Type | Description | |||
Type as ToStringEnum | A ToStringEnum expression that indicates whether the values of the properties use literals or numbers. | |||
String | A string expression that indicates the list of properties with their values. |
Here's how the properties are listed, when the control browses the eXGrid control:
(Color) (Font) (Template) Appearance = Sunken ASCIILower = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzüéâäàåçêëèïîìôöòûùáíóúñ" ASCIIUpper = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZÜÉÂÄÀÅÇÊËÈÏÎÌÔÖÒÛÙÁÍÓÚÑ" AutoEdit = True AutoSearch = True BackColor = &H80000005& BackColorAlternate = &H00000000& BackColorHeader = &H8000000F& BackColorLevelHeader = &H8000000F& BackColorLock = &H80000005& BackColorSortBar = &H80000010& BackColorSortBarCaption = &H8000000F& Background(exButtonDown) = &H00000000& Background(exButtonUp) = &H00000000& Background(exCellButtonDown) = &H00000000& Background(exCellButtonUp) = &H00000000& Background(exDateHeader) = &H00000000& Background(exDateScrollRange) = &H00000000& Background(exDateScrollThumb) = &H00000000& Background(exDateSelect) = &H00000000& Background(exDateSeparatorBar) = &H00000000& Background(exDateTodayDown) = &H00000000& Background(exDateTodayUp) = &H00000000& Background(exDropDownButtonDown) = &H00000000& Background(exDropDownButtonUp) = &H00000000& Background(exFooterFilterBarButton) = &H00000000& Background(exHeaderFilterBarButton) = &H00000000& Background(exSelBackColorFilter) = &H00000000& Background(exSelectInPlace) = &H00000000& Background(exSelForeColorFilter) = &H00000000& Background(exSliderRange) = &H00000000& Background(exSliderThumb) = &H00000000& Background(exSpinDownButtonDown) = &H00000000& Background(exSpinDownButtonUp) = &H00000000& Background(exSpinUpButtonDown) = &H00000000& Background(exSpinUpButtonUp) = &H00000000& CauseValidateValue = False ColumnAutoResize = True Columns Column 1 Alignment = LeftAlignment AllowDragging = True AllowSizing = True AllowSort = True AutoSearch = exStartWith [AutoWidth = 24] Caption = "Column 1" Data Def(exCellBackColor) Def(exCellButtonAutoWidth) = 0 Def(exCellForeColor) Def(exCellFormatLevel) = "" Def(exCellHasButton) = 0 Def(exCellHasCheckBox) = 0 Def(exCellHasRadioButton) = 0 Def(exCellSingleLine) = -1 Def(exCellValueFormat) = 0 DefaultSortOrder = False DisplayFilterButton = False DisplayFilterDate = False DisplayFilterPattern = True DisplaySortIcon = True Editor Appearance = NoApp ButtonWidth = 13 DropDownAlignment = LeftAlignment DropDownAutoWidth = exDropDownAutoWidth DropDownMinWidth = 164 DropDownRows = 7 DropDownVisible = True EditType = EditType Locked = False Mask = "" MaskChar = 95 Numeric = exAllChars Option(exAutoDropDownList) = 0 Option(exAutoSearch) = 0 Option(exCalcButtonHeight) = 24 Option(exCalcButtons) = "7 ,8 ,9 ,/ ,C\r\n4 ,5 ,6 ,* ,1/x\r\n1 ,2 ,3 ,- ,sqrt\r\n0 ,+/- ,. ,+ ,= " Option(exCalcButtonWidth) = 24 Option(exCalcCannotDivideByZero) = "Cannot divide by zero." Option(exCalcExecuteKeys) = -1 Option(exCalcPictureDown) = "" Option(exCalcPictureUp) = "" Option(exCheckValue0) = 0 Option(exCheckValue1) = 1 Option(exCheckValue2) = 2 Option(exColorListShowName) = 0 Option(exColorShowPalette) = -1 Option(exColorShowSystem) = -1 Option(exDateAllowNullDate) = -1 Option(exDateFirstWeekDay) = 0 Option(exDateMarkToday) = 0 Option(exDateMonths) = "January February March April May June July August September October November December" Option(exDateShowScroll) = -1 Option(exDateShowTodayButton) = -1 Option(exDateTodayCaption) = "Today" Option(exDateWeekDays) = "S M T W T F S" Option(exDateWeeksHeader) = 0 Option(exDownArrow) = -1 Option(exDropDownImage) = -1 Option(exEditDecimalSymbol) = 46 Option(exEditLimitText) = 0 Option(exEditLockedBackColor) = -2147483633 Option(exEditLockedForeColor) = 0 Option(exEditPassword) = 0 Option(exEditPasswordChar) = 42 Option(exEditRight) = 0 Option(exEditSelLength) = -1 Option(exEditSelStart) = 0 Option(exEndKey) = -1 Option(exExpandOnSearch) = 0 Option(exHomeKey) = -1 Option(exKeepSelBackColor) = 0 Option(exLeftArrow) = -1 Option(exMemoAutoSize) = -1 Option(exMemoDropDownAcceptReturn) = -1 Option(exMemoDropDownHeight) = 116 Option(exMemoDropDownWidth) = 128 Option(exMemoHScrollBar) = 0 Option(exMemoVScrollBar) = 0 Option(exPageDownKey) = -1 Option(exPageUpKey) = -1 Option(exProgressBarAlignment) = 0 Option(exProgressBarBackColor) = -2147483635 Option(exProgressBarMarkTicker) = -1 Option(exRightArrow) = -1 Option(exShowPictureType) = -1 Option(exSliderMax) = 100 Option(exSliderMin) = 0 Option(exSliderStep) = 1 Option(exSliderWidth) = 64 Option(exSpinStep) = 1 Option(exUpArrow) = -1 PartialCheck = False PopupAppearance = ShadowApp UserEditorObject Enabled = True Filter = "" FilterBarDropDownWidth = 1 FilterList = exAllItems FilterType = exAll FireFormatColumn = False FormatLevel = "" HeaderAlignment = LeftAlignment HeaderBold = False HeaderImage = 0 HeaderImageAlignment = LeftAlignment HeaderItalic = False HeaderStrikeOut = False HeaderUnderline = False HeaderVertical = False HTMLCaption = "" [Index = 0] Key = "" LevelKey MaxWidthAutoResize = -1 MinWidthAutoResize = 0 PartialCheck = False Position = 0 Selected = False SortOrder = SortNone SortPosition = -1 SortType = SortString ToolTip = "..." Visible = True Width = 269 WidthAutoResize = False [Count = 1] ColumnsAllowSizing = False ContinueColumnScroll = True CountLockedColumns = 0 DataSource DefaultEditorOption(exAutoDropDownList) = 0 DefaultEditorOption(exAutoSearch) = 0 DefaultEditorOption(exCalcButtonHeight) = 24 DefaultEditorOption(exCalcButtons) = "7 ,8 ,9 ,/ ,C\r\n4 ,5 ,6 ,* ,1/x\r\n1 ,2 ,3 ,- ,sqrt\r\n0 ,+/- ,. ,+ ,= " DefaultEditorOption(exCalcButtonWidth) = 24 DefaultEditorOption(exCalcCannotDivideByZero) = "Cannot divide by zero." DefaultEditorOption(exCalcExecuteKeys) = -1 DefaultEditorOption(exCalcPictureDown) = "" DefaultEditorOption(exCalcPictureUp) = "" DefaultEditorOption(exCheckValue0) = 0 DefaultEditorOption(exCheckValue1) = 1 DefaultEditorOption(exCheckValue2) = 2 DefaultEditorOption(exColorListShowName) = 0 DefaultEditorOption(exColorShowPalette) = -1 DefaultEditorOption(exColorShowSystem) = -1 DefaultEditorOption(exDateAllowNullDate) = -1 DefaultEditorOption(exDateFirstWeekDay) = 0 DefaultEditorOption(exDateMarkToday) = 0 DefaultEditorOption(exDateMonths) = "January February March April May June July August September October November December" DefaultEditorOption(exDateShowScroll) = -1 DefaultEditorOption(exDateShowTodayButton) = -1 DefaultEditorOption(exDateTodayCaption) = "Today" DefaultEditorOption(exDateWeekDays) = "S M T W T F S" DefaultEditorOption(exDateWeeksHeader) = 0 DefaultEditorOption(exDownArrow) = -1 DefaultEditorOption(exDropDownImage) = -1 DefaultEditorOption(exEditDecimalSymbol) = 46 DefaultEditorOption(exEditLimitText) = 0 DefaultEditorOption(exEditLockedBackColor) = -2147483633 DefaultEditorOption(exEditLockedForeColor) = 0 DefaultEditorOption(exEditPassword) = 0 DefaultEditorOption(exEditPasswordChar) = 42 DefaultEditorOption(exEditRight) = 0 DefaultEditorOption(exEditSelLength) = -1 DefaultEditorOption(exEditSelStart) = 0 DefaultEditorOption(exEndKey) = -1 DefaultEditorOption(exExpandOnSearch) = 0 DefaultEditorOption(exHomeKey) = -1 DefaultEditorOption(exKeepSelBackColor) = 0 DefaultEditorOption(exLeftArrow) = -1 DefaultEditorOption(exMemoAutoSize) = -1 DefaultEditorOption(exMemoDropDownAcceptReturn) = -1 DefaultEditorOption(exMemoDropDownHeight) = 116 DefaultEditorOption(exMemoDropDownWidth) = 128 DefaultEditorOption(exMemoHScrollBar) = 0 DefaultEditorOption(exMemoVScrollBar) = 0 DefaultEditorOption(exPageDownKey) = -1 DefaultEditorOption(exPageUpKey) = -1 DefaultEditorOption(exProgressBarAlignment) = 0 DefaultEditorOption(exProgressBarBackColor) = -2147483635 DefaultEditorOption(exProgressBarMarkTicker) = -1 DefaultEditorOption(exRightArrow) = -1 DefaultEditorOption(exShowPictureType) = -1 DefaultEditorOption(exSliderMax) = 100 DefaultEditorOption(exSliderMin) = 0 DefaultEditorOption(exSliderStep) = 1 DefaultEditorOption(exSliderWidth) = 64 DefaultEditorOption(exSpinStep) = 1 DefaultEditorOption(exUpArrow) = -1 DefaultItemHeight = 18 Description(exFilterBarAll) = "(All)" Description(exFilterBarAnd) = " and " Description(exFilterBarBlanks) = "(Blanks)" Description(exFilterBarChecked) = "(Checked)" Description(exFilterBarDate) = "Date:" Description(exFilterBarDateMonths) = "January February March April May June July August September October November December" Description(exFilterBarDateTitle) = "Date" Description(exFilterBarDateTo) = "to" Description(exFilterBarDateTodayCaption) = "Today" Description(exFilterBarDateTooltip) = "You can filter the items into a given interval of dates. For instance, you can filter all items dated before a specified date ( to 2/13/2004 ), or all items dated after a date ( Feb 13 2004 to ) or all items that are in a given interval ( 2/13/2004 to 2/13/2005 )." Description(exFilterBarDateWeekDays) = "S M T W T F S" Description(exFilterBarFilterForCaption) = "Filter For:" Description(exFilterBarFilterForTooltip) = "A pattern filter may contain the wild card characters '?' for any single character, '*' for zero or more occurrences of any character, '#' for any digit character, '|' determines the options in the pattern. For instance: '1*|2*' specifies all items that start with '1' or '2'. If the filter is of numeric type you can filter numbers giving numeric rules. For instance, ">10 <100" filter indicates all numbers greater than 10 and less than 100." Description(exFilterBarFilterTitle) = "Filter" Description(exFilterBarIsBlank) = "IsBlank" Description(exFilterBarIsChecked) = "IsChecked" Description(exFilterBarIsNonBlank) = "not IsBlank" Description(exFilterBarIsUnchecked) = "not IsChecked" Description(exFilterBarNonBlanks) = "(NonBlanks)" Description(exFilterBarPatternFilterTitle) = "Pattern/Numeric Filter" Description(exFilterBarPatternTooltip) = "You can select multiple filter items as many as you like by keeping the CTRL key pressed. Start typing characters if you like to enter a filter as a pattern that may include wild card characters like *,? or #. Press ENTER key to filter the items using the typed pattern. If the filter is of numeric type you can filter numbers giving numeric rules. For instance, ">10 <100" filter indicates all numbers greater than 10 and less than 100." Description(exFilterBarTooltip) = "You can select multiple filter items as many as you like by keeping the CTRL key pressed. " Description(exFilterBarUnchecked) = "(Unchecked)" DetectAddNew = False DetectDelete = False DrawGridLines = exNoLines [Editing = 0] Enabled = True EnsureOnSort = True ExpandOnDblClick = True ExpandOnKeys = True ExpandOnSearch = False FilterBarBackColor = &H8000000F& FilterBarCaption = "" FilterBarDropDownHeight = 0.5 FilterBarFont Bold = True Charset = 0 Italic = False Name = "Arial" Size = 8.25 Strikethrough = False Underline = False Weight = 700 FilterBarForeColor = &H80000008& FilterBarHeight = -1 FilterInclude = exItemsWithoutChilds FocusColumnIndex = 0 Font Bold = False Charset = 0 Italic = False Name = "Arial" Size = 8.25 Strikethrough = False Underline = False Weight = 400 ForeColor = &H80000008& ForeColorHeader = &H80000008& ForeColorLock = &H80000008& ForeColorSortBar = &H80000010& FullRowSelect = exItemSel GridLineColor = &H00889048& HasButtons = exPlus HasButtonsCustom(False) = 0 HasButtonsCustom(True) = 0 HasLines = exDotLine HeaderAppearance = Raised HeaderHeight = 18 HeaderVisible = True HideSelection = False [hWnd = 4391834] HyperLinkColor = &H00FF6531& Indent = 22 Items [(000) = 68282272] DefaultItem = 0 [FirstVisibleItem = 68282272] [FocusItem = 68282272] [ItemCount = 1] LockedItemCount(exBottom) = 0 LockedItemCount(exMiddle) = 0 LockedItemCount(exTop) = 0 PathSeparator = "\" [RootCount = 1] [SelectCount = 1] SelectPos = 0 [VisibleCount = 1] ItemsAllowSizing = False LinesAtRoot = exNoLinesAtRoot MarkSearchColumn = True MarkTooltipCells = False MarkTooltipCellsImage = 0 OLEDropMode = exOLEDropNone Picture PictureDisplay = Tile PictureDisplayLevelHeader = Tile PictureLevelHeader RadioImage(False) = 0 RadioImage(True) = 0 RClickSelect = False ReadOnly = exReadWrite ScrollBars = exBoth ScrollBySingleLine = False ScrollPos(False) = 0 ScrollPos(True) = 0 SearchColumnIndex = 0 SelBackColor = &H8000000D& SelBackMode = exOpaque SelectByDrag = True SelectColumnIndex = 0 SelectColumnInner = 0 SelForeColor = &H8000000E& ShowFocusRect = True ShowImageList = False ShowLockedItems = True SingleSel = True SingleSort = True SortBarCaption = "Drag a column header here to sort by that column." SortBarColumnWidth = -96 SortBarHeight = 18 SortBarVisible = False SortOnClick = exDefaultSort Template = "BeginUpdate\r\nColumns\r\n{\r\n\t"Column 1"\r\n\t{\r\n\t\tEditor\r\n\t\t{\r\n\t\t\tEditType = 1\r\n\t\t}\r\n\t}\r\n}\r\nItems\r\n{\r\n\tDim h\r\n\th = AddItem(16)\r\n\tSelectItem(h) = True\r\n}\r\nEndUpdate" TooltipCellsColor = &H00FF6531& ToolTipDelay = 500 ToolTipPopDelay = 5000 ToolTipWidth = 196 TreeColumnIndex = 0 UnboundHandler UseTabKey = True Version = "" VirtualMode = False VisualAppearance