"
			.FilterType = exFilter
		End With
		.Add("C3").DisplayFilterButton = True
	End With
	With .Items
		h = .Add("Item 1")
		.Caption(h,1) = "Item 2"
		.Caption(h,2) = "Item 3"
		h = .Add("Item 4")
		.Caption(h,1) = "Item 5"
		.Caption(h,2) = "Item 6"
	End With
End With
Is it possible to show the filterbar on top of the rows

With List1
	.FilterBarPromptVisible = exFilterBarTop
	.HeaderHeight = 24
	.FilterBarHeight = .HeaderHeight
	.HeaderAppearance = Flat
	.DrawGridLines = exAllLines
	.GridLineStyle = exGridLinesGeometric
	With .Columns.Add("Column")
		.DisplayFilterButton = True
		.FilterType = exPattern
		.Filter = "B*"
	End With
	With .Columns.Add("Index")
		.FormatColumn = "1 index ``"
		.Position = 0
		.Width = 48
		.AllowSizing = False
		.SortType = SortNumeric
		.Def(exCellHasCheckBox) = True
	End With
	With .Items
		.Add "A.1"
		.Add "A.2"
		.Add "B.1"
		.Add "B.2"
		.Add "B.3"
		.Add "C"
	End With
End With
Is there anyway to stop the header changing colour when the mouse hovers/moves across the column header (non-clickable)

With List1
	.HeaderAppearance = Etched
	With .Columns
		.Add "Item"
		With .Add("Pos")
			.Position = 0
			.Width = 32
			.AllowSizing = False
			.FormatColumn = "1 index ``"
			.AllowSort = False
			.AllowDragging = False
		End With
	End With
	With .Items
		.Add "Item A"
		.Add "Item B"
		.Add "Item C"
	End With
End With
Is there anyway to stop the header changing colour when the mouse hovers/moves across the column header

With List1
	.HeaderAppearance = Etched
	.Background(exCursorHoverColumn) = -1
	With .Columns
		.Add "Item"
		With .Add("Pos")
			.Position = 0
			.Width = 32
			.AllowSizing = False
			.FormatColumn = "1 index ``"
			.AllowSort = False
			.AllowDragging = False
		End With
	End With
	With .Items
		.Add "Item A"
		.Add "Item B"
		.Add "Item C"
	End With
End With
How do I get notified once the user clicks the cell's button

' CellButtonClick event - Fired after the user clicks the cell's button.
Private Sub List1_CellButtonClick(ByVal ItemIndex As Long,ByVal ColIndex As Long)
	With List1
		With .Items
			Debug.Print( .Caption(ItemIndex,0) )
		End With
	End With
End Sub

With List1
	.Columns.Add "Item"
	With .Columns.Add("...")
		.Def(exCellHasButton) = True
		.Alignment = CenterAlignment
		.HeaderAlignment = CenterAlignment
		.FormatColumn = "` ... `"
		.Width = 32
		.AllowSizing = False
		.Position = 0
	End With
	.SelBackMode = exTransparent
	With .Items
		.Add "Item 1"
		.Add "Item 2"
		.Add "Item 3"
	End With
End With
How do I set an extra data for each item
' MouseMove event - Occurs when the user moves the mouse.
Private Sub List1_MouseMove(Button As Integer,Shift As Integer,X As Single,Y As Single)
	With List1
		i = .ItemFromPoint(-1,-1,c,hit)
		Debug.Print( i )
		Debug.Print( .Items.ItemData(i) )
	End With
End Sub

With List1
	.ColumnAutoResize = True
	.Columns.Add "Default"
	With .Items
		.ItemData(.Add("method")) = "your extra data of method"
	End With
End With
I do not like to specify the item padding for every column I add. The question is how can I do it automatically

With List1
	.AttachTemplate "handle AddColumn(Column){Column{Def(48)=8;Def(49)=8;AllowDragging=False;AllowSizing = True}}"
	.HeaderAppearance = Etched
	.DrawGridLines = exAllLines
	.GridLineStyle = exGridLinesVSolid
	With .Columns
		.Add "Item"
		With .Add("Pos")
			.Position = 0
			.Width = 32
			.AllowSizing = False
			.FormatColumn = "1 index ``"
		End With
	End With
	With .Items
		.Add "Item A"
		.Add "Item B"
		.Add "Item C"
	End With
End With
Can I sort the column by check-state

With List1
	With .Columns.Add("Check")
		.Def(exCellHasCheckBox) = True
		.SortType = exSortByState
	End With
	With .Items
		.CellState(.Add(),0) = 1
		.CellState(.Add(),0) = 1
	End With
	.Columns.Item(0).SortOrder = SortAscending
End With
Can I sort the column by image

With List1
	.Images "gBJJgBAIDAAGAAEAAQhYAf8Pf4hh0QihCJo2AEZjQAjEZFEaIEaEEaAIAkcbk0olUrlktl0vmExmUzmk1m03nE5nU7nk9n0/oFBoVDolFo1HpFJpVLplNp1PqFRqVTq" & _
"lVq1XrFZrVbrldr1fsFhsVjslls1ntFptVrtltt1vuFxuVzul1u13vF5vV7vl9v1/wGBwWDwmFw2HxGJxWLxmNx0xiFdyOTh8Tf9ZymXx+QytcyNgz8r0OblWjyWds+m" & _
"0ka1Vf1ta1+r1mos2xrG2xeZ0+a0W0qOx3GO4NV3WeyvD2XJ5XL5nN51aiw+lfSj0gkUkAEllHanHI5j/cHg8EZf7w8vl8j4f/qfEZeB09/vjLAB30+kZQAP/P5/H6/y" & _
	With .Columns.Add("Image")
		.SortType = exSortByImage
	End With
	With .Items
		.CellImage(.Add(),0) = 3
		.CellImage(.Add(),0) = 1
		.CellImage(.Add(),0) = 2
	End With
	.Columns.Item(0).SortOrder = SortAscending
End With
How can I display UNICODE characters

With List1
	With .Font
		.Name = "Arial Unicode"
		.Size = 22
	End With
	.HeaderVisible = False
	.DefaultItemHeight = 48
	.Columns.Add("").Def(exCaptionFormat) = 1
	With .Items
		.Add "Ӓӓ"
		.Add "ᦜᦝ;ᦞ"
		.Add "ɮɭ;ɯ"
		.Add "勳勴勵勶"
		.FormatCell(.Add(List1.Version),0) = "(value lfind `UNICODE`) < 0 ? `<fgcolor=FF0000><b>!UNICODE!</b> version</fgcolor> required: ` + value : `` "
	End With
End With
How do I display the position of the item with 0-padding

With List1
	.Columns.Add("Items").FormatColumn = "((1 apos ``) lpad `00`) + `. `  + value"
	With .Items
		.Add "Item A"
		.Add "Item B"
		.Add "Item C"
		.Add "Item D"
	End With
End With
I am skinning the control's header-bar, but the background of the header-bar is shown on each item in the filter-bar drop down panel. What can I do

With List1
	With .VisualAppearance
"b4Fk6Y4+BmBZhFOJgTC8TBogQAArgqco4muCZOkOMJtgmYpIjYKg7GKE4uCUK4AAKKg2DwI4DiCZw5k6KJ2D6D4OHiag4DwIxiiQAArAqMosnEPBPAOIhOg+DozjIJ4P" & _
"ICokLIpgoThviOKJoGYf4KmUKhMjMLJLCAAojCyaYoiYGoGmqM46CkOwPEoKonAACxKlSdItmiWBeBeDgrioNo3D0KxSlAAAtgsUpYnUPRPEoco8hCa+T40SxbBRj5tE" & _
"sHJ1i6JhbGYS4ug8awelQLZAAKZI5C4DxrhYQ9ehmUppWiA48nAPRuFKYpiAAC47laZQ9iuKZSgOPotkuFI7C6C4gACPJAm8eQOhOQZoikDp3kCS5AACPoEk8fBGnqQg" & _
"MR1EOZxWi+bx7HcWQ8msfRYnnDhQACRwxgwc5rGaMZPE0ZxqjWNZtgyRwAAyTZEnuXJzEyAx2kQcxNkye5cEy3cYAcANrGAIH4OAhx3gNGGPAfgIR8jBA4McBMARViHH" & _
"aEEIAEEISgGhMGZQmocgymmIRQkIEQ2BcGgbEIRQci8XaMBqTRVgSAZHG+S5pnOep+D6f4vjec5zn0fpfmgBgAH6TRoBYBoAh+eAmAiAgPFgNArgOQpIESdoEmCOAOAq" & _
"BYfFGAgaEaBgYHYFYFmIB5UiGCJUgKCgmgeYoHk4BgCmKRQiCwApgHgYgyH8B54lQU4NkMeJlBoDgjkiXBTg0R54iYIR+koeQVBoKpkgkChKhEJBkF4SFEjkDgJhFQoe" & _
	End With
	.BackColorHeader = &H1000000
	.ForeColorHeader = RGB(128,128,128)
	.Background(exHeaderFilterBarButton) = &H2000000
	.Background(exBackColorFilter) = RGB(255,255,255)
	.Background(exForeColorFilter) = RGB(0,0,1)
	.Background(exSelBackColorFilter) = &H1ff8000
	.Background(exSelForeColorFilter) = RGB(240,240,240)
	.Background(exCursorHoverColumn) = -1
	.HeaderHeight = 24
	.BackColorLevelHeader = .BackColor
	With .Columns.Add("Filter")
		.DisplayFilterButton = True
		.DisplayFilterPattern = False
		.FilterList = FilterListEnum.exShowExclude Or FilterListEnum.exShowFocusItem Or FilterListEnum.exShowCheckBox Or FilterListEnum.exSortItemsAsc
		.Def(exHeaderPaddingLeft) = 2
		.Def(exHeaderPaddingRight) = 2
	End With
	With .Items
		.Add "A"
		.Add "B"
		.Add "C"
		.Add "D"
	End With
End With
Type of wraps the cell's caption support (Sample 2)

With List1
	.HeaderSingleLine = False
	.HeaderHeight = 36
	.DrawGridLines = exAllLines
	.ColumnAutoResize = False
	.ScrollBySingleLine = True
	With .Columns
		With .Add("Single-Line (exCaptionSingleLine)")
			.Width = 96
			.Def(exCaptionFormat) = 1
			.Def(exCellSingleLine) = -1
		End With
		With .Add("Word-Wrap (exCaptionWordWrap)")
			.Width = 96
			.Def(exCaptionFormat) = 1
			.Def(exCellSingleLine) = 0
			.FormatColumn = "%0"
		End With
		With .Add("Break-Wrap (exCaptionBreakWrap)")
			.Width = 96
			.Def(exCaptionFormat) = 1
			.Def(exCellSingleLine) = 1
			.FormatColumn = "%0"
		End With
	End With
	With .Items
		.Add "This is the <b>first</b> line.<br>This is the <b>second</b> line.<br>This is the <b>third</b> line."
		.Add "This is the <b>first</b> line.\r\nThis is the <b>second</b> line.\r\nThis is the <b>third</b> line."
	End With
End With
Type of wraps the cell's caption support (Sample 1)

With List1
	.DrawGridLines = exAllLines
	.ColumnAutoResize = False
	.ScrollBySingleLine = True
	.Columns.Add("Default").Width = 128
	With .Items
		h = .Add("This is the first line.\r\nThis is the second line.\r\nThis is the third line.")
		h = .Add("This is the <b>first</b> line.<br>This is the <b>second</b> line.<br>This is the <b>third</b> line.")
		.CaptionFormat(h,0) = exHTML
		h = .Add("This is the first line.\r\nThis is the second line.\r\nThis is the third line.")
		.CellSingleLine(h,0) = exCaptionWordWrap
		h = .Add("This is the <b>first</b> line.<br>This is the <b>second</b> line.<br>This is the <b>third</b> line.")
		.CaptionFormat(h,0) = exHTML
		.CellSingleLine(h,0) = exCaptionWordWrap
		h = .Add("This is the first line.\r\nThis is the second line.\r\nThis is the third line.")
		.CellSingleLine(h,0) = exCaptionBreakWrap
		h = .Add("This is the <b>first</b> line.<br>This is the <b>second</b> line.<br>This is the <b>third</b> line.")
		.CaptionFormat(h,0) = exHTML
		.CellSingleLine(h,0) = exCaptionBreakWrap
	End With
End With
Can I break the cell's caption using the line break <br> or \r\n (Sample 2)

With List1
	.DrawGridLines = exAllLines
	.ColumnAutoResize = False
	.ScrollBySingleLine = True
	.Columns.Add("Default").Width = 128
	With .Items
		.CellSingleLine(.Add("This is the first line.\r\nThis is the second line.\r\nThis is the third line."),0) = exCaptionBreakWrap
		.Add "This is the first line.\r\nThis is the second line.\r\nThis is the third line."
	End With
End With
Can I break the cell's caption using the line break <br> or \r\n (Sample 1)

With List1
	.DrawGridLines = exAllLines
	.ColumnAutoResize = False
	.ScrollBySingleLine = True
	With .Columns.Add("Default")
		.Width = 128
		.Def(exCellSingleLine) = 1
	End With
	With .Items
		.Add "This is the first line.\r\nThis is the second line.\r\nThis is the third line."
		.Add "This is the first line.\r\nThis is the second line.\r\nThis is the third line."
	End With
End With
How can I change the visual appearance/color of the Filter For ... field

With List1
	.BackColorHeader = RGB(1,0,0)
	.ForeColorHeader = RGB(255,255,255)
	.Background(exBackColorFilter) = .BackColorHeader
	.Background(exForeColorFilter) = .ForeColorHeader
	.Background(exHeaderFilterBarButton) = RGB(240,240,240)
	.Background(exCursorHoverColumn) = -1
	.HeaderAppearance = Bump
	With .Columns.Add("Items")
		.FilterOnType = True
		.DisplayFilterButton = True
		.FilterList = exNoItems
	End With
	With .Items
		.Add "Item 1"
		.Add "Item 2"
		.Add "Item 3"
	End With
End With
How can I display the cell's caption without spaces on both sides

With List1
	.ColumnAutoResize = True
	With .Columns.Add("Default")
		.Def(exCaptionFormat) = 1
		.FormatColumn = "((trim(value) replace `   ` with ` `) replace `  ` with ` `) replace ` ` with `<bgcolor=FF0000> </bgcolor>`"
	End With
	With .Items
		.Add ""
		.Add "Item A"
		.Add "    Item B"
		.Add "        Item   C    "
	End With
End With
How can I highlight the spaces within the column (sample 2)

With List1
	.ColumnAutoResize = True
	With .Columns.Add("Default")
		.Def(exCaptionFormat) = 1
		.FormatColumn = "`'` + ( value replace ` ` with `_` ) + `'`"
	End With
	With .Items
		.Add ""
		.Add "Item A"
		.Add "    Item B"
		.Add "        Item   C    "
	End With
End With
How can I highlight the spaces within the column (sample 1)

With List1
	.ColumnAutoResize = True
	With .Columns.Add("Default")
		.Def(exCaptionFormat) = 1
		.FormatColumn = "len(value) = 0 ? `<bgcolor=FF0000> </bgcolor>` : ( value replace ` ` with `<bgcolor=FF0000> </bgcolor>` )"
	End With
	With .Items
		.Add ""
		.Add "Item A"
		.Add "    Item B"
		.Add "        Item   C    "
	End With
End With
How can I change the visual aspect of the drop down filter-calendar

With List1
	.Background(exBackColorFilter) = RGB(0,0,1)
	.Background(exForeColorFilter) = RGB(255,255,255)
	.Background(exDateScrollRange) = RGB(255,255,255)
	.Background(exDateHeader) = .Background(exBackColorFilter)
	.Background(exDateScrollThumb) = RGB(128,128,128)
	With .Columns.Add("Date")
		.FilterType = exDate
		.DisplayFilterButton = True
		.DisplayFilterDate = True
		.DisplayFilterPattern = False
	End With
End With
Export Data in HTML format

With List1
	.BackColorAlternate = RGB(240,240,240)
	.DrawGridLines = exAllLines
	.HeaderAppearance = Etched
	.Description(exFilterBarAnd) = .FormatABC("`<fgcolor=808080> ` + value + ` </fgcolor>`",.Description(exFilterBarAnd))
	.FilterBarCaption = "(( ( value replace `[<b>` with `<bgcolor=000000><fgcolor=FFFFFF><b> ` replace `</b>]` with ` </b></bgcolor></fgcolor>` replace " & _
"`[<s>` with `<bgcolor=C0C0C0><fgcolor=FFFFFF> ` replace `</s>]` with ` </fgcolor></bgcolor>` )  + `<r><fgcolor=808080>` + ( matc" & _
"hitemcount < 0 ? ( ( len(value) ? `` : `` ) + `<r>` + abs(matchitemcount + 1) + ` result(s)` ) : (`<r><fgcolor=808080>`+ itemcou" & _
"nt + ` item(s)`) )))"
	.FilterBarPromptVisible = FilterBarVisibleEnum.exFilterBarCompact Or FilterBarVisibleEnum.exFilterBarShowCloseIfRequired Or FilterBarVisibleEnum.exFilterBarSingleLine Or FilterBarVisibleEnum.exFilterBarVisible Or FilterBarVisibleEnum.exFilterBarPromptVisible
	.FilterBarPromptType = exFilterPromptContainsAny
	With .ConditionalFormats
		.Add("%0 like `*AA*`","aa").BackColor = RGB(192,192,192)
		With .Add("%0 like `*D*`","d")
			.ForeColor = RGB(255,128,128)
			.ApplyTo = exFormatToColumns
		End With
		With .Add("%0 like `*b*`","b")
			.ForeColor = RGB(0,0,255)
			.Bold = True
			.Italic = True
			.ApplyTo = exFormatToColumns
		End With
	End With
	With .Columns
		With .Add("Value")
			.Width = 128
			.HTMLCaption = "<b>VA</b><r>sko"
		End With
		With .Add("APos")
			.FormatColumn = "0 apos ``"
			.AllowSort = False
			.Def(exCellBackColor) = 15790320
			.Def(exCellForeColor) = 8421504
			.Def(exHeaderForeColor) = .Def(exCellForeColor)
			.Position = 0
		End With
		With .Add("RPos")
			.FormatColumn = "0 rpos ``"
			.AllowSort = False
			.Position = 1
		End With
		With .Add("Index")
			.FormatColumn = "0 index ``"
			.DisplayFilterButton = True
			.FilterList = exShowCheckBox
			.Position = 2
		End With
		With .Add("Data 1")
			.FormatColumn = "0 index `A-Z`"
			.Def(exCellHasCheckBox) = True
		End With
		With .Add("Data 2")
			.FormatColumn = "0 index `AB` replace `A` with `<off -4>A</off>`"
			.Def(exCellSingleLine) = False
			.Def(exCaptionFormat) = 1
			.Def(exCellHasRadioButton) = True
		End With
		With .Add("Data 3")
			.FormatColumn = "0 index `CDC` replace `D` with `<b>D</b>`"
			.Def(exCaptionFormat) = 1
		End With
	End With
	With .Items
		.Add "Item A"
		.Add "Item B"
		.Add "Item C"
		.CellState(2,4) = 1
		.Add "Item AA"
		.Add "Item BB"
		.Add "Item CC"
		.CellState(5,5) = 1
		.Add "Item D"
		.Add "Item EE"
		.Add "Item FFF"
	End With
	sFile = "c:/temp/export.html"
	.Export sFile,"vis"
	With CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
		.Navigate2 sFile
	End With
End With
Export Data in CSV format

With List1
	.BackColorAlternate = RGB(240,240,240)
	.DrawGridLines = exAllLines
	.HeaderAppearance = Etched
	.Description(exFilterBarAnd) = .FormatABC("`<fgcolor=808080> ` + value + ` </fgcolor>`",.Description(exFilterBarAnd))
	.FilterBarCaption = "(( ( value replace `[<b>` with `<bgcolor=000000><fgcolor=FFFFFF><b> ` replace `</b>]` with ` </b></bgcolor></fgcolor>` replace " & _
"`[<s>` with `<bgcolor=C0C0C0><fgcolor=FFFFFF> ` replace `</s>]` with ` </fgcolor></bgcolor>` )  + `<r><fgcolor=808080>` + ( matc" & _
"hitemcount < 0 ? ( ( len(value) ? `` : `` ) + `<r>` + abs(matchitemcount + 1) + ` result(s)` ) : (`<r><fgcolor=808080>`+ itemcou" & _
"nt + ` item(s)`) )))"
	.FilterBarPromptVisible = FilterBarVisibleEnum.exFilterBarCompact Or FilterBarVisibleEnum.exFilterBarShowCloseIfRequired Or FilterBarVisibleEnum.exFilterBarSingleLine Or FilterBarVisibleEnum.exFilterBarVisible Or FilterBarVisibleEnum.exFilterBarPromptVisible
	.FilterBarPromptType = exFilterPromptContainsAny
	With .ConditionalFormats
		.Add("%0 like `*AA*`","aa").BackColor = RGB(192,192,192)
		With .Add("%0 like `*D*`","d")
			.ForeColor = RGB(255,128,128)
			.ApplyTo = exFormatToColumns
		End With
		With .Add("%0 like `*b*`","b")
			.ForeColor = RGB(0,0,255)
			.Bold = True
			.Italic = True
			.ApplyTo = exFormatToColumns
		End With
	End With
	With .Columns
		With .Add("Value")
			.Width = 128
			.HTMLCaption = "<b>VA</b><r>sko"
		End With
		With .Add("APos")
			.FormatColumn = "0 apos ``"
			.AllowSort = False
			.Def(exCellBackColor) = 15790320
			.Def(exCellForeColor) = 8421504
			.Def(exHeaderForeColor) = .Def(exCellForeColor)
			.Position = 0
		End With
		With .Add("RPos")
			.FormatColumn = "0 rpos ``"
			.AllowSort = False
			.Position = 1
		End With
		With .Add("Index")
			.FormatColumn = "0 index ``"
			.DisplayFilterButton = True
			.FilterList = exShowCheckBox
			.Position = 2
		End With
		With .Add("Data 1")
			.FormatColumn = "0 index `A-Z`"
			.Def(exCellHasCheckBox) = True
		End With
		With .Add("Data 2")
			.FormatColumn = "0 index `AB` replace `A` with `<off -4>A</off>`"
			.Def(exCellSingleLine) = False
			.Def(exCaptionFormat) = 1
			.Def(exCellHasRadioButton) = True
		End With
		With .Add("Data 3")
			.FormatColumn = "0 index `CDC` replace `D` with `<b>D</b>`"
			.Def(exCaptionFormat) = 1
		End With
	End With
	With .Items
		.Add "Item A"
		.Add "Item B"
		.Add "Item C"
		.CellState(2,4) = 1
		.Add "Item AA"
		.Add "Item BB"
		.Add "Item CC"
		.CellState(5,5) = 1
		.Add "Item D"
		.Add "Item EE"
		.Add "Item FFF"
	End With
	Debug.Print( .Export("","vis") )
End With
How can I get the icon from the cell when using the Items.CellImages property (icon index)

' MouseMove event - Occurs when the user moves the mouse.
Private Sub List1_MouseMove(Button As Integer,Shift As Integer,X As Single,Y As Single)
	With List1
		i = .ItemFromPoint(-1,-1,c,hit)
		Debug.Print( .FormatABC("( 0x44 = ( value bitand 0x44 ) ) ? ( ( (value bitand 0xFFFF0000) bitshift 16 ) array B split `,` )  : `no image`",hit,.Items.CellImages(i,c)) )
	End With
End Sub

With List1
	.Images "gBJJgBAIDAAGAAEAAQhYAf8Pf4hh0QihCJo2AEZjQAjEZFEaIEaEEaAIAkcbk0olUrlktl0vmExmUzmk1m03nE5nU7nk9n0/oFBoVDolFo1HpFJpVLplNp1PqFRqVTq" & _
"lVq1XrFZrVbrldr1fsFhsVjslls1ntFptVrtltt1vuFxuVzul1u13vF5vV7vl9v1/wGBwWDwmFw2HxGJxWLxmNx0xiFdyOTh8Tf9ZymXx+QytcyNgz8r0OblWjyWds+m" & _
"0ka1Vf1ta1+r1mos2xrG2xeZ0+a0W0qOx3GO4NV3WeyvD2XJ5XL5nN51aiw+lfSj0gkUkAEllHanHI5j/cHg8EZf7w8vl8j4f/qfEZeB09/vjLAB30+kZQAP/P5/H6/y" & _
	.Columns.Add "Default"
	With .Items
		.CellImages(.Add("Item 1"),0) = "3,2,1"
		.CellImages(.Add("Item 2"),0) = "2,3"
		.CellImages(.Add("Item 3"),0) = "2,"
	End With
End With
How can I get the icon from the cell when using the Items.CellImages property (icon position within the cell)

' MouseMove event - Occurs when the user moves the mouse.
Private Sub List1_MouseMove(Button As Integer,Shift As Integer,X As Single,Y As Single)
	With List1
		i = .ItemFromPoint(-1,-1,c,hit)
		Debug.Print( .FormatABC("( 0x44 = ( value bitand 0x44 ) ) ? 1 + ( (value bitand 0xFFFF0000) bitshift 16 ) : `no image`",hit) )
	End With
End Sub

With List1
	.Images "gBJJgBAIDAAGAAEAAQhYAf8Pf4hh0QihCJo2AEZjQAjEZFEaIEaEEaAIAkcbk0olUrlktl0vmExmUzmk1m03nE5nU7nk9n0/oFBoVDolFo1HpFJpVLplNp1PqFRqVTq" & _
"lVq1XrFZrVbrldr1fsFhsVjslls1ntFptVrtltt1vuFxuVzul1u13vF5vV7vl9v1/wGBwWDwmFw2HxGJxWLxmNx0xiFdyOTh8Tf9ZymXx+QytcyNgz8r0OblWjyWds+m" & _
"0ka1Vf1ta1+r1mos2xrG2xeZ0+a0W0qOx3GO4NV3WeyvD2XJ5XL5nN51aiw+lfSj0gkUkAEllHanHI5j/cHg8EZf7w8vl8j4f/qfEZeB09/vjLAB30+kZQAP/P5/H6/y" & _
	.Columns.Add "Default"
	With .Items
		.CellImages(.Add("Item 1"),0) = "3,2,1"
		.CellImages(.Add("Item 2"),0) = "2,3"
		.CellImages(.Add("Item 3"),0) = "2"
	End With
End With
How can I get the index of icon from the cell, if using the CellImages property
' MouseMove event - Occurs when the user moves the mouse.
Private Sub List1_MouseMove(Button As Integer,Shift As Integer,X As Single,Y As Single)
	With List1
		i = .ItemFromPoint(-1,-1,c,hit)
		Debug.Print( .FormatABC("( 0x44 = ( value bitand 0x44 ) ) ? 1 + ( (value bitand 0xFFFF0000) bitshift 16 ) : `no image`",hit) )
	End With
End Sub

With List1
	.Images "gBJJgBAIDAAGAAEAAQhYAf8Pf4hh0QihCJo2AEZjQAjEZFEaIEaEEaAIAkcbk0olUrlktl0vmExmUzmk1m03nE5nU7nk9n0/oFBoVDolFo1HpFJpVLplNp1PqFRqVTq" & _
"lVq1XrFZrVbrldr1fsFhsVjslls1ntFptVrtltt1vuFxuVzul1u13vF5vV7vl9v1/wGBwWDwmFw2HxGJxWLxmNx0xiFdyOTh8Tf9ZymXx+QytcyNgz8r0OblWjyWds+m" & _
"0ka1Vf1ta1+r1mos2xrG2xeZ0+a0W0qOx3GO4NV3WeyvD2XJ5XL5nN51aiw+lfSj0gkUkAEllHanHI5j/cHg8EZf7w8vl8j4f/qfEZeB09/vjLAB30+kZQAP/P5/H6/y" & _
	.Columns.Add "Default"
	With .Items
		.CellImages(.Add("Item 1"),0) = "1,2,3"
		.CellImages(.Add("Item 2"),0) = "2,3,1"
		.CellImages(.Add("Item 3"),0) = "3,2,1"
	End With
End With
Is it possible to change the visual appearance of the position signs when user changes the column's position by drag and drop

With List1
	.HeaderAppearance = Etched
	With .Columns
		.Add "Column 1"
		.Add "Column 2"
		.Add "Column 3"
	End With
	With .VisualAppearance
		.Add 2,"CP:1 0 -36 0 0"
	End With
	.Background(exColumnsPositionSign) = &H2000000
End With
A black portion is shown while I am using the BackColorAlternate with EBN colors. What can I do
With List1
	.ColumnAutoResize = True
	.DefaultItemHeight = 20
	.VisualAppearance.Add 1,"gBFLBCJwBAEHhEJAAEhIDhAxHAxg0HG0Mg4xGI3HMOig3GcJiYAf8jAEhhUnAAyhEqg8hk0oAsIjgAiAwmYxGA4mYzGwwkI0i0ooUnB0IBMIl1Dg8zmYyGolptPkI1m" & _
"Y1GAll9KoUslNIrVCqNQldShFUstXAVfrVcrlZtVhuFnsUHq1zoczoQGhFBkNpg6zbDykUkhsPHE2h85nc9n8xtVDtlex9Msd2p1YstVq9ux8HyMtzuFz1PsNTzQlv2h" & _
"hWfkuqpeVuN0q+nvEooN5veSAGpkb/ACcZrvhU3w83nM/poxGuchGpoVBvWgg+8knA4WimnFxI45Er5XOlHMg/Q3XU33W4ew9Wyu11mchDagcO7zus8VDoNBBEIKBpMY" & _
"6DqOQyokhA/IQIQmwMk4bIQFDcoO6LWgwhQkNcABwEyAB5GwWbet6cRQg3DENQ5D8QxADZvEkAB8nabsURGeBpFM3pwE2AEZRpDx/neZpOR3Dz9oO/r/wCMoZNTBQAQR" & _
	.Columns.Add("Default").Def(exCellHasCheckBox) = True
	With .Columns.Add("Position")
		.FormatColumn = "1 rindex ``"
		.Visible = False
	End With
	With .ConditionalFormats.Add("%C1 mod 2")
		.BackColor = &H1000000
	End With
	With .Items
		.Add "Item 1"
		.Add "Item 2"
		.Add "Item 3"
		.Add "Item 4"
	End With
End With
Is it possible to change the caption from a column without to remove the column and add it with the new caption
With List1
	.Columns.Add("ColumnName").Caption = "NewName"
	.Columns.Add("ColumnName").HTMLCaption = "<b>New</b>Name"
End With
FilterBarCaption ALL Keyword ( sample 2, result )

' AddItem event - Occurs after a new Item is inserted to Items collection.
Private Sub List1_AddItem(ByVal Item As Long)
	' i = FormatABC("value + 1", Items.ItemToIndex(Item))
	With List1
		.Items.CellImage(Item,3) = i
	End With
End Sub

With List1
	.Images "gBJJgBAIDAAGAAEAAQhYAf8Pf4hh0QihCJo2AEZjQAjEZFEaIEaEEaAIAkcbk0olUrlktl0vmExmUzmk1m03nE5nU7nk9n0/oFBoVDolFo1HpFJpVLplNp1PqFRqVTq" & _
"lVq1XrFZrVbrldr1fsFhsVjslls1ntFptVrtltt1vuFxuVzul1u13vF5vV7vl9v1/wGBwWDwmFw2HxGJxWLxmNx0xiFdyOTh8Tf9ZymXx+QytcyNgz8r0OblWjyWds+m" & _
"0ka1Vf1ta1+r1mos2xrG2xeZ0+a0W0qOx3GO4NV3WeyvD2XJ5XL5nN51aiw+lfSj0gkUkAEllHanHI5j/cHg8EZf7w8vl8j4f/qfEZeB09/vjLAB30+kZQAP/P5/H6/y" & _
	With .Columns.Add("Col-1")
		.DisplayFilterButton = True
		.FilterList = FilterListEnum.exShowExclude Or FilterListEnum.exShowFocusItem Or FilterListEnum.exShowCheckBox Or FilterListEnum.exSortItemsAsc
	End With
	With .Columns.Add("Col-2")
		.DisplayFilterButton = True
		.FilterList = FilterListEnum.exShowExclude Or FilterListEnum.exShowFocusItem Or FilterListEnum.exShowCheckBox Or FilterListEnum.exSortItemsAsc
	End With
	With .Columns.Add("Check")
		.Def(exCellHasCheckBox) = True
		.DisplayFilterButton = True
		.DisplayFilterPattern = False
		.FilterType = exCheck
	End With
	With .Columns.Add("Image")
		.DisplayFilterButton = True
		.FilterType = exImage
		.FilterList = FilterListEnum.exShowExclude Or FilterListEnum.exShowFocusItem Or FilterListEnum.exShowCheckBox
	End With
	With .Columns.Add("Pos")
		.AllowSizing = False
		.AllowSort = False
		.Width = 32
		.FormatColumn = "1 apos ``"
		.Position = 0
	End With
	With .Items
		.Caption(.Add("Item A"),1) = "Sub-Item A"
		h = .Add("Item B")
		.Caption(h,1) = "Sub-Item B"
		.CellState(h,2) = 1
		.Caption(.Add("Item C"),1) = "Sub-Item C"
	End With
	.FilterBarFont = .Font
	.Description(exFilterBarAnd) = .FormatABC("`<fgcolor=808080> ` + value + ` </fgcolor>`",.Description(exFilterBarAnd))
	.FilterBarCaption = "(( ( all replace `[<b>` with `<bgcolor=000000><fgcolor=FFFFFF><b> ` replace `</b>]` with ` </b></bgcolor></fgcolor>` replace `[" & _
"<s>` with `<bgcolor=C0C0C0><fgcolor=FFFFFF> ` replace `</s>]` with ` </fgcolor></bgcolor>` )  + `<r><fgcolor=808080>` + ( matchi" & _
"temcount < 0 ? ( ( len(value) ? `` : `` ) + `<r>` + abs(matchitemcount + 1) + ` result(s)` ) : (`<r><fgcolor=808080>`+ itemcount" & _
" + ` item(s)`) )))"
	.FilterBarPromptVisible = FilterBarVisibleEnum.exFilterBarVisible Or FilterBarVisibleEnum.exFilterBarPromptVisible
	With .Columns.Item(0)
		.FilterType = exFilter
		.Filter = "Item A|Item B"
	End With
	.Columns.Item(2).Filter = 1
End With
FilterBarCaption ALL Keyword ( sample 1 )

' AddItem event - Occurs after a new Item is inserted to Items collection.
Private Sub List1_AddItem(ByVal Item As Long)
	' i = FormatABC("value + 1", Items.ItemToIndex(Item))
	With List1
		.Items.CellImage(Item,3) = i
	End With
End Sub

With List1
	.Images "gBJJgBAIDAAGAAEAAQhYAf8Pf4hh0QihCJo2AEZjQAjEZFEaIEaEEaAIAkcbk0olUrlktl0vmExmUzmk1m03nE5nU7nk9n0/oFBoVDolFo1HpFJpVLplNp1PqFRqVTq" & _
"lVq1XrFZrVbrldr1fsFhsVjslls1ntFptVrtltt1vuFxuVzul1u13vF5vV7vl9v1/wGBwWDwmFw2HxGJxWLxmNx0xiFdyOTh8Tf9ZymXx+QytcyNgz8r0OblWjyWds+m" & _
"0ka1Vf1ta1+r1mos2xrG2xeZ0+a0W0qOx3GO4NV3WeyvD2XJ5XL5nN51aiw+lfSj0gkUkAEllHanHI5j/cHg8EZf7w8vl8j4f/qfEZeB09/vjLAB30+kZQAP/P5/H6/y" & _
	With .Columns.Add("Col-1")
		.DisplayFilterButton = True
		.FilterList = FilterListEnum.exShowExclude Or FilterListEnum.exShowFocusItem Or FilterListEnum.exShowCheckBox Or FilterListEnum.exSortItemsAsc
	End With
	With .Columns.Add("Col-2")
		.DisplayFilterButton = True
		.FilterList = FilterListEnum.exShowExclude Or FilterListEnum.exShowFocusItem Or FilterListEnum.exShowCheckBox Or FilterListEnum.exSortItemsAsc
	End With
	With .Columns.Add("Check")
		.Def(exCellHasCheckBox) = True
		.DisplayFilterButton = True
		.DisplayFilterPattern = False
		.FilterType = exCheck
	End With
	With .Columns.Add("Image")
		.DisplayFilterButton = True
		.FilterType = exImage
		.FilterList = FilterListEnum.exShowExclude Or FilterListEnum.exShowFocusItem Or FilterListEnum.exShowCheckBox
	End With
	With .Columns.Add("Pos")
		.AllowSizing = False
		.AllowSort = False
		.Width = 32
		.FormatColumn = "1 apos ``"
		.Position = 0
	End With
	With .Items
		.Caption(.Add("Item A"),1) = "Sub-Item A"
		h = .Add("Item B")
		.Caption(h,1) = "Sub-Item B"
		.CellState(h,2) = 1
		.Caption(.Add("Item C"),1) = "Sub-Item C"
	End With
	.FilterBarFont = .Font
	.Description(exFilterBarAnd) = .FormatABC("`<fgcolor=808080> ` + value + ` </fgcolor>`",.Description(exFilterBarAnd))
	.FilterBarCaption = "all"
	.FilterBarPromptVisible = FilterBarVisibleEnum.exFilterBarVisible Or FilterBarVisibleEnum.exFilterBarPromptVisible
	With .Columns.Item(0)
		.FilterType = exFilter
		.Filter = "Item A|Item B"
	End With
	.Columns.Item(2).Filter = 1
End With
FilterBarCaption ALLUI Keyword ( sample 2, result )

' AddItem event - Occurs after a new Item is inserted to Items collection.
Private Sub List1_AddItem(ByVal Item As Long)
	' i = FormatABC("value + 1", Items.ItemToIndex(Item))
	With List1
		.Items.CellImage(Item,3) = i
	End With
End Sub

With List1
	.Images "gBJJgBAIDAAGAAEAAQhYAf8Pf4hh0QihCJo2AEZjQAjEZFEaIEaEEaAIAkcbk0olUrlktl0vmExmUzmk1m03nE5nU7nk9n0/oFBoVDolFo1HpFJpVLplNp1PqFRqVTq" & _
"lVq1XrFZrVbrldr1fsFhsVjslls1ntFptVrtltt1vuFxuVzul1u13vF5vV7vl9v1/wGBwWDwmFw2HxGJxWLxmNx0xiFdyOTh8Tf9ZymXx+QytcyNgz8r0OblWjyWds+m" & _
"0ka1Vf1ta1+r1mos2xrG2xeZ0+a0W0qOx3GO4NV3WeyvD2XJ5XL5nN51aiw+lfSj0gkUkAEllHanHI5j/cHg8EZf7w8vl8j4f/qfEZeB09/vjLAB30+kZQAP/P5/H6/y" & _
	With .Columns.Add("Col-1")
		.DisplayFilterButton = True
		.FilterList = FilterListEnum.exShowExclude Or FilterListEnum.exShowFocusItem Or FilterListEnum.exShowCheckBox Or FilterListEnum.exSortItemsAsc
	End With
	With .Columns.Add("Col-2")
		.DisplayFilterButton = True
		.FilterList = FilterListEnum.exShowExclude Or FilterListEnum.exShowFocusItem Or FilterListEnum.exShowCheckBox Or FilterListEnum.exSortItemsAsc
	End With
	With .Columns.Add("Check")
		.Def(exCellHasCheckBox) = True
		.DisplayFilterButton = True
		.DisplayFilterPattern = False
		.FilterType = exCheck
	End With
	With .Columns.Add("Image")
		.DisplayFilterButton = True
		.FilterType = exImage
		.FilterList = FilterListEnum.exShowExclude Or FilterListEnum.exShowFocusItem Or FilterListEnum.exShowCheckBox
	End With
	With .Columns.Add("Pos")
		.AllowSizing = False
		.AllowSort = False
		.Width = 32
		.FormatColumn = "1 apos ``"
		.Position = 0
	End With
	With .Items
		.Caption(.Add("Item A"),1) = "Sub-Item A"
		h = .Add("Item B")
		.Caption(h,1) = "Sub-Item B"
		.CellState(h,2) = 1
		.Caption(.Add("Item C"),1) = "Sub-Item C"
	End With
	.FilterBarFont = .Font
	.Description(exFilterBarAnd) = .FormatABC("`<fgcolor=808080> ` + value + ` </fgcolor>`",.Description(exFilterBarAnd))
	.FilterBarCaption = "(( ( allui replace `[<b>` with `<bgcolor=000000><fgcolor=FFFFFF><b> ` replace `</b>]` with ` </b></bgcolor></fgcolor>` replace " & _
"`[<s>` with `<bgcolor=C0C0C0><fgcolor=FFFFFF> ` replace `</s>]` with ` </fgcolor></bgcolor>` )  + `<r><fgcolor=808080>` + ( matc" & _
"hitemcount < 0 ? ( ( len(value) ? `` : `` ) + `<r>` + abs(matchitemcount + 1) + ` result(s)` ) : (`<r><fgcolor=808080>`+ itemcou" & _
"nt + ` item(s)`) )))"
	.FilterBarPromptVisible = FilterBarVisibleEnum.exFilterBarVisible Or FilterBarVisibleEnum.exFilterBarPromptVisible
	With .Columns.Item(0)
		.FilterType = exFilter
		.Filter = "Item A|Item B"
	End With
	.Columns.Item(2).Filter = 1
End With
FilterBarCaption ALLUI Keyword ( sample 1 )
' AddItem event - Occurs after a new Item is inserted to Items collection.
Private Sub List1_AddItem(ByVal Item As Long)
	' i = FormatABC("value + 1", Items.ItemToIndex(Item))
	With List1
		.Items.CellImage(Item,3) = i
	End With
End Sub

With List1
	.Images "gBJJgBAIDAAGAAEAAQhYAf8Pf4hh0QihCJo2AEZjQAjEZFEaIEaEEaAIAkcbk0olUrlktl0vmExmUzmk1m03nE5nU7nk9n0/oFBoVDolFo1HpFJpVLplNp1PqFRqVTq" & _
"lVq1XrFZrVbrldr1fsFhsVjslls1ntFptVrtltt1vuFxuVzul1u13vF5vV7vl9v1/wGBwWDwmFw2HxGJxWLxmNx0xiFdyOTh8Tf9ZymXx+QytcyNgz8r0OblWjyWds+m" & _
"0ka1Vf1ta1+r1mos2xrG2xeZ0+a0W0qOx3GO4NV3WeyvD2XJ5XL5nN51aiw+lfSj0gkUkAEllHanHI5j/cHg8EZf7w8vl8j4f/qfEZeB09/vjLAB30+kZQAP/P5/H6/y" & _
	With .Columns.Add("Col-1")
		.DisplayFilterButton = True
		.FilterList = FilterListEnum.exShowExclude Or FilterListEnum.exShowFocusItem Or FilterListEnum.exShowCheckBox Or FilterListEnum.exSortItemsAsc
	End With
	With .Columns.Add("Col-2")
		.DisplayFilterButton = True
		.FilterList = FilterListEnum.exShowExclude Or FilterListEnum.exShowFocusItem Or FilterListEnum.exShowCheckBox Or FilterListEnum.exSortItemsAsc
	End With
	With .Columns.Add("Check")
		.Def(exCellHasCheckBox) = True
		.DisplayFilterButton = True
		.DisplayFilterPattern = False
		.FilterType = exCheck
	End With
	With .Columns.Add("Image")
		.DisplayFilterButton = True
		.FilterType = exImage
		.FilterList = FilterListEnum.exShowExclude Or FilterListEnum.exShowFocusItem Or FilterListEnum.exShowCheckBox
	End With
	With .Columns.Add("Pos")
		.AllowSizing = False
		.AllowSort = False
		.Width = 32
		.FormatColumn = "1 apos ``"
		.Position = 0
	End With
	With .Items
		.Caption(.Add("Item A"),1) = "Sub-Item A"
		h = .Add("Item B")
		.Caption(h,1) = "Sub-Item B"
		.CellState(h,2) = 1
		.Caption(.Add("Item C"),1) = "Sub-Item C"
	End With
	.FilterBarFont = .Font
	.Description(exFilterBarAnd) = .FormatABC("`<fgcolor=808080> ` + value + ` </fgcolor>`",.Description(exFilterBarAnd))
	.FilterBarCaption = "allui"
	.FilterBarPromptVisible = FilterBarVisibleEnum.exFilterBarVisible Or FilterBarVisibleEnum.exFilterBarPromptVisible
	With .Columns.Item(0)
		.FilterType = exFilter
		.Filter = "Item A|Item B"
	End With
	.Columns.Item(2).Filter = 1
End With
FilterBarCaption AVAILABLE Keyword ( sample 2, result )

' AddItem event - Occurs after a new Item is inserted to Items collection.
Private Sub List1_AddItem(ByVal Item As Long)
	' i = FormatABC("value + 1", Items.ItemToIndex(Item))
	With List1
		.Items.CellImage(Item,3) = i
	End With
End Sub

With List1
	.Images "gBJJgBAIDAAGAAEAAQhYAf8Pf4hh0QihCJo2AEZjQAjEZFEaIEaEEaAIAkcbk0olUrlktl0vmExmUzmk1m03nE5nU7nk9n0/oFBoVDolFo1HpFJpVLplNp1PqFRqVTq" & _
"lVq1XrFZrVbrldr1fsFhsVjslls1ntFptVrtltt1vuFxuVzul1u13vF5vV7vl9v1/wGBwWDwmFw2HxGJxWLxmNx0xiFdyOTh8Tf9ZymXx+QytcyNgz8r0OblWjyWds+m" & _
"0ka1Vf1ta1+r1mos2xrG2xeZ0+a0W0qOx3GO4NV3WeyvD2XJ5XL5nN51aiw+lfSj0gkUkAEllHanHI5j/cHg8EZf7w8vl8j4f/qfEZeB09/vjLAB30+kZQAP/P5/H6/y" & _
	With .Columns.Add("Col-1")
		.DisplayFilterButton = True
		.FilterList = FilterListEnum.exShowExclude Or FilterListEnum.exShowFocusItem Or FilterListEnum.exShowCheckBox Or FilterListEnum.exSortItemsAsc
	End With
	With .Columns.Add("Col-2")
		.DisplayFilterButton = True
		.FilterList = FilterListEnum.exShowExclude Or FilterListEnum.exShowFocusItem Or FilterListEnum.exShowCheckBox Or FilterListEnum.exSortItemsAsc
	End With
	With .Columns.Add("Check")
		.Def(exCellHasCheckBox) = True
		.DisplayFilterButton = True
		.DisplayFilterPattern = False
		.FilterType = exCheck
	End With
	With .Columns.Add("Image")
		.DisplayFilterButton = True
		.FilterType = exImage
		.FilterList = FilterListEnum.exShowExclude Or FilterListEnum.exShowFocusItem Or FilterListEnum.exShowCheckBox
	End With
	With .Columns.Add("Pos")
		.AllowSizing = False
		.AllowSort = False
		.Width = 32
		.FormatColumn = "1 apos ``"
		.Position = 0
	End With
	With .Items
		.Caption(.Add("Item A"),1) = "Sub-Item A"
		h = .Add("Item B")
		.Caption(h,1) = "Sub-Item B"
		.CellState(h,2) = 1
		.Caption(.Add("Item C"),1) = "Sub-Item C"
	End With
	.FilterBarFont = .Font
	.Description(exFilterBarAnd) = .FormatABC("`<fgcolor=808080> ` + value + ` </fgcolor>`",.Description(exFilterBarAnd))
	.FilterBarCaption = "(( ( value replace `[` with `<bgcolor=000000><fgcolor=FFFFFF><b> ` replace `]` with ` </b></bgcolor></fgcolor>` ) + ` ` + ( ava" & _
"ilable replace `[` with `<bgcolor=C0C0C0><fgcolor=FFFFFF><b> ` replace `]` with ` </b></bgcolor></fgcolor>` replace `<s>` with `" & _
"` replace `</s>` with `` ) + `<fgcolor=808080>` + ( matchitemcount < 0 ? ( ( len(value) ? `` : `` ) + `<r>` + abs(matchitemcount" & _
" + 1) + ` result(s)` ) : (`<r><fgcolor=808080>`+ itemcount + ` item(s)`) )))"
	.FilterBarPromptVisible = FilterBarVisibleEnum.exFilterBarVisible Or FilterBarVisibleEnum.exFilterBarPromptVisible
	With .Columns.Item(0)
		.FilterType = exFilter
		.Filter = "Item A|Item B"
	End With
	.Columns.Item(2).Filter = 1
End With
FilterBarCaption AVAILABLE Keyword ( sample 1 )

' AddItem event - Occurs after a new Item is inserted to Items collection.
Private Sub List1_AddItem(ByVal Item As Long)
	' i = FormatABC("value + 1", Items.ItemToIndex(Item))
	With List1
		.Items.CellImage(Item,3) = i
	End With
End Sub

With List1
	.Images "gBJJgBAIDAAGAAEAAQhYAf8Pf4hh0QihCJo2AEZjQAjEZFEaIEaEEaAIAkcbk0olUrlktl0vmExmUzmk1m03nE5nU7nk9n0/oFBoVDolFo1HpFJpVLplNp1PqFRqVTq" & _
"lVq1XrFZrVbrldr1fsFhsVjslls1ntFptVrtltt1vuFxuVzul1u13vF5vV7vl9v1/wGBwWDwmFw2HxGJxWLxmNx0xiFdyOTh8Tf9ZymXx+QytcyNgz8r0OblWjyWds+m" & _
"0ka1Vf1ta1+r1mos2xrG2xeZ0+a0W0qOx3GO4NV3WeyvD2XJ5XL5nN51aiw+lfSj0gkUkAEllHanHI5j/cHg8EZf7w8vl8j4f/qfEZeB09/vjLAB30+kZQAP/P5/H6/y" & _
	With .Columns.Add("Col-1")
		.DisplayFilterButton = True
		.FilterList = FilterListEnum.exShowExclude Or FilterListEnum.exShowFocusItem Or FilterListEnum.exShowCheckBox Or FilterListEnum.exSortItemsAsc
	End With
	With .Columns.Add("Col-2")
		.DisplayFilterButton = True
		.FilterList = FilterListEnum.exShowExclude Or FilterListEnum.exShowFocusItem Or FilterListEnum.exShowCheckBox Or FilterListEnum.exSortItemsAsc
	End With
	With .Columns.Add("Check")
		.Def(exCellHasCheckBox) = True
		.DisplayFilterButton = True
		.DisplayFilterPattern = False
		.FilterType = exCheck
	End With
	With .Columns.Add("Image")
		.DisplayFilterButton = True
		.FilterType = exImage
		.FilterList = FilterListEnum.exShowExclude Or FilterListEnum.exShowFocusItem Or FilterListEnum.exShowCheckBox
	End With
	With .Columns.Add("Pos")
		.AllowSizing = False
		.AllowSort = False
		.Width = 32
		.FormatColumn = "1 apos ``"
		.Position = 0
	End With
	With .Items
		.Caption(.Add("Item A"),1) = "Sub-Item A"
		h = .Add("Item B")
		.Caption(h,1) = "Sub-Item B"
		.CellState(h,2) = 1
		.Caption(.Add("Item C"),1) = "Sub-Item C"
	End With
	.FilterBarFont = .Font
	.Description(exFilterBarAnd) = .FormatABC("`<fgcolor=808080> ` + value + ` </fgcolor>`",.Description(exFilterBarAnd))
	.FilterBarCaption = "value + ` ` + available"
	.FilterBarPromptVisible = FilterBarVisibleEnum.exFilterBarVisible Or FilterBarVisibleEnum.exFilterBarPromptVisible
	With .Columns.Item(0)
		.FilterType = exFilter
		.Filter = "Item A|Item B"
	End With
	.Columns.Item(2).Filter = 1
End With
Is it possible to somehow highlight the column's name different than its filter value in the control's filter bar ( sample 3, results )

With List1
	With .Columns.Add("Col-1")
		.DisplayFilterButton = True
		.FilterList = FilterListEnum.exShowExclude Or FilterListEnum.exShowFocusItem Or FilterListEnum.exShowCheckBox Or FilterListEnum.exSortItemsAsc
	End With
	With .Columns.Add("Col-2")
		.DisplayFilterButton = True
		.FilterList = FilterListEnum.exShowExclude Or FilterListEnum.exShowFocusItem Or FilterListEnum.exShowCheckBox Or FilterListEnum.exSortItemsAsc
	End With
	With .Columns.Add("Pos")
		.AllowSizing = False
		.AllowSort = False
		.Width = 32
		.FormatColumn = "1 apos ``"
		.Position = 0
	End With
	With .Items
		.Caption(.Add("Item A"),1) = "Sub-Item A"
		.Caption(.Add("Item B"),1) = "Sub-Item B"
		.Caption(.Add("Item C"),1) = "Sub-Item C"
	End With
	.FilterBarFont = .Font
	.Description(exFilterBarAnd) = .FormatABC("`<fgcolor=808080>` + value + `</fgcolor>`",.Description(exFilterBarAnd))
	.FilterBarCaption = "(`<b>` + value + `</b><fgcolor=808080>` + ( matchitemcount < 0 ? ( ( len(value) ? `` : `` ) + `<r>` + abs(matchitemcount + 1) +" & _
" ` result(s)` ) : (`<fgcolor=808080>`+ itemcount + ` item(s)`) )) replace `[` with `<bgcolor=000000><fgcolor=FFFFFF><b> ` replac" & _
"e `]` with ` </b></bgcolor></fgcolor>`"
	.FilterBarPromptVisible = exFilterBarToggle
	With .Columns.Item(0)
		.FilterType = exFilter
		.Filter = "Item A|Item B"
	End With
	With .Columns.Item(1)
		.FilterType = exPattern
		.Filter = "*B"
	End With
End With
Is it possible to somehow highlight the column's name different than its filter value in the control's filter bar ( sample 2 )

With List1
	With .Columns.Add("Col-1")
		.DisplayFilterButton = True
		.FilterList = FilterListEnum.exShowExclude Or FilterListEnum.exShowFocusItem Or FilterListEnum.exShowCheckBox Or FilterListEnum.exSortItemsAsc
	End With
	With .Columns.Add("Col-2")
		.DisplayFilterButton = True
		.FilterList = FilterListEnum.exShowExclude Or FilterListEnum.exShowFocusItem Or FilterListEnum.exShowCheckBox Or FilterListEnum.exSortItemsAsc
	End With
	With .Columns.Add("Pos")
		.AllowSizing = False
		.AllowSort = False
		.Width = 32
		.FormatColumn = "1 apos ``"
		.Position = 0
	End With
	With .Items
		.Caption(.Add("Item A"),1) = "Sub-Item A"
		.Caption(.Add("Item B"),1) = "Sub-Item B"
		.Caption(.Add("Item C"),1) = "Sub-Item C"
	End With
	.FilterBarFont = .Font
	.Description(exFilterBarAnd) = .FormatABC("`<fgcolor=808080>` + value + `</fgcolor>`",.Description(exFilterBarAnd))
	.FilterBarCaption = "value replace `[` with `<bgcolor=000000><fgcolor=FFFFFF><b> ` replace `]` with ` </b></bgcolor></fgcolor>`"
	.FilterBarPromptVisible = exFilterBarToggle
	With .Columns.Item(0)
		.FilterType = exFilter
		.Filter = "Item A|Item B"
	End With
	With .Columns.Item(1)
		.FilterType = exPattern
		.Filter = "*B"
	End With
End With
Is it possible to somehow highlight the column's name different than its filter value in the control's filter bar ( sample 1 )

With List1
	With .Columns.Add("Col-1")
		.DisplayFilterButton = True
		.FilterList = FilterListEnum.exShowExclude Or FilterListEnum.exShowFocusItem Or FilterListEnum.exShowCheckBox Or FilterListEnum.exSortItemsAsc
	End With
	With .Columns.Add("Col-2")
		.DisplayFilterButton = True
		.FilterList = FilterListEnum.exShowExclude Or FilterListEnum.exShowFocusItem Or FilterListEnum.exShowCheckBox Or FilterListEnum.exSortItemsAsc
	End With
	With .Columns.Add("Pos")
		.AllowSizing = False
		.AllowSort = False
		.Width = 32
		.FormatColumn = "1 apos ``"
		.Position = 0
	End With
	With .Items
		.Caption(.Add("Item A"),1) = "Sub-Item A"
		.Caption(.Add("Item B"),1) = "Sub-Item B"
		.Caption(.Add("Item C"),1) = "Sub-Item C"
	End With
	.Description(exFilterBarAnd) = .FormatABC("`<fgcolor=808080>` + value + `</fgcolor>`",.Description(exFilterBarAnd))
	.FilterBarCaption = "value replace `[` with `<fgcolor=808080>[` replace `]` with `]</fgcolor>`"
	.FilterBarPromptVisible = exFilterBarToggle
	With .Columns.Item(0)
		.FilterType = exFilter
		.Filter = "Item A|Item B"
	End With
	With .Columns.Item(1)
		.FilterType = exPattern
		.Filter = "*B"
	End With
End With
Is it possible to automatically displays the control's filter label to the right

With List1
	With .Columns.Add("Item")
		.DisplayFilterButton = True
		.FilterList = FilterListEnum.exShowExclude Or FilterListEnum.exShowFocusItem Or FilterListEnum.exShowCheckBox Or FilterListEnum.exSortItemsAsc
	End With
	With .Columns.Add("Pos")
		.AllowSizing = False
		.AllowSort = False
		.Width = 32
		.FormatColumn = "1 apos ``"
		.Position = 0
	End With
	With .Items
		.Add "Item A"
		.Add "Item B"
		.Add "Item C"
	End With
	.FilterBarCaption = "`<r>` + value"
	.FilterBarPromptVisible = FilterBarVisibleEnum.exFilterBarShowCloseOnRight Or FilterBarVisibleEnum.exFilterBarToggle
	With .Columns.Item(0)
		.FilterType = exFilter
		.Filter = "Item B"
	End With
End With
How can I get the number of results/items being shown in the control's filter bar (sample 4)

With List1
	With .Columns.Add("Item")
		.DisplayFilterButton = True
		.FilterList = FilterListEnum.exShowExclude Or FilterListEnum.exShowFocusItem Or FilterListEnum.exShowCheckBox Or FilterListEnum.exSortItemsAsc
	End With
	With .Columns.Add("Pos")
		.AllowSizing = False
		.AllowSort = False
		.Width = 32
		.FormatColumn = "1 apos ``"
		.Position = 0
	End With
	With .Items
		.Add "Item A"
		.Add "Item B"
		.Add "Item C"
	End With
	.FilterBarFont = .Font
	.FilterBarPrompt = .FormatABC("`<b>` + value",.FilterBarPrompt)
	.FilterBarCaption = "`<b><r>` + value + `</b><fgcolor=808080>` + ( matchitemcount < 0 ? ( ( len(value) ? `<br>` : `` ) + `<r>` + abs(matchitemcount " & _
"+ 1) + ` result(s)` ) : (`<fgcolor=808080>`+ itemcount + ` item(s)`) )"
	.FilterBarPromptVisible = FilterBarVisibleEnum.exFilterBarCompact Or FilterBarVisibleEnum.exFilterBarShowCloseOnRight Or FilterBarVisibleEnum.exFilterBarShowCloseIfRequired Or FilterBarVisibleEnum.exFilterBarCaptionVisible Or FilterBarVisibleEnum.exFilterBarVisible Or FilterBarVisibleEnum.exFilterBarPromptVisible
End With
How can I get the number of results being shown in the control's filter bar (sample 3)

With List1
	.Columns.Add("Item").DisplayFilterButton = True
	With .Columns.Add("Pos")
		.AllowSizing = False
		.AllowSort = False
		.Width = 32
		.FormatColumn = "1 apos ``"
		.Position = 0
	End With
	With .Items
		.Add "Item A"
		.Add "Item B"
		.Add "Item C"
	End With
	.FilterBarFont = .Font
	.FilterBarCaption = "`<b><r>` + value + `</b><fgcolor=808080>` + ( matchitemcount < 0 ? ( ( len(value) ? `<br>` : `` ) + `<r>` + abs(matchitemcount " & _
"+ 1) + ` result(s)` ) : ``)"
	.FilterBarPromptVisible = FilterBarVisibleEnum.exFilterBarCompact Or FilterBarVisibleEnum.exFilterBarCaptionVisible Or FilterBarVisibleEnum.exFilterBarVisible Or FilterBarVisibleEnum.exFilterBarPromptVisible
	With .Columns.Item(0)
		.FilterType = exFilter
		.Filter = "Item A|Item B"
	End With
End With
How can I get the number of results being shown in the control's filter bar (sample 2, compact)

With List1
	.Columns.Add("Item").DisplayFilterButton = True
	With .Columns.Add("Pos")
		.AllowSizing = False
		.AllowSort = False
		.Width = 32
		.FormatColumn = "1 apos ``"
		.Position = 0
	End With
	With .Items
		.Add "Item A"
		.Add "Item B"
		.Add "Item C"
	End With
	.FilterBarFont = .Font
	.FilterBarCaption = "`<b><r>` + value + `</b><fgcolor=808080>` + ( matchitemcount < 0 ? `<off -4> ` + abs(matchitemcount + 1) + ` result(s)` : ``)"
	.FilterBarPromptVisible = FilterBarVisibleEnum.exFilterBarCompact Or FilterBarVisibleEnum.exFilterBarSingleLine Or FilterBarVisibleEnum.exFilterBarCaptionVisible Or FilterBarVisibleEnum.exFilterBarVisible Or FilterBarVisibleEnum.exFilterBarPromptVisible
	With .Columns.Item(0)
		.FilterType = exFilter
		.Filter = "Item A|Item B"
	End With
End With
How can I get the number of results being shown in the control's filter bar (sample 1)

With List1
	.Columns.Add("Item").DisplayFilterButton = True
	With .Columns.Add("Pos")
		.AllowSizing = False
		.AllowSort = False
		.Width = 32
		.FormatColumn = "1 apos ``"
		.Position = 0
	End With
	With .Items
		.Add "Item A"
		.Add "Item B"
		.Add "Item C"
	End With
	.FilterBarFont = .Font
	.FilterBarCaption = "`<b>` + value + `</b><r><fgcolor=808080>` + ( matchitemcount < 0 ? abs(matchitemcount + 1) + ` result(s)` : ``)"
	.FilterBarPromptVisible = FilterBarVisibleEnum.exFilterBarCaptionVisible Or FilterBarVisibleEnum.exFilterBarVisible Or FilterBarVisibleEnum.exFilterBarPromptVisible
	With .Columns.Item(0)
		.FilterType = exFilter
		.Filter = "Item A|Item B"
	End With
End With
FilterBarCaption Predefined Keywords

With List1
	.Columns.Add("Item").DisplayFilterButton = True
	With .Columns.Add("Check")
		.Def(exCellHasCheckBox) = True
		.DisplayFilterButton = True
		.DisplayFilterPattern = False
		.FilterType = exCheck
	End With
	With .Columns.Add("Pos")
		.AllowSizing = False
		.AllowSort = False
		.Width = 32
		.FormatColumn = "1 apos ``"
		.Position = 0
	End With
	With .Items
		.Add "Item A"
		.Add "Item B"
		.Add "Item C"
	End With
	.FilterBarFont = .Font
	.FilterBarCaption = "`<fgcolor=0000FF><i>value/current</i></fgcolor>: <fgcolor=808080>` + value + `</fgcolor>` + `<br><fgcolor=0000FF><i>available</" & _
"i></fgcolor>: ` + available + `<br><fgcolor=0000FF><i>allui</i></fgcolor>: ` + allui + `<br><fgcolor=0000FF><i>all</i></fgcolor>" & _
": ` + all + `<br><fgcolor=0000FF><i>itemcount</i></fgcolor>: <fgcolor=808080>` + itemcount + `</fgcolor>`+ `<br><fgcolor=0000FF>" & _
"<i>visibleitemcount</i></fgcolor>: <fgcolor=808080>` + visibleitemcount + `</fgcolor>`+ `<br><fgcolor=0000FF><i>matchitemcount</" & _
"i></fgcolor>: <fgcolor=808080>` + matchitemcount + `</fgcolor>`+ `<br><fgcolor=0000FF><i>promptpattern</i></fgcolor>: <fgcolor=8" & _
"08080>` + promptpattern + `</fgcolor>`"
	.FilterBarPromptPattern = "B"
	.FilterBarPromptVisible = FilterBarVisibleEnum.exFilterBarCaptionVisible Or FilterBarVisibleEnum.exFilterBarVisible Or FilterBarVisibleEnum.exFilterBarPromptVisible
	With .Columns.Item(0)
		.FilterType = exFilter
		.Filter = "Item A|Item B"
	End With
End With
I am using filter prompt feature, and also column's filter, just wondering if possible to compact displaying the filter bar so it won't show on multiple lines

With List1
	.Columns.Add("Item").DisplayFilterButton = True
	With .Columns.Add("Pos")
		.AllowSizing = False
		.AllowSort = False
		.Width = 32
		.FormatColumn = "1 apos ``"
		.Position = 0
	End With
	With .Items
		.Add "Item A"
		.Add "Item B"
		.Add "Item C"
	End With
	.FilterBarFont = .Font
	.FilterBarCaption = "`<r><i><fgcolor=808080><upline><solidline><sha ;;0>` + value"
	.FilterBarPromptPattern = "B"
	.FilterBarPromptVisible = FilterBarVisibleEnum.exFilterBarCompact Or FilterBarVisibleEnum.exFilterBarSingleLine Or FilterBarVisibleEnum.exFilterBarVisible Or FilterBarVisibleEnum.exFilterBarPromptVisible
	With .Columns.Item(0)
		.FilterType = exFilter
		.Filter = "Item A|Item B"
	End With
End With
Just wondering if it is possible to show the filter bar's close button on the right ( sample 2 )

With List1
	.Columns.Add("Item").DisplayFilterButton = True
	With .Columns.Add("Pos")
		.AllowSizing = False
		.AllowSort = False
		.Width = 32
		.FormatColumn = "1 apos ``"
		.Position = 0
	End With
	With .Items
		.Add "Item A"
		.Add "Item B"
		.Add "Item C"
	End With
	.FilterBarPromptVisible = FilterBarVisibleEnum.exFilterBarShowCloseOnRight Or FilterBarVisibleEnum.exFilterBarToggle Or FilterBarVisibleEnum.exFilterBarPromptVisible
	.FilterBarPrompt = .FormatABC("`<r>` + value",.FilterBarPrompt)
End With
Just wondering if it is possible to show the filter bar's close button on the right ( sample 1 )

With List1
	.RightToLeft = True
	.Columns.Add("Item").DisplayFilterButton = True
	With .Columns.Add("Pos")
		.AllowSizing = False
		.AllowSort = False
		.Width = 32
		.FormatColumn = "1 apos ``"
		.Position = 0
	End With
	With .Items
		.Add "Item A"
		.Add "Item B"
		.Add "Item C"
	End With
	.FilterBarPromptVisible = FilterBarVisibleEnum.exFilterBarToggle Or FilterBarVisibleEnum.exFilterBarPromptVisible
End With
How can I change the visual appearance of the filter bar's close button (EBN)

With List1
	With .VisualAppearance
"JDCyCwjH6AoggsQpQliAJLhgaJ0CESBTnyDwjk+cg4g4P5IHIHJ+BWRRzlYWAxiOUxihsY4KjKLJRGqC44FCegkkkM58iAKAPnIWIWD8SRSFSfQnkmewUhYP4GiGKJ7G" & _
"0TIbCSUoggqUo0lAQ4LnEcBcD8Coiiif4nE+eAAn2HpOkcFJqi4T5SkyMw/kqQown8IBIBOdA+A+DJrBqVxXEqYo4lCApLhGHBnD8S4ymyfxmg+cwQkQP5egOUZIWoEA" & _
	End With
	.Columns.Add("Item").DisplayFilterButton = True
	With .Columns.Add("Pos")
		.AllowSizing = False
		.AllowSort = False
		.Width = 32
		.FormatColumn = "1 apos ``"
		.Position = 0
	End With
	With .Items
		.Add "Item A"
		.Add "Item B"
		.Add "Item C"
	End With
	.FilterBarPromptVisible = FilterBarVisibleEnum.exFilterBarToggle Or FilterBarVisibleEnum.exFilterBarPromptVisible
	.Background(exFooterFilterBarButton) = &H1000000
End With
How can I change the visual appearance of the filter bar's close button (solid)

With List1
	.Columns.Add("Item").DisplayFilterButton = True
	With .Columns.Add("Pos")
		.AllowSizing = False
		.AllowSort = False
		.Width = 32
		.FormatColumn = "1 apos ``"
		.Position = 0
	End With
	With .Items
		.Add "Item A"
		.Add "Item B"
		.Add "Item C"
	End With
	.FilterBarPromptVisible = exFilterBarPromptVisible
	.Background(exFooterFilterBarButton) = RGB(255,0,0)
End With
Is it possible to prevent definitely showing the filter bar's close button

With List1
	.Columns.Add("Item").DisplayFilterButton = True
	With .Columns.Add("Pos")
		.AllowSizing = False
		.AllowSort = False
		.Width = 32
		.FormatColumn = "1 apos ``"
		.Position = 0
	End With
	With .Items
		.Add "Item A"
		.Add "Item B"
		.Add "Item C"
	End With
	.FilterBarPromptVisible = exFilterBarPromptVisible
	.Background(exFooterFilterBarButton) = -1
End With
Is it possible to show the close button only if there is a filter applied

With List1
	.Columns.Add("Item").DisplayFilterButton = True
	With .Columns.Add("Pos")
		.AllowSizing = False
		.AllowSort = False
		.Width = 32
		.FormatColumn = "1 apos ``"
		.Position = 0
	End With
	With .Items
		.Add "Item A"
		.Add "Item B"
		.Add "Item C"
	End With
	.FilterBarPromptVisible = FilterBarVisibleEnum.exFilterBarShowCloseIfRequired Or FilterBarVisibleEnum.exFilterBarPromptVisible
End With
The control's filter bar is not closed once I click the close button (toggle)

With List1
	.Columns.Add("Item").DisplayFilterButton = True
	With .Columns.Add("Pos")
		.AllowSizing = False
		.AllowSort = False
		.Width = 32
		.FormatColumn = "1 apos ``"
		.Position = 0
	End With
	With .Items
		.Add "Item A"
		.Add "Item B"
		.Add "Item C"
	End With
	.FilterBarCaption = "`<r><fgcolor=808080>` + value"
	.FilterBarPromptPattern = "B"
	.FilterBarPromptVisible = FilterBarVisibleEnum.exFilterBarCompact Or FilterBarVisibleEnum.exFilterBarToggle Or FilterBarVisibleEnum.exFilterBarSingleLine Or FilterBarVisibleEnum.exFilterBarVisible Or FilterBarVisibleEnum.exFilterBarPromptVisible
	With .Columns.Item(0)
		.FilterType = exFilter
		.Filter = "Item B"
	End With
End With
How can I display the control's filter on a single line

With List1
	.Columns.Add("Item").DisplayFilterButton = True
	With .Columns.Add("Pos")
		.AllowSizing = False
		.AllowSort = False
		.Width = 32
		.FormatColumn = "1 apos ``"
		.Position = 0
	End With
	With .Items
		.Add "Item A"
		.Add "Item B"
		.Add "Item C"
	End With
	.FilterBarCaption = "len(value) ? `filter for: <fgcolor 808080>` + value  : `<fgcolor 808080>no filter`"
	.FilterBarPromptVisible = FilterBarVisibleEnum.exFilterBarSingleLine Or FilterBarVisibleEnum.exFilterBarVisible
	With .Columns.Item(0)
		.FilterType = exFilter
		.Filter = "Item A|Item B"
	End With
End With
How can I display the control's filter on a single line (prompt-combined)

With List1
	.Columns.Add("Item").DisplayFilterButton = True
	With .Columns.Add("Pos")
		.AllowSizing = False
		.AllowSort = False
		.Width = 32
		.FormatColumn = "1 apos ``"
		.Position = 0
	End With
	With .Items
		.Add "Item A"
		.Add "Item B"
		.Add "Item C"
	End With
	.FilterBarCaption = "`<r>` + value"
	.FilterBarPromptVisible = FilterBarVisibleEnum.exFilterBarCompact Or FilterBarVisibleEnum.exFilterBarSingleLine Or FilterBarVisibleEnum.exFilterBarVisible Or FilterBarVisibleEnum.exFilterBarPromptVisible
	With .Columns.Item(0)
		.FilterType = exFilter
		.Filter = "Item A|Item B"
	End With
End With