constants RadialLineStyleEnum
The RadialLineStyleEnum type specifies the style of the radial line. The RadialLineColor property specifies the color to show the given radial line within the control. The RadialLineAlpha property specifies the value of alpha / opacity channel to show the giving line within the radial menu. The RadialLineSize property specifies the size to show the giving line within the radial menu. The RadialLineStyle property specifies the style to show the given radial line within the control. The RadialLineStyleEnum type supports the following value:

exRadialLineSolid0 exRadialLineSolid.
exRadialLineDash1 exRadialLineDash.
exRadialLineDot2 exRadialLineDot.
exRadialLineDashDot3 exRadialLineDashDot.
exRadialLineDashDotDot4 exRadialLineDashDotDot.