property PropertiesList.ToString (Type as ToStringEnum) as String
Saves the control's content to a string, as it is displayed.

Type as ToStringEnum A ToStringEnum expression that indicates whether the values of the properties use literals or numbers.
String A string expression that indicates the list of properties with their values. 
The ToString property gets the list of properties with their values to a string, as they are displayed. Use the ToString property to save the properties and their values to a string for the object being browsed. The ToString(exLiterals) property lists the properties closely as being displayed in the control. The ToString(exNumbers) property lists the properties being displayed in the control, after the predefined literals are replaced. Use the Select method to browse a COM object. Use the ExpandAll method to expand all items in the control.

Here's how the properties are listed, when the control browses the eXGrid control:

Appearance = Sunken
ASCIILower = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzüéâäàåçêëèïîìôöòûùáíóúñ"
AutoEdit = True
AutoSearch = True
BackColor = &H80000005&
BackColorAlternate = &H00000000&
BackColorHeader = &H8000000F&
BackColorLevelHeader = &H8000000F&
BackColorLock = &H80000005&
BackColorSortBar = &H80000010&
BackColorSortBarCaption = &H8000000F&
Background(exButtonDown) = &H00000000&
Background(exButtonUp) = &H00000000&
Background(exCellButtonDown) = &H00000000&
Background(exCellButtonUp) = &H00000000&
Background(exDateHeader) = &H00000000&
Background(exDateScrollRange) = &H00000000&
Background(exDateScrollThumb) = &H00000000&
Background(exDateSelect) = &H00000000&
Background(exDateSeparatorBar) = &H00000000&
Background(exDateTodayDown) = &H00000000&
Background(exDateTodayUp) = &H00000000&
Background(exDropDownButtonDown) = &H00000000&
Background(exDropDownButtonUp) = &H00000000&
Background(exFooterFilterBarButton) = &H00000000&
Background(exHeaderFilterBarButton) = &H00000000&
Background(exSelBackColorFilter) = &H00000000&
Background(exSelectInPlace) = &H00000000&
Background(exSelForeColorFilter) = &H00000000&
Background(exSliderRange) = &H00000000&
Background(exSliderThumb) = &H00000000&
Background(exSpinDownButtonDown) = &H00000000&
Background(exSpinDownButtonUp) = &H00000000&
Background(exSpinUpButtonDown) = &H00000000&
Background(exSpinUpButtonUp) = &H00000000&
CauseValidateValue = False
ColumnAutoResize = True
	Column 1
		Alignment = LeftAlignment
		AllowDragging = True
		AllowSizing = True
		AllowSort = True
		AutoSearch = exStartWith
		[AutoWidth = 24]
		Caption = "Column 1"
		Def(exCellButtonAutoWidth) = 0
		Def(exCellFormatLevel) = ""
		Def(exCellHasButton) = 0
		Def(exCellHasCheckBox) = 0
		Def(exCellHasRadioButton) = 0
		Def(exCellSingleLine) = -1
		Def(exCellValueFormat) = 0
		DefaultSortOrder = False
		DisplayFilterButton = False
		DisplayFilterDate = False
		DisplayFilterPattern = True
		DisplaySortIcon = True
			Appearance = NoApp
			ButtonWidth = 13
			DropDownAlignment = LeftAlignment
			DropDownAutoWidth = exDropDownAutoWidth
			DropDownMinWidth = 164
			DropDownRows = 7
			DropDownVisible = True
			EditType = EditType
			Locked = False
			Mask = ""
			MaskChar = 95
			Numeric = exAllChars
			Option(exAutoDropDownList) = 0
			Option(exAutoSearch) = 0
			Option(exCalcButtonHeight) = 24
			Option(exCalcButtons) = "7,8,9,/,C\r\n4,5,6,*,1/x\r\n1,2,3,-,sqrt\r\n0,+/-,.,+,="
			Option(exCalcButtonWidth) = 24
			Option(exCalcCannotDivideByZero) = "Cannot divide by zero."
			Option(exCalcExecuteKeys) = -1
			Option(exCalcPictureDown) = ""
			Option(exCalcPictureUp) = ""
			Option(exCheckValue0) = 0
			Option(exCheckValue1) = 1
			Option(exCheckValue2) = 2
			Option(exColorListShowName) = 0
			Option(exColorShowPalette) = -1
			Option(exColorShowSystem) = -1
			Option(exDateAllowNullDate) = -1
			Option(exDateFirstWeekDay) = 0
			Option(exDateMarkToday) = 0
			Option(exDateMonths) = "January February March April May June July August September October November December"
			Option(exDateShowScroll) = -1
			Option(exDateShowTodayButton) = -1
			Option(exDateTodayCaption) = "Today"
			Option(exDateWeekDays) = "S M T W T F S"
			Option(exDateWeeksHeader) = 0
			Option(exDownArrow) = -1
			Option(exDropDownImage) = -1
			Option(exEditDecimalSymbol) = 46
			Option(exEditLimitText) = 0
			Option(exEditLockedBackColor) = -2147483633
			Option(exEditLockedForeColor) = 0
			Option(exEditPassword) = 0
			Option(exEditPasswordChar) = 42
			Option(exEditRight) = 0
			Option(exEditSelLength) = -1
			Option(exEditSelStart) = 0
			Option(exEndKey) = -1
			Option(exExpandOnSearch) = 0
			Option(exHomeKey) = -1
			Option(exKeepSelBackColor) = 0
			Option(exLeftArrow) = -1
			Option(exMemoAutoSize) = -1
			Option(exMemoDropDownAcceptReturn) = -1
			Option(exMemoDropDownHeight) = 116
			Option(exMemoDropDownWidth) = 128
			Option(exMemoHScrollBar) = 0
			Option(exMemoVScrollBar) = 0
			Option(exPageDownKey) = -1
			Option(exPageUpKey) = -1
			Option(exProgressBarAlignment) = 0
			Option(exProgressBarBackColor) = -2147483635
			Option(exProgressBarMarkTicker) = -1
			Option(exRightArrow) = -1
			Option(exShowPictureType) = -1
			Option(exSliderMax) = 100
			Option(exSliderMin) = 0
			Option(exSliderStep) = 1
			Option(exSliderWidth) = 64
			Option(exSpinStep) = 1
			Option(exUpArrow) = -1
			PartialCheck = False
			PopupAppearance = ShadowApp
		Enabled = True
		Filter = ""
		FilterBarDropDownWidth = 1
		FilterList = exAllItems
		FilterType = exAll
		FireFormatColumn = False
		FormatLevel = ""
		HeaderAlignment = LeftAlignment
		HeaderBold = False
		HeaderImage = 0
		HeaderImageAlignment = LeftAlignment
		HeaderItalic = False
		HeaderStrikeOut = False
		HeaderUnderline = False
		HeaderVertical = False
		HTMLCaption = ""
		[Index = 0]
		Key = ""
		MaxWidthAutoResize = -1
		MinWidthAutoResize = 0
		PartialCheck = False
		Position = 0
		Selected = False
		SortOrder = SortNone
		SortPosition = -1
		SortType = SortString
		ToolTip = "..."
		Visible = True
		Width = 269
		WidthAutoResize = False
	[Count = 1]
ColumnsAllowSizing = False
ContinueColumnScroll = True
CountLockedColumns = 0
DefaultEditorOption(exAutoDropDownList) = 0
DefaultEditorOption(exAutoSearch) = 0
DefaultEditorOption(exCalcButtonHeight) = 24
DefaultEditorOption(exCalcButtons) = "7,8,9,/,C\r\n4,5,6,*,1/x\r\n1,2,3,-,sqrt\r\n0,+/-,.,+,="
DefaultEditorOption(exCalcButtonWidth) = 24
DefaultEditorOption(exCalcCannotDivideByZero) = "Cannot divide by zero."
DefaultEditorOption(exCalcExecuteKeys) = -1
DefaultEditorOption(exCalcPictureDown) = ""
DefaultEditorOption(exCalcPictureUp) = ""
DefaultEditorOption(exCheckValue0) = 0
DefaultEditorOption(exCheckValue1) = 1
DefaultEditorOption(exCheckValue2) = 2
DefaultEditorOption(exColorListShowName) = 0
DefaultEditorOption(exColorShowPalette) = -1
DefaultEditorOption(exColorShowSystem) = -1
DefaultEditorOption(exDateAllowNullDate) = -1
DefaultEditorOption(exDateFirstWeekDay) = 0
DefaultEditorOption(exDateMarkToday) = 0
DefaultEditorOption(exDateMonths) = "January February March April May June July August September October November December"
DefaultEditorOption(exDateShowScroll) = -1
DefaultEditorOption(exDateShowTodayButton) = -1
DefaultEditorOption(exDateTodayCaption) = "Today"
DefaultEditorOption(exDateWeekDays) = "S M T W T F S"
DefaultEditorOption(exDateWeeksHeader) = 0
DefaultEditorOption(exDownArrow) = -1
DefaultEditorOption(exDropDownImage) = -1
DefaultEditorOption(exEditDecimalSymbol) = 46
DefaultEditorOption(exEditLimitText) = 0
DefaultEditorOption(exEditLockedBackColor) = -2147483633
DefaultEditorOption(exEditLockedForeColor) = 0
DefaultEditorOption(exEditPassword) = 0
DefaultEditorOption(exEditPasswordChar) = 42
DefaultEditorOption(exEditRight) = 0
DefaultEditorOption(exEditSelLength) = -1
DefaultEditorOption(exEditSelStart) = 0
DefaultEditorOption(exEndKey) = -1
DefaultEditorOption(exExpandOnSearch) = 0
DefaultEditorOption(exHomeKey) = -1
DefaultEditorOption(exKeepSelBackColor) = 0
DefaultEditorOption(exLeftArrow) = -1
DefaultEditorOption(exMemoAutoSize) = -1
DefaultEditorOption(exMemoDropDownAcceptReturn) = -1
DefaultEditorOption(exMemoDropDownHeight) = 116
DefaultEditorOption(exMemoDropDownWidth) = 128
DefaultEditorOption(exMemoHScrollBar) = 0
DefaultEditorOption(exMemoVScrollBar) = 0
DefaultEditorOption(exPageDownKey) = -1
DefaultEditorOption(exPageUpKey) = -1
DefaultEditorOption(exProgressBarAlignment) = 0
DefaultEditorOption(exProgressBarBackColor) = -2147483635
DefaultEditorOption(exProgressBarMarkTicker) = -1
DefaultEditorOption(exRightArrow) = -1
DefaultEditorOption(exShowPictureType) = -1
DefaultEditorOption(exSliderMax) = 100
DefaultEditorOption(exSliderMin) = 0
DefaultEditorOption(exSliderStep) = 1
DefaultEditorOption(exSliderWidth) = 64
DefaultEditorOption(exSpinStep) = 1
DefaultEditorOption(exUpArrow) = -1
DefaultItemHeight = 18
Description(exFilterBarAll) = "(All)"
Description(exFilterBarAnd) = " and "
Description(exFilterBarBlanks) = "(Blanks)"
Description(exFilterBarChecked) = "(Checked)"
Description(exFilterBarDate) = "Date:"
Description(exFilterBarDateMonths) = "January February March April May June July August September October November December"
Description(exFilterBarDateTitle) = "Date"
Description(exFilterBarDateTo) = "to"
Description(exFilterBarDateTodayCaption) = "Today"
Description(exFilterBarDateTooltip) = "You can filter the items into a given interval of dates. For instance, you can filter all items dated before a specified date ( to 2/13/2004 ), or all items dated after a date ( Feb 13 2004 to ) or all items that are in a given interval ( 2/13/2004 to 2/13/2005 )."
Description(exFilterBarDateWeekDays) = "S M T W T F S"
Description(exFilterBarFilterForCaption) = "Filter For:"
Description(exFilterBarFilterForTooltip) = "A pattern filter may contain the wild card characters '?' for any single character, '*' for zero or more occurrences of any character, '#' for any digit character, '|' determines the options in the pattern. For instance: '1*|2*' specifies all items that start with '1' or '2'. If the filter is of numeric type you can filter numbers giving numeric rules. For instance, ">10 <100" filter indicates all numbers greater than 10 and less than 100."
Description(exFilterBarFilterTitle) = "Filter"
Description(exFilterBarIsBlank) = "IsBlank"
Description(exFilterBarIsChecked) = "IsChecked"
Description(exFilterBarIsNonBlank) = "not IsBlank"
Description(exFilterBarIsUnchecked) = "not IsChecked"
Description(exFilterBarNonBlanks) = "(NonBlanks)"
Description(exFilterBarPatternFilterTitle) = "Pattern/Numeric Filter"
Description(exFilterBarPatternTooltip) = "You can select multiple filter items as many as you like by keeping the CTRL key pressed. Start typing characters if you like to enter a filter as a pattern that may include wild card characters like *,? or #. Press ENTER key to filter the items using the typed pattern. If the filter is of numeric type you can filter numbers giving numeric rules. For instance, ">10 <100" filter indicates all numbers greater than 10 and less than 100."
Description(exFilterBarTooltip) = "You can select multiple filter items as many as you like by keeping the CTRL key pressed. "
Description(exFilterBarUnchecked) = "(Unchecked)"
DetectAddNew = False
DetectDelete = False
DrawGridLines = exNoLines
[Editing = 0]
Enabled = True
EnsureOnSort = True
ExpandOnDblClick = True
ExpandOnKeys = True
ExpandOnSearch = False
FilterBarBackColor = &H8000000F&
FilterBarCaption = ""
FilterBarDropDownHeight = 0.5
	Bold = True
	Charset = 0
	Italic = False
	Name = "Arial"
	Size = 8.25
	Strikethrough = False
	Underline = False
	Weight = 700
FilterBarForeColor = &H80000008&
FilterBarHeight = -1
FilterInclude = exItemsWithoutChilds
FocusColumnIndex = 0
	Bold = False
	Charset = 0
	Italic = False
	Name = "Arial"
	Size = 8.25
	Strikethrough = False
	Underline = False
	Weight = 400
ForeColor = &H80000008&
ForeColorHeader = &H80000008&
ForeColorLock = &H80000008&
ForeColorSortBar = &H80000010&
FullRowSelect = exItemSel
GridLineColor = &H00889048&
HasButtons = exPlus
HasButtonsCustom(False) = 0
HasButtonsCustom(True) = 0
HasLines = exDotLine
HeaderAppearance = Raised
HeaderHeight = 18
HeaderVisible = True
HideSelection = False
[hWnd = 4391834]
HyperLinkColor = &H00FF6531&
Indent = 22
	[(000) = 68282272]
	DefaultItem = 0
	[FirstVisibleItem = 68282272]
	[FocusItem = 68282272]
	[ItemCount = 1]
	LockedItemCount(exBottom) = 0
	LockedItemCount(exMiddle) = 0
	LockedItemCount(exTop) = 0
	PathSeparator = "\"
	[RootCount = 1]
	[SelectCount = 1]
	SelectPos = 0
	[VisibleCount = 1]
ItemsAllowSizing = False
LinesAtRoot = exNoLinesAtRoot
MarkSearchColumn = True
MarkTooltipCells = False
MarkTooltipCellsImage = 0
OLEDropMode = exOLEDropNone
PictureDisplay = Tile
PictureDisplayLevelHeader = Tile
RadioImage(False) = 0
RadioImage(True) = 0
RClickSelect = False
ReadOnly = exReadWrite
ScrollBars = exBoth
ScrollBySingleLine = False
ScrollPos(False) = 0
ScrollPos(True) = 0
SearchColumnIndex = 0
SelBackColor = &H8000000D&
SelBackMode = exOpaque
SelectByDrag = True
SelectColumnIndex = 0
SelectColumnInner = 0
SelForeColor = &H8000000E&
ShowFocusRect = True
ShowImageList = False
ShowLockedItems = True
SingleSel = True
SingleSort = True
SortBarCaption = "Drag a column header here to sort by that column."
SortBarColumnWidth = -96
SortBarHeight = 18
SortBarVisible = False
SortOnClick = exDefaultSort
Template = "BeginUpdate\r\nColumns\r\n{\r\n\t"Column 1"\r\n\t{\r\n\t\tEditor\r\n\t\t{\r\n\t\t\tEditType = 1\r\n\t\t}\r\n\t}\r\n}\r\nItems\r\n{\r\n\tDim h\r\n\th = AddItem(16)\r\n\tSelectItem(h) = True\r\n}\r\nEndUpdate"
TooltipCellsColor = &H00FF6531&
ToolTipDelay = 500
ToolTipPopDelay = 5000
ToolTipWidth = 196
TreeColumnIndex = 0
UseTabKey = True
Version = ""
VirtualMode = False