property RadialMenu.AllowToggleExpand as Boolean
Specifies whether the radial menu can be shown in collapsed state.

Boolean A Boolean expression that specifies whether the radial menu can be shown in collapsed state.
By default, the AllowToggleExpand property is True, which indicates that the user can expand or collapse the radial menu. The AllowToggleExpand property specifies whether the radial menu can be shown in collapsed state. The Expanded property indicates whether the radial menu is expanded or collapsed. The State property specifies the state of the radial menu. The ParentCaption property specifies the caption to be displayed on the parent portion of the control, based on the radial menu's state. The ParentImage property specifies the graphics ( image, icon, picture ) to be shown on the parent zone, based on the state of the radial menu. The ParentImageWidth / ParentImageHeight specifies the size to show the parent image, based on the radial menu's state.