property OleEvent.Name as String
Retrieves the original name of the fired event.

String A string expression that indicates the event's name.
Use the ID property to specify a specified even by its identifier. Use the ToString property to display information about fired event such us name, parameters, types and values. Use the CountParam property to count the parameters  of an OLE event. Use the Param property to get the event's parameter. Use the Value property to specify the value of the parameter. The Name property indicates the name of the OLE event being fired.

The following sample shows how to enumerate the arguments of an OLE event:

Private Sub XMLGrid1_UserEditorOleEvent(ByVal Object As Object, ByVal Ev As EXMLGRIDLibCtl.IOleEvent, CloseEditor As Boolean, ByVal Node As EXMLGRIDLibCtl.INode)
    Debug.Print "Event name:" & Ev.Name
    If (Ev.CountParam = 0) Then
       Debug.Print "The event has no arguments."
       Debug.Print "The event has the following arguments:"
       Dim i As Long
       For i = 0 To Ev.CountParam - 1
          Debug.Print Ev(i).Name; " = " & Ev(i).Value
    End If
End Sub