property ExPrint.ToolBarFormat as String
Specifies the CRD format to arrange the buttons inside the print's toolbar.

String A String expression that specifies the CRD format to eXPrint's toolbar. 
By default, the ToolBarFormat property is "-1,100,101,102,106,-1,103,-1,104,-1,105" and arranges the toolbar as in the following screen shot. If empty, the eXPrint's toolbar displays no buttons. The ToolBarFont property retrieves or sets the toolbar's font.

The following screen shot shows how toolbar shows up:

so, by default, the toolbar displays the Magnify ( 100 ), One Page ( 101 ), Two Page (102 ), Setup (103), Print (104) and Close (105) buttons. Use the ToolBarFormat property to add new buttons, to display icons, pictures, or any other HTML caption. The ItemCaption property specifies the caption of the button. The ItemToolTip property specifies the button's tooltip. The control fires the Click event when the user clicks a button in the eXPrint's toolbar. The control fires the AnchorClick event when the user clicks an hyperlink element.


The following VB sample adds three buttons to the right side of the toolbar to display and edit the paper size, the paper orientation, and to display the current printer ( as shown in the following screen shot ):

With Print1
    .ToolBarFormat = .ToolBarFormat & ",|,(201,200,-201):224"
End With
Private Sub Print1_Click(ID As Long, SelectedID As Long)
    With Print1
        If (ID = 200) Then
            .PageOrientation = SelectedID
        End If
        If (ID = 201) Then
            .Settings(exPaperSize) = SelectedID
        End If
    End With
End Sub

Private Sub Print1_Refresh()
    With Print1
        .ItemCaption(-201) = "<fgcolor=808080>" & .Settings(exPrinterName) & "</fgcolor>"
        .ItemToolTip(-201) = .Settings(exPrinterName)
        .ItemCaption(200) = IIf(.PageOrientation = exLandscape, "Landscape#1", "Portrait#2")
        .ItemToolTip(200) = "Page Orientation"
        .ItemCaption(201) = .Settings(exFormName) & vbCrLf & "Letter#1" & vbCrLf & "A4#9" & vbCrLf & "A5#11" & vbCrLf & "A6#70"
        .ItemToolTip(201) = "Paper Size"
    End With
End Sub

The following VB/NET sample adds three buttons to the right side of the toolbar to display and edit the paper size, the paper orientation, and to display the current printer ( as shown in the following screen shot ):

With Exprint1
    .ToolBarFormat = .ToolBarFormat & ",|,(201,200,-201):224"
End With
Private Sub Exprint1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal ID As System.Int32, ByVal SelectedID As System.Int32) Handles Exprint1.Click
    With Exprint1
        If (ID = 200) Then
            .PageOrientation = SelectedID
        End If
        If (ID = 201) Then
            .set_Settings(exontrol.EXPRINTLib.FieldsEnum.exPaperSize, SelectedID)
        End If
    End With
End Sub

Private Sub Exprint1_RefreshEvent(ByVal sender As System.Object) Handles Exprint1.RefreshEvent
    With Exprint1
        .set_ItemCaption(-201, "<fgcolor=808080>" & .get_Settings(exontrol.EXPRINTLib.FieldsEnum.exPrinterName) & "</fgcolor>")
        .set_ItemToolTip(-201, .get_Settings(exontrol.EXPRINTLib.FieldsEnum.exPrinterName))
        .set_ItemCaption(200, IIf(.PageOrientation = exontrol.EXPRINTLib.PageOrientationEnum.exLandscape, "Landscape#1", "Portrait#2"))
        .set_ItemToolTip(200, "Page Orientation")
        .set_ItemCaption(201, .get_Settings(exontrol.EXPRINTLib.FieldsEnum.exFormName) & vbCrLf & "Letter#1" & vbCrLf & "A4#9" & vbCrLf & "A5#11" & vbCrLf & "A6#70")
        .set_ItemToolTip(201, "Paper Size")
    End With
End Sub