constants EditTypeEnum
Specifies the type of editors being supported by the control. Use the Add method to add a new editor of a specified type. Use the EditType property to change the editor's type. Use the Editor property to assign an editor to a node. Use the Option property to assign different options for a given editor. The Exontrol's EXMLGrid component supports the following type of editors:

ReadOnly0 Read only editor.
EditType1 A standard text edit field

The editor supports the options like:

  • exEditRight, Right-aligns text in a single-line or multiline edit control.
  • exEditPassword, Specifies a value that indicates whether an edit control displays all characters as an asterisk (*) as they are typed ( passwords ).
  • exEditPasswordChar, Specifies a value that indicates the password character.

The following sample adds an editor of edit type:

With XMLGrid1
    With .Editors
        .Add "Edit", EXMLGRIDLibCtl.EditTypeEnum.EditType
    End With
End With

It provides an intuitive interface for your users to select values from pre-defined lists presented in a drop-down window, but it accepts new values at runtime too. The DropDownType editor has associated a standard text edit field too. Use AddItem method to add predefined values to the drop down list.  Use the InsertItem method to insert child items to the editor's predefined list. The DropDownRows property specifies the maximum number of visible rows into the drop=down list. The node displays the node's Value or node's Name property.

The following sample adds an editor of drop down type:

With XMLGrid1
    With .Editors
        With .Add("DropDownType", EXMLGRIDLibCtl.EditTypeEnum.DropDownType)
            .AddItem 0, "DHL"
            .AddItem 1, "Federal Express"
            .AddItem 2, "Speedy Express"
        End With
    End With
End With

It provides an intuitive interface for your users to select values from pre-defined lists presented in a drop-down window. The DropDownListType editor has no standard edit field associated. Use AddItem method to add predefined values to the drop down list.  The DropDownRows property specifies the maximum number of visible rows into the drop down list. The item's icon is also displayed if it exists. 

The following sample adds a drop down list editor:

With XMLGrid1
    With .Editors
        With .Add("DropDownListType", EXMLGRIDLibCtl.EditTypeEnum.DropDownListType)
            .AddItem 0, "DHL"
            .AddItem 1, "Federal Express"
            .AddItem 2, "Speedy Express"
        End With
    End With
End With

The editor supports the following options:

  • exDropDownImage, Displays the predefined icon in the control's cell, if the user selects an item from a drop down editor.
SpinType4 The SpinType allows your users to view and change numeric values using a familiar up/down button (spin control) combination. The AddItem method has no effect, if the EditType is Spin. Use the exSpinStep option to specify the proposed change when user clicks the spin.

The following sample adds a spin type editor:

With XMLGrid1
    With .Editors
        With .Add("Spin", EXMLGRIDLibCtl.EditTypeEnum.SpinType)
            .Option(exSpinStep) = 10
        End With
    End With
End With
MemoType5 The MemoType is designed to provide a unique and intuitive interface, which you can implement within your application to assist users in working with textual information. If all information does not fit within the edit box, the window of the editor is enlarged. The AddItem method has no effect, if the EditType is Memo. 

The following sample adds a memo type editor:

With XMLGrid1
    With .Editors
        With .Add("Memo", EXMLGRIDLibCtl.EditTypeEnum.MemoType)
            .Appearance = SingleApp
        End With
    End With
End With

It provides an intuitive interface for your users to check values from pre-defined lists presented in a drop-down window. Each item has a check box associated. The column displays the list of item captions, separated by comma, that is OR combination of the node's value or name. The DropDownRows property specifies the maximum number of visible rows into the drop-down list. 

The following sample adds a check list type editor:

With XMLGrid1
    With .Editors
        With .Add("CheckList", EXMLGRIDLibCtl.EditTypeEnum.CheckListType)
            .AddItem &H10, "adFldFixed", 4
            .AddItem &H20, "adFldIsNullable", 7
            .AddItem &H80, "adFldLong", 9
            .AddItem &H40, "adFldMayBeNull", 10
            .AddItem &H2, "adFldMayDefer", 3
            .AddItem &H100, "adFldRowID", 5
            .AddItem &H200, "adFldRowVersion", 6
            .AddItem &H8, "adFldUnknownUpdatable", 7
            .AddItem &H4, "adFldUpdatable", 8
        End With
    End With
End With



The DateType is a date/calendar control ( not the Microsoft one ). The dropdown calendar provides an efficient and appealing way to edit dates at runtime. The DateType editor has a standard edit control associated. The user can easy select a date by selecting a date from the drop down calendar, or by typing directly the date.  The AddItem method has no effect, if the EditType is DateType. 

The following sample adds a date editor:

With XMLGrid1
    With .Editors
        With .Add("Date", EXMLGRIDLibCtl.EditTypeEnum.DateType)
            .Option(exDateMarkToday) = True
        End With
    End With
End With
MaskType8 You can use the MaskType to enter any data that includes literals and requires a mask to filter characters during data input. You can use this control to control the entry of many types of formatted information such as telephone numbers, social security numbers, IP addresses, license keys etc. The Mask property specifies the editor's mask. The MaskChar property specifies the masking character.  The AddItem method has no effect, if the EditType is MaskType. The Mask property can use one or more literals: #,x,X,A,?<,>,*,\,{nMin,nMax},[...]. 

The following sample adds a phone mask editor:

With XMLGrid1
    With .Editors
        With .Add("Phone", EXMLGRIDLibCtl.EditTypeEnum.MaskType)
            .Mask = "(###) ### - ####"
        End With
    End With
End With



You can include a color selection control in your applications via the ColorType editor. Check the ColorListType also. The editor has a standard edit control and a color drop-down window. The color drop-down window contains two tabs that can be used to select colors, the "Pallette" tab shows a grid of colors, while the "System" tab shows the current windows color constants. The AddItem method has no effect, if the EditType is ColorType. 

The following simple adds a color type editor:

With XMLGrid1
    With .Editors
        With .Add("Color", EXMLGRIDLibCtl.EditTypeEnum.ColorType)
            .Option(exColorShowSystem) = True
        End With
    End With
End With



Provides an intuitive way for selecting fonts. The FontType editor contains a standard edit control and a font drop-down window. The font drop-down window contains a list with all system fonts. The AddItem method has no effect, if the EditType is FontType. The DropDownRows property specifies the maximum number of visible rows into the drop=down list. 

The following sample adds a Font type editor:

With XMLGrid1
    With .Editors
        .Add "Font", EXMLGRIDLibCtl.EditTypeEnum.FontType
    End With
End With



The PictureType provides an elegant way for displaying the fields of OLE Object type and cells that have a reference to an IPicture interface. An OLE Object field can contain a picture, a Microsoft Clip Gallery, a package, a chart, PowerPoint slide, a word document, a WordPad documen, a wave file, an so on. In MS Access you can specify the field type to OLE Object. The DropDownMinWidth property specifies the minimum width for the drop=down window. The drop-down window is scaled based on the picture size.  The AddItem method has no effect, if the EditType is PictureType. 

The following sample adds a picture type editor:

With XMLGrid1
    With .Editors
        .Add "Picture", EXMLGRIDLibCtl.EditTypeEnum.PictureType
    End With
End With


ButtonType12 The ButtonType editor consists into a standard edit field and a "..." button. The ButtonClick event is fired if the user has clicked the button.  The AddItem method has no effect, if the EditType is ButtonType. Of course, you can apply for multiple buttons using the AddButton method. This is valid no matter for what type of the editor is. 

The following sample adds two button editors:

With XMLGrid1
    With .Editors
        .Add "Button", EXMLGRIDLibCtl.EditTypeEnum.ButtonType
        With .Add("Button2", EXMLGRIDLibCtl.EditTypeEnum.EditType)
            .AddButton "A", 1, 0
            .AddButton "B", 2, 2
        End With
    End With
End With
ProgressBarType13 Displays the node's value using a progress bar control. 
PickEditType14 It provides an intuitive interface for your users to select values from pre-defined lists presented in a drop-down window. The PickEditType editor has a standard edit field associated, that useful for searching items. The DropDownRows property specifies the maximum number of visible rows into the drop=down list. Use AddItem method to add predefined values to the drop down list.  The item's icon is also displayed if it exists. 
LinkEditType15 The LinkEditType control allows your application to edit and display hyperlink addresses.
UserEditorType16 The control is able to use ActiveX controls as a built-in editor. The control uses the UserEditor property to define the user control. If it succeeded the UserEditorObject property retrieves the newly created object. Events like: UserEditOpen, UserEditClose and UserEditorOleEvent are fired when the control uses custom editors. 

You can include a color selection control in your applications via the ColorListType editor, also. The editor hosts a predefined list of colors. By default. the following colors are added: Black, White, Dark Red, Dark Green, Dark Yellow, Dark Blue, Dark Magenta, Dark Cyan, Light Grey, Dark Grey, Red, Green, Yellow, Blue, Magenta, Cyan. The AddItem method adds a new color to your color list editor . 


It provides a multiple lines edit control that's displayed into a drop down window. 

  • The Editor.Option( exMemoDropDownWidth ) specifies the width ( in pixels ) of the MemoDropDownType editor when it is dropped. 
  • The Editor.Option( exMemoDropDownHeight ) specifies the height ( in pixels ) of the MemoDropDownType editor when it is dropped. 
  • The Editor.Option( exMemoDropDownAcceptReturn ) specifies whether the user closes the MemoDropDownType editor by pressing the ENTER key. If the Editor.Option( exMemoDropDownAcceptReturn ) is True, the user inserts new lines by pressing the ENTER key. The user can close the editor by pressing the CTRL + ENTER key. If the Editor.Option( exMemoDropDownAcceptReturn ) is False, the user inserts new lines by pressing the CTRL + ENTER key. The user can close the editor by pressing the ENTER key.  
  • The Editor.Option( exMemoHScrollBar ) adds the horizontal scroll bar to a MemoType or MemoDropDownType editor.
  • The Editor.Option( exMemoVScrollBar ) adds the vertical scroll bar to a MemoType or MemoDropDownType editor
  • Use the Items.CellSingleLine property to specify whether the cell displays multiple lines

The AddItem method has no effect, if the EditType is MemoDropDownType. 


SliderType19 Adds a slider control to a node. Use the exSliderWidth,  exSliderStep, exSliderMin, exSliderMax options to control the slider properties. Use the exSpinStep option to hide the spin control. 
CalculatorType20 Adds a drop down calculator to a node. Use the exCalcExecuteKeys, exCalcCannotDivideByZero, exCalcButtonWidth, exCalcButtonHeight, exCalcButtons, exCalcPictureUp, exCalcPictureDown to specify different options for calculator editor.