property Property.Mask as String
Specifies the property's mask.

String A string expression that indicates the control's mask
he Mask property is composed by a combination of regular characters, literal escape characters, and masking characters. The Mask property can contain also alternative characters, or range rules. A literal escape character is preceded by a \ character, and it is used to display a character that is used in masking rules. Here's the list of all rules and masking characters:
Rule Name Description
# Digit Masks a digit character. [0-9]
x Hexa Lower Masks a lower hexa character. [0-9],[a-f]
X Hexa Upper Masks a upper hexa character. [0-9],[A-F]
A AlphaNumeric Masks a letter or a digit. [0-9], [a-z], [A-Z]
? Alphabetic Masks a letter. [a-z],[A-Z]
< Alphabetic Lower Masks a lower letter. [a-z]
> Alphabetic Upper Masks an upper letter. [A-Z]
* Any Mask any combination of characters.
\ Literal Escape Displays any masking characters. The following combinations are valid: \#,\x,\X,\A,\?,\<,\>,\\,\{,\[
{nMin,nMax} Range Masks a number in a range. The nMin and nMax values should be numbers. For instance the mask {0,255} will mask any number between 0 and 255.
[...] Alternative Masks any characters that are contained by brackets []. For instance, the [abcA-C] mask any character: a,b,c,A,B,C

The following sample shows how to mask an IP address:

    .Mask = "{0,255}\.{0,255}\.{0,255}\.{0,255}"