event RemoveNode (Node as Node)
Occurs when a node is removed from the nodes collection.

Node as Node A Node object being removed.
The RemoveNode event notifies your application that a node is removed. Use the RemoveNode event to remove any extra data that you have associated to a node. Use the Remove method to remove a node. Use the Clear method to clear the nodes collection. Use the Nodes property to access the control's nodes collection. Use the Nodes property to access the node's child nodes collection. Use the UserData property to assign an extra data to a node.

Syntax for RemoveNode event, /NET version, on:

private void RemoveNode(object sender,exontrol.EXMLGRIDLib.Node Node)

Private Sub RemoveNode(ByVal sender As System.Object,ByVal Node As exontrol.EXMLGRIDLib.Node) Handles RemoveNode
End Sub

Syntax for RemoveNode event, /COM version, on:

private void RemoveNode(object sender, AxEXMLGRIDLib._IXMLGridEvents_RemoveNodeEvent e)

void OnRemoveNode(LPDISPATCH Node)

void __fastcall RemoveNode(TObject *Sender,Exmlgridlib_tlb::INode *Node)

procedure RemoveNode(ASender: TObject; Node : INode);

procedure RemoveNode(sender: System.Object; e: AxEXMLGRIDLib._IXMLGridEvents_RemoveNodeEvent);

begin event RemoveNode(oleobject Node)
end event RemoveNode

Private Sub RemoveNode(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As AxEXMLGRIDLib._IXMLGridEvents_RemoveNodeEvent) Handles RemoveNode
End Sub

Private Sub RemoveNode(ByVal Node As EXMLGRIDLibCtl.INode)
End Sub

Private Sub RemoveNode(ByVal Node As Object)
End Sub


PROCEDURE OnRemoveNode(oXMLGrid,Node)

Syntax for RemoveNode event, /COM version (others), on:

<SCRIPT EVENT="RemoveNode(Node)" LANGUAGE="JScript">

Function RemoveNode(Node)
End Function

Procedure OnComRemoveNode Variant llNode
	Forward Send OnComRemoveNode llNode

METHOD OCX_RemoveNode(Node) CLASS MainDialog

void onEvent_RemoveNode(COM _Node)

function RemoveNode as v (Node as OLE::Exontrol.XMLGrid.1::INode)
end function

function nativeObject_RemoveNode(Node)

The following VB sample displays the name of the node being removed:

Private Sub XMLGrid1_RemoveNode(ByVal Node As EXMLGRIDLibCtl.INode)
    Debug.Print Node.Name
End Sub

The following C++ sample displays the name of the node being removed:

#include "Node.h"
void OnRemoveNodeXmlgrid1(LPDISPATCH Node) 
	CNode node( Node ); node.m_bAutoRelease = FALSE;
	CString strName = node.GetName();
	OutputDebugString( strName );

The following VB.NET sample displays the name of the node being removed:

Private Sub AxXMLGrid1_RemoveNode(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As AxEXMLGRIDLib._IXMLGridEvents_RemoveNodeEvent) Handles AxXMLGrid1.RemoveNode
End Sub

The following C# sample displays the name of the node being removed:

private void axXMLGrid1_RemoveNode(object sender, AxEXMLGRIDLib._IXMLGridEvents_RemoveNodeEvent e)

The following VFP sample displays the name of the node being removed:

*** ActiveX Control Event ***

wait window nowait node.Name