event OffsetChanged (Horizontal as Boolean, NewVal as Long)

Occurs when the scroll position has been changed.

Horizontal as Boolean A boolean expression that indicates whether the horizontal scroll bar has changed.
NewVal as Long A long value that indicates the new scroll bar value in pixels.

If the control has no scroll bars the OffsetChanged and OversizeChanged events are not fired. The OffsetChanged event is not fired when the user scrolls the chart's part of the control. In this case. The OffsetChanged event is fired only when the user scrolls horizontally the columns section of the control, or when the user scrolls vertically the items part of the control.

Syntax for OffsetChanged event, /NET version, on:

private void OffsetChanged(object sender,bool Horizontal,int NewVal)

Private Sub OffsetChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object,ByVal Horizontal As Boolean,ByVal NewVal As Integer) Handles OffsetChanged
End Sub

Syntax for OffsetChanged event, /COM version, on:

private void OffsetChanged(object sender, AxEXPROPERTIESLISTLib._IPropertiesListEvents_OffsetChangedEvent e)

void OnOffsetChanged(BOOL Horizontal,long NewVal)

void __fastcall OffsetChanged(TObject *Sender,VARIANT_BOOL Horizontal,long NewVal)

procedure OffsetChanged(ASender: TObject; Horizontal : WordBool;NewVal : Integer);

procedure OffsetChanged(sender: System.Object; e: AxEXPROPERTIESLISTLib._IPropertiesListEvents_OffsetChangedEvent);

begin event OffsetChanged(boolean Horizontal,long NewVal)
end event OffsetChanged

Private Sub OffsetChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As AxEXPROPERTIESLISTLib._IPropertiesListEvents_OffsetChangedEvent) Handles OffsetChanged
End Sub

Private Sub OffsetChanged(ByVal Horizontal As Boolean,ByVal NewVal As Long)
End Sub

Private Sub OffsetChanged(ByVal Horizontal As Boolean,ByVal NewVal As Long)
End Sub

LPARAMETERS Horizontal,NewVal

PROCEDURE OnOffsetChanged(oPropertiesList,Horizontal,NewVal)

Syntax for OffsetChanged event, /COM version (others), on:

<SCRIPT EVENT="OffsetChanged(Horizontal,NewVal)" LANGUAGE="JScript">

Function OffsetChanged(Horizontal,NewVal)
End Function

Procedure OnComOffsetChanged Boolean llHorizontal Integer llNewVal
	Forward Send OnComOffsetChanged llHorizontal llNewVal

METHOD OCX_OffsetChanged(Horizontal,NewVal) CLASS MainDialog

void onEvent_OffsetChanged(boolean _Horizontal,int _NewVal)

function OffsetChanged as v (Horizontal as L,NewVal as N)
end function

function nativeObject_OffsetChanged(Horizontal,NewVal)

The following VB sample displays the new scroll position when user scrolls horizontally the control:

Private Sub PropertiesList1_OffsetChanged(ByVal Horizontal As Boolean, ByVal NewVal As Long)
    If (Horizontal) Then
        Debug.Print "The horizontal scroll bar has been moved to " & NewVal
    End If
End Sub

The following VC sample displays the new scroll position when the user scrolls vertically the control:

void OnOffsetChangedPropertiesList1(BOOL Horizontal, long NewVal) 
	if ( !Horizontal )
		CString strFormat;
		strFormat.Format( "NewPos = %i\n", NewVal );
		OutputDebugString( strFormat );

The following VB.NET sample displays the new scroll position when the user scrolls vertically the control:

Private Sub AxPropertiesList1_OffsetChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As AxEXPROPERTIESLISTLib._IPropertiesListEvents_OffsetChangedEvent) Handles AxPropertiesList1.OffsetChanged
    If (Not e.horizontal) Then
    End If
End Sub

The following C# sample displays the new scroll position when the user scrolls vertically the control:

private void axPropertiesList1_OffsetChanged(object sender, AxEXPROPERTIESLISTLib._IPropertiesListEvents_OffsetChangedEvent e)
	if ( !e.horizontal )

The following VFP sample displays the new scroll position when the user scrolls vertically the control:

*** ActiveX Control Event ***
LPARAMETERS horizontal, newval

if ( 0 # horizontal )
	wait window nowait str( newval )