property ExPrint.PageNumberFormat as String
Specifies the format to display the number of page.

String A String expression that defines the format to display the page number on pages.
By default, the PageNumberFormat property is "<%page%>" which means that the current number of page is being displayed. The PageNumberFormat property specifies the format to display the page number. If the property PageNumberFormat is empty the page number are not shown. Use the PageNumbersAlignment property to align the page number field in the header or footer of the page. Use the ShowPageNumbers property to hide the page number field. Use the PageNumbersPositon property to indicate whether the page number field is displayed in the header or footer of the page. Use the Caption property to specify a caption for the document being printed on all pages. Use the ExtraCaption property to specify a additional captions for the document being printed on the pages. Use the StartPageNumber property to define the start number for page numbering.

The PageNumberFormat property supports the following predefined values:

Also the PageNumberFormat property supports the HTML format as:

For instance, the "Page <%page%> of <b><%count%></b>" format displays pages as Page x from y.