59 |
Is it possible to hide the context's images
58 |
ImageSize property on 32 (specifies the size of control' icons/images/check-boxes/radio-buttons)
57 |
ImageSize property on 16 (default) (specifies the size of control' icons)
56 |
How can I convert the bytes to KB (kilo-bytes), MB (mega-bytes) or GB (giga-bytes)
55 |
Convert local time to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)
54 |
Convert Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) to local time
53 |
How can I show values with 1 decimal only if not integer such as 1.5, 2 (method 2)
52 |
How can I show values with 1 decimal only if not integer such as 1.5, 2 (method 1)
51 |
The sample displays the value in years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes and secons
50 |
The sample displays the value in seconds
49 |
The sample displays the value in minutes and seconds
48 |
The sample displays the value in hours and minutes
47 |
How can I check for a blank-date (sample 3) Expression
With AxExpression1 .Expression = "type(value) case ( default : `<fgcolor=000000><s>invalid</s></fgcolor>`; 0 : `<fgcolor=FF0000>null</fgcolor>`; 1 : `null` ; 7 :" & _ " longdate(value) )" .SplitPaneWidth = 256 End With |
46 |
How can I check for a blank-date (sample 2) Expression
With AxExpression1 .Expression = "len(value) ? longdate(value) : ``" .SplitPaneWidth = 256 End With |
45 |
How can I check for a blank-date (sample 1) Expression
With AxExpression1 .Expression = "type(value) = 7 ? longdate(value) : ``" .SplitPaneWidth = 256 End With |
44 |
Easter Sunday
43 |
The sample displays the value in days, hours and minutes
42 |
How can I display the date in short format
41 |
How can I display the date in long format
40 |
The sample displays the positive values in blue, being preceded by + sign, negative values in red preceded by - sign, 0 as 0.00 while for null values is displays null. The numbers are displayed using 2 digits, . as decimal separator and grouping by 3 digits by , separator
39 |
How can I format a numeric value so it display as a currency
38 |
How can I format a numeric value to with grouping
37 |
How can I convert the value to a numeric ( integer ) value
36 |
How can I convert the value to a numeric ( double ) value
35 |
How can I format a date as YYYY-MMM-DD (sample 4)
34 |
How can I format a date as YYYY-MMM-DD (sample 3)
33 |
How can I format a date as YYYY-MMM-DD (sample 2)
32 |
How can I format a date as YYYY-MMM-DD (sample 1)
31 |
How can I use my own operators only
With AxExpression1 .AllowValueKeyword = False .AllowDefaultOperators = False .AddCustomOperator("+","<b>+</b>","This is a new binary-operator",2) .AddCustomOperator("xxx","<b>xxx</b>","This is a new keyword",0) .AddCustomOperator("yyy","<b>yyy</b>","This is a unary-operator",1) .AddCustomOperator("zzz","<b>zzz</b>","This is a binary-operator",2) .Text = "xxx + yyy(100 zzz 200)" End With |
30 |
How can I add a new binary-operator
29 |
How can I add a new unary-operator
28 |
How can I add a new keyword
27 |
How can I disable all operators
With AxExpression1 .AllowValueKeyword = False .AllowDefaultOperators = False End With |
26 |
How can I disable the value keyword
With AxExpression1 .AllowValueKeyword = False End With |
25 |
Usage of and ( and operator )
With AxExpression1 .SplitPaneWidth = 196 .Expression = "(value contains 1) and (value != 1)" End With |
24 |
Usage of or ( or operator )
With AxExpression1 .SplitPaneWidth = 196 .Expression = "(value=1) or value=`string`" End With |
23 |
Usage of not ( not operator )
With AxExpression1 .SplitPaneWidth = 196 .Expression = "not(value=1)" End With |
22 |
Usage of - ( subtraction operator )
With AxExpression1 .SplitPaneWidth = 196 .Expression = "value - 2" End With |
21 |
Usage of + ( addition operator )
With AxExpression1 .SplitPaneWidth = 196 .Expression = "value + 2" End With |
20 |
Usage of mod ( reminder operator )
With AxExpression1 .SplitPaneWidth = 196 .Expression = "value mod 2" End With |
19 |
Usage of / (divide operator)
With AxExpression1 .SplitPaneWidth = 196 .Expression = "value / 2" End With |
18 |
Usage of * (multiplicity operator)
With AxExpression1 .SplitPaneWidth = 196 .Expression = "2 * value" End With |
17 |
How can I get the word from cursor when user double clicks the control
' DblClick event - Occurs when the user double clicks the left mouse button over an object. Private Sub AxExpression1_DblClick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As AxEXPRESSIONLib._IExpressionEvents_DblClickEvent) Handles AxExpression1.DblClick With AxExpression1 Debug.Print( "Word: " ) Debug.Print( .get_WordFromPoint(-1,-1) ) End With End Sub With AxExpression1 .Expression = "value" .AllowSplitter = EXPRESSIONLib.SplitterEnum.exVSplitter .SplitPaneHeight = 196 End With |
16 |
How do I determine the word from the cursor
' Click event - Occurs when the user presses and then releases the left mouse button over the list control. Private Sub AxExpression1_ClickEvent(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles AxExpression1.ClickEvent With AxExpression1 Debug.Print( "Word: " ) Debug.Print( .get_WordFromPoint(-1,-1) ) End With End Sub With AxExpression1 .Expression = "value" .SplitPaneHeight = 196 .set_Background(EXPRESSIONLib.BackgroundPartEnum.exVSplitterApp,15790320) .AllowSplitter = EXPRESSIONLib.SplitterEnum.exVSplitter End With |
15 |
How can I check if the expression is valid/syntactically correct
' Change event - Indicates that the control's text has changed. Private Sub AxExpression1_Change(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles AxExpression1.Change With AxExpression1 Debug.Print( "Valid: " ) Debug.Print( .IsValid ) End With End Sub With AxExpression1 .Expression = "value" .SplitPaneHeight = 196 .set_Background(EXPRESSIONLib.BackgroundPartEnum.exVSplitterApp,15790320) .AllowSplitter = EXPRESSIONLib.SplitterEnum.exVSplitter End With |
14 |
How can I change the visual appearance of the horizontal splitter
With AxExpression1 .Expression = "value" .SplitPaneHeight = 196 .set_Background(EXPRESSIONLib.BackgroundPartEnum.exVSplitterApp,15790320) .AllowSplitter = EXPRESSIONLib.SplitterEnum.exVSplitter End With |
13 |
How can I change the visual appearance of the vertical splitter
With AxExpression1 .Expression = "value" .SplitPaneWidth = 196 .set_Background(EXPRESSIONLib.BackgroundPartEnum.exHSplitterApp,15790320) End With |
12 |
How can I add a new menu-item to control's context menu
' ExecuteContextMenu event - Occurs when the user selects an user item from the control's context menu. Private Sub AxExpression1_ExecuteContextMenu(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As AxEXPRESSIONLib._IExpressionEvents_ExecuteContextMenuEvent) Handles AxExpression1.ExecuteContextMenu With AxExpression1 Debug.Print( "ExecuteContextMenu: " ) Debug.Print( e.item ) End With End Sub With AxExpression1 .Expression = "value + 100" .ContextMenuItems = "Test" End With |
11 |
How can I change the tooltip that shows when cursor hovers a keyword
With AxExpression1 .Expression = "value" .set_Description(EXPRESSIONLib.KeywordEnum.exKeywordValue,"This is a bit of text to be shown when cursor hovers the <b>value</b> keyword.") .Refresh() End With |
10 |
How do I check if the expression is correct
With AxExpression1 .Expression = "currency(value)" Debug.Print( .IsValid ) End With |
9 |
How do I programmatically evaluate the expression
With AxExpression1 .Expression = "currency(value)" Debug.Print( .get_Evaluate("value=100") ) End With |
8 |
How can I assign multiple values for variables %1, %2, ...
7 |
How can I change the values to show the result
6 |
How can I prevent changing the color when expression is invalid
With AxExpression1 .SplitPaneWidth = 196 .Expression = "value 2" .ForeColorInvalid = RGB(0,0,0) End With |
5 |
How can I change the color when expression is invalid
With AxExpression1 .SplitPaneWidth = 196 .Expression = "value 2" .ForeColorInvalid = RGB(255,0,0) End With |
4 |
How can I prevent evaluation the selection
With AxExpression1 .SplitPaneWidth = 196 .Expression = "value + 1" .EvaluateSelection = False .HideSelection = False .SelLength = 1 End With |
3 |
How can I programatically show the result
2 |
How can I get ride of the right-vertical line/split
1 |
How can I change the control's background
With AxExpression1 .Expression = "value" .BackColor = RGB(240,240,240) End With |