property Property.DisplayCheck as Boolean
Specifies whether the property displays a check box.

Boolean A Boolean expression that indicates whether the property displays a check box.
By default, the DisplayCheck property is False. Use the DisplayCheck property to display a checkbox for boolean values. The PropertyChange event notifies your application that user is about to change a property. The control fires the PropertyChanged event when the user changes any property in the control. The DisplayColor, DisplayDate, DisplayFile or DisplaySlider property specifies whether the property displays a color, date, file, or slider.

For instance, the following screen shot lists the boolean properties on top, using True/False values, while the second screen shot shows the same properties displaying a checkbox instead True/False values.

The following VB sample changes the DisplayCheck property for properties of Boolean type:

Private Sub PropertiesList1_IncludeProperty(ByVal Property As EXPROPERTIESLISTLibCtl.IProperty, Cancel As Boolean)
    Property.DisplaySlider = InStr(1, Property.Name, "transparent", vbTextCompare) > 0
    If (Not Property.DisplaySlider) Then
        Property.DisplayDate = VarType(Property.Value) = vbDate
        If (Not Property.DisplayDate) Then
            Property.DisplayCheck = VarType(Property.Value) = vbBoolean
            If (Not Property.DisplayCheck) Then
                Property.DisplayColor = InStr(1, Property.Name, "color", vbTextCompare) > 0
            End If
        End If
    End If
End Sub