property RadialMenu.ShadowColor as Color
Specifies the control's shadow color.

Color A Color expression that defines the color to show the control's shadow. If -1 no shadow is applied.
By default, the ShadowColor property is RGB(196,196,196). The ShadowColor property specifies the control's shadow color. You can hide the control's shadow, if using the ShadowColor property on -1. The SubItemsSize property specifies the size to display the sub-items zone. The BackColor property specifies the control's background color. The ParentBackColor / ParentBackAlpha property specifies the color / transparency to show the parent portion of the radial menu. The ParentSize property specifies the size to display the parent zone.  The SubItemsBackColor / SubItemsBackAlpha property specifies the color to show the sub-items zone of the radial menu. The ItemsBackColor / ItemsBackAlpha property Specifies the color to show the items portion of the radial menu. The BackgroundPicture property indicates the picture to be shown on the radial menu's background.