constants EditorOptionEnum
Specifies different options for a built-in editor. The Option property specifies the editor's options.

exMemoHScrollBar1 Adds the horizontal scroll bar to a MemoType or MemoDropDownType editor. By default, the Editor.Option( exMemoHScrollBar ) is False. ( boolean expression )
exMemoVScrollBar2 Adds the vertical scroll bar to a MemoType or MemoDropDownType editor. By default, the Editor.Option( exMemoVScrollBar ) is False. ( boolean expression )
exMemoAutoSize3 Specifies whether the MemoType editor is resized when user alters the text. By default, the Editor.Option( exMemoAutoSize ) is True. ( boolean expression )
exColorListShowName4 Specifies whether a ColorListType editor displays the name of the color. By default, the Editor.Option( exColorListShowName ) is False. ( boolean expression )
exColorShowPalette5 Specifies whether the ColorList editor displays the palette colors list. By default, the Editor.Option( exColorShowPalette ) is True. ( boolean expression )
exColorShowSystem6 Specifies whether the ColorType editor shows the system colors list. By default, the Editor.Option( exColorShowSystem ) is True. ( boolean expression )
exMemoDropDownWidth7 Specifies the width for a MemoDropDownType editor. ( long expression )
exMemoDropDownHeight8 Specifies the height for a MemoDropDownType editor. ( long expression )
exMemoDropDownAcceptReturn9 Specifies whether the Return key is used to add new lines into a MemoDropDownType editor. (boolean expression)
exEditRight10 Right-aligns text in a single-line or multiline edit control. (boolean expression)
exProgressBarBackColor11 Specifies the background color for a progress bar editor. (color expression)
exProgressBarAlignment12 Specifies the alignment of the caption inside of a progress bar editor. ( AlignmentEnum expression )
exProgressBarMarkTicker13 Retrieves or sets a value that indicates whether the ticker of a progress bar editor is visible or hidden. (boolean expression)
exDateAllowNullDate14 Allows you to specify an empty date to a DateType editor. (boolean expression)
exCheckValue015 Specifies the check box state being displayed for unchecked state. (long expression, valid values are 0, 1 or 2)
exCheckValue116 Specifies the check box state being displayed for checked state. (long expression, valid values are 0, 1 or 2)
exCheckValue217 Specifies the check box state being displayed for partial checked state. (long expression, valid values are 0, 1 or 2)
exEditPassword18 Specifies a value that indicates whether an edit control displays all characters as an asterisk (*) as they are typed ( passwords ). (boolean expression)
exEditPasswordChar19 Specifies a value that indicates the password character. (character expression)
exLeftArrow20 (VK_LEFT) Specifies whether the left arrow key is handled by the control or by the current editor. By default, the Option(exLeftArrow) property is True. Use the exLeftArrow option to disable focusing a new editor if the user presses the left arrow key while editing. The option is valid for all editors. (boolean expression)
exRightArrow21 (VK_RIGHT) Specifies whether the right arrow key is handled by the control or by the current editor. By default, the Option(exRightArrow) property is True. Use the exRightArrow option to disable focusing a new editor if the user presses the right arrow key while editing. The option is valid for all editors. (boolean expression)
exUpArrow22 (VK_UP) Specifies whether the up arrow key is handled by the control or by the current editor. By default, the Option(exUpArrow) property is True. Use the exUpArrow option to disable focusing a new editor if the user presses the up arrow key while editing. The option is valid for all editors. (boolean expression)
exDownArrow23 (VK_DOWN) Specifies whether the down arrow key is handled by the control or by the current editor. By default, the Option(exDownArrow) property is True. Use the exDownArrow option to disable focusing a new editor if the user presses the down arrow key while editing. The option is valid for all editors.
exHomeKey24 (VK_HOME) Specifies whether the home key is handled by the control or by the current editor. By default, the Option(exHomeKey) property is True. Use the exHomeKey option to disable focusing a new editor if the user presses the home key while editing. The option is valid for all editors. (boolean expression)
exEndKey25 (VK_END) Specifies whether the end key is handled by the control or by the current editor. By default, the Option(exEndKey) property is True. Use the exEndKey option to disable focusing a new editor if the user presses the end key while editing. The option is valid for all editors. (boolean expression)
exPageUpKey26 (VK_PRIOR) Specifies whether the page up key is handled by the control or by the current editor. By default, the Option(exPageUpKey) property is True. Use the exPageUpKey option to disable focusing a new editor if the user presses the page up key while editing. The option is valid for all editors. (boolean expression)
exPageDownKey27 (VK_NEXT) Specifies whether the page down key is handled by the control or by the current editor. By default, the Option(exPageDownKey) property is True. Use the exPageDownKey option to disable focusing a new editor if the user presses the page down key while editing. The option is valid for all editors. (boolean expression)
exDropDownImage28 Displays the predefined icon in the control's editor, if the user selects an item from a drop down editor. By default, the exDropDownImage property is True. The option is valid for DropDownListType, PickEdit and ColorListType editors. (boolean expression)
exDateTodayCaption29 Specifies the caption for the 'Today' button in a DateType editor. By default, the Editor.Option(exDateTodayCaption) is "Today". (string expression)
exDateMonths30 Specifies the name for months to be displayed in a DateType editor. The list of months should be delimitated by spaces. By default, the Editor.Option(exDateMonths) = "January February March April May June July August September October November December". (string expression)
exDateWeekDays31 Specifies the shortcut for the weekdays to be displayed in a DateType editor. The list of shortcut for the weekdays should be separated by spaces. By default, the Editor.Option(exDateWeekDays) =  "S M T W T F S". The first shortcut in the list indicates the shortcut for the Sunday, the second shortcut indicates the shortcut for Monday, and so on.  (string expression)
exDateFirstWeekDay32 Specifies the first day of the week in a DateType editor. By default, the Editor.Option(exDateFirstWeekDay) = 0. The valid values for the Editor.Option(exDateFirstWeekDay) property are like follows: 0 - Sunday, 1 - Monday, 2 - Tuesday, 3 - Wednesday, 4 - Thursday, 5 - Friday and 6 - Saturday. (long expression, valid values are 0 to 6)
exDateShowTodayButton33 Specifies whether the 'Today' button is visible or hidden in a DateType editor. By default, the Editor.Option(exDateShowTodayButton) property is True. (boolean expression)
exDateMarkToday34 Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the today date is marked in a DateType editor. By default, Editor.Option(exDateMarkToday) property is False. (boolean expression)
exDateShowScroll35 Specifies whether the years scroll bar is visible or hidden in a DateType editor. By default, the Editor.Option(exDateShowScroll) property is True. (boolean expression)
exEditLimitText36 Limits the length of the text that the user may enter into an edit control. By default, the Editor.Option(exEditLimitText) is zero, and so no limit is applied to the edit control. (long expression)
exAutoDropDownList37 The exAutoDropDownList has no effect Editor.Option( exAutoDropDownList) property is 0 ( default ). Automatically shows the drop down list when user starts typing characters into a DropDownList editor, if the Editor.Option(exAutoDropDownList) property is -1. If the Editor.Option( exAutoDropDownList) property is +1, the control selects a new item that matches typed characters without opening the drop down portion of the editor. (long expression, valid values are -1, 0 and +1)
exExpandOnSearch38 Expands items while user types characters into a drop down editor. The exExpandOnSearch type has effect for drop down type editors. ( boolean expression )
exAutoSearch39 Only for future use.
exSpinStep40 Specifies the proposed change when user clicks a spin control. The exSpinStep should be a positive number, else clicking the spin has no effect. By default, the exSpinStep option is 1.  Integer or floating points allowed as well. he exSliderTickFrequency property specifies the frequency to display ticks on a slider control. For instance, if the exSpinStep is 0.01, the proposed change when user clicks the spin is 0.01. If the exSpinStep property is 0, the spin control is hidden ( useful if you have a slider control ).
exSliderWidth41 Specifies the width in pixels of the slider control. The exSliderWidth value could be 0, when the slider control is hidden, a positive value that indicates the width in pixels of the slider in the control, a negative number when its absolute value indicates the percent of the editor's size being used by the slider. For instance, Option(exSliderWidth) = 0, hides the slider, Option(exSliderWidth) = 100, shows a slider of 100 pixels width, Option(exSliderWidth) = -50, uses half of the editor's client area to display a slider control. By default the Option(exSliderWidth) property is 64 pixels.  Use the exSpinStep to hide the spin control. ( long expression )
exSliderStep42 Specifies a value that represents the proposed change in the slider control's position. ( double expression , by default it is 1)
exSliderMin43 Specifies the slider's minimum value. ( double expression, by default it is 0 )
exSliderMax44 Specifies the slider's maximum value. ( double expression, by default it is 100 )
exKeepSelBackColor45 Keeps the selection background color while the editor is visible. The exKeepSelBackColor option is valid for all editors. By default, the Option(exKeepSelBackColor) property is False. Use the exKeepSelBackColor to let the editor to display the control's selection background color when it is visible. ( boolean expression )  
exEditDecimalSymbol46 Specifies the symbol that indicates the decimal values while editing a floating point number. By default, the exEditDecimalSymbol value is the "Decimal symbol" settings as in the Regional Options, in your control panel. Use the exEditDecimaSymbol option to assign a different symbol for floating point numbers, when Numeric property is exFloat. (long expression, that indicates the ASCII code for the character being used as decimal symbol.)
exDateWeeksHeader47 Sets or gets a value that indicates whether the weeks header is visible or hidden in a DateType editor. By default, Editor.Option(exDateWeeksHeader) property is False. ( boolean expression ).
exEditSelStart48 Sets the starting point of text selected, when an EditType editor is opened.
exEditSelLength49 Sets the number of characters selected, when an EditType editor is opened.
exEditLockedBackColor50 Specifies the background color for a locked edit control.
exEditLockedForeColor51 Specifies the foreground color for a locked edit control.
exSliderTickFrequency53 Gets or sets the interval between tick marks slider types. By default, the exSliderTickFrequency property is 0 which makes the slider to display no ticks. The exSliderTickFrequency property specifies the frequency to display ticks on a slider control. The exSliderStep proposed change in the slider control's position. The exSliderMin and exSliderMax determines the range of values for the slider control. The exSliderWidth option specifies the width of the slider within the cell. ( double expression, by default it is 0 )
exPickAllowEmpty54 Specifies whether the editor of PickEditType supports empty value.
exDropDownBackColor55 Specifies the drop down's background color.
exDropDownForeColor56 Specifies the drop down's foreground color.
exDropDownColumnCaption57 Specifies the HTML caption for each column within the drop down list, separated by ¦ character (vertical broken bar, ALT + 221).
exDropDownColumnWidth58 Specifies the width for each column within the drop down list, separated by ¦ character (vertical broken bar, ALT + 221).
exDropDownColumnPosition59 Specifies the position for each column within the drop down list, separated by ¦ character (vertical broken bar, ALT + 221).
exDropDownColumnAutoResize60 Specifies whether the drop down list resizes automatically its visible columns to fit the drop down width.
exSliderTickStyle63 Gets or sets the style to display the slider' ticks.
exCalcExecuteKeys100 Specifies whether the calculator editor executes the keys while focused and the drop down portion is hidden. ( boolean expression, by default it is True ).
exCalcCannotDivideByZero101 Specifies the message whether a division by zero occurs in a calendar editor. ( string expression, by default it is "Cannot divide by zero." ).
exCalcButtonWidth102 Specifies the width in pixels of the buttons in the calculator editor. ( long expression, by default it is 24 ).
exCalcButtonHeight103 Specifies the height in pixels of the buttons in the calculator editor. ( long expression, by default it is 24 ).
exCalcButtons104 Specifies buttons in a calendar editor. The property specifies the buttons and the layout of the buttons in the control. A string expression that indicates the list of buttons being displayed. The rows are separated by chr(13)+chr(10) ( vbCrLf ) sequence, and the buttons inside the row are separated by ';' character. ( string expression )
exCalcPictureUp105 Specifies the picture when the button is up in a drop down calendar editor. A Picture object that indicates the node's picture. ( A Picture object implements IPicture interface ), a string expression that indicates the base64 encoded string that holds a picture object. Use the eximages tool to save your picture as base64 encoded format.
exCalcPictureDown106 Specifies the picture when the button is down in a drop down calendar editor. A Picture object that indicates the node's picture. ( A Picture object implements IPicture interface ), a string expression that indicates the base64 encoded string that holds a picture object. Use the eximages tool to save your picture as base64 encoded format.
exEditAllowOverType200 Specifies whether the editor supports overtype mode. The option is valid for EditType and MemoType editors. ( boolean expression, by default it is False ).
exEditOverType201 Retrieves or sets a value that indicates whether the editor is in insert or overtype mode. The option is valid for EditType and MemoType editors. ( boolean expression, by default it is False ).
exEditAllowContextMenu202 exEditAllowContextMenu. Specifies whether the editor displays the edit's default context menu when the user right clicks the field.