property Appearance.RenderType as Long
Specifies the way colored EBN objects are displayed on the component.

Long A long expression that specifies the way EBN object are being applied on the component.
By default, the RenderType property is 0, which indicates that the colors are being applied to EBN object. Imagine that an EBN is just a Color. As you would paint an object using a solid color, the same you can use using the EBN objects. Shortly, all properties or parameters that support EBN objects is indicated in the help file with the description "The last 7 bits in the high significant byte of the color indicates the identifier of the skin being used to paint the ...." A color expression is generally a combination of RRGGBB values, even it is stored in a DWORD value, which means 4 bytes, so actually the color uses only 3 bytes for RR, GG and BB value, ( red, green, blue ). This way we get one byte that can be used to specify the identifier of the EBN being used. For instance, 0x1000000, indicates the EBN with the identifier 1, since 0x000001, means actually the RGB(0,0,1) which is different. If you need to paint the EBN with a different color, you need to specify the RRGGBB values, as 0x1FF0000 means the EBN object being shown in red as the 0xFF0000 is RGB(255,0,0) which means red, and the 0x1 indicates the EBN with the identifier 1. All controls the support EBN objects provide a VisualAppearance collection. Use the Add method of the VisualAppearance collection to add new EBN objects to the component.

For instance the Color = 0x1000000 indicates that the EBN with the identifier 1, is being displayed on the object's client area. We can use the same EBN object with a different color, by changing the RGB values when setting the Color property such as: Color = 0x1FF0000 applies the EBN with the ID 1, using a Blue as a background color. 

The way EBN objects are shown on the objects can be changed using the RenderType property such as follow:

The following screen shots shows an EBN object with different type of rendering ( RenderType property ):